Sunday, December 31, 2017

Lunatic Fringe

A man can no more diminish God's glory by refusing to worship Him than a lunatic can put out the sun by scribbling the word 'darkness' on the walls of his cell. 

― C.S. Lewis, The Problem of Pain

According to the media, there was another domestic violence related murder near my office this morning.  A 29 year old police officer was murdered.  Five other peace officers were shot.

The gunman (who does not deserve to be named) claimed to be a Libertarian.

If he was, he wasn't active in the party. 

I left the party just about two years ago because it was being infiltrated by Republicans who don't play well with others.  Libertarians are fiscally conservative (meaning focused on personal responsibility)  and socially liberal (do what ye will with harm to none).  

The themes of fiscal responsibility and social freedom sit well with my Pagan faith.  

The problem is that most Republicans are not socially liberal. The bad apples that joined our party started attacking women (for having abortions, or giving speeches and complaining about sexual harassment).  I had run ins with a couple of them. 

They made me laugh.  I typically used covert hypnosis to get out of conversations with them.  There were times when they called my house (especially if I made the newspaper) and I'd let them get worked up into a lather and I'd hang up on them. Apparently, they were jealous that I could get press so easily.   

My bad....

In 2015, a faction of the party in Florida started to harass a man who was Pagan.  They went to numerous newspapers and claimed he was mentally ill.  I went to the Way Back Machine and saw that the leadership of this faction did this around 2010 to someone else who wanted to run for the same seat as the chairman of the state party.  I went to the head of the party and he said that Florida is going to do what Florida does.

They gave covert approval to the shenanigans by their failure to stand up to the chairman. 

I left the party I late 2015.   

I still keep in touch.  I do go to events but I don't publicize it anymore.  Stalking has a way of keeping me mum about my activities. 

This guy....this crazy asshole who shot a young police officer in cold blood.....wrote numerous times that he was a Libertarian. 

I've never seen him.  

The best way to meet most of the active Libertarians in the country is to volunteer to work the events.  Few people volunteer.  I did.  It always put me front and center.  I met some great people that way.  

I know that is why my CCW was paid for.  Acquaintances heard I was being stalked and put me in a shooting class. 

I got two certificates of completion.  For a couple of years, one was hung by the front door to ward off my ex-husband's family from breaking into my home.   The police didn't want to do anything.  They thought of stalking as a joke.  The police also refused to take police reports because they claimed DA George Brauchler wouldn't prosecute stalking cases.  Of course, without a police report, I couldn't get a permanent restraining order.

I stopped saving emails and proof of hacking.  I stopped collecting evidence.  

It was up to me to draw the line in the sand. 

A gun did that for me. 

Spending $10,000 on legal fees to get my ex-husband out of my home, helped a little.  I still get hacked.  There is still property damage but, at least, my computer hardware doesn't get destroyed anymore.

We have to go to crazy lengths to protect ourselves from crazy people.

Just because one holds a delusion, does not mean that we have to buy into his or her warped realities.

This guy seems a tad bit warped.


There are a-holes in every party who don't understand that reporters, politicians and police officers are people, too. 

They are doing what they believe is in the best interest of the community.  Most often, they are not trying to take power over people for the sake of lording power over others.  They often mistakenly think that control is the best way to keep the peace. 

In many religions, that is the difference between Jesus and Satan.  Jesus rules by free will and love. He allows us to make mistakes for which we are easily forgiven. Jesus, to me, would be an Anarchist.

Satan wanted to rule with an iron fist. In my mind, Satan would be a Communist. 

They say that the path to hell is paved by good intentions.

The people who think that more rules are going to make everything rosy are mistaken.  They just need a good history lesson. 

Too many rules and too much gun control leads to genocide.  Think of Pinochet.  Think of Stalin.  Think of Zedong.  Don't forget the Khmar Rouge.  We will never forget Hitler.   

The Democrats (and many Republicans) don't know what they are asking. 

They using this tragedy to push for more gun control. 

They refuse to answer the question that I have posed many times. 

"How should a stalking victim protect herself when the police refuse to come?" 

I never got an answer.  I was told by numerous female Democrat senators that a gun will only increase the likelihood of my stalker shooting me. 

My ex-husband's sister was a security guard.  She had a gun whether I had one or not.  

The only thing keeping me safe was the fact they didn't know if I were crazy enough to shoot.  


I have thought about returning to the Libertarian Party.  I probably won't.

The few nutty people ruin it for everyone else.

The guy that murdered the police officer claimed to be considering a run for the office of Sheriff.

He didn't stand a chance.  People want Sheriffs that have a background in law enforcement.
I haven't looked at the shooter's YouTube page to try to get into his head.  I might.  I probably won't.

It would only give insight into this guy's issue.  One would have to read numerous manifestos from numerous murderous a-holes to try to find an overarching theme.

Maybe there is a common thread?  Maybe not.  I don't know if I have it in me to try to figure it out. 

This guy just seemed angry. He obviously hadn't had much contact with the Sheriffs.

In fact, when the cops wouldn't help me with the stalking, two Sheriffs stepped in with advice that saved the kids and I.

They have my respect. They even banded together to fight unfair gun control laws in 2013.  The Sheriffs know they can't be everywhere and urge people to take responsibility for their own safety.


The offices I run for do not require a party endorsement.  If I wanted to be a Senator or Congressperson, I'd need that (unless I wanted to collect several thousand signatures).

The government isn't the be all and end all organization of knowledge.  The government consists of fallible people with a limited scope of knowledge.

On a personal level, I feel the urge to try to teach the local City Council about sociology.  Many of the rules in this town are archaic and do not reflect the latest in social science practice (going back to the 80's).  When I share this research with the City Manager's office, they don't understand what I'm trying to say.

Either they're daft or they don't care. Maybe I need to put together a PowerPoint.

The last issue pertained to what constitutes a household.  The city evicted a family headed by a disabled veteran because there was one too many people in the household.

Since the 80's, most jurisdictions consider a family unit to be one that shares expenses.  In fact, in the three counties that encompass the city, people who share food are considered a part of the same family unit and can get food stamps based on the size of the family unit.

The city counts individuals related by blood or marriage as a family unit.  Back in the day, if a man and woman lived together for six months and presented themselves as husband and wife, they were considered married.  Decades ago, if you lived with a person of the same sex or a different race, you were not considered married.

That rule is a throwback to the days when homosexuals and racial minorities were persecuted.  If only related people could live together and gay and biracial marriage were illegal, people who chose to live lifestyles that were considered unconventional at the time could be kicked out of there homes.

If you unconventionally married a person of color, your spouse would be evicted from your home by the government under these rules.  It was same if you considered yourself married to a person of the same sex.

I think it's time we changed that. 

The veteran, his wife and two children found a new home.  They are staying with a family friend (outside of the city).  The Gods were gracious to them.  They don't have to pay rent.

They were lucky.

This kind of thing goes on under our noses.  We have a City Council who needs educated so they can make better decisions.  I think they are trying to do the right things.  I don't think they are necessarily trying to mess up people's lives.  I think they are trying to come up with win-win situations (in some cases, they want to personally profit from the changes they make).

I always wanted to be a social psychologist and conduct research.  They are homemakers, public servants, realtors, bankers, and developers....they don't have my background.  I don't have their backgrounds.

People can learn from each other.

Well....if they opened up their ears and paid attention to the experience of the thousands of citizens in this community.....we could have a better city.

Maybe that's the challenge.....finding a way to solicit the feedback and narrow it down to usable data.  Maybe they should solicit feedback and run it through qualitative software.

The point is that it is understandable why people get angry with the government.  They set high expectations but will always undoubtedly fail someone due to their fallibility.

This is usually why some people are angry at the government - they have unmet expectations.


There appears to be a link between domestic violence and mass shootings. 

The shooter had a history of online anti-government rants.  He wasn't the only violent offender who complained about the government.

Why do people blame the government when things go wrong in their personal lives?

Could it be because the government takes far too much power but they lack the resources and expertise required to solve the problems? 

Irresponsible people want someone else to solve their problems for them.

Is that why these people blame the government?   They have high expectations for the people in power and are angry when they inevitably let them down?

I don't know.

I'll need to ponder that.  Maybe the idiot's YouTube channel will give me answers.  It's hard for me to want to give the jack-nuts any time and attention.  Maybe if it saves others, it's worth it.

Right now, the officers' families need our time and attention.

Initially, news stories claimed it was a domestic disturbance.  It doesn't seem to be the case now. Maybe as more information reveals itself, more insight into this idiot's motives will make themselves known.  As of now, some news stories state that he was involved in a domestic dispute with a man.

Domestic violence cuts through all sexes and types of relationships.

It seems that aanger at the government is a common thread among abusers. I have met a few activists (some very liberal) who were pissed at the government because they couldn't beat their wives.

I wish I were joking.

This guy seemed clueless.  I don't know if running for Sheriff would change much.  Sheriffs only enforce the laws that are in place.  One would think that to change the law, one would want to influence how they are written.

What I do know is that the best change starts from the bottom and works it's way up.  That is why I am drawn to local politics.

Local politics is non-partisan.

I don't need the Libertarian Party.  They are the closest to my personal ideology.

The nut jobs ruin my motivation to help the party.  The lack of understanding of social issues ruins government.

It's sad.

We don't need to be a part of a political party to change our communities.


I'm trying to make sense of this.

This is hitting close to home for me.

I really wish more police officers, DAs, social workers and government officials understood controlling personalities.  I wish they understood domestic violence.

I think if they understood it, fewer of them would get shot.

Domestic calls are the most dangerous for first responders.   Abusers believe that they have the right to abuse and control others.  They will employ any tactic that enables them to keep this control.

In sum, domestic violence is all about control.

Abusers panic when they sense they are losing the control they've worked so hard to get and maintain.

Most abusers are male because they were raised to believe in privilege and the right of men to have power over their lovers and children.  their masculinity gives them a sense of entitlement over the freedom of others.  Curiously, it is the same for female abusers.  They feel that, as women, they are entitled to control their lover's lives and kids.

It is said that the individual with the most flexibility has the most control.  It is hard to imagine the sheer flexibility of an abuser until you experience it.  The rules can change in an instant.  The moment they feel their control slipping away, they switch gears, they switch behaviors...they can seem different in just a heartbeat.  This is why many victims tend to question their experience.

Abusers of both sexes often use a self-created victimhood as an excuse to hit, steal or harass their lovers.

It is almost like abusers use the same playbook.

People claim coercive control and domestic violence are a mental health matter.  No, it is a learned behavior that was created by life experiences and a faulty belief system.

Abusers are manipulative and slick.  They believe they are entitled to what they want at any cost.

I've heard time and time again that "all is fair in love and war."

That does seem to be their mantra.  They honestly believe they have a right to abuse.  If we take that perceived right away, they behave as if they are victims.

How dare we set boundaries with abusers?

These ass-hats will go so far as to use the State to further their agenda.

That's a problem. Taxpayers are paying to feed the delusion that these people deserve control.

Abusers can convince a judge, lawyers, social workers and cops that they are victims. 

 I have recently seen how they can convince social workers that they are poor and unable to work and should be stripped of any responsibility to pay child support**.

Police officers, judges and social workers get frustrated because of the game.  Abusers will lie: they'll throw anything at their victims in the hopes that something will stick and give them the upper hand.  It can be difficult to try to sort out the lies from the truth.

The victims are usually crying and shaking.  The abusers are calm and collected (in fact, there studies that show that many of these people actually experience blood pressure drops in times of stress).  It's hard to tell who is being honest and just what the truth is.  Far too often, the decision makers just take a stab in the dark and guess at the truth.

Usually the liar with the calm demeanor wins.  Abusers tend to get custody.  Victims often get arrested.

Cops, judges and social workers need educated.  They must stop coddling and colluding with abusers.

I'm shocked my ex got away with not having to pay child support for the next 2 1/4 years.  I'm sad that taxpayers paid for his housing, the clothes he is wearing and his three lawyers**.

I refused to give him the money to make the payment on his storage facility.  The State of Colorado claimed he had nothing.  I didn't want to help my ex hide his stuff from the state.  If that is any conciliation, someone will profit from the things he was hiding from the state in order to pretend to be insolvent.  When people don't pay the rent on their storage facilities, the operator can auction the contents.

If my ex doesn't pay child support, maybe he'll stay away.  Maybe the stalking will stop.  Maybe.....none of my neighbors will never have to call the police to my door

I have a new appreciation for how dangerous calling the police can be.  I don't know how I'd feel if someone the same age as my eldest daughter died on my lawn because of my ex.

Perhaps if I stay out of his line of sight by avoiding child support, the stalking will be a thing of the past for us.  It would be nice to advertise my business, feel safe taking evening strolls or even let the kids walk to school again.  

So many other people are fighting losing battles with abusive Cluster Bs.  The only thing that will help is education.  As it stands, they win because the rest of us don't understand how slippery these eels are!  They are also quite flexible in what they are willing to do to win their battles.

The government enables abusers. I don't think they mean to do that.  I just don't think they know what they are doing.

It's heartbreaking when an abuser murders a government officer trying to do the right thing.


There is a reason I am writing this right now is that it is resonating with me and not in a good way at all.

Two days ago, our 19 year old came to me with her father's worrisome Facebook feed.  She wants to unfriend him due to the anti-government rhetoric.

I laughed. 

I shouldn't have laughed.

I thought it was funny.  This former Libertarian and alleged member of the Constitution Party used the government to break a private contract to pay child support. 

It's hard to imagine him being angry at the government: One would think he ought to be grateful!

They paid for his lawyers.  He put me in debt to the tune of $4,000 in legal fees (because the State told me to get a lawyer). By not paying child support, he is limiting my options for survival and the children's options for medical care and education.

The state, in the form of CO-PEP, enabled our abuser to maintain control**.

The freedom to skate away from responsibility towards one's children is not in the Constitution!  Where is it written that the taxpayers should pay for their children's food, housing and medical expenses?

That is why I am looking for a third job.

At least I have principles!

I would think my ex would worship the government rather than threaten them!  They gave him the control he desired.  They've paid for his housing, clothing, medical and food for over a year.  They opted him out of child support.  They didn't even check some of their facts before they rolled over me - full steam ahead!

They ignored his pay stubs and claimed he could only make $12 an hour.  They didn't check on the note he provided to the court nor did they check to see if he had any property.

Yeah......I am researching the Federal Parent Employment project rules.  It would seem that Arapahoe County isn't following them**.  I wonder where I should report the issue?

After what happened today, I am concerned.  No one wants a repeat.

My ex-husband is an abuser.

He has gotten away with stalking, harassment and theft.  The government even helped him skate away from a financial responsibility that is, supposedly, unavoidable.

My ex....well.....he is being.....rewarded for his irresponsible behavior.

Now, he is posting anti-government rhetoric?

I don't understand why.

He got what he wanted!

Why would he be angry at the government?

With the threats, I anyone in danger?

I have concerns that he is going to act on his threats.

I'll do my part.  I'll work on fixing my financial situation.  If I don't ask for money from him, maybe he'll move along and leave us alone.  Maybe he'll be satisfied enough to keep a low profile and only post threats to Facebook.

Maybe if I keep my ex happy, no one else will be hurt.


The lesson is that crazy people always win by virtue of their craziness.

Just let them take the crap they want and get thee away.  They don't live in our reality.

They have faulty beliefs.

Just because a lunatic espouses a belief, does not make that belief rooted in reality.

Let them live in their sniveling whining personal hell.....fighting their own personal little wars.  They are vampires who feast on the negative energy of drama.

Nothing will make them happy.  As sad as it sounds, all we can do is get away.  Until the powers that be understand that there are liars in our midst, we will never win against any abuser.

Our job is to live the best life we can.

Shine....if you can....shine to be a beacon for others.


All those years of letting Michael get away with the stalking may have emboldened him to get more violent. Helping him escape child support has probably further emboldened him.

**I am learning that Arapahoe County Child Support Enforcement should have provided my ex with a case manager and an action plan. There should have also been a referral to a professional to help us deal with the domestic violence issues.  The thought process is that dealing with these issues will further his ability to work and visit the children.  Arapahoe County and the State of Colorado just put him in a voluntary rehab program for 27 months and gut his child support.  Despite what the State says, there is no way my ex can pay a dime if he's in a voluntary rehab program that won't allow him to work.  Before rehab, he was about $48,000 in arrears (not including the judgements I have due to the money he stole from our retirement after the divorce).

If those numbers climb due to the state mandated 12% compounded interest laws, we are probably all in danger.  Without domestic violence treatment, my ex will continue to blame me for the problems in his life.  If he's as suicidal as he told me he is, what would stop him from taking me and the kids out?

Yeah.....I'm thinking that I should just let this guy win this round and I'll start sharing the legal filings with local lawmakers.  CO-PEP needs defunded before they get someone killed.

Yeah....I AM frightened for whoever he is blaming for his life.  It appears he is blaming the government.

He seems angry.

My understanding is that he is in a voluntary rehab facility.  He can leave at any time.

I hope he is arrested the next time he menaces someone.

Don't give people like this any more chances.  Stop giving abusers the benefit of the doubt.

Oh, and stalkers tend to escalate.  To the police department, I say stop making excuses not to take police reports.  The life you save could be your own or one of a colleagues.

The shooter probably had run-ins with the police before.  If so, had it been handled differently, two young children would still have their father.

Yeah, I did read that this joker did not have a criminal record.  That does NOT mean he hasn't had police contract.  Remember the police don't take reports for stalking and other forms of domestic violence.  My ex and his sister do not have criminal records either.  I guarantee that if I wind up blue and six feet under, the press will uncover a plethora of police calls to officers in my home city as well as the areas where I worked.

Cops don't take stalking reports because DAs don't prosecute!

The lives they could save could be there own!

Educate yourselves and THINK!

If I get over my anger enough to give this a-hole ghost my time and attention, I'll write about what I find in his online rants.

Right now, I'll do prosperity spells for the fallen officer's family.

Love ya lots,


Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Forum Research

Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies. - Groucho Marx

Today I am thankful for internet searches. 

I'm having trouble sleeping.  I average about four hours of sleep a night.

I'm stressed.

I cannot sleep. I'm having trouble breathing.  I do not have health insurance because I am a temp employee.  I may have Medicaid but I hate using it.

It is to the point that my lips are consistently blue.  I take a double dose of Benadryl at night and a dose of Loratadine in the morning.

I may have to start taking Sudafed.  I don't want to do that because I'll end up on a government list of potential meth manufacturers.  Of course, one could argue, that I'm already on a government list due to my hobby of picking fights with bureaucrats.

I may have to use Medicaid on this one.  I typically wake up about 4:00 a.m. unable to breath.  This also happens to me at work.  I will sit in the office and start wheezing.

I realize that if I die, my kids are going to go to foster care and cost taxpayers more money.

Maybe I can buy an inhaler over the counter?  They used to sell Primatene Mist.  I wonder if it is still available?  I don't want to miss work to go to the doctor. 

I've got three kids and a divorce lawyer to support!

In those wee hours of the morning, when my lips are blue and I cannot breathe, I do internet searches.

I am finding numerous custodial parents complain about religious rehab programs helping men evade child support.

I'm not joking.

I've finding them for various programs (including the Denver Rescue Mission and the Salvation Army).  I am finding them in various parts of the United States.....not just in Colorado.  Some of the stories date back to 2012!

The story is the same.  Guys are enrolled in the program don't really have to submit to more than a breathalyzer or a urine test to stay in the program.  As long as they are in the program, they don't have to pay child support.  The only thing they need to do to stay in the program is not drink.  My ex claims to never touch alcohol which explains why he is able to stay in the alcohol rehab program.

I hear he must be bored.  My friends are complaining that he only posts anti-Christian and sarcastic rhetoric to Facebook numerous times a day.  I don't know if it's true.

I'm thinking about posting some of the links I find here.  I am printing them off. 

The woman are blaming the programs.  The more I read, the more I am blaming Federal and State law.  The Federal government is funding these deadbeat parent welfare programs that focus on helping deadbeat dads lower or escape child support: They provide money for lawyers, clothing, counseling and job aid. 

Cluster Bs tend to manipulate people by asking for the benefit of the doubt.  The government really should be a tad bit more skeptical when it comes to people who claim to be poor because they want a debt dropped.  The government can check my ex's tax records.  Why they don't do that is beyond me.


The problem that I'm seeing is that social workers and judges don't understand the issue enough to see that not everyone who claims to be an alcoholic actually drinks.  It is an excuse to get back at the ex by claiming a non-existent disability.

They don't understand the issue enough to understand that putting a non-custodial parent in a non-traditional rehab program that forbids them from working or leaving the premises will cut contact between that parent and their child.

Part of the mission of these deadbeat dad reform programs used to be to facilitate a relationship between parent and child.  Sticking non-custodial parents in programs where they cannot leave to work or visit family does a disservice to the child.

I don't understand if they are trying to rehabilitate someone why they allow them so much time on social media is beyond me.  That could explain that hacking.  He doesn't connect with the kids.  They follow him and friend him on social media.  He posts a lot.  He doesn't reach out to them.

It's sad.  I even bought fancy phones so they can keep up with their father on Facebook.  I am realizing that I probably couldn't afford their data plans.

I'm trying.

Judges should be a tad bit more skeptical when accepting the rehab excuse when reducing the amount of a private contract without the consent of both parties.  I was told that they just wanted a note from someone claiming to work in the rehab center.  They don't check the validity of the note or the diagnosis.  They just want a note.

Weird.....just weird.

No matter......

I think I need to spend more time among Republicans to let them know how coddling deadbeat dads is destroying welfare reform.

As far as my situation,

I won't be able to work full time at my new job.  I have a friend who works for a huge insurance carrier.  I'm going to try to go to their open house early next year to see if I can work in their property and casualty department.

I'm lucky.  I know a lot of kind-hearted people.  The more they help me, the more I want to pay it forward.

I'm not sleeping.  The least I can do is spend the wee hours of the morning researching and applying for other jobs.

I've been able to help three people from my previous employer secure jobs  I learned that the 60 or so people who are left are going to be laid off tomorrow. 

I'll let you know how it goes.

I wish the government could get the following concept through their collective thought process: 

To reward bad behavior is to increase it.  

This Deadbeat Dad Enabling Obama-era program is just asking parents to drop out of their kids' lives.  

It's a shame.  

Love ya,


P.S.  My friends are still thinking the child support office is keeping me safe from the stalking by hiding my ex away in a 18- 27 month rehab program. 

I don't think they care. 

I think this is a numbers game.  I think if they hit some magical quota, they get funding increases. I intend to get the word out that the funding does little good.

I think they get some kind of points for putting people into rehab programs and gutting child support.
They ignored information I sent to them and they demanded that I hire a lawyer.

I'm thinking that the current system rewards them for coddling deadbeat parents and punishing responsible ones.

I don't like the smell that is carried on the wind.

Don't worry.....the wind will change direction very soon.

Call it a hunch.

Monday, December 18, 2017

Good Riddance to Arapahoe House w/ added links

Today I am thankful that I had the opportunity to cross a name of off my sh!t list.

Arapahoe House is finally shutting down after 42 years.


One would think that I supported this organization because I studied drug and alcohol counseling.

I did.....

but they were partially responsible for my running for office in 2011.

Let me explain....

Arapahoe House had an agreement with the city to take in impaired people after hours.  This would keep the jail from filling up.

The problem was that Arapahoe House kept intoxicated people of every gender and every sexual persuasion in the same room...

without adequate supervision.

Due to this,

sexual assault was rampant.

I heard from volunteers who were raped.

I heard from clients who were sexually assaulted.

I became incredibly angry when I heard that a woman was arrested for reporting her sexual assault

She said the word "cunt" while describing her assault.  Sexual assault is an ugly act.  The words used to describe this act are often offensive.

This offended the police officer who beat the young woman up and had her arrested for saying the word "cunt."

The victim was arrested and started an 18 month journey through the legal system for

verbal assault on an officer (or what I call contempt of cop).

My take on it was that the city attorney wanted the victim drug through mud to keep her from suing Arapahoe House and the city for allowing the sexual assault to happen while in their custody.

I sung my most irate song to anyone who would listen.

I think those in power wanted me to shut up so they finally helped this woman.

I didn't stop there.

I called the CEO of Arapahoe House to ask what it would take to build a second room in his facility.

He called me and tried to jump down my throat.

I'm a hypnotist.

I ended the call by letting him know that I spent about 40 hours a week at Denver Cares (the alcohol facility located in Denver).

I also let him know that we may need to regulate such facilities harder.

He begged me not to hang up on him.

I wished that his facility would shut down.

I didn't cast a spell.

I just made a wish.


I had nothing to do with their shut down.

They want money from the taxpayers to stay afloat.

Due to their abuse of the citizens, they don't deserve our money.

They deserve to go the way of the dodo bird.

I ran against two women that year.

All three of us gave a speech at the local mental health facility.  The President of Arapahoe House was in attendance.

One of the candidates, bless her wonderful, intelligent soul, suggested that we needed to make Arapahoe House obsolete and create our own detention facility.

This candidate is actually an instructor of Drug and Alcohol counseling.  She is a former senator.  She doesn't take baloney from anyone.

I think her comment is what made the most waves.

It only took three months for the city to drop the charges against the victim.

A word to the wise - don't mess with the sisterhood.


Now, my thoughts are turning to the scam my ex ran.

He claimed to be stuck in an alcoholic and rehabilitation program for the next 8-27 months.  He claims he cannot work while in the program.  He stated he couldn't leave.

The facility wrote a letter to my lawyer saying that he was in there for alcoholic detox.  My ex claims he never drank. I believe him.

Now, that I signed to lower his child support he wants to leave the facility to deliver the documents to the court house twenty miles from where he claims to be.

I was tricked.

He's also asking questions of my attorney that I really shouldn't be paying to have answered.  He needs to hire his own lawyer.

I'm going to hire another one that will talk to me directly.  I think I received bad advice from the paralegals  They told me that I should challenge my ex's petition.  I told them that he claimed to be in rehab and they kept telling me to challenge him and kept asking me for money.  After I gave them $3,650, they told me to accept his deal.

I feel like the paralegals strung me along to pad their pockets.

It's too late to solve my issue using mundane methods. 

There are other ways to fix problems like this.

I'm wondering......

should the court allow parents to request the services of third parties to go in and verify that one has a drug and alcohol program prior to accepting it as fact?  I mean if one of the parents has a substance abuse problem, it may not be in the best interest of the children to keep the same custody schedule.

This is strange.  I mean....seriously...I have NEVER heard of an alcohol detox/rehab program taking between 8-27 months.  I have NEVER heard to someone being enrolled into these programs solely for depression (unless they were alcoholics).

I have always heard of rehab as a voluntary living situation (unless it was court ordered).  Child support is not typically lowered due to voluntary living situations.

Yes, I was torn between getting my JD and my Ph.D.  I chose psychology after meeting numerous lawyers having trouble finding jobs.

I'm thinking about ways to solve the problem.  I am talking to non-custodial parents who are struggling with the system.  They are having a tough time believing that my ex has 50/50 custody and refuses to visit.  They are also having a tough time believing that they could lower their child support due to a mental health issue.

I am also talking to custodial mothers.  Today one told me about a guy who just works under the table.  The office of child support enforcement doesn't want to help her because the money is uncollectable.

Why are taxpayers paying for the department then? 

Either they do their jobs....or they don't!

Maybe that is the key - maybe the government only picks the low-hanging fruit.  It can't be that way.

The games are not good for the taxpayers.  The taxpayers shouldn't have to fund attorneys that help people push the burden of their responsibilities to taxpayers (by that I mean their legal fees and welfare).  The law is clear - both parents should provide for the children to the best of their abilities.

Why does a lie equate a lesser ability to provide for kids?  If he had a physical disability, or suffered through an event, I could understand that.  He claims to be in a 27 month alcoholic rehab program for depression!

I never heard of that before (me....who has a MA in psychology and studied alcohol counseling for many years).  I share my office with a licensed alcohol counselor.  She hasn't heard of it either.

This is weird.  It truly is.

It would seem that allowing non-custodial parents to shirk their responsibilities for so long could potentially have implications for taxpayers should the custodial parent go on welfare.  Men, typically, have a harder time accessing welfare than women.  I'm shocked the father's rights people don't see that.

CO-PEP only helps non-custodial parents (who have arrearages) find work.  They don't help prevent a man from falling behind.  They only help deadbeats!  Why?

It's a shame they don't help custodial parents. 

The non-custodial parent will pay less in child support if the custodial parent works.  Why aren't the father's rights groups all over that?

Oh well....I just want to keep taxpayers from aiding and abetting manipulative men (and women).

It seems like rehab is a common child support loophole that is exploited.  People don't have to prove that they are in rehab or why.  It doesn't seem to impact custody as many cases, it really should.  If mom or dad are using again, children should be kept at arms distance.

You can bet that I'm going to be on the lookout for the smell of alcohol should my ex come to my door.  By being in rehab for alcohol abuse, it would seem like he is admitting he has a problem....even if he lies to me about it.

I'll probably never believe a word that comes out of his mouth again.

I'll never give him another dime.

He'll probably never get another benefit of the doubt.

I'm tired of the games.  I know that this is his way of getting and keeping my attention. 

The meanest thing I can do to him is stop giving him the time of day.

That is exactly what I need to do for my own sanity. 

His dramas don't deserve to take up residence in my mind if he's not paying rent.

I shouldn't worry too much.  He'll probably disappear.

There are times when we have to shut well-meaning programs down. 

Remember........It's not helping when you hurt people in the process.

Don't hurt people that you intend to help!

Love ya,


Next Day Edit:

I was challenged to produce proof about Arapahoe House.  I saved the links to the story and some snippets.  They've been seemingly scrubbed from the web.

This is from KDVR:,0,7698919.story/

Here is the saved snippet from 09/06/2011:

Sex assault victim says Aurora falsely charging her to avoid lawsuit

... "And now, her attorneys say the Aurora City Attorney is piling even more charges on Freeman to try to keep her from suing."

"'Now they're adding more charges like assault and things more serious because they're worried about civil liability,' says her attorney, David Lane." ...

"... in court transcripts, released Tuesday, an Aurora city attorney tells the judge, 'There's also a civil liability for the city regarding this,' adding, 'that is a consideration that comes from up above as far as how we want to posture this case.'"

"'That means his bosses are telling this poor city attorney to pile on charges, 'we've got to get her convicted of something or we're facing a lawsuit,' which is absolutely unethical,' Lane says." ...

This woman was sexually assaulted at Arapahoe House.  This was because they did not separate people of different sexual biology and orientations.  


Let me dig for the second link.  It was at Westword.  It spoke of counselors being physically assaulted.  The comments featured former workers claiming to be raped (those seem to have disappeared).

Found it!  This is from 1998.

The Westword article also speaks to the fact that people are not separated and that females cannot be protected from intoxicated men.

Arapahoe house had many years to correct the problem.

They chose to ignore it.

I even tried to talk sense into them back in the days I wanted to be a LAC and played the role of a wanna-be politician.

Arapahoe House must end NOW!

Yeah...I know.  The President is trying to get money from the state by threatening to close its doors if it doesn't get more money.

It doesn't deserve more money.

It deserves to close.

P.S.S.  I used to save tons of my research links to now defunct websites.  I do have an older Toshiba with many saved links on it (one from the 90's that had all external's that old).  It also contains transcripts from depositions with Aurora officials.

If I need to, I can always dig around that ol' drive.

Nothing dies on the internet....nothing.  The only thing Arapahoe House can do now is close and rebrand.

This time......remember to separate people and don't press authorities into trumping up charges when  reporting sexual assault!  I'm literally surprised Arapahoe House wasn't sued out of existence.


Thursday, December 14, 2017

Manipulative People & The Problem of The Benefit of the Doubt w/ edit

Today I am thankful that I realized how manipulative narcissists and other disordered people get their way.

We let them.

We give them the benefit of the doubt.

We don't trust our instincts.   When things feel off, we say that there is something wrong with us to cause us to feel that way.  We may blame anxiety.  We may blame paranoia.  We may blame past relationships.  We rarely name the real problem because we don't want to believe it.

We make excuses for their bad behavior.  He was tired.  He was drinking.  He didn't mean to push us into the street.  He was angry.  He didn't mean to punch me.  He lost track of the money and spent a week's salary on McDonald's hamburgers.  He wasn't kissing her....he just was giving her CPR...on the train...standing up....while forgetting to do the chest compressions.

People don't want to blame others.  We want to see the good in people.

We give them the benefit of the doubt.

That's why disordered people walk all over us.

I'm going to have to stop doing that.

Today, I let my ex and the State of Colorado give my ex up to a 27 month reprieve from child support.  I have to wait for the judge to sign off on it.  I'm shocked that this is allowable.

It must be.

This means, the kids will never see a dime.  In 27 months, two of the three of them will in college.  The youngest will be in high school. My ex claims to be forbidden from working while in rehab.  He claims he cannot have contact with people during his stint in Rehab.

For someone in rehab, he sure posts a lot to Facebook (according to the kids) and sends me too many emails.  I wonder if he's the guy hacking all of my accounts (this person is hacking accounts few people know about).

It must not be a real therapeutic facility!

My ex will probably go into hiding and get another accounting job.  Twenty-seven months from now, he'll probably be in Oregon and untouchable.

It's up to me to do everything.  I'm lucky I found three part-time jobs.  Now, I have to figure out the logistics of sleeping, eating and working all the time.

Voluntary rehab is a child support loophole.  My specialty is health psychology.  That's what I studied....I studied the effects of stress on the body.  I studied the use of various techniques to control bodily functions.  I studied addiction counseling.

This is why, for a time, I had a busy hypnosis practice teaching people mindfulness meditation and conducting Stop Smoking and Weight Loss sessions.

I had to stop when my ex's family started stalking me at work and harassing my clients.

My ex claims to never have touched a drop of alcohol.

I DO question why a man who isn't drinking is in a 27 month alcoholic rehab program for depression.

I only have a MA in psychology.  I DO know that rehab is not an appropriate treatment modality for depression.  Rehab is great for alcoholism and drug use -but- there must be some accompanying psychotherapy (and maybe even prescription drugs) for the depression.

Rehab is not the answer.

I have never heard of an alcohol rehab center taking more than a month!

I will contact the Colorado Department of Regulatory Agency to see if I can file a complaint against the rehabilitation center for improper treatment.  I doubt it.  I'm fairly certain that religious organizations are exempt from the scope of practice limitations the rest of us face.

I'll try.

The other issue is whether or not a voluntary stint at rehab should negate child support.

It shouldn't.

I don't know why the State of Colorado thinks it should.

I gave my ex this gift.  He'd best make the most of it.

Now, my thoughts turn to scheming about how to take out the department that enables and coddles deadbeat parents.

I guess I'll try to find the Rehab center's annual reports.  Then I'll reach out to some of my activist buddies for help with a CORA request.

I want to know if the rehab center is getting a kick back from the State of Colorado.

It sucks.....but Colorado allows departments to charge a heck of a lot of money for information.  The sick part of it is that even when you pay a lot of money, much of what you need is redacted.

Maybe I should just go to the press?

I hesitate to do that because it'll embarrass my ex.  I want to keep taxpayers from paying for the government to free non-custodial parents from child support and force custodial parents onto welfare.

They're lucky they picked on a libertarian.

Maybe they're not so lucky.....this libertarian isn't happy about hard working parents being pushed onto food stamps, TANF and Medicaid because another parent is given lawyers to help him or her skirt their duties.  I'm especially peeved that taxpayers are paying for the deadbeats' lawyers!!!

I wonder how many custodial fathers get messed up by CO-PEP?  I wonder what the Father's Rights Activists have to say about that?  We all know that many non-custodial parents don't pay child support.

I'd bet that CO-PEP has a hand in that!

CO-PEP stands for Colorado Parent Employment Project.  They only help non-custodial parents with huge arrearages.  They don't help people who are struggling to pay their child support.  They don't help custodial parents who don't have jobs.

They only reward deadbeats by lowering their child support.  I am realizing that is how they meet their collection quota.  If they drop child support and accrued arrearages, then it looks like a higher percentage of support owed is being paid (even though less money is collect).

They meet their quotas in a despicable fashion in order to justify their existence!

Their annual budget is 2.3 million smackers!!!  How much do other human service departments pay due to their wrongful focus.

I want them shut down.  I'm learning that I'm not alone.

It sounds like a challenge, huh?

It's not the real challenge.

The real challenge is my shadow side. 

She's the part of me that gets all snarky.  She's the part of me that fantasizes about beating up people who smack around kids.  The part of me that learned to shoot to scare of my ex's stalking sister.

She's the part of me that isn't afraid to fight.  She comes in handy from time to time.

She has recently dreamt of teaching people who feign victimhood a karmic lesson. 

There is this reoccurring question in my head:

"If he wants to be a victim, why not make it so?"

I'm trying very hard to refrain from casting it an 'It sucks to be an asshole curse.' 

The last time I cast a Jezebel Curse, it was against a different government entity. The curse would be broken if they stopped victimizing their employees and lying to the citizens.  As far as I know, the curse still stands.

Maybe I should cast another Jezebel Curse.

If I can get past Saturday without lighting a candle, we'll be good.

I can pray for the poor on Sunday.

I'm a little peeved.

My ex lied to me.

CO-PEP withheld information and cost me $3,670 in legal fees to conduct the discovery to fill in the gaps.  They wouldn't talk to me unless I hired a lawyer.  It's unfair the deadbeat gets three lawyers but the struggling single mom doesn't.

I don't like being played like a fiddle.

If you see me in public and I smell like burned pepper......RUN!


The judge signed off on the amended child support order. 

I'm shocked that more deadbeat parents aren't running off and claiming to be in rehab!  Think of the savings!

Think of the expense this creates for taxpayers, too.

I'll work on finding a way to share the court filings with lawmakers.  I wouldn't have believed this if I hadn't read it all for myself.

The government should never enable deadbeats.

Love ya,


Tuesday, December 12, 2017

A Realization: If You Can't Beat Them - Shut 'Em Down

Today I am thankful that I decided to give up on holding my ex to honoring our divorce agreement. 

Child support....well, according to the State of's optional! 

Whatever the State of Colorado wants, the state of Colorado decided to end the fight.

I've decided to let my ex win his game......they can gut child support and make me responsible for everything.

There is no law forcing an able bodied parent to work (custodial or non-custodial).  If a parent wants to be unemployed,  no one can do a darn thing about it.


If he wants to pretend to be impoverished, that's on him.

If he wants to pretend NOT to have family he can live with, that's on him.  He has several relatives here.  They were stalking me for him!   Come on.....why would they do that if he can't live with them?

Something is off.

If he wants to claim to be depressed and in a 27 month alcoholic rehab program, he can play that game with himself.

If he asks for any more money or property from me, he's not getting it. I can't afford to help him anymore.

These games are going to hurt him far more than anyone else.

He's throwing away his career.

I can't help him.


Crazy people go to crazy lengths to get what they want. 

The thing that bothers me is that....well...if rehab is a way to skirt child support, why don't many non-custodial parents do that?  Why don't they all just jump on the rehab bandwagon and end their responsibilities?  

They can get therapy and force their kids into poverty.

It would seem that there would be many selfish and angry people willing to do just that because it is allowable.

Maybe most people aren't that nasty.

I don't know.

It's hard for me to believe that this is allowable.

It must be.

Why else would the State government push it so hard?

Why would they coddle a deadbeat to this extent?

I am pretty frustrated when I think about how someone who is truly homeless and without support is on the streets while this slick guy is taking up a spot in a shelter.  This isn't the first program he's been in this year.

He told me that the city funded his apartment in December 2016 through August 2017.  I used to fight city tax hikes.....I'm disgusted that he displaced someone in true need just so he could play the role of a victim. 

He is an accountant! He didn't want to take jobs that were offered to him.  I do a LOT of networking.
I know he refused jobs! He yelled at me for telling him about offers that were sure things!

It's not my fault.

I tried to help.

You can't help people hell bent on messing themselves up.


All the money I'm spending trying to do right by the kids is money that I'm not spending ON the kids.

I made less than $30,000 this year due to the lay-off.  I spent $10,000 on legal fees over the course of the past 18 months to get this guy out of my house.

I'm proud of myself.  I still have several weeks of unemployment left.  I worked as much as I could.  It wasn't enough.

At least I have my self-respect.

I've realized that cheaters and liars always prosper.  I can't keep up with the lies well enough to argue against them.

For my sanity, I have to pull back from fighting him.

The government on the other hand.....oh, they ought to know better than to skirt their own laws.

I'm tired of seeing them break the rules they put into place.


If the State of Colorado is putting deadbeat dads in 27 month rehab programs, there is really no point in trying to help my ex see the kids, help with insurance or pay child support.

Two of the three kids will be in college in 27 months.  When the third goes to college in five years, I can work two full time jobs to get out of debt.

I can't count on help from this guy.....ever.  If he wants to ruin his life to spite me, there really isn't anything I can do about it.

In reading the case law, I'm seeing a trend where people can't collect back support for children who have reached the age of majority.  There is no point.

I've lost.

It's a waste of time and money trying to fight for the kids.

It's better if I work all the time.

Sad....but true.

I've found three jobs.  They are all part time jobs.

I found a job delivering packages.  I found a job in a medical call center and I have my small business.

The call center will help me work from home (if I can clean up the mold my ex left on the walls).  The delivery job will have flexible hours.  I can always decide when to work at my business.

I do need to save up for a new phone and cell phone plan to work the delivery job.  It'll take awhile.  I'll do it.

As I'm trying to create a living, I can fund the bills by stealing money from my 401-K.  This will certainly be cheaper than spending $1,500 a month of legal bills generated by my ex refusing to cooperate with attorneys.

This is what he wanted.

I hope he and the bureaucrats who helped him truly enjoy this victory.

Let them taste it.

Let them choke on it.

Ill gained victories are like eating binge eating a chocolate cake.  You may enjoy every single bite but it will stick to you and make you unattractive.

Everyone eventually sees the truth of our bad habits.


I'm serious about fighting the entity that is enabling him.  I'm not sure how.  I'll find a way.  I hate to think that other custodial parents are fighting the very people who are supposed to help them.

It's like we live in Bizarro world.  Everything is backwards. The government supports deadbeat parents while running up bills for hardworking ones.  The government wants to buy heroin so people can shoot up in government offices.

Colorado has turned blue!  It's like we are suffering from an oxygen deficiency due to all the pot smoking the lawmakers must be doing!

Helping people break the law will backfire on these politicians.  I think they're too stupid to see the writing on the wall.

They need to enjoy their wins while they can.

They will lose as people get tired of the crap.

Mark my words.


Manipulative people win small victories.  It doesn't matter if they are women or men.

They lie without conscience.

They are so practiced at lying that they are believable.

People with consciences cannot hope to win when up against proficient liars.

It's cheaper for me just to walk away from the fight and let him win.

I'll turn my attention to gutting programs that are horrible stewards of taxpayer dollars.  I'm not sleeping anyway due to the stress so it's not like I have better things to do.

I have found that it's easier to fight things that cause me to lose sleep than it is to ruminate over the unfairness.

Liars may win battles


honest people win wars. 

My goals are different.  I know I'm screwed financially.

At this point, I just want to prevent this from happening to another single parent.

If I stay in the fight with my ex, I cannot talk about what the State is doing.  If I let them win, I can fight the bigger war.

I realize my ex will never help anyway - so, I may as well attack the beast enabling him.


This song reminds me of the great Goddess Nemesis. 

Make sure your victories are victimless!

That is the key to a happy and serene life.

Besides, jerks and liars tend to have bad luck.  People don't try to help them because they get burned.  His luck will get worse with time.

It pays to be polite and kind.  Yes, when the kids ask I tell them their father loves them.

I'll be kind.  I will do my best to protect other people in my situation.  May this be the last time the state punishes someone doing the right thing to enable someone who won't.

If you're in Colorado and sick of the crap, consider sending money to the Colorado Union of Taxpayers.  When I get back on my financial footing, I'm joining again.

The only thing you can do about an out of control government is fight them.

I have nothing left to lose by fighting unfair government entities.

Love ya lots,


P.S  I am hoping another custodial parent victimized by this organization sees this and knows they are not alone.  I'll end this debacle and find a way to publicize what I've been through.

The only trick is hiding the truth from the kids. How do I tell the truth of CO-PEP without letting the kids know what their dad is doing?

There has to be a way.  This entity shouldn't be around in 2019.  It's got to go!

Monday, December 11, 2017

Help from Strangers

Today I am thankful that I talk to strangers.

My life has changed quite a bit in the past seven days.

I don't know exactly how it happened.

I do know that someone must have overheard me saying (or perhaps writing) great things about a health care company I used to sell for.  Two days after writing about their awesomeness, a recruiter called me in for an interview.

I started last Monday.  They found me a location just two miles from home.

It isn't a full time job.  I'm just in training.  I will be the working at the main switchboard for a health care company.

My ultimate goal is to get a position where I am working the behavioral health advice line (given that I have a master's in psychology).  That would be a nice change of pace that would help me make the most of my previous training.

They said that they would help me with the expense of taking all of the CAC classes again so that I could obtain licensure.  That would be a wonderful perk!

Being involved in this company again has helped me get back to being more of who I am.  I exercise now.  I stopped the anxiety meds.  I'm sleeping better.

I'm juicing.

It's nice.


A few months ago, I shattered glass on my face and cut up the skin around my left eye.

Shortly after that, I caught my reflection in the door of the freezer section at Target and found myself holding back tears.

A lovely woman came by and offered advice.

I'm taking her advice.

I'm glad I did.

The scars have faded so much that I have actually left the house without make-up!

I met a young make-up artist at the mall. 

He sold me inexpensive cosmetics and taught me how to use them to hide the scars.

That was a little over a month ago.

I didn't think it was possible for the scars to fade.

Right now, I wear clunky nerdy glasses to hide the scars.

I may not have to do that much longer.

If I can get my face back, maybe I can go back into sales and make some real money.

I let these people share their expertise and it has benefited me in numerous ways.

I need to give back a little bit.

 I have an exterminator who charges me $35 per month.  He takes care of the mice and the wasps.

He even tolerates the crazy gun toting neighbor and his wife.  They like to scream at him when he's servicing our property.

I wonder if his boss would let me gift him some Bluetooth headphones to block the sound of the screaming idiots next door.

I do fear the young lady next door is being abused by her husband.  He's incredibly nasty and threatening.  He's short and has a Napoléon complex.  He actually had to stand on his tippy toes to threaten me!  His poor wife probably has to try to control us to keep him from hitting her.

I don't call the authorities because I know they will be fined for the dog crying all the time and the trash in their front yard.  I know she and the kids will get the brunt of it.

I tolerate her yelling.

I tolerate her glaring.

No, I haven't thrown hot foot powder in her path......yet.

I could.....well....there is one ritual I could do.  Some things I don't feel comfortable sharing in an open forum.

At most, the ritual could be dangerous in the wrong hands.

In the least, if they catch me performing it, they may shy away from screaming at me or threatening me again.

One of the trees on the property line is dying.  I don't have the heart to tell them it needs cut down.  The husband doesn't have a job and drives for Uber.  I'm working on getting a loan to help me repair the property and cut down that tree without their help.

I do fear for that woman and her three children.

She's nasty.  One has to ask.....why?

She looks terrified.


I have an office that I sublet.  I've been there several years.  I stopped working there on a daily basis when my ex-husband's family started harassing me.

I only go there when I have hypnosis clients.  I did Groupon for awhile and made about $15 an hour.

It was fun.  I barely broke even.

My landlord has decided to raise my rent by only $25 per month in 2018.

I feel spoiled.  Commercial rents are rapidly rising in Colorado.

I need to rebuild my business.

I haven't been there in about four months due to the temp jobs I'm working.  I'm trying to get in with a company full time so I can provide health insurance for the kids.  My ex was supposed to do that -but- he's found a loophole.

Depressed and alcoholic people are free from paying child support in Colorado.

Alrighty then.....I just wish Child Support Services would have told me that before I spent nearly $4,000 on a lawyer.  They asked for information and I gave it.  Then they refused to talk to me until I hired an attorney.

I don't understand how that isn't a violation of protocol.  Whatever......I think Child Support Enforcement bends to the whims of the person who contacts them first.  My ex is their client.

The children and I mean nothing to the State of Colorado.

That's okay.

I'm probably in this situation because the universe expects me to do something about it.

It will be done.....when I figure out what needs to happen and who I need to speak with.

I never saw myself running for the house on a third party ticket.  I may need to do that to get the conversation started.

I'll try my current legislators first.

If we don't change the laws that enable manipulative deadbeats to avoid supporting their kids, how will women like my neighbor get away?  She's a homemaker like I was.  I'd hate to have her put in the situation that I find myself in. 

I wish the Department of Human Services actually hired people with a background in social science and psychology. 

Since I stopped buying Kombucha, my blood pressure has shot up.  I can't figure out how to make it well.  If I steep it too long, it tastes like vinegar.

At the International Market, I  met someone who told me how to make Tepache.  I don't use the recipe linked here.  I prefer cloves to cinnamon and piloncillo to honey. I also buy frozen ginger slices at a Market that specializes in Asian food (for about $1.00 a pound).

It's cheap.

It's easier to brew and has the same health benefits.   I found recipes that cheat (they tell you to add beer to the mix....don't do that....the yeast in the pineapple skin will do the same thing.)

It only takes three days to brew.  I like how it makes me feel, espcially since I don't have to pay Aurora's sugar sin tax.  Yeah.....they tax Kombucha as a soda.  It drives me crazy.  

Kombucha the one thing that causes my blood pressure to drop (and makes me less testy and mean.....yet they tax it....we've got some crazy peeps on the city council).  


In bad times.....

remember that there are more honest and caring people than asshats in the world.

The problem is that the asshats get all of the attention.

I will try to express my appreciation for the kinder people more often.

That said....I did find a way to promote one of my favorite authors.  He's 86.

He wrote a book which speaks very highly of the company that just hired me. 

I do a heck of a lot of networking.  A few months ago, I set the intention that if I ever had a chance to share the book with a contact at the company, I would in the hopes it would generate sales for this gentleman.

At the time, I didn't think they'd ever hire me directly.

They did.  I had my chance last week.  I gave a copy to the head of their corporate training department.

I'm hoping this spurs some sales for my favorite author or, maybe, they'll help him get some much needed publicity.

It's always nice to have the opportunity to pay it forward.

I hope it continues.

Paying it forward is like reaching out of the darkness and seeing a path due to the generation of  your light for the benefit of others.

It's okay to choose to shine brightly.  It's not selfish.  Your light can lead others out of the darkness.

Love ya,


Monday, December 4, 2017

Shadow Sides

Today I am thankful for my shadow side.

Our shadow side is what leaks out in times of stress.

It can be helpful in that it unmasks what is typically hidden.  

It is the part of us few people see. It is the primitive part of us.  It is the part that acts without thinking.  It is negative.  It is our dark side.

My shadow side is a force to be reckoned with.

It's the part of me that fights tax hikes.

It's the part of me that rats out bad governmental programs.

It's the part of me that wants to curse jerks with black candles.

I fight myself pretty hard when it comes to cursing people.

I caught myself over the weekend thinking about various people who espouse the victim mentality.

I have a neighbor who abuses her dog (she's the one married to the idiot who pulls his gun on people who park in front of my house).

Another neighbor complained about the crying for hours every day (sometimes in the middle of the night).  I know who complained.  She's the lady that runs outside in the middle of the night with a flashlight to try to comfort the crying dog.

I'm not going to rat her out.

The dog abusing neighbor ran around the neighborhood telling people it was me.

I'm known as a libertarian.  I don't call the authorities on people unless someone is in danger of losing life or limb.

The last time I called them, I found a young man in the middle of the street bloodied from a pit bull attack.  The dog owner is furious that I called. 

That kid was in pain.  I had to call an ambulance.

I never thought I'd ever call them again after they ignored the stalking (which caused some people other than me to be fearful -but- no one takes stalking seriously so I stopped calling).

The woman who runs the Animal Control department has met me.

I'm not very well liked because I want to shut them down.

They kill too many pit bulls.  This woman is better than her predecessor.  Since her tenure, there is little blood on the walls from when the dogs wag their tails and hit the bricks.  This is because she has their tails wrapped in bandages.

She also contracts with other shelters to avoid killing animals.

She's an improvement -but- she can't tell a wolf from a German Shepherd.  Yeah, she threatened to kill a German Shepherd because she mistook it for a wolf.

As a child, I had an illegal wolf dog.  His name was Larry.

I tried to send these people pictures so they could see what a wolf mix looked like.

It didn't make a difference.

An uneducated animal control department is a problem for any city.

I had neighbors confront me.  My neighbor started an internet harassment campaign which ended with me promising her that I'd start calling the authorities when her dog cries for hours on end.

I don't know what my neighbor thought she'd accomplish by harassing me.  Shaming someone like me tends to backfire big time.  Several of her buddies play loud rock music at 4:00 a.m.  I've never said a word.  Maybe I should start?

My motto is Live and Let Live - unless someone or something is in danger.

The dog is crying now.  It's outside.  It's windy and it's cold.

These people are asshats.

I hate it when the dog cries.

It's soooo sad.

My neighbor ran around telling everyone that her dog cannot bark so it cries.

I hear it bark all the time, too.  She has two dogs.  They both have distinctive doggie voices.

Now, she's trying to vilify me because she claimed to have bought a shock collar so she won't be fined by the city.

She could train the dog. 

She could buy the dog toys.

But she'd rather play the role of a victim.

She's hurting her dog because of me.

Isn't that sad? Sigh......

The dog is still barking and crying so if she bought a collar, it must be defective.  That's probably a good thing.  

I can't stand people who play victim.

I did call animal control to get advice.  They told me not to invest in devices to soothe the dogs next door.

They're right.  It is the neighbor's responsibility to train her dog and keep him inside when it is cold outside.


My stalker-ex is playing the role of a victim.

He claims to be depressed.

He claims to be homeless.

He claims to be so impoverished that the State of Colorado is actually paying for his food, shelter, clothing and gutting his child support.

The children or I will never see a dime.

As hard as it is on us....

as hard as it is to know I cannot send my kiddos to driving school,

pay for braces

or send them on field trips.....

it's not as hard as pretending to be a victim, is it?

He must have it rough.

When you tell a lie long enough, you begin to act as if it were true.

If he's impoverishing himself with the goal of not supporting his kids, it is going to hurt him the most in the long run.

I feel fairly sad for him.

He's destroying his self-esteem acting like that!

The State of Colorado is enabling him.

If I let these lawyers win, I can help end their department. 

Once the court case is over, I can start talking about the crap they file in legal briefs.


“Liberty means refusing to allow some men to use the state to compel other men to serve their interests or opinion.” 

― Auberon Herbert

I'm not the only one wronged by CO-PEP.  I met a woman online who claimed her ex was absolved of child support when he presented a handwritten note from a doctor saying that he couldn't work.  No one checked to see if the doctor was real.  There was no diagnosis given.  It was just a generic note.  She was told she couldn't collect child support until her ex supplied a note stating that he could work again.  He'll never do that.  He got what he wanted!

Our tax dollars at work, eh?

I've read stories of parents in other states who are being told that they cannot collect past due support once the children reach the age of majority.  By the time my ex gets out of the rehab they put him in, it'll be too late.

It's almost like they're running out the clock.  That wasn't our private agreement.  It's sad they can change it.

Taxpayers are darn lucky that I don't want TANF or food stamps, aren't they?  I qualify.  I just don't ask.

I feel played.

I feel like the government betrayed me again and let my abusers win.....again.

That didn't work out so well for that Florida foster mom who farmed my sister out for sex work when she was fourteen.  I squawked so hard, the Lt. Governor flew to Florida to pick up my sister.  There have been times where I had to go to the press.  I have a talent for finding people who can get attention.

I was eighteen when I fought my first fight.  .

I've been fighting government idiots since I was a kid.

Honestly, I don't think my ideology has changed at all.

It's about freedom.


Yeah, we are magical beings.  We are what our subconscious minds think ourselves to be.  If we are winners, we win.  If we play the role of a loser.....guess what happens?   It's stupid to play the role of a victim because, by doing that, you're driving yourself to loser-ville.  

"An Ye Harm None, Do What Ye Will."
-Wiccan Rede

I am Pagan.

I'm told that I'm a hippy witch. seems like I do cast what could be termed as white magick spells.

Here is a sampling of my spells.

I light a white candle and say....

please bless my Facebook friends who are in the hospital.

Please bless the mayor with wisdom.

Please replace my ditzy state representative (or give him a mind of his own).

Please....please....pretty please....if you do this I'll bargain with you and go to church.....please....grant our Commander in Chief the gift of discernment.  

Please help.....

Please bless....

Please teach....

Please protect....

Please find....

That is how my prayers typically start.

During the waxing moon I pray.

During the waning moon I stay silent.  Waning moons are times of decrease. It is a time to have things taken away.

This time.....

this time....

I caught myself picking up a black candle at the metaphysical shop and thinking to myself....

If so and so wants to be a victim, why not make it real?


That's my shadow side coming out.

If it helps, I put the black candle down and picked up a white one.  There is nothing to stop me from dipping it in black melted crayon.  I've done that before.  I wanted to end the stalking and my ex-husband's sister died (she followed me around prior to her death).  It may have been a coincidence.  I don't know.  I do know that her death, unfortunately, did not end the stalking.

There are days when I don't want to turn the other cheek anymore.

I'm getting to that point of putting on my war paint.

I'm going to see if working out will help me keep the angries away.

I am so tired of asshats victimizing others and then pretending to be the victim.

It's disgusting.

I wonder......what harm can it do to teach someone what it is really like to lose control of his or her life circumstances due to decisions that are outside of his or her control?

That's what these people are doing to others.

The dog next door cannot control whether or not his owner will let him into the house between 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.

The b!tch with the shock collar has all the power there.

I cannot control whether or not my ex will look for a job or help with the kids.

He has all the power there.

I have none.

Actually....he may have given all of his power to the state.  As a former foster child, I can tell you that is a very big mistake.

The government makes a horrible nanny.

The government is all about control.  Once it gets it's mitts on you, it makes it hard to escape it's mighty grip.

He's doing a very foolish thing.

All those years, he masqueraded as a Libertarian.

I'm embarrassed.

I think that county officials are trying to push me and the kids on welfare.

That's not going to happen.

I've got scruples.

Our shadow sides can teach us a lot about who we are.

Sometimes it takes a heck of a lot of self control to avoid giving into the temptation to act out of frustration.

Right now, I'm trying to find a middle ground.

I am realizing that I may not have to do anything to gut CO-PEP.  I get the sense that the Republicans are going to do it all on their own without any help from anyone else.

I won't stop them.

I may give them ammo.

I am NOT going to stop them.

I think many Department of Human Services programs are on the chopping block.

I'll just wait it out and see.  If there are calls for testimony, I'll throw my name in the list of people wanting to speak about the issue.

Love ya lots,


Place for Documentation

  When I was a kid, I wanted to be a pilot.  My stepdad would talk about flying into Germany during World War II.  I'd spend my weekends...