Saturday, October 12, 2024

Researching Censorship by City Councils Across the Front Range - Englewood is Horrible


Sorry....I caught another project at the end of the recording.  I keep doing that.  I'll fix it on the videos I post to Rumble or YouTube. 

Well....maybe music is the only way to be heard and to get the youth involved. 

I got lost in watching YouTube videos of other City Councils across Colorado.  I'm seeing a pattern. 

The mayor of Englewood,  Othonial Sierra*, is apparently throwing people out of city council meetings for talking about homelessness. 

I actually cried after seeing that. 

It's been awhile since I was in Englewood doing outreach.  

I remember pissing off one of their city council members when I mentioned that a senior housing project had doubled the rent in 2011 (or was it 2012) and I ran into senior after senior at the park with nowhere to go. We had a falling out over that so I gave up on trying to help her. 

Englewood used to be important to me.  I spent the first ten years of my life living with my grandparents near Fox and Dartmouth. 

I may have to expand any artistic expression project across the Metro Area at this point.  The First Amendment is under attack. 

Right now, I'm doing a pro and con list of the project.  Taking this on will, hopefully, scare the crud out of bully politicians attacking free speech and bring more young voices into politics. 

Young people have passion and energy. We need young voices. 

I hope they create their own art, music, and blogs. 

I hope they go viral. 

Not sure I can see a downside, except I'll have to dust the recording studio to kick off the project.  I was up until the wee hours of the morning talking to musicians.  Some are interested, others are too busy. 

Or the politicians can get a clue and stop acting like kings and queens, start listening to the people and showing a little respect and decorum to the populace. 

This is the United States of America. 

Please remember that. 

Love ya, 


P.S. AI songs are in the public domain until someone changes them or if one has a paid subscription. Have at it.  This one is about my experience as a therapist helping homeless people who can't get money for medication because they have to pay stupid fines to the government. 

You can't get ahead when governments are nickel and diming you. 



Sitting in my chair, clients share despair,

Politicians cold as winter, hearts threadbare,

Homeless punished, no compassion in the air,

Fines stack up, no place to lay, it’s unfair.


Streets of Englewood, ain't no good,

Politicians stacking fines like firewood,

Tears in the therapist’s book, misunderstood,

Trying to fix a world that’s tight with a crook.

[Verse 2]

Late at night, shelters full, nowhere to hide,

Council’s verdict cold, empathy denied,

Therapists fighting battles from the inside,

Against a system where justice went to die.


Streets of Englewood, ain't no good,

Politicians stacking fines like firewood,

Tears in the therapist’s book, misunderstood,

Trying to fix a world that’s tight with a crook.

[Verse 3]

Minds break like glass on pavement’s edge,

Dreams sold cheap, crushed under sledge,

Gavel pounds down, reality's pledge,

Therapists picking pieces off ledge.


Sunrise brings no hope, shadows remain,

Englewood’s streets echo, hollow with pain,

Therapists scribble, trying to sustain,

Life’s balance in a world gone insane.

*don't want to presume pronouns so I used the Mayor's full name.  I hate it when the Democrats call me a dude.  Forgive me for not using Ms. or Mr.

**If I find more obnoxious council videos, I'll get a song put up about it.  I think my next song will be about verbal assault on an officer.  It appears that this is the real reason the person was thrown out of the Englewood council meeting. They're trying to make verbal assault against a city employee a thing. 

I'm not sure if that's true.  I read it on a blog from someone who appears to kiss arse of leaders (perhaps a city employee?). 

Verbal assault on an officer shouldn't be a thing.  

I had no idea there was so much material!  This is shocking. 

I'll keep looking. 



Ode to a Homeless Vet: Lost and Forgotten

  [Verse] Wandering streets with no place to call home Faded camo a ghost of where I've roamed Dog tags clang in rhythm like a sorrowful...