Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Delta Dreams: The Problem With Mercury Retrograde

Today I am thankful for dreams even if they confuse me. 


The problem with Mercury Retrograde is that it brings back the past.

And the past always comes back to me in dreams.

I have since had two of my old friend, Tom, and I'm trying to process them in the hopes that I learn something.

The first dream was a lot of like Alice in Wonderland.  Everything was strange, the colors in the environment didn't fit - we were standing in blue sand, with a yellow sky overhead and

Hmmm......I think the plants were green.

Tom and I are talking.

It's funny, we're living as if the djinn stories are true.

We're talking about my alleged 465 djinn.  Djinn are the dark angels of Islam.  In America, they are akin to a dark genie from Aladdin.

My favorite Djinn story is from the X-Files.  There is a wish made for world peace - everyone dies.

The only wish that can possibly be made without fail is to set the genie free.

According to lore, genies twist wishes.  If genies were to exist in this reality, I believe that they probably wouldn't understand the nuances of human language.  That would lead to quite a few misunderstandings.

Akin to the story of Midas in which Dionysus grants him the ability to turn anything he touched into gold.  Humans should be careful of what they wish for, even if they are the ones working to fulfill their own wishes.

Wish granters are ingrained in all cultures, be they fairy godmothers, mermaids, angles (sorry, dyslexic), angels, demons, djinn, leprechauns and so on.

In this dream, Tom and I are talking about djinn.  I share that someone sent me loads of freaky jewelry with alleged djinn on them.  They sit undisturbed in a box filled with salt in a drawer in my room.

In the dream, he claims to have a wish-granter with beautiful brown eyes.

She loves him.

I'm happy for him.

He says that this beautiful female with the brown eyes tells him that I love him.

Yes, of course, I love my friend.  Love doesn't mean that I'm meant to be with him.  My love doesn't mean that the brown eyed wish granter isn't supposed to be his beloved.

I had brown eyes until ten years ago, when I dreamt of the Goddess Artemis telling me that this man always loved me.  She told me that he was in deep pain and needed a friend.  I was to be there for him no matter what happens in his life.  I would awake with green eyes to remind me to be there for this friend.  When my job was done, and he was happy, my eyes would revert back to brown.

In the dream, I remember my green eyes and express my thought that the brown eyed wish granter is meant for him.  In the dream, I tell him this while giving him a very long hug.  I express my joy that he has found happiness and start to walk away.

Even in the dream, I felt like "wish-granter" was a metaphor for the love he needed, for the love that circumstance has never allowed me to share with him.

I felt like I could let it go as if everything had worked out as it should. My biggest wish has always been for his happiness. I'm walking off in the dream,

I hear grunts of anger and see a chair thrown past me.

That was weird.

I woke up.


I tried to meditate before falling asleep.

In this dream, I'm still walking away from Tom but the venue has changed.

We are no longer outside in a fantastical world.  We are now in the hallway of Arvada High School as it appeared in 1986.

The walls were concrete gray  It, quite literally, looked like a prison.  I recently toured the school.  It looks much more vibrant now - with white and red paint and many, many windows.

The school looks better now.

It looks like a prison in the dream.

I'm continuing to walk and heading towards the exit doors.  I hear a younger version of my friend walking behind me.

He tells me the name of his beloved.

It is Christian.

I wake up.

Alas, religion is the issue that always has cropped up in my relationship with Tom and other men.

Back in the 80's, we were both devout Christians.  I was Mormon.  He was a type of legalistic Christian (he attended the Hell House Church).

I was the wrong brand of Christian for him.  He thought I was in a cult. I thought his minister was crazy.

This is a point about me.

Now, most of the men I meet are devout Christian.

I'm Pagan.

Perhaps that is the lesson from the dream - perhaps I know that I am meant to be alone due to my faith.

That's okay.

It seems like my subconscious mind is telling me that my old friend is okay.  He's found love.  I can move on and stop worrying about him now.


My eyes.....they are still green.


Mercury retrograde is also a good time to review debt.

Now, I can work on finding the funds to raise my kiddos.  I've got to find another job and more money until I can collect the $60,000 in debt owed to me.  After Co-PEP dropped my ex's child support, I realize that I'm probably going to have to sell the house and move the kids, even though the divorce decree forbids it.  I can't work 24 hours a day.  I have to take time to parent.

I wish the government would follow it's own rules.  I wish my ex would follow the divorce decree. dad used to say...."wishes are like assholes, everyone has one - no one wants any more."

Yeah....Dad was an alcoholic.  His wisdom was fairly strange.  If one meditated enough on his words, one could find some meaning in them.....eventually.  I always assumed that hard work made for minimal wishes as one would work to make their goals reality. 

On the bright side, It's good to know that my subconscious mind is telling me that everything works out in the end.

Well...except the chair throwing thing.  What is up with that?

Empty chairs, in dreams, typically represent loss. Empty chairs represent the loved ones who are no longer around.  So maybe, it's just a statement of what we lost.  We would talk about in our thirties.  We spoke about the loss of our relationship and how we didn't know what we were doing during the relationship.  I sure hope it led to greater and better things for my dear friend.

Let's see if this puts the Tom dreams to rest.

Love ya,


Sunday, March 24, 2019

The Beatles Understand What Colorado Lawmakers Do NOT

Today, yet again, I am thankful for the Beatles. 

I heard this playing in the background of my life one day.  I realized that this describes pretty much the bullsh!t I've dealt with for most of my adult life.

Colorado lawmakers are now trying to pass a law allowing ANYONE to file a concern about another person (irrespective of mental health) to take their firearms away.  I fully expect Mr. Stalker or his family to complain about me to try to drag me into court.  This is why I no longer have a firearm (don't worry....I'm resourceful...hairspray, lighters, crossbows, tasers, demons and hellhounds - lol....let's see what a judge says about those things).

I think it's almost recall time in Aurora.

Domestic abusers are well known for playing the victim.  Recent research shows that these men feel victimized when they lose their power and control over the true victim (trying to find link to an expensive article).  Entitled people often claim to be the victims when they lose what they feel they are entitled to having.  This is true for both women and men.

This may be a helpful resource.  The following is good document describing how to tell an abuser from a victim:

I fully expect to come under fire should the red flag bills pass.  This is why I'll stay true to my Pagan heritage and invest in other forms of self-protection.

It is illegal to open carry a cross-bow in Aurora.

I can carry pepper spray and a taser.

If the gossips are to be believed, I have much more interesting means of self-protection.

If anyone doesn't understand domestic violence, they may want to listen to John Lennon describe it.



Saturday, March 23, 2019

The Sad Result of Stalking and The Possible Motive

Today I am thankful for an a-ha moment. 

It's easy for everyone to understand that stalking is done to create fear in the stalked.  It's probably easy for most people to understand that the stalker derives a sense of control over the lives of the victims because it creates fear and limits the worldly activities of the stalked. 

The following is based upon my personal experience. 

Stalkers, if they don't get their way, will go on to harass friends and family.  They'll go into workplaces and harass colleagues and clients.   They'll even go into colleges and harass students professors, and academic advisers. 

For the stalking victim, this results in the loss of academic opportunities, internships, jobs, and creates distance between friends and family. 

I'm at an age where many of my friends are dying.  There are regrets about distancing myself from them out of fear of getting them harassed. 

A friend entered hospice a week ago.  This is hard for me. 

I first noticed the stalking in 1992 but I didn't consider it stalking.  It was harassment.  It was annoying.  I had another ex, an auto mechanic, who cut the transmission lines of my car one day when I was subpoenaed to testify against him after he put me in the hospital (he beat me bloody with a hammer -  I nearly died). 

Of course, he destroyed my car in order to keep me from testifying and keep himself out of jail.  His trick worked.  Arapahoe County DAs and some of the judges seem to be a special kind of stupid.

He may have killed me if I testified against him anyway.  It's probably better that he destroyed my transmission.  

It didn't matter to me.  I wanted to be free to live my life as I saw fit. I changed my name and hid under the radar.  I kept my first name but changed the spelling, gave myself an insane middle name and took on a very common last name.  I did this to give myself the exact same name as another woman in the city. 

I figured this would make me harder to find. 

Here's the problem. 

That wasn't the only time my transmission lines were cut.  It happened a couple of times in the years that followed.  In fact, after that day, I started to experience a new kind of harassment.  I lived alone and had consistent break-ins, property damage to my car, my landlord was called with complaints of bizarre activity and I'd get nasty messages on my phone answering machine.  

My landlord, the police, my friends and my family blamed the ex who beat me up in a drunken rage. 

Well, I did, too.  

I did this despite the callers revealing their names within the nasty and accusatory messages.  Within the first six months of 1992, I identified the callers as two girlfriends from high school, the mother and aunt of one of these girls, my future mother-in-law,  my future sister-in-law. 

Yes, a friend from high school had introduced me to her cousin.  He seemed to like me.  

I was in no position to date.  It took him six months to a year to win me over.  

After about a year of dating, we broke up due to the harassment from his family. 

His aunt called to apologize.  It ended for a bit.  We got back together and eventually married. 

The story goes on from there.  It's long and boring.  Over time, the behavior escalated.  It turned into property damage which caused me to lose my apartment.  I wound up living with him.  The behavior escalated and caused me to lose my job and drop out of a doctoral program.  I even gave up an internship with the Arapahoe County DAs office due to the harassment.  

One of my stalker's friends wanted to beat a murder charge and asked me to meddle with his file.  I told the assistant DA but she didn't understand.  I know the guy murdered his baby daughter and I shared what I knew with the DA.  He beat his wife daily.  Some idiotic judge in Arapahoe County gave him full custody of the other three children. 

When the calls didn't stop and when my ex started to scream insanities into the phone when my boss at the DAs office called, my boss and I decided that it would be best if I were to leave until I could divorce my abuser. 

Yes, the DAs office staff were able to quickly catch on that this guy was abusing me.  Years later, they would prove to be unwilling to prosecute the stalking.

I'm a libertarian pagan.  It's up to me to fight to be free. It's what the Goddess Ishtar, the model for the Statue of Liberty, would expect. 

Women were not made to tolerate the abuse of immature men.


The story goes on.  I'm now trying to fix the mess he created.  Right now, I'm struggling to get health insurance for the kiddos.  Yes, he got a huge child support discount to provide it 


he's found that Arapahoe County will help deadbeats basically drop their child support to nothing.

Deadbeat dads, here is what you do*: you get a part-time job making minimum wage and provide those paycheck stubs to the county.  Don't quit your day job.  Don't give them those paycheck stubs. Don't follow the court order and share your income tax information, either. 

If your ex can't afford an attorney, you're off the hook for more than the minimum of child support. 

If she has a lawyer, you can use the county to bully her into mediating child support without her lawyer.  

I told them NO.  

They'd better pray I don't embrace the archetype of Kali should I ever run for office again. 

I know who I'd destroy (Cough - CO-PEP - Cough).  They should follow the protocols handed down by the feds when they received their funding and screen for domestic violence.  

Oh's not like powerful people are watching - yet. 

Abusers can find flying monkeys in the most bizarre places.  


He has family members that harass me on his behalf.  I've only caught my ex stalking me ONCE.  

It's typically people I don't know - people that I eventually wind up learning are relatives and friends of his family. 

Those are his flying monkeys. 

The flying monkeys have ruined my life.  I don't advertise my business.  In trying to get health insurance, I've taken some very low paying jobs.  I finally figured out that taking a low paying job as a behavioral health specialist can help me finish my doctorate.  That's what I'm doing now.  

Perhaps I should blog about the funny ways I've failed to get health insurance for the kids: most insurance agent jobs don't provide insurance, most health insurance companies like to keep people listed as perma-temps (promising insurance but never delivering it). 

Let's see if the mental hospital helps me get insurance on the kids.   

I made $1,400 this month.  I really wish Arapahoe County could get wise to my ex's bullshit.  If he could get caught - that would be great.  

I could go about and get a REAL job, if I didn't have to hide under the radar, I could make more money.   Whenever I advertise my business or am in the public eye, the stalking picks up considerably.  There really is no way to drum up high paying gigs without being easily found.

The stalking and harassment handcuffs me.  


It's a good thing I have things I can sell to get by. 

This brings me back to fear. 

It was only this morning that I realized it was inter-generational fear. 

I finally found the means to take my kiddos to therapy.  One of them may not be able to get therapy because of the law.  My uncooperative ex has joint custody.  They need his permission.  

I don't think they'll get it.  

The other kiddo is old enough to sign up for it on her own.  

One of the therapists broke confidentiality.  By law, I'm supposed to report her to DORA.  I won't.  Maybe I'll ask my daughter to sign a release allowing the therapist to speak to me as to protect the therapist. 

This therapist came to me to tell me that my daughter is terrified to do anything.   

I told her about the stalking.  Stalking creates fear.  Fear creates a situation where people are frozen and immobilized. 

The stalking may finally be over.  The fear and the isolation bubble need to be broken. 

I looked back upon the history of my ex-husband's family.  They are horribly enmeshed.  Every generation is enmeshed. 

Kids don't leave home until they are in their thirties and forties.  Marriages are short lived.  The parents are in the middle of everything.  

There is a sense of fear when it comes to stepping out of the world on their own. 

It dawned on me that this behavior serves to keep the elders in control of their kids.  This is one thing I was told during our marriage by my in-laws.  I was supposed to have kids and abandon the family so that my ex and the kids could go back to his mother. 

Over my dead #$@#$##$@@ body...…. It would make more sense for me to stick around and help my aging mother-in-law who seems to be in denial about aging and her life stage. 

It must be about enmeshment so that the parents can stay in their role a little bit longer than what is socially prescribed.  It's about power and control. 

I'm seeing this in my own household. My kids are afraid of taking the driver's test, submitting college applications, dating and living life!  They are afraid of individuating!! 


This morning, I remembered a story told by my ex-husband's youngest uncle.  He told me that he was expected to go on dates with all of his older siblings and report to his parents what happened. 

This would play out thirty years later when I'd catch my husband's youngest sister watching us. 

It would continue after my divorce.  I caught his sister watching me in public numerous times and at least on one date. 

I don't date anymore. 


I'm realizing that I have to break the cycle. 

My kids won't even DATE! 


I'm going to have to live by example.  They see me shrinking myself to hide from the ex and his family. 

They are following my lead. 

The buck stops here.  I'm not hiding anymore.  

The moment I stand in the sun, my kiddos will have permission to do the same. 

Life is a daring adventure or nothing at all.  

Pass on the out of state college applications!!  I'll need four - one for me and three for each of my daughters! 

College is the best opportunity they have to get out of state and away from my ex-husband's crap. 

The narcissistic enmeshment trap can stop with him, too.   He doesn't have to stalk.  He doesn't have to break rules.  He doesn't have to allow his family to do the same.

This behavior will ruin his relationships with each of the children and make it impossible to get them back.

There is a steep price to pay when refusing to allow your kids to grow up.

It's not worth it.  

Love ya,


*Abusers win because courts, GALs, therapists forbid their victims from talking about the abuse.

You know what?  If we start talking about the games they play, perhaps their inadvertant flying monkeys will see the behavior for what it is.

If you want to take my deadbeat dad advice, understand that people like me are trying to educate the powers that be to what goes on at the dept of human services.  Right now, child support services gets a subsidy if they collect a higher percentage of child support: dropping the amount of child support due makes it look like they're collecting more money.  That is why the trick works now.

Deadbeats, I caution you to use it at your peril.  It won't work forever.

Edit 4/6/19: ex is lying.  He's telling my attorney that I am demanding mediation.  Nope.  He wants to mediate with CO-PEP (unethical as they ignored salary data and represented him in a case to drop his child support) and during the divorce we agreed to use another service.  Of course he wants to use CO-PEP, for some reason, they've given him the impression that he does not need to follow the separation agreement or parenting plan.  He's giving me the impression that CO-PEP states he doesn't have to help with health insurance and can ignore our agreements.

I expected that he wouldn't want to help pay for their health care.  I didn't expect the State of Colorado to support this.  Colorado lawyers are basically arguing to lower his child support claiming it was set too high ( was set via the standard worksheet with a $500 per month discount for health insurance that he never provided).  They also want me to agree to drop his arrears!  I can't afford to do that after he raided the retirement and cost me $20,000 in legal fees.

Why is Colorado coddling deadbeats?  It makes no sense. I need to speak to the Republican legislators I know.  If they want to drop Medicaid rolls, they need to look into the abuses at CO-PEP.  I wonder how many families are on SNAP, TANF, WIC and Medicaid due to the sheer number of men let off the hook for support by this organization.

The truth is that the kids shouldn't be on Medicaid.  Colorado taxpayers shouldn't have to support the kids in any fashion at all.  Child support is supposed to be based on earning capacity - not- earnings due to underemployment. Most people don't leave professional jobs to take hourly jobs as a bus driver as my ex did.

My ex now makes exactly what I make as an intern!  What the heck?

I haven't worked for other people very much in my life due to the harassment.  In order to get licensed as a therapist, I have to work for two years for next to nothing.  I'm thankful I found someone willing to pay me to be an intern.  They are willing to give me insurance 90 days after their new facility opens.

So.....I will get health coverage this summer should my new job take hold.  It will cost me $722 per month in premiums.

I made $1,400 last month.

Maybe I should change my name again so I can start advertising my business.  I need to support the children.

I can't believe CO-PEP swept in like an ill-advised wanna-be hero to help an abuser get away with ignoring court orders.  They need defunded....yesterday!

I finally realized why CO-PEP doesn't want my lawyer around, they ignore the law!!  My lawyer is supposed to send a statement allowing them to talk to me without her input.  After all the abuse I've endured from my ex, I refuse to do that.

It all makes sense now.  I need to talk to our lawmakers.  This is INSANE!



Friday, March 8, 2019

A Decision

Today I am thankful for a decision. 

For over 27 years, I've let the same guy and his family dictate my life.

I've let them harass me and treat me like crap.

I've let them harass me into giving up a doctoral program, giving up jobs, giving up volunteer opportunities and other things.

I will not let them harass me into giving up my creative writing venture.


The harassment started in high school as gossip (although at the time, I didn't understand who was behind it),

it followed me through a marriage and after the divorce.

The venue has consistently changed.

It has gone from school hallways, to telephone harassment, to harassment in my own home -

now it's just legal harassment through state and county agencies.

You know what, it's time I stop giving these negative entities power over me - civil and government.

I'm libertarian: It is offensive when a government entity enables my stalker to harass me.

It's a sick day when I tell another pagan that I'm more afraid of my ex-husband's family

than I am of the demons she allegedly worships.


I'll put everything back up.

I've also had people discuss sharing some of the MBTI stuff with students.  This is probably the real reason I'm putting everything back up.

That said - some of what I write is gossip reflected outwards.  I write about the weird stuff people say about me in the hopes that reflecting upon their statements can reveal some bizarre grain of truth about myself.

Sometimes it does.

Sometimes I think I'm just writing about a bizarre fictional person.

Other times, the reflections cause me to think about stuff that I should have been long forgotten.

Anyway, I'll do my best to keep this blog up.

I am afraid of my ex-husband and his family.  I will never understand the truth of what happened.

All I know is that they are toxic.  The clues were there since 1984 - when the gossip of one of my ex-husband's cousins and her friend came back around to me my sophomore year of high school.

Some people never grow out of high school.

The biggest gift they've given me is the lesson that I need to keep my eyes open.

I need to teach my daughters self-respect and self-protection.

There is a part of me that still wants to defund Colorado government entities that actually encourage domestic abusers to engage in harassment and financial abuse of their ex-wives.

I'd rather not go back into politics -but- when a representative of this entity wants to speak to me on my ex-husband's behalf without my attorney, I'm realizing that lives could be saved if people like me were to speak up.

Right now, I'm in the process of considering if running to the press with the emails would be harmful to the children.  These emails show my ex-husband (and the government entity) in a less than pristine manner.

Or I could just start talking about the issue in front of politicians.

Why are we enabling financial abuse?

The entity was created to help fathers who lack the ability to make a living wage.  Men who do not have work experience or college degrees.  Men who, no doubt, need help and coaching.

Based on what I'm learning, they're helping well-paid professionals skirt child support.

This is a horrible waste of our tax dollars.


It's a little bit sick but I am in debt to the tune of $19,000.  Of all of the debt, $14,000 is attorney fees spent trying to get my ex to leave me alone.

The other $5,000 is due to a new tranny and engine work on my car.


I'll never collect on the judgments I have from this guy to the tune of $15,000 (not counting child support arrearages).

Being on the receiving end of harassment is expensive.

At least I'm safe.

At least I qualify for a $60,000 loan to repair the damage to the house.  On the bright side, the house will be crawling with contractors in the foreseeable future.

That's one way to stay safe from creepy stalkerish ex-husbands.  Maybe....unless he gets jealous of all the young guys banging on the roof.


You know, the harassment and the legal bs (including the money owed to me) is just a way for this guy to stay in my life.

If I can just find a way to pay off the debt and ignore the bs, my life would be better.


Yes, I have learned that he is trying to harass me into forgiving his arrearages.  I can't do that.  The arrearages are really the only thing keeping this guy from dragging me into court for stupid crap.

If he goes to court, he'll go to jail due to his continued contempt.  He is ignoring just about everything agreement we made in our divorce agreement of 2013!

The harassment I'm dealing with is due to the help he's getting from the state of Colorado and Arapahoe County.  They're trying to pressure me into doing a mediation to drop his child support and arrearages despite their statements that they do not do that.  They say they'll help mediate parenting time.  He doesn't want to mediate parenting time.  He IS expecting the mediation to force me to drop child support and the $45,000 in arrearages.

Mediation doesn't work when one expects the other party to comply with all of his demands.  He has already copied me on messages to the CO-PEP mediation department expressing his "frustration" that I will not violate court orders.

That in and of itself is a red flag.  They should know better than to pressure me into a mediation with a man who expresses frustration and the thought of not getting his way.  That's mediation 101.

So.....I think I'll follow the order of our divorce decree and mediate using the method ordered within the decree.

Worse, the funding documents state that CO-PEP is to screen for domestic violence prior to taking new clients.  Their client in an abuser.  They are enabling and teaching him methods of continued financial abuse.

I wish for CO-PEP to be defunded.

One of these days, it will happen.

Mark my words.


Yes, I type this stuff when I'm sleep deprived.

A single mom....

with two jobs....

attending school....

and four hours of sleep per night

make for some strange insights.

The saddest thing of all is that I'm learning that I'm not alone.  Other single parents are enduring the same thing from this entity.

We, as a society, need to take a hard look at the intersection between the Father's Rights Initiative and domestic violence.  I'm sorry but normal, healthy guys don't play the games women like I have endured.

They don't stalk.   They don't engage in property damage.  They don't refuse to leave their ex-wives homes for years at a time.  They don't quit $53,000 per year jobs and present evidence that they worked in a call center for six weeks as proof they can't pay child support.  They certainly don't refuse to follow court orders and share income information or cover their kids on their insurance plans as ordered.

Pay attention to this one: They don't send emails to their children's mother stating that they won't visit the children because she openly talks about the abuse she endured.

Yes, I have many of those emails.  I can't afford to shut up. Silence endangers women.

Healthy fathers make their kids a priority over their desire to control their ex-wives.

The sad truth is that the few idiots are ruining the movement.  Father's Rights gurus may want to differentiate between the guys who will only see the kids when they think it will force their ex to drop $60,000 in judgements and the guys who truly want relationships with their kiddos.

I'm a libertarian.  The government shouldn't be funding welfare for me, my children or my abusive ex.

CO-PEP needs defunded.

Sigh....if I don't speak up, who will?

Please....don't make me throw my hat into a ring again.  I am trying very hard to lead a peaceful life outside of politics and spend my hours helping people in need within the community.

But if CO-PEP is going to enable my ex to destroy my peace, I may as well jump back in the ring.

Sadly, running for office is often more efficient than trying to reach out to politicians.

Love ya,


Wednesday, March 6, 2019

A Strange Little Dream and A Realization

Today I am thankful for the insight of a very short dream. 

In this dream, I'm walking along a street from my youth.  It's 58th avenue around Olde Wadsworth, near my former office.

I'm walking down this street in the middle of the night.  By the looks of the area, I'd say I'm envisioning it the way it looked 33 years ago.

In the past twenty years, I've had dreams of the same place.  There were several in which I am with an old friend.  We were older, holding hands walking down the street past the light rail trains.

The dreams were so real to me that I actually thought there was a light rail train in Arvada back in 2007!  My old friend corrected me before I wound up lost during one of my trips to meet with him.  I'm glad he did that, too.  I would have stood at the bus station for an eternity waiting for a train that wouldn't come for another 12 years!

They finally opened a light rail train in that very spot this year.

In the dream from last night, my friend and I look as we do now but the environment resembles the look and feel it had in the mid-late 80's.

In this dream, I'm walking down the street and holding my best friend's hand.  I don't see his face but I know who he is.

Yes, I hypnotized myself to NEVER see his face in my dreams.

I didn't have the foresight to hypnotize myself to forget his voice.

Silly me...

I'm walking down the street with him.  Much to his chagrin, I'm in the street while he is close to the sidewalk.

He never liked to put me at risk.  He always had me walk closest to the building (unless it was raining and I would get wet).

We were too young to talk about more fun ways of getting wet.

He was very chivalrous. He always stood up when I entered into a room.  He always got me coffee when he got his own.  He kept me safe from overflowing gutters and puddles and creeps.

He didn't have to expend so much energy on me.

In this dream, we are walking on our path and we play with the stray dogs.

It's nice until some idiot and his buddy stop in front of us.  They are in a 1970's era pick up with crates in the bed of the truck.  The crates are filled with dogs.

I let go of my friend's hand.

My friend and I grab the dogs that we can.  One of the guys jumps out of the truck and grabs the dogs from me.

I ask what he wants them for, he tells me that they are going to be slaughtered.

I mutter a Latin curse under my breath.

I take a picture of the vehicle and, as the driver starts cursing me out, I tell him that I'll find him again soon and that his little business venture will be short lived.

I have less socially acceptable ways of cursing people.

I invoke Artemis.

Then I look at my friend's black shoes and in my shame I state sorrowfully,

"This is why we can only have half a relationship - if that."

Then I'm off chasing the vehicle as there are dogs to save.

Too bad, I don't have my crossbow.  The arrows would make quick work of the tires.

Men don't want women fighting battles.  Women like me are destined to be single.

I awoke.


On November 5, 2003, it was the Goddess Artemis who came to me in a dream and told me that this man still loved me.  Our love was special, it wasn't lustful or romantic.  It was true friendship.

She told me that he'd come back for me when he needed me and that she'd give me green eyes to remind me of the dream.  My eyes would revert back to brown when he got what he needed.

My eyes were a deep dark brown.  I always wanted green eyes.  No one in my family had green eyes.

I awoke to behold that I now had emerald green eyes.  I still have them.

For years, I had nightmares of my old friend.  I prayed he was married.  I prayed that my love for him would be sent to his wife so he'd get the benefits of my feelings without the annoyance I tend to invoke in him.

He showed up in my world five years later.  This was when the stalking became unbearable.  My ex's family had always harassed me in public.  When my old friend came back, they got sneakier. I had fake web pages made in my image (these were nasty and filthy).  They harassed colleagues and clients.

When Google+ goes down, at least one of the fake pages will finally be down.

I thought the harassment was my imagination until I ran for office.  The harassment ended during the campaign but really picked up when the election was over.

A cop told me what was going on.

My ex was jealous of my old friend and was keeping tabs on me because he thought we were having sex.


No.  My old friend really isn't that in to me.

I realize now why I dreamt of Artemis rather than Aphrodite:

Our relationship was less like that of Adonis and Aphrodite:

It was more like the relationship between Artemis and Orion.  It was rare friendship.

It ended in pain.

I only see him in my dreams, when the stars are out.

Today is the feast day of Artemis.  I'll make an offering now.

My old friend is in my dreams.  I pray he's living the life of his dreams now.

Love ya,


Sunday, March 3, 2019

Deadly Adventures in Vanity

Today I am thankful for lidocaine. 



this is uncomfortable. nickname is Siegfred and I have a problem.

I'm getting older.

The older I get, the more intense my beauty routine becomes.

For over twenty years, I've smeared glycolic acid around my body once a month to keep wrinkles, cellulite and stretch marks at bay.

I had a mishap today.

I burned my abdomen.  I have two three degree burns - one is a 8" x 3" patch.  The other is about 4" by 1/4".  It hurts when my clothes rub against what is left of my skin.

I think it's becoming infected.

I betcha it's going to scar.


People guess my age as sometime in my late thirties.

Sneaking an extra decade feels pretty fun, especially when my baby sister looks older than I.


This isn't worth it.

I wish I had health insurance.  I start my dream job tomorrow and will qualify for coverage in 90 days.

This is one time I need a doctor.

Vanity kills.

It's not worth it.

I should just get back to old habit of bathing in wine.  I used to do that before I got into addiction medicine.  I couldn't go to a counseling session smelling like a winery.

That would be cruel.

It WOULD be safer.

Love ya,


Friday, March 1, 2019


Today I am thankful for seeing the truth. 

As you probably know, Colorado has a deadbeat parent excuse-making program called CO-PEP.  They are funded by the National Fatherhood Initiative.  Their primary purpose is to help men lower their child support significantly (even if it means ignoring salary data) and helping them regain a relationship with their kids.

My ex "lost" his job as an auditor making $53,000 a year.  He was fired a day after his former employer took a black light through his office looking for "biological material."  We were divorced.  He refused to move from my home but it didn't cause too much of a stir because he traveled 75% of the time for business.  I eventually realized that I couldn't date or have an intimate relationship until my ex moved from the house.

I'd ask him to move.  He never did because he was always on the road.

Now, this was when the stalking was at it's height.  I was freaking out so my ex bought a security camera and placed it in the living room by the front window.  This device recorded every conversation I had and piped it to his work cell phone.  He would literally play back my private conversations to me.

I learned, very quickly, not to have conversations in the living room.

One day, while he was allegedly in California, someone began banging on the front window.  There was smell of smoke wafting into the living room.  A few minutes later, someone turned on the garden hose.  I ran to the front door, only to be held back by my eldest daughter who was afraid that the person was the unknown stalker trying to lure me out of the house.

When I went outside, I found burned paper on the porch, my yard decorations trampled and the garden hose cut.

I called my ex, to see if he could send me the footage of the event so I could take it to the police and, hopefully, learn the identity of the stalker.

He declined to share the footage and flew home.

He was fired a little over two months later.  He claims that my request for the footage caused him to be fired.

This is the excuse he's giving now for refusing to speak to the children for over two years.  He's claiming that I caused his job loss.  He's also using this as an excuse to ignore our court agreement asking us to share salary information every year.

He had a $12 an hour job for six weeks two years ago, that is the income that CO-PEP used to drop his child support significantly.  It's a shame they don't understand that providing paycheck stubs for a part-time/temp job is a strategy many men use to reduce their child support.

Now, two years ago, he claimed to have had a drinking issue so I agreed to drop his child support to $500 a month.  Of course, now that he wants custody, he never drank a drop of alcohol.  Oh geez!

There are too many games.  There is too much chaos.  What can I expect with someone who needs the drama?  I should just cut my losses.

I wonder if he believes the crazy Djinn stories?

I wish for enough money to render my ex's support irrelevant.

This isn't to mention his $45,000 in arrears.  I offered to drop the arrears and give him my car in exchange for him moving out of the house in 2016.  He refused so I had to hire a lawyer to take him to court (that little adventure is a $14,000 credit card nightmare that my ex is court ordered to pay for but hasn't...$500 per month in interest but it's worth it to get the drama pushed away).

I didn't drop the arrears but he ended up with my car and he lied to the insurance company (he claimed we were still married) so I had to pay his insurance until the policy ended three months later.

Now...he wants CO-PEP to help him drop the arrears.

That ship sailed in 2016.

CO-PEP is the topic of many conversations I'm having with local lawmakers.  They're supposed to screen for domestic violence, not condone it or help abusers engage in financial abuse.

He copies me on emails to his CO-PEP counselor expressing his frustration that I won't violate court orders to do what he wants.  CO-PEP has invited me to mediate child support arrears on the condition that I won't have a lawyer.

With my ex, I need a lawyer.

It would seem to me that the CO-PEP department needs schooled on coercive control and mediation best practices.  Mediation is a bad idea if one party expresses frustration when he doesn't get what he wants.

 It also seems that an organization that has represented my ex in a legal fashion over the past three years is ill suited to mediate.  It seems like a conflict of interest.

I probably should wait until my youngest turns 19 to run to the press.

Boy.....they're lucky I have to work two jobs and don't have a lot of time to mess around with local politics.

I wish CO-PEP would be defunded before they get someone killed.


Love ya,


Place for Documentation

  When I was a kid, I wanted to be a pilot.  My stepdad would talk about flying into Germany during World War II.  I'd spend my weekends...