Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Wasting a Full Moon

Would you believe this is my favorite musical group? 
I have all the Gregorian albums. 
Can't say that for any band.  
Weird, eh? 

Today I'm thankful that I'm the laziest witch on the planet. 

So - in the past few days

I thought about doing a ritual to help me find new material for the dreams. 

Yesterday was a full moon so I set about to write about what I wanted. 

All I could get out was 

"Mars in Sagittarius" 

Yeah, my Mars is in Sagittarius.  Certain activities are a sport.  Maybe I just need to find someone as athletic as I. 

I'd like him to be smart so I can hold a conversation with him once in a while,  


Like dogs, 

not hit people or animals, 

be too busy to stalk, 

have enough arm strength to hold himself up during certain activities....

Other than that, I'm not really picky. 

Honestly, I don't trust my ability to pick men out.  Judging by my last few relationships, my picker is broken. 

So - I gave up on that idea despite my horde of red candles. 

I stole some bay leaves that had fallen from Apollo's tree and put them under my pillow. 

They say if you do that, you'll dream of your next adventure. 

Well - 

If I had known it would keep me from dreaming, I would have done that years ago. 

Apparently, there is no one for me....

Or, the universe knows I'd just run off if I met the person knowing our fate. 

Yeah - I'm not feeling sorry for myself. 

I'm actually smiling because alone time is an introvert paradise - it just gives me more time to bitch, paint and slap. 

Love ya, 


Sunday, December 27, 2020

The Need to Move On

Love the melody to this one.....

Today I am a bit shaken but I know it's because I've overstayed my time in this place.  I am thankful for the insight. 


For many years, I advocated for the closure of Arapahoe House (AH) due to the sexual assaults that occurred within the patient and employee population.  One sexual assault in particular, caused me to run for office in my city after the owner of this chain of detox and rehab centers allegedly pressured a certain city attorney* to make up charges against the sexual assault victim to pressure her not to sue. 

After finding the right guy to tell the story to, the charges against the victim were dropped.  It took eighteen months. 

The owner of the company called me at my home to, basically, say they were not going to change their protocol.  After that ill-fated conversation, I'd been praying for their shut down for about six years before they went under.  I told numerous lawmakers about it with intention of gutting their funding. 

Tax payers should not have to pay for women to be raped and silenced for telling their stories. 

They went under about three years ago.  

They must be zombies - because these people are all around my world! 

The company I work for bought one of their facilities.  It is run down.  The pipes leak and were repaired with tape. 

It's a dirty, filthy, disgusting facility. I cut myself on their equipment numerous time a week.  In fact my right index finger is just barely starting to scab over.  It makes slapping and plucking Charlie* hard. I'll have to put off guitar shopping for another weekend. 

The company I chose to work for seemed to mirror my values.  Love the addict.  Don't tear addicts down because the drug has done that for them.  Build them up.  My personal favorite is Don't Label People! 

If you notice, they even label people in their dos and donts. 

Well, my boss is hiring a bunch of folks from AH to toy with the culture.  It's turning into hell on Earth.  They are labeling people without having adequate time to understand their psychology.  They take away things from them that could help build their confidence or find interests to keep them inspired to do things other than use or drink (e.g. guitars from musicians, sketch pads from artists). 

It's disgusting.  

When I asked why they take these things, I was told it was because these people were indigent and on Medicaid.  If they had private insurance, the leadership wouldn't take their things away.  I was told people with private insurance get customer service.  People with Medicaid don't.  


Medicaid isn't paying.  There is a grant that is funded by taxpayers which is footing the bill.  It may be time for a few open records requests. 

As a political activist, I am pissed off.  Why in the heck should taxpayers pay to tear people down???!!!! 

It's cheaper to build them up.  I feel a political meeting spree and a journal article coming on. 


Worse, we are billed as a dual-diagnosis facility but we have no LPCs, No family therapists, and no doctors.  Hell - I'm very close to licensure and can't take time off to take classes.  



I was attacked on Christmas.  The person who attacked me apologized shortly afterwards.  We had a couple of conversations in which this person showed insight about why he or she did it.  That person made a plan to get better. 

Yesterday, I was called to a meeting in which this person was vilified - not for the attack but for being a "spoiled" brat.  It's as though the chain of command isn't reading the information I write. 

I was told to spend time doing DBT with the patient. do you think the patient got to the insight?  

I wrote everything in the patient's chart and in an email to the counselor.  Maybe they don't read? 


The patient is upset because some staff are picking on people for slouching and petty crap.  I'm a safe person so the patient took it out on me.  

They're probably trying to get me to quit so they can hire more AH people who don't seem to read the SAMHSA website. 


They are trying to pressure me to work 20 hours a week at no pay and calling it a "practicum" and it's the only way I'll get trained to be a counselor at this particular center (even though I do some master's level intake work now).  

That's illegal.  If anyone takes an employer up on an offer to do a job they already pretty much do at no pay just because they are a student - they can sue for back wages. 

I don't tolerate unethical behavior. 


I'm looking for a new job baby.....a new job.....yeah...yeah...yeah! 


Yesterday got worse, too. 


this is hard to write about....

I wonder if public transport drivers can choose their routes? 

The reason I ask is that I literally sat in traffic with my stalkerish ex-husband next to me at a stop light.

I was on my way to work at a strange time of day. 

He was very close to my house. 

I'm talking the closest major cross street to  my home.  

He actually combed his hair. 

He was wearing a white shirt with large light blue stripes. 

He was wearing a chartreuse face mask.   If you read this thing, this was the color I hypnotized myself to turn into a husband-pleasing hypno-slut in an effort to save my marriage. 

The color doesn't mean anything to me now.  I had to fix that after my old flame sat in a room with me featuring a painting with that color on it.  I think he took a picture.  On the bright side, he bought me some iced coffee and I proved that I have a heck of a lot of self-control.  

It's obvious that the color means something to Mr. Stalker now. 


I've got to move. 

This is too much. 

I'm looking for a new home baby.....

a new home....


Too bad I'm court ordered to live here. 

My ex doesn't follow the court orders.  Maybe a judge will let me move if I forgive the child support my ex will never pay. 


I may come back to write more after I send in a couple of job applications.  

All I want to say is 




Tearing people down is a waste of time. 



Monday, December 21, 2020

Almost Sex Dream

 Today I am thankful it is Yule. 

Unfortunately, there is no time to celebrate. 

Apparently, it's a very magickal day.  It's said that the planets are aligning in a beneficial way in a way that has not happened since 1200 a.d.. 

I never looked it up, so I don't know.  I'm just reporting what a Shaman told me. 

Last, night I did a couple of rituals for people I know. 

One charity needs money. 

A friend needs a job. 

I want to stop dreaming of a former friend, so I still light little white candles and ask that whatever he wants be brought to him for his highest good. 

It's so weird dreaming of someone who dislikes me and being worried about him. 

Oh well - maybe I just need to find something to keep me busy. 

So, I said that same prayer for myself on a different altar. 

My candle burned cleanly. 

The others, not so much. 

The white candle for my former friend is now leaving a lot of wax - that's a bad omen.  It means there is something he needs to overcome to get what he truly desires (whatever that may be - it could be that he dreams of winning the lottery but never buys a ticket). 

The same thing happened for the person who needs a job. At least her candle set off the smoke alarm.  That means that spirit is trying to find her something better than the opportunity she's looking at. 

I'll have to keep doing the rituals until the wax starts burning away more cleanly.  

I probably burn through 50 white candles a week now. 

I had another dream of a man from the past. I'm pretending to be in denial - like I'm not exactly sure who the person was in the dream.  It was obviously someone who knew me. 

It was more of a nightmare than the ones where people were  injured. 

Somehow, I think that intimate dreams where people are hurt are far worse than breaking a limb.  Bones heal - hearts.....well....they take a lot longer. 

I'm in a house I used to rent when I was very young. 

He's visiting. 

My stalkerish ex is watching through a window. 

A beautiful woman with long dark hair is watching too. 

This guy tries to put the moves on me. 

We have an audience. 

I'm not into that kind of performance. 

I look around the room and see baby clothes near where we sat. 

Those should not be there.  Maybe I bought them to donate to work? 

Or maybe it's a bad omen. 

Then I see the woman with the long dark hair as she's come into the house.  
I point at her and I ask why she's watching. 

Then I realize she's either in a relationship with this person or wants to be. 

Gosh, she's beautiful. 

I gotta get out of here!  

In typical Siegfred fashion......

(wait for it....)

took a page from Monty Python 

I ran away. 

When he started to chase me (with my stalkerish ex trailing behind),  

I taunted them with my horrible singing voice singing a chorus 

Don't touch, back up, I'm not the one
Listen up, it's just not happening
You can say what you want to your girlfriends
Just let me have my fun tonight
Then there was final insult. 

A voice yells 

"You're not half as bad as you think you are!" 

I wake up.  

My subconscious mind is crazy. 

When I dream of this guy, I lose a lot weight. 

This must be a new diet plan. 

I'd really like to lose another 20 pounds. 

But - 

I'd rather work out, or ride my bike or something. 

This is kinda creepy. 

There must be a warning in that dream. 

Maybe I just need to get a prescription and find a new boyfriend to give me newer material for the  dreams. 

The creeped out look I get when I wake up is going to make me wrinkle. 



Sunday, December 20, 2020

2020 is a Bloodbath

 I'm not sure what I'm thankful for today. 

It was a long day.  I got home from work a couple of hours before the sun will begin to shine. 

There was another death. 

Now, my personal death toll for 2020 is 18. 

She was a former patient who died on my birthday from an addiction.  I just learned of her passing today. 

If this keeps up, I'm going to develop a delusion that it is dangerous to know me. 

Sigh - 

Only one of those deaths was related to Covid. 

One was due to suicide based on accidently killing someone in a hit and run. 

One was due to someone deciding not to pursue cancer treatment. 

The other 15 deaths were due to the inability to access medical and/or psychiatric care due to the Covid19 hysteria. 

This is disgusting. 

I'm off to try to sleep.  I only have two days off before the New Year.  I haven't even started Christmas shopping and have a meeting in about five hours. 

Please - if you can - take time to rest and care for you. 

This time of year is brutal. 

Love ya, 


Saturday, December 19, 2020

An Opportunity To Experience Christmas (w/ update)


Today I am thankful for the opportunity to celebrate Christmas on some level. 

My kids hate the holidays. 

I think it comes from all that stalking and their father having rage attacks when things didn't go as he expected them to do. 

Rage and crazy expectations are narcissist things.  Narcissists have to have control.  If things don't go their way, they flippin' explode. 

The kids refuse to celebrate. 

I can't put up the tree. 

They won't tell me what they want for Christmas. 

It's a flippin' nightmare. 

I tried to celebrate Yule. 

They don't seem too interested. 

So - 

I don't know.  

So many people have died this year in my world 

that my Christmas list is incredibly short. 

When a single mom needed help buying one tiny thing for her kiddos, 

I sent her the money I would have spent on my Aunt Barbara. 

I bought the tiny thing and a gift for her and her kids on Amazon. 

That was with most of the money I would have spent on Uncle Roger. 

I'm still ahead of the game. 

I think I know someone else who needs some fundage. 

At least I got to buy a couple of presents for a person who wants them and isn't someone I used to date. 


Still having bizarre dreams

Yeah, I had a couple of weird dreams this morning. 

The first one was about being tempted by another man from my past.  This man I've known since he was twelve years old.  He was my neighbor growing up. 

He was in LOVE with me.  I told him that he was far too young for me.  

His name is Pat. He's Irish.  We pretty much grew up together. He'd walk me home from school.  He told me not to pee on electric fences (must be a boy thing) and he'd protect me when I pissed off the farmer next door by taunting his cattle. 

Pat was upset off when I dated my high school sweetheart because he was younger than Pat.  To this day, he never lets me forget it.  If he was too young, why was I robbing the cradle with someone months younger than him? 

It's strange how we change over the years.  The older we get, the less age seems to matter.  The last guy I dated was a couple of years younger than me.  My replacement was two decades younger than he was. 

Patrick was wounded in a military operation just a couple of years out of high school.  Although he was married to another woman, I was the one he wanted to call.   

To this day, on February 14th, he'll call ME drunker than a skunk.  His wife will always be in the background laughing as I make him tell her how much he loves her. 

I need a new February 14th ritual. 

If it were not for COVID, they would be houseguests right about now.  

COVID sucks. 

In this dream, he tried to seduce me in my filthy bedroom (in front of Charlie and my unnamed bass).  Right there, I can imagine something else I'd rather do in my room. No one can come into my room when it is filthy. 

Like I typically do when faced with love, I ran off.  Partly because my dream self remembered that my friend is married.  I can't mess around with another woman's husband. 

It was weird.  Maybe it was warning.  Maybe next time they want to stay here, I should spring for a hotel room so I can avoid shenanigans. 

That dream morphed into a dream of the person Pat was jealous of. 

This is the person I try avoid dreaming about.  - 

This morning I had another ice dream. 

There is series of dreams I've had since 1987 where my high school sweetheart is on one side of an ice wall and I am on the other.  He writes messages to me on the ice. 

I typically cry so much that I get stuck on the ice before I can finish writing a message back. 

Last night, the message was my name.  He initially spelled it the way my mother did.  Then he added a letter so it was the way I spell it now in public.  My old friends know how to spell my real name.  

When I was trying to hide from everyone, I added a stupid letter to the end of my name.  I was wanting to add *ugh* to the end of my name because I thought it was funny.  It didn't sound right so I just added an 'h' at the end. 

The 'h' is silent. 

In the dream, he wrote my real name on the ice - and then add the extra 'h' 

Then he erased it and wrote 'gift.' 

Then there was something I couldn't read.  

Not sure what it means - 

maybe it's my subconscious mind's way of reminding me to go Christmas shopping for people who hate the holidays. 

Or maybe it was a 'gift' that he got away from me back in the day. 

That's probably the real meaning. 

Oh, and in the dream I saw him walk away right before I woke up.  He has a unique and distinctive walk. 

Maybe it means the dreams are finally over.  Maybe the pain and energy are 'walking away from me' so to speak. 

I don't know.  

It could just be that my subconscious mind likes to creep me out. 



Speaking of dreams - 

May your holidays be dreamy and your 2021 be a heck of a lot better than 2020! 

Love ya, 


Beautiful Update: 

So, I've never raised boys.  All my kids have been girls.  I had a transgendered teenager live here but she identified as a girl. 

I have never raised a son.  I have absolutely no idea what to buy boys for presents.  

The person I sent the gifts to is a single mom of boys. 

At work, I asked another single mom who had children of both genders what to buy for little boys.  We couldn't find the time to look for gifts on Amazon at work.  I woke up this morning to find that she sent me $50.00 to send to the single mom with the little boys. 

Funny thing, all three of us were married to people with NPD.  The woman who sent me the money is studying the same thing as the young single mom.  I get the sense they both want to spare other women from suffering at the hands of ragaholic control freaks. 

I'm hoping this thing takes on a life of its own. 

Just wanted to share a little bit more Christmas joy.  

Oh, and I was a tomboy.  As a kid, my mom would dress me up in lace and I go out and wrestle with the boys and ruin my dresses.  It's funny, I just realized that I grew out of wrestling with boys around the age 43. 

I just bought the kiddos what I would have wanted. 

I hope they love it. 

May your Christmas be magickal, too. 



Thursday, December 17, 2020

Tower Moments Bring Out The Best in People.


Today I am thankful for "Tower Moments": 
When the Tower falls, we have to decide what is important and take action. . 

It's time to wear my druid cloak and meditate on what my friends call my "Jedi Mind tricks." 

I lost two high school classmates in the past 72 hours.  They didn't die from Covid. 

In 2020 - I have lost 17 people.  

Most of them died of untreated medical issues due to propaganda that the hospitals would be full of Covid patients. 

My aunt Barbara fell and broke her hip.  She was sent home from a Kaiser hospital early to make way for Covid patients.  She died three days later in her bed.  That was March 21. 

My aunt Judy had cancer.  She didn't get treatment.  In her case, I think it was a quality of life issue.  

My uncle Roger had Covid.  He survived it.  They said Covid punctured a hole in his lung and that it was untreatable.  They turned off his oxygen until he passed away.  For a man his age, that condition has a 48% survival rate. 

It makes me wonder if anyone told the truth to my uncle and his kids or at least that the condition is treatable. 

I have had four colleagues die. 

I have had four former classmates die. 

I know of six former patients who died of either overdoses and/or suicides. 

I'm starting to feel a tad bit irritable.  

This is especially true when most of the deaths are due to despair over losing their jobs due to the government response to Covid and/or the inability to get prompt medical and/or psychiatric care due to hysteria surrounding Covid. 

One person took himself out.  Another person decided to let herself die. 

The rest of them?  I don't know.  I think the government bullshit surrounding Covid played a role in their passing.  

Someone sent this link to me.  I disagree with a portion of it. 

The virus didn't cause the problem.  Our GOVERNMENT caused it. 

I don't blame the CCP.  
I blame the UN and the oligarchy. 

Personal note: Yes, it is due to my Mormon background.  The John Birch society has long advocated for the United States to exit the United Nations.  They predicted an economic shut down and believe that people should stockpile one year of supplies (e.g. toilet paper, water, food).  I've never done that because I figure the government would just overtax us and take our homes so we'd have no where to store anything.  The Mormons always warned us about this/  
I was born in '69 eight weeks early.  It was thought I would die.  Mormon Missionaries came to pray over me in the neonatal unit and the story goes, they predicted my survival and that I would grow up to be a great orator in their church.  I have no intention of pretending to be a prophet -but- I could see myself on a speaking spree to denounce so-called political leaders who destroy the one true thing that brings people together for the greater good of the community.  

The conspiracy grows worse when you track down the papers showing the Bat Coronavirus gain of function studies taking place in Chapel Hill, North Carolina which was moved to Wuhan, China once President Obama gut their funding.  Both institutions are military labs. This suggests that the virus was engineered, in part, by US Citizens (perhaps military) in conjunction with the Chinese government.  

More disgusting is the money medical providers get when they rule deaths to be caused by the virus. 

'Tis time to meditate. 

One thing is sure, there is something funky going on. 

“Liberty may be endangered by the abuses of liberty as well as the abuses of power.”
James Madison, The Federalist Papers, 1788

The Founding Fathers warned us that the Republic would die from within due to the fear of cowards and lies of those in power. 

“The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.”
Edmund Burke, Speech at Country Meeting of Buckinghamshire, 1784

What do you want a bet that this Pagan is going to be very vocal about people getting their right to worship back? 

The more I look at it, the more it appears to be Communism.  Communists hate religion because they feel the party should be worshipped first and foremost. 

“Timid men...prefer the calm of despotism to the boisterous sea of liberty.”
Thomas Jefferson to Philip Mazzei, April 24, 1796

If you think for one moment that the CDC is full of medical doctors in private practice, think again.  The CDC is a political organization (just like Cornoners).  They are politicians with political agendas. 

There is another thought.  Feminists really did a shitty job convincing liberals that the government should stay out of medical decisions.  The Democrats are pushing stupid stuff (e.g. mask mandates despite many studies in the medical literature over the years showing them to be ineffective) and shutting down businesses to force that great reset idea of theirs. 

The Republicans never believed that the government should keep out of our medical business.  Perhaps that is why they stay silent while our Republic is being robbed. 

“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure.”
Thomas Jefferson, Letter to Colonel William S. Smith, November 13, 1787

I fear for our children and grandchildren. 



Saturday, December 12, 2020

Denver Mayor Michael Hancock is a Lying Asshole (with edit)

This song is based upon a poem that paints the portrait of a depressed man living a pointless existence.  The song is believed to be cursed. 

Today I am thankful that I'm capable of anger and love the smell of burning wax and banishing oil. 

Just a quick update - 

The football cards were given to a charity and I presume sold. 

The purpose was to provide sanitation for the homeless in Denver. 

There was a fundraiser. 

A porta-potty was supplied. 

Mayor Hancock had it removed in the dark of the night (in less than 24 hours of delivery). 

Yes, I am aware that Hancock is not the only person involved in that decision - but he is the Mayor of Denver.  The captain must always go down with his ship. 

Of course, Denver voters voted for a tax hike to help the homeless -

but the only thing they're getting for their money is an exacerbation of the problem. 

I've seen this before in Denver. 

This time, Denver is responding by continuing to bulldoze and trash the belongings of the homeless. 

This is why I DID NOT vote for a single Democrat this year.  Usually, my ballot looks a tad bit schizophrenic because I typically vote for people I know in different parties. 

It's like I've always said - the money typically goes into the general fund and rarely does what was promised. 

So....I'm off to do some activist crap to help a few homeless women and their babies. 

I'll be back in the wee hours of the morning to update this post. 

The wicked witch of the west is pissed. 

The moon is waning. 

I've got an absolutely huge stash of black reversible candles. 

I'll put in two safety clauses - IF Hancock and his Democrat ilk open up the city so he can get feedback from the people in person, the curse will lift. 

It will also lift if he allows churches to reopen so Christians and people in other organized religions can pray for the homeless again.  The larger the number of prayers, the faster the manifestation. 

Luckily, my church is outside.  I'm a religious fanatic.  I can turn my prayers away from those in need to binding an asshat with too much power and too little compassion and common sense.  

It'll fun focusing my energy on Denver for a change. 

Cue the cackling. 


A Heathen

Edit eleven hours later - 

I could only save one woman and her unborn baby.  I couldn't find a place for her male partner. 

This bites. 

There is this absolutely huge black reversable candle (white with black coating) decorated with a rhinstone dog collar (because Hancock vetoed the dog breed legislation ban so Denver keeps killing pit bulls - want to see pics?  I got 'em).  

A friend suggested that I name one of my basses Handcock in honor of this guy.  Yeah - I typically name them after people I hate so I feel good about slapping them.  

I never got one to name Tom. 

I got one named after a City Attorney. 

The other never got named.  It's too pretty to be called Handcock.  Maybe I'll buy a cheap black one and paint a handjob on it just for yucks and giggles.  I hate Ibanez basses, maybe I'll get one of those. 

I'm carving into the candle and trying to decide what to curse this punk with - 

My favorite curse is "deep and emotional bleeding heart compassion." 

The one I've literally casted (over a decade ago) was to learn an abusive mayor's secrets.  That was dumb.  I had to do some crazy crap to break that spell for his successor.  Even after I did that, I was contacted by Democrat activists that wanted to tell me gossip about the new mayor's sexual orientation. 

They claimed he was sleeping with the guy that my bass is named after.  My reply was "Why do I care?I'm Libertarian.  To each his own." 

The two Democrat weasels walked away with gaping mouths.  

I knew more dirt about him than they did.  I'll never breathe a word of it.  

Punks usually have secrets.  I wonder if Denver would get a new mayor if some of them leaked out?  


I'll never tell anyone what I decide to do.  I might write about it in one of my books of shadows. 

Monday I'll cast prosperity spells for the private charities that help the homeless. 

This little punk has gone too far. I'm tired of hearing the sobbing of his victims.  Many of whom are recently homeless due to the Covid restrictions put in place by Hancock and his Democrat ilk.  

The day that punk of a mayor spends seven hours in the snow hunting for homeless people is the day I'll respect Michael Hancock. 

He can warm his cruel heart in hell as far as I'm concerned. 

I love everyone - but not everyone is worthy of respect and honor. 

For some people, karma cannot come quick enough.  



If you want to stay fresh on the news: 

Denver, Homeless Plaintiffs Fight in Federal Court Over Encampment Sweeps | Westword

Edit January 26, 2020: 

After 30 years, Denver finally repealed the pit bull ban.  Hancock didn't pull any bizarre stunts this time.  So maybe I should find a softer word than asshole to describe him. 

Denver overturns pit bull ban after more than 30 years (

Some homeless reported that they are staying in the parking lots of churches.  Many homeless people actually hold full time jobs.  They said that they pooled money to purchase two port-a-potties and trash service.  As far as I know Hancock and his ilk haven't towed their sanitation tools away this time. . 

We'll see....

Friday, December 11, 2020

Epiphany ( w/ edit)

Today I am thankful for realizing what I want in a relationship - 

and what I can offer. 

I never really thought I had much to offer outside of a good time. 

I finally figured out what I can offer. 

What I value in relationships is to be the ability to be myself and pursue the things I want to pursue. 

The gift I can give with others is to let them be themselves and pursue the things they want to pursue. 

This is what was missing in ALL of my past relationships.  My previous partners would try to dissuade me from my pursuits and hobbies. 

Still having dreams -thankfully- no one dies.  

They just watch.  

The dreams are getting me to ponder my faults and the things that went wrong way back when. 

It's to the point where I realize that over analysis is a fault in and of itself. 

Everything has been analyzed to death. 

You know what? 

I'm tired of dreaming about the same ol' people and things. 

Maybe a new boyfriend will help give me new mental material for dreamtime? 

Where do I go for that? 

Where have there been the most fireworks? 

I've met hot interested guys at swimming pools.  I guess those guys are fun because they've seen me with my faults glaring in the sun and still like me.  That's an option.  

I've met other guys during concerts.  I typically wind up getting called by the bass players or the drummers.  Are people playing now in Covid-land? 

There are the guys I meet at gun rallies.  They tend to be Christian, though.  These guys tend to find me on ALL of my social's a little over the top.  

I'd love to meet another obnoxious rabble-rouser.  I've only met one guy as obnoxious as me but he takes it out on homeless people.  If we got together, I would probably strip him naked and tie him up to leave him as bait for the vultures or the homeless people he victimizes.  A decade ago I thought he was cute but now, I just fantasize about seeing him in an orange jumpsuit behind bars. 

There have been several men hitting on me in grocery stores.  I kinda regret turning down that fireman out in my hometown.  It was my birthday.  He approached me in the bottled water aisle, stammered and said "you're beautiful." 

There is just something about firemen that makes women swoon.  

I wasn't ready.  I just thanked him and ran off.  

There are a couple of guys I've avoided since I started having nightmares last summer.  They still reach out.  Maybe I'll start....being....more available.  

So - maybe I'll just open my mind up to the possibilities.  Things always happen when we least expect it. 

Perhaps the goal, this time, is to not run off like a wild banshee. 

May you easily find what you're looking for, 


Next morning edit: 

So I had the ice dream again. 

This is the one where the blast from the past is behind a huge wall of thick ice and writing messages to me. 

This time it was (in really pretty cursive) 

Thank you. 

Then it was erased and replaced with 


which was wiped away and written in its place was a grand and bold



This is the point in which I awaken.  

At least I woke up laughing

and no one died or was injured. 



Wednesday, December 9, 2020

More Nightmares (with correction)


Today I am thankful that the nightmares have changed. 

I should explain that I have two types of nightmares. 

In one type of nightmare, I dream of an old friend getting injured or dying. 

I haven't had this dream in two weeks (thank goodness).  I promised to light little white candles for him until I go 30 days without dreaming of him* getting hurt or in pain.  Just a couple more weeks to go. 

Woo hoo! 


I'm pretty sure that the dreams of the tall guy with blue eyes burned to death were premonitions of a colleague who committed suicide via self-immolation in the mountains last month. 

It's sad, though, it would have been preferable that no one died and that the dreams were figments of my subconscious imagination. 


There are other nightmares - these involve marriage. 

Now, after my last relationship, I have determined myself to be a commitment-phobe. 

Don't get me wrong.  I want a long term love - someone I can tease and play with and get to figure out how to really make them sing.  It takes a lot of time to get someone to the point where just a glance and a grin can turn someone to stone. 

That's what I want. 

It would be fun to find someone who sees certain things like a sport.  If one is creative enough, one can never get bored. 

Marriage, though, that's not a good thing.  I don't like marriage because I believe that the government needs to stay out of my sex life.  

I figure those dreams are just telling me to get a boyfriend and a room. 

So - I went on an online shopping spree and bought myself a bunch of brand new under clothes.

I also ordered a bunch of books on getting guys to sing in a private setting. 

One of them is so darn interesting that it's inspired me to buy a bunch of new furniture and maybe a swing. 


I shouldn't have read it before falling asleep. 

So - 

There was a dream when I arrive home from work 

and my stalker-ex is in my living room sitting on a leather chair I've been meaning to get rid of. 

He's crying and begging me to take him back. 

I sit down next to him.  He beckons me to sit on his lap in a manner that was highlighted on one of the pages of the naked singing manual. . 

At this point, our adult daughters come into the house and chase him away.   

The thought of intimacies with him and reminder of that marriage IS a nightmare. 

At least no one died. 

I'm not sure if I should move because I can't fathom bringing a man into this house.  Even though I've had it refurbished and renovated, it's hard to imagine being with someone  There are far too many bad memories.  

I'm not even sure if I should try to meet someone in Covid-land. 

How would one do that? 

Do I go to Pagan events smelling like Four Thieves Vinegar to find someone who understands the reference? 

Someone told me that the mask and social distancing mandate will last until 2024. 

To be honest, I don't think I can hold out quite that long. 

Maybe I'll sleep on it. 

May all your dreams be sweet and all your hopes come true. 

Love ya, 


* Sorry, I should have been specific.  To be quite honest, I'm really not sure what type of dream is worse, one in which one is in physical anguish or one in which one is shackling themselves to mundaneness. 

Perhaps both types of dreams are two very different kinds of nightmares.  If I count the relationship dreams as nightmares, I'd better buy stock in a white candle company because I'll be lighting them for a long, long time.  

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Broken Siegfred (w/edit)

 Today I am thankful for HP. 

Not, Hewlett Packard....

My HP laptop is dying.  No, I've never had time to run to Microcenter to get a new one.  

When I say HP, I mean my higher power. 

I can't sleep. 

The dreams won't stop.  

I wound up going to the office at 2:00 a.m. to return some keys someone might use tomorrow. 

I have a class at 8:00 a.m. 

Some stupid woman has lost her marbles. 

Yep, I'm talking about myself. 


I awoke this morning with very bright light green eyes.  They've NEVER been that light before. 

Weird....they're kinda neon-ish. 

It's almost as if I exposed myself to a bunch of radiation. 

No, that's not possible. 

Sadly, I'm not a superhero. 

Those comics lied to us nerds - lol! 

I feel broken. 

I'm operating on about 4 hours of sleep over the past 72 hours. 

Something is off besides my mind.. 

On the long drive to the office, I prayed. 

What in the world am I supposed to do about the dreams? 

Seriously, there has to be a flippin' reason why this is happening.  

This is getting stupid. 

Maybe there's something that I can do to make 'em stop. 

It's like I'm mourning the loss of my sleep and stuck in the bargaining stage. 

This song kicks on: 

Not sure what it means. 

I'm still a little shocked that this guy has still got me on my knees** after all of these decades. 

Hate to say it - this isn't as much fun. 

If I can't fall asleep this morning, I'll probably be pondering the music. 

If there's an answer, I'll share it. 

Love ya, 


**For the pervs - um.....I meant on my knees as in prayer.  

Next Day Edit: 

So, in the wee hours of the morning, I had this thought about letting go without expectation. 

This is what the prayers are for.  

Letting go - giving any worry up to the Divine without knowing any outcome. 

Even though I had three hours of sleep this morning, 

and am hyped up on caffeine, 

Something beautiful and strange happened today. 

I had a charity call me up asking for the football cards my ex left in the garage. 

They found a buyer.  They came to pick everything up (which explains the dream of the political activist in my house.  Yes, it is a member of the Libertarian party that created a 501(c)3 geared towards helping the homeless.  It wasn't creepy at all.

The plan is to use the funds to rent and clean port-a-potties for the homeless. 

This charity often pays for things like vehicle titles and insurance for people living in their cars.  They have also helped people get dental and medical care. 

Since my ex claimed to be homeless to get out of child support, I figured that this is the perfect way to gift them.  I asked the person to pray for the ex that owned the card collection.  

I have another charity interested in my kiddos' old Wii gaming system.  Apparently they are in huge demand and hard to find. 

Let's see if I can pry it out of their hands for the charity. 

The lesson is possibly in just letting everything go.  Letting go of worries, guilt, shame and so on. 

Love it! 

How do I get rid of nightmares outside of forgetting to sleep? 

Still trying to figure that one out.  

I could do without the nightmares - but letting go of random crap that I'll never use is a good thing. 

Then again, I realize that wanting the nightmares to stop is still a form of an expectation. 

Perhaps, that desire for the dreams to go away is the expectation I should let go of. 



Thursday, December 3, 2020

Stuck in Dreamtime

 Today I am thankful for risks. 

Still having dreams of a particular person from my past. 

In the latest dream, 

I'm hanging out with activists in the Capital chambers. 

My Fairy-God-Mother is a big, black and beautiful liberal woman with a hearty laugh.  
In this dream, she's dressed like a civil servant. 

I asked her about the dreams -

what is the point of making me sleepless? 

She pointed out that he's watching me. 

I tell her that he once wrote that he keeps track of all the women he's been with

so he does this to everyone. 

She told me that I was mistaken 

and then she pointed him out in the outskirts of the crowd. 

In this dream, political leadership are taking requests to speak so I try my best to get their attention

The man in the dreams never liked it when I was the center of attention. 

That'll run him off. 

They never call my name.

Two things in the dream - 

Yeah, I guess I can credit this guy with my addiction to work.  It did help to numb the pain. I need to shake up my life. 

So, if he sees this thing - thank you.  I'd be living in a box if that hadn't happened. 

It's weird - in the dreams he has black hair (numerous times I've run into him looking just like he does in the dreams)

 - so if things are like they typically are, 

 apparently the only things we have in common is that 

we use valerian 

and frequently dye our hair black. 

My red leaked out again.  Damn it.  I won't have time to drench my hair in indigo for awhile.  

My subconscious mind is starting to frustrate me. 

Either the dreams have to stop or I have to get too busy to ponder them. 


The man in the dreams can't stand me. 

The reason is that I always somehow flippin' managed to be the center of attention. 

I don't know why I'm dreaming about him. 

The dreams have caused me to run to bizarre things I never believed in before just to try to find a new way of pondering them. 

First, several Tarot Readers think the guy in my dreams is a Divine Connection (as did one of my aunts). 

If so, the only thing in common we have are vitamins and hair dye. 

Maybe playing in the snow....

Did he play guitar? 

I knew we both drew. 

Oh, now I remember one more reason to hide from him.  He once drew a very good likeness of me with a vagina on her forehead.  He entitled it 'Sex on the Brain' and put it on public display. 

Wishful thinking, perhaps? 


Maybe he was trying to get me laid?  


I have to push them off of me.  If I wanted to fuck, all I have to do is say 'yes.' 


We have nothing else in common.  We are not a divinely connected anything.  If we were, he'd be saving homeless folks or bitching about politics or something.....

Or maybe I'd be building video games.....well, I've thought about building relaxation apps and skill building games but the last time I tried to do that I got irritated with sizing the jpgs. 

The dreams are annoying me.  There are no answers in Tarot or a bastardization of Plato's works.  

I've even tried to find understanding via astrology. 

My mother was an astrologer and she tried to abort me over my November due date (this is probably why I'm conservative). 

I was born eight weeks early. 

She cast my horoscope and used it as a template for my behavior. 

The problem is that she never accounted for Daylight Savings Time - so I was raised to believe that most of my horroscope was in Aries. 

I was raised to fight.....a lot! 

See? The dreams have caused me to run to bizzaro stuff for understanding.  

It's not helping. 

Apparently, most of my chart is in Leo or Pisces (one house is in Scorpio).  That explains the bizarre dreams, heavy intuition and the propensity to act out of emotions.  The Leo pieces are probably why I find myself in situations where I get a lot of attention. 

It probably explains why I'm pissed about the lockdowns.  I can't act like a social butterfly. 

Actually, no.  If the Constitution were a religious document, I'd worship the founding fathers. 

I really don't have time to keep messing around with pseudo-science.  It's a bunch of crap.  


I've analyzed the dreams backwards and forwards.  

There was one other epiphany that reminded me of Getty Lee. 

It wasn't Tom Sawyer

It was more Roll the Bones.  

I realized that when I was young, I acted like I was immortal and could take risks because it was easy to recover. 

When I was in young adulthood, I was in a couple of deadly relationships.  I took risks because I was gonna die anyway.  I just made sure I had good life insurance for the kiddos. 

Now, that I'm growing into a geezette, I'm taking risks because I really have nothing left to lose.  I could die any day.  

I doubt I could squeeze anymore sense out of the dream nonsense.  

It's time to make myself too busy to dream and ponder how to fix the mess our government put us in. 

Sure, Covid is real.  

The reaction is surreal. 

Things that can be treated are not being treated.  It seems to be a form of Senecide. Older folks are being left to die without adequate information about their prognosis.  My uncle's doctor NEVER disclosed that Covid can cause treatable punctures in the hung. 

Don't get me started in the statistical nightmare.  The information collection is too haphazard to be useful.  

Thinking of genocide, those assholes that wanted Communism are going to pay dearly.  It looks like we got it.  

The only thing Communism brings about is genocide. My grandmother of German-Jewish heritage and my Native American step-father did a lot of expounding upon the evils of government. 

No matter how annoyed I am, you are loved.  This is true even if you're a jack-nut politician - we are all connected - so I'm going to do my best to school you. If you don't listen, well - it'll just be another lesson for you and the universe will make us live this irritating merry-go-round again. 

If I have one more dream about this guy, I'm going to pick another guy and say 'yes.'  That'll drown the dreams out.  Besides, at my age, guys are starting to lose their hearing.  The guy I choose probably won't hear me screaming.  Maybe I should pick a musician?  Musicians typically lose their hearing early. 

Yeah - Covid be damned. 

The politicians have pissed me off enough to cause me to think about leaving my low wage job and going back into activism.  I'm sick of being a slave to stupidity. 

All I know is if I start to get annoyed, my world will implode.  It'll be fun.  

I'm no longer annoyed.  I'm finally angry. 



Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Possible Lessons in the Nightmares


Today I am thankful for Monopoly. 

At least it is a useful metaphor. 

In the back of my mind, I realize that I cannot date until I figure out the lesson in the dreams.  I cannot pass Go.  I cannot collect $200.  My sex life will stay in jail until I can stop screaming out a certain name in horror in the middle of the night. 

Although, I'm realizing that the dreams of the tall deceased guy in the mountains were about Richard.  Perhaps his soul was trying to let someone know why he didn't make it in to work.  He was very dedicated and he never called in sick. I could see him refusing to go into the white light until he called in, so to speak.

Once I realized who it was, that particular dream stopped.  

There are other dreams.  

I need to find the lesson or only date people with the name I scream out.  Since the only people I know with that name are politicians who are happily married, I think it's best I stay unattached. 

In searching for the lessons, I found two more. 

First, my latest epiphany is that I take on far too much. 

This causes men to act out to get my attention.  To come to this understanding, I worked backwards. 

I started with the guy I dated two weeks at a time. The last time I seriously dated anyone was seven years ago. 

The last guy wound up in the hospital with unspecific complaints every few weeks when he broke up with me. My friends said it was a ploy to get me back. He always listed me as his emergency contact.  I'd wind up at the hospital in the same place my mother died (so I hated going there).  It got to the point, my friends could predict when I'd wind up at Swedish Hospital based on his behavior towards them on Facebook. He'd pick fights with my friends to get my attention. 

In fact, he often complained that I was far too busy and that he needed attention. 

The relationship before that lasted 26 years.  This man never complained to me - he complained to his family and his coworkers.  I learned about his frustrations from a City Attorney.  It was a female cop who explained that this man was stalking me.  She urged me to stop talking to him to try to solve the stalking because, she said, he would have me stalked to force us to have more communications. 

Again, he needed attention. 


The guy before that (the shortest marriage in the world) always complained that I did too much.  I was a full time college student, a musician and caretaker for my grandfather.  He told me to pare down my activities. 

When I didn't, he Hendrixed my baby because I woke up early one Christmas morning to practice. 

I still have the pieces and parts as well as a newer copy of the same bass.  It is NOT the same.  My old one had oil pastels and paint all over it.  It had my daddy's energy on it.  The newer one lacks the same feel. 

It's hard to realize that he was right.  This is why you don't push a 19 year old girl to get hitched during an ambush at your parents' house.  I knew him two years before that day - one would think the subject would have come up at some point.  In looking back, he always trying to give me jewelry (particularly expensive rings) and my nickname was "partner" (I thought it was because he was cowboy/rancher - but maybe not).  I should have known. 



Now, we get to the star of my nightmares.  He never complained that I did too much.  Not once..... In fact, he rarely complained about anything at all....ever.  He'd be frank if stuff bothered him.  He got me help when I was being delusional (wanting to be with my recently departed parents and grandparents). 

I don't have a memory of him complaining about anything.  He'd get sarcastic but he never whined or bitched about anything at all.   

I wonder though, the breaking up with me verbally while handing me a note saying he still wanted to be friends may have been a sign to talk.  Friendship was the best part of that relationship because we were too young to do much else.  I wanted friendship in 2008 but I think there were too many feels for that.

Dumb Siegfred didn't read the note for twenty years and assumed that the phrase "I'm leaving you" meant "Hasta la vista", "Auf Wiedersehen", "Yasou", "Vale", and "Buh bye, It's been real fun. Don't let the door hit your fat fanny on the way out."   

I thought it was final.  Especially since this little red-headed boy told me some juicy gossip about my old friend and another girl (but this guy wasn't the most honest person - the same game played itself out at a reunion three decades later with something he said about a friend of mine....sigh)

That could explain his confusion. He possibly assumed I'd want to know why and read the note like a normal human being.  Then I'd talk to him and address the deficiencies in the relationship like a caring person.  Of course, I didn't and wondered why he always seemed to be two steps behind me or look at me with tears in his eyes as if I was supposed to say something. 

Hint to anyone reading this thing: If someone you care about hands you a letter - read it!  Don't let a future spouse read it to you two decades later while hoping you'd run off with a stranger so he could get an easy and cheap divorce. 

Thinking on it further, I finally realized not giving proper attention to a friend could have explained the irritation on Facebook back in 2011.  Perhaps publicly declaring that he was so bored as to put together a list as to how happy he was that women he used to date were out of his life and comparing me to Ayn Rand was supposed to be a conversation starter.  

Instead of writing something like "I'll give you the chance to enjoy your life without my presence" perhaps I should have corrected him and started writing about Nathanial Branden and how he left Rand when she acted like a hypocrite (a Welfare Queen deriding welfare).  Branden was a famous psychotherapist and author who is, pretty much, the father of the self-esteem movement. 

Or I could have  sent my old friend a private message suggesting that if a hot chick is interested in finding something fun to do with him and he's interested - other women don't exist. 

To be honest, I don't remember what I wrote.  I realized that something must've been playing out for the second time.  I was running for office, fighting a tax hike, dealing with a lawsuit, going to school and trying to figure out where the life savings went. 

I really wasn't giving anyone very much attention. 


To be sure, it seems like revisiting the old relationships feels like hopping on the same carousel over and over.  After a while, we get tired of the ride.  I had an astrologer joke that Scorpios always come back.  When they have returned, it's been the same song and the same ride. 

It took the last guy two years to stop calling me demanding my attention.  He got his girlfriend in the act so I blocked him everywhere when she called me and told me that he put her up to it. 

My ex-husband still wants me to give him money, cars and to clean up after him. 

The last time I saw the Cowboy he wanted that 'thing in Idaho.'  I should've tormented him with a lollypop (but I'm nice so I just threatened to kick him if he didn't get in his car and drive off). His daughter told me that he's got a wife and a mistress.  If they don't want to service him, he can cover it up with a sock.  He has been to the house in the past five years, when he's here I hide so I haven't looked at him since 2004.  It's gross. Yeah - I need to move.  

I think that right before meeting this guy, I decided to become too busy for love.  I must've made this decision after that first relationship ended.  It seems like these other guys had to drag me into relationships kicking and screaming.  They went to crazy lengths to win me over.  I wasn't ready.  In fact, I really haven't had more than two months between relationships until now.  Now, I've had seven years.  It feels great! 

Still, even with that first one, we fell into the old patterns when we met in the decades that followed.  He worries about my diet and I worry about him preventing prostrate cancer. 

Yeah - I'm not cool.  

Now, if we could find a way to play and act like kids again - that would be fun.  He was the last person I ever played on a playground with.  I remember it like it was yesterday.  Part of that park was turned into a road but some of that old equipment is still there.  I visit it from time to time. 

Seeing old boyfriends/husbands after years apart, feels like the Wild Chimpmunk (that's a horrible roller coaster at Lakeside that seems chill and easy but, in the end, it just gives people whiplash).  

Reliving all that stuff feels like a bad ride. I'd say I wanted to get off but then people born that time of year would be all so happy to help me with that. 

If only I could figure out how to change the tune outside of changing my name and hiding, maybe things could be different and I could be friends with some of these guys.  

I haven't figured out how to do that. I so tire of hearing Entry of the Gladiators in my head (but then, I'm related to a Ringling so it'll probably be in there for the rest of my life...yeah...the truth hurts) 

It's best not to think about it.  I don't want for people to re-live that shit show of mine and I certainly don't want to endure it over and over again like a bad dream.  

There is a thread there that binds my assholery across all four relationships. 

I AM too damn busy to give anyone adequate time and attention.  I AM a neglectful relationship partner.  I think it started with that first heartbreak. 

 I need to pare down my activities before I even bother to date again. 

My life lacks balance. 

I need to find that balance before I fall and take someone else with me. 

Gosh - this sounds like something my neighbors have warned me about for well over a decade.  They say that I'm too busy to live.  They're too busy trying to find me suitors (while I'm too busy to stick around and meet these men they present to me). 

I'm not only prude.  

I'm rude. 

It IS time to find balance. 

IF this IS the lesson - the dreams WILL stop. 

They've got to stop.  

Love ya, 


Next Day Edit :

There were two lessons - I only wrote about one. 

My high school sweetheart, bless his soul, tried to solve all my problems.  Guys do that. 

After that relationship, I decided that I could fix my shit on my own.  I started to hold back key information about the bs in my life from people who could obviously figure out what was wrong. 

Back then, I thought about it as preventing men from sweeping my floor and cleaning up after me.  

Only now I realize that it hid my vulnerability and eroded trust.  People aren't stupid.  They can figure out quite quickly if something is wrong. 

I'm realizing now that the trick is to stay away from drama as to minimize the odds that anything will go wrong. 

The lesson is to keep your life clean and don't be afraid of vulnerability. 

Hope someone learns from my mistakes. 



Edit three days later:   

The dreams are still there.  Ugh....

No one dies. 

Someone just watches me. 

Maybe five hours of sleep is far too much or someone just needs perpetual prayers. 

I'm still praying for the one who watches.  

Place for Documentation

  When I was a kid, I wanted to be a pilot.  My stepdad would talk about flying into Germany during World War II.  I'd spend my weekends...