Sunday, July 26, 2020

Destroying the Aurora Monument to Ishtar

Today I am disturbed that people would destroy a monument to the Goddess of Love and War.

For those that don't know....

The Statue of Liberty is intended to be Ishtar (Google it...the creators were Victorian....they were in love with all things occult).  I'm sure someone is going to read this and cry foul claiming that it was modeled after Libertas.

Here is a news flash - Ishtar and Libertas are the same goddess.

The Aurora logo is the crown of Ishtar.

It's blessed just by the very nature of the 7 ray design.

I don't know who damaged the building.

but they are now cursed.


I don't know who is worse.  The City Manager and City Attorney who defended the actions of the psychopathic cops -or- the punks who are taking to the streets destroying property.

They don't know what they do.

I have absolutely no idea what would happen if I prayed to the Queen of Heaven for justice.  There could be both dead cops and dead protesters.

It's an unpredictable thing to wish for justice when the facts have been obscured.

Do I bother refreshing the blessing spell I left for the first responders in 2008?

I'll probably regret it if they keep killing people.

To the assholes who did this, take heed, the Pagan Gods are not as forgiving as the Christian one.

There is no where you can run. 

There is no where you can hide.

I feel sorry for the muthafuckers who did this.

No one can protect them.

They had better drop to their knees and beg forgiveness.

If they are guys, they need to vow to treat all women with respect, too.

This goddess will not tolerate anything less.



Love ya,


Covid (Edited)

Today I am thankful for unorganized conspiracies: It makes it easier to identify them.

Politicians are going to label anyone calling bullshit on the Covid lockdowns a Conspiracy Theorist.  

I have a saying;" Conspiracies happen all the time; it's only a theory until it's proven." 

This one is easy to prove.  It's obvious that the powers that be threw a lot of shit at a wall to see what would stick.  They're trying to inundate us with useless information and financial pressure to wear us down.

That doesn't work on the indominable American spirit.


Let's work backwards.

The CDC is now lumping flu, pneumonia and Covid19 deaths in one number.  Get this....the numbers have been declining for the past 11 weeks!

We are now below pandemic levels.

Tell me why Governor Polis and his merry band of naked Democrat Emperors are pushing masks and pushing more lockdowns?

We the people can see through these transparent ninnies - all we have to do is look!

These politicians are power mongers.

The Covid19 hysteria is kept alive by manipulating statistics.  It is a numbers game.  If you're interested, peruse the CDC website, you'll see that they are lumping presumed cases with people who tested positive for antibodies and current Covid cases.  As noted above (with the link) that the CDC is also adding flu and pneumonia cases to the mix to inflate the numbers.  Despite this, the numbers are still declining so they have to start adding conjecture to keep the madness flowing.

I can see why the White House is finally getting involved in the collection of the statistics. The CDC is creating a statistical nightmare.


The government is giving hefty payouts for the diagnosis among Medicare recipients.  Healthcare providers get three times the money if they put the poor soul on a ventilator.  Get a load of this....

If you prefer to have someone explain to you...

The amount healthcare providers get from private insurers is double what they get from Medicare.

Snopes (a crap Democrat website) and other politically oriented websites will try to debunk this by stating that there are no diagnostic codes for Covid.  That's not true.  Here is 'a a sample of codes specifically for Covid testing.

Here is the deal.  Hospitals and clinics are always cash strapped.  One has to wonder how much this has influenced the diagnostic rate.

Government funding always sways opinion.  It's a historical fact.  Even the witchunters in Salem got a state government stipend for every women they killed.  That is why the diagnosis of witchcraft was so prevalent (78%).  If we do not learn the lessons rich in our history, we are doomed to repeat them. 


I've heard numerous times that Anthony Fauci is behind this debacle.  He is a player but he's not the brains of the operation, so to speak.  He's an insignificant tool that steals research and tantrums when he doesn't get his way.

I'd bet good money that Fauci's a narcissist: He's charismatic and could sell the Kool-Aid to the Democrats but he's not smart enough to do the actual research.

I'm old enough to remember his bs killing women with HIV when he swore up and down that HIV was a gay man's disease.

A great documentary about this topic is "Nothing Without Us."  Women literally held protests because they were dying of AIDS and denied treatment.

Getting back to the point, when people say that Fauci is the brains behind the destruction of our society because he predicted a pandemic during the Trump administration, I don't buy it.

Either he was repeating something he heard or he was making an educated guess.


One concerning conspiracy is the apparent push to use the so-called pandemic to remake the USA into a socialist paradise.

So now, we have the motive to push a fake pandemic and use it to destroy an economy.


Let's take a look at the propaganda, shall we?

Now the political powers that be either failed statistics and basic biology or they lack critical thinking skills or assertiveness.

I'm not sure what problem the mask pushing jerks have but they really can't make up their flippin' minds.

First we heard, don't wear masks.



Now they are telling us to wear them.



When pushed for an answer to explain the discrepancy, Fauci states that they were trying to save the for the healthcare workers.  I can personally attest to the lack of PPE.  I wore the same filthy mask for weeks and had a daughter make several for me to wash and wear even though I know they didn't do a lick of good.

I wear the worthless masks so other people don't freak out.

I've fainted several times due to the lack of oxygen.  I'm in healthcare.  I have to work, Covid or not.

Let's take a look at the narrative regarding the protests.  It would seem that protests that fit a society deconstruction agenda are okay.  If it is a protest is intended to honor our Constitution (or police offers) it's considered a Coronavirus breeding ground.

Protests to challenge the shut downs are high risk:

BLM protests low risk:

Keep in mind that I have issues with numerous police departments throughout the Denver Metro Area.  My issue is the Blue Wall of Silence.  The good cops cover for the bad ones.  The City Attorneys make excuses for the bad apples.  Sometimes the City Attorneys ask cops to do unethical things to intimidate people who could sue the city (e.g. In Aurora a woman who was sexually assaulted in police custody was arrested for saying the word "cunt" to an officer.  It was done to try to intimidate her into not suing the City.  It backfired).

There is no reason to be uncivilized when trying to make a statement.  BLM is just thuggery at its worst.  This is what happens when people are bored, can't work due to the lockdowns and stressed out about where their next meal or rent check is coming from.

Of course, the Aurora police union head isn't much better.  HE threatened my city councilperson.  I don't agree with her on much.  She doesn't respond to issues in her community.  That threat - the assholery of making a threat is going to make more enemies than behaving in a civilized fashion.

I personally know someone about to start an organization to fight any tax hikes your city wants.  Care to guess the catalyst?

I'd suggest apologizing publicly - NOW!  It won't happen. 

Any activist right now has a captive audience due to the lockdowns. This was a stupid time to threaten a woman.  Seriously....all it did was fan the flames of disgust..


What do I think will happen in the near future regarding Covid19?

It's easy.  People are getting fatigued by the flip-flopping recommendations and the ill thought out, knee jerk reactions of Democrat governors.  They are starting to ignore the mandates and the news.

Summer is not typically the time when Coronaviruses are at their peak.  We see this on the CDC website as the death rates have been declining for eleven weeks straight.  We are NO LONGER meeting the criteria for a pandemic.

Yet our politicians are pushing masks and furthering lock downs. They might not realize it yet -but- this will be the undoing of their agenda.

Winter will be here in just a few short months.  By that time, people will be so tired of the bullshit, they'll just ignore it.  That will be when any spike happens (flu or otherwise).  No one will believe the claims anymore.

We can only cry wolf so many times before people start ignoring us. 

Politicians ought to think ahead a little bit.  By pushing the agenda and crying wolf now using faulty statistics, no one will believe them during flu and virus season.

With any luck, the death rate will still be about .04% this winter.


The politicians will fail this year.  I predict that they will try again in a decade's time.

They'll fail then, too.

A pandemic is not the straw to grasp to try to steal power away from the people.

Love ya,



ANOTHER EDIT:  It might be worthwhile to revisit the scientists killed over the past decade.  I'm fairly sure they were epidemiologists/virologists.

Perhaps share stuff found on the pre-print server, too.

These may have to be posts for another day as, right now, I'm focusing on the fabricated political science behind the Coronavirus lockdowns.


[maybe I'll delve into the belief that it was created in North Carolina/Chapel Hill Military Base until Obama cut the funding - at this point, it moved to Wuhan (also a military lab) - if that could be proven, the powers that be would have some explaining to do]


Of course, we can post those job ads for Covid19 lock down enforcers that started appearing online in November of 2019.  The jobs paid $25 per hour.

Why would they hire people for a disease that no one knew about?

Yeah - this is contrived bullshit.

Saturday, July 25, 2020

More Dreams of Men From My Past

Today I am thankful for dreams.  

I just don't have a lot of time to write about them.

In this dream, I'm sitting next to a tall man who grabs my hand and tells me that he "loves me."

I reflect those dreaded two little words verbally, to which, he replies, "after all these years."

Now - I can't see his face.

I'm not sure who he is.

I've only deeply loved three four guys in my entire life.  Three of them were tall.

It's time to keep a look out for someone with familiar eyes.

 The opposite of love is not hate: It is indifference. - unknown 

Michael is stuck on the other side of the coin - that man hates me right now.

That leaves two.

I write far too much of the person I dream about the most. 

 (If I ever get married again, and the guy's name is not Tom - I'm buying a vintage Oberheim if it's even possible - lol).  

There is someone else I dream about once in a while. 

(My old friend Sampson was a big Pink Floyd fan.  I think he'd like Phish, too). 

I could have sworn I saw an old friend while I was hunting for homeless people at Cherry Creek State Park.  He only smiled and stared. The man left before I could end my conversation and approach him.

He literally does this!  I see him inside stores, he stares and leaves.  Once his driver parked  alongside my old car.  He waved from the backseat as the driver departed.  I've seen him hanging out with homeless folks on street corners.  When I wave and turn my car around, he's gone!

His family is wealthy.  Sampson is fairly religious and likes to live on faith (possibly why I help the homeless so much).  He used to sleep outside with homeless folks once in a while.  He also took them into his apartment when he was very young to give them a place to stay while they got on their feet.

Back in the day, he was Pagan.  I was a devout Christian.  He recently changed his Pagan name to a Christian one.

Now, Sampson is Christian and I am a devout Pagan.  Religion always gets in my way.

Besides, rumor has it that he married a beautiful woman.

I don't even think friendship would be cool if it freaks her out. 

We were very close.  I didn't realize how close until he presented me with an engagement ring, a ruby and an emerald (both fourth chakra stones).  His father called me to tell me he wanted to welcome me into the family. It was 1988.

I was so traumatized from a rape that occurred almost a year prior, I really didn't feel up to getting married or anything.  I truly felt this man was trying to save me so I declined.

I haven't really spoken to him much since then.  Although he shows up when I'm in danger (seriously....I had a husband beat the shit out of me and he literally showed up, out of the blue, to challenge him and then he unceremoniously left).  I had not seen him in years.

It's a strange relationship.

 I was afraid to talk to Sampson because of the stalking from my ex-husband's family.  He used to send letters to my sister and she'd give them to me.  Those letters stopped eighteen years ago.

Once in a while, I will see him.  He is blond with brown eyes.  He now has a little bit of gray in his hair and, he likes to wear khaki.  He still grins at everyone, too.  It's easy to pick out his smile as he has a gap in his front teeth.  He has a very unique walk.  It's fast, his waist is typically bent forward and his long arms swing wildly.  I've never met another person with the rectangular shape of his face.

It's easy to spot Sampson. 

I'd wish that he would stick around and say hello. Then again, I realize that this guy is mirror for me.

I'm usually the one who runs away.


Right now, I'm laughing about the day we met.  I was sexually assaulted a few days prior.  The neighbors found out and didn't want me to be alone so they brought over shrooms and pot.  I had no end of protectors from that day forward.

Sampson, high as hell, grabbed my vintage Peavey T-40, strummed it over and over saying


He had gathered a crowd around him and held a little concert.  All I remembered is hearing the constant melody of strumming following by "ooooh."

If his aim was to crack me up, he did a great job.  That cracks me up to this day.

Me?  I'm not a toker.  I'm allergic to pot.  They put the shrooms on pizza.  Well, I'm allergic to wheat and cheese (and always on a diet).  So I wasn't a lot of fun that day.



I think spirit is trying to tell me something.  Maybe Sampson has ideas on how to start a 501(c)3 for the homeless.  He may even want to help change one of the most challenging problems in Colorado - homelessness.  He would hold the knowledge.

The Gods know that our politicians are too chicken-shit to do anything about it (Yeah...Polis and Hancock, I'm talking about YOU and the Denver Democrat party's tax hike to help the homeless but refusal to do so.  Do I want to throw money away on a CORA to find out where that dough went?)

Maybe that's what I want to do subconsciously.

Either that or my nocturnal self is engaging in fear mongering (love is scary)

or wish-fulfillment.

We will see.

Still, there has to be some knowledge or motivation that I can glean by reviewing these echoes of the past.

Love ya,


Thursday, July 23, 2020

The Spiritual Life of a Born Again Pagan

Today I am thankful for the Collective Unconscious. 

Six months ago, I dreamt of Shango.

The dreams were full of thunderous drums,


and red....

a lot of red and garlands of white.

In these dreams, a voice spoke to me....

a thunderous, deep, beautiful bass voice.

All I remember is hearing something along the lines of

"I'll send you someone to help for I am Shango." 

and I'm pretty sure I heard 

"Listen to him." 

There was a vision of a man much younger man, Caucasian, with wavy blond hair, brown eyes and an olive green canvass jacket talking to me.

Nothing too spectacular.

Nothing erotic.

The guy was just talking to me.

We are both dressed as if we are going to war.

Yeah, I have a tendency to ignore many of the men and the gifts sent to me.  It's a horribly bad habit that probably betrays a subconscious lack of self-worth on my part.

At the time, I had no idea what I needed help with.

I had no idea why a Yoruban God would want to talk to an old, Irish-American woman.

It took far too long to figure it out.

The Gods (or the Collective Unconscious, if you will, always know what we need even before we know it ourselves).


Upon having the dream, I immediately ran to YouTube and looked up everything I could to try to understand about Shango, initially misspelling his name as Chango and getting lost in my searches.

There were numerous testimonies of Shango from men of color.

Nothing from a white person, let alone a woman.

I had heard of Shango before.

Ten years ago, I had a dream of Oshun. Oshun is one of Shango's three wives.  She's the embodiment of sensuality, beauty, eroticism and the unconditional love of a best friend/homegirl.  Before she married Shango, she was said to be a single mother who washed her white dress so often in the river that it turned a beautiful golden yellow.

Fifteen years ago, I began having horrible nightmares about an old friend breaking his leg (typically in car crashes with a semi but there were numerous dreams and numerous ways for him to break his leg**). 

The dreams always freaked me out.

It was bad.

I'd wake up, scream "Oh, No [his name] and cry.

My marriage was in a bad place.  I'd wake up the entire house!

My friend's name was Tom.  I'd wake up, realized what happened and pretend to be singing "modern day warrior, mean, mean stride

It became a running joke in my household. If I had any sense about me, I'd have grabbed the synth, put it by my bedside, and programmed the intro so people could possibly believe me (but I always think of these things far too late....sigh).

I lit a lot of white candles.  I prayed a lot for this guy I hadn't seen in twenty years.  In my dreams he was married.  I prayed for a woman and children that I had never met so they wouldn't be injured in any crash with a semi***.

The dreams freaked me out.

I even had little Native American dream catchers all over the house.

It's a little bit funny now thinking back on it.  Then, it scared the crap out of me because every time I had a dream about this guy, it came true. It's an INFJ thing.

One night, I dreamt of Oshun.  She said she would prove to me that my friend was fine and ease my mind.

I dedicated a pumpkin to her, filled it with honey (even tasted it as stories say someone once attempted to poison her) and lit a white candle.  I swore off eating her sacred fruit from that day forward. 

That night around 4:00am, I awoke to a ghostly image of my friend standing by he bed and I let out a horrified scream that must have woke up the entire neighborhood.

No one was there. It was a hallucination, a very freaky hypnopompic hallucination.

Shaking, I went to the computer.  There was an email from Tom on  I paid $40 (or whatever it was back in the day) and read that he was "alive and doing fine."

I had never seen such beautiful words in an email in my life. The funny thing was that Tom had been sending me emails but my then husband had been hacking into my accounts and deleting them.  If Tom hadn't sent me one on Classmates, I never would have gotten it.

I left Oshun some yellow roses in the river as a gift of thanks.


I wondered why my subconscious mind took me to Shango and set forth to read everything I could about him.

He was said to be a fourth century king of the Oyo Empire.   He was incredibly violent and highly respected.  Shango brought prosperity to his people through many wars and battles.  It is said that his seven year reign ended when his palace was destroyed by lightening.

This is where the myth gets sketchy for me.  It was said that he committed suicide by hanging himself and climbing the rope into the heavens unleashing lightening on his way which, in turn, destroyed the palace.  The lightening is said to signify his transition from a human into an Orisha (akin to a Christian archangel).

No matter how much I read, I don't feel like I truly understand.

Shango is deeply respected and beloved by his worshipers.  There are numerous testimonies of his worship online.

Why would such a powerful Deity want to work with an old, powerless white lady?

I pushed the question out of my mind.  Partly due to fears of cultural appropriation and partly due to misunderstanding.

One thing to know about the Yoruban Gods and Goddesses is that they didn't die when black people were kidnapped from their homes and taken to the New World to be sold into slavery.

They were still worshipped.  To hide who they were, the slaves gave them Christian names so they could worship without arousing the suspicions of their so-called masters.

Oshun is syncretized with St. John the Baptist.
Shango is syncretized with St. Barbara and St. Jerome


This leads me to yesterday.  I'm coaching a recent college graduate on public speaking.  She's nervous as heck about teaching the second of the twelve AA steps to a group of patients.

I joke - if they get and unruly and you don't know what to say, make a circle with your finger and tell them you have a three step plan (later I turned that into a twelve step plan). That's what politicians do when they don't have a clue what to say.

This young woman gave a beautiful presentation that drove the patients (and myself) into tears.  We need to turn things we can't fix over to a higher power.

I had just ranted for two hours about the police urging paramedics to shoot up black men with ketamine after diagnosing them with a fake, junk sciency syndrome called "excited delirium."  Far too many of these men are handcuffed or otherwise in police custody when they are given the drug.

I firmly believed that ketamine killed Elijah McClain.

I want to do something.  I don't know what to do.

I think Shango is trying to answer a prayer.  It's as if he knew I would make that prayer six months before I actually did so.

It's time to give the issue up to a higher power.

Part of me wonders if Shango will send me off to a figurative war.


If there is a lesson from all of this it is to have faith.

Listen to the signs divinity shows you.  Pay attention and follow through.

I've got a lot of praying to do.

The funny thing is that i found a treasure trove of red candles when I went hunting for DVDs for my patients.

At least I can put them to good use.

Love ya,


** He broke his leg in a skydiving accident in 2010.

*** There was no wife or children when we met in 2011.  There was no semi-truck accident.   Thankfully, the nightmares stopped in September 2010.  I still pray for Tom and his loved ones.  It's easier than having nightmares.

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Sheep Wearing Blinders

Today I am thankful for critical thinking.

I'm sad that few people I know are utilizing this skill.

Thursday night I went out to numerous thrift shops trying to find a Wii fit and some pregnancy fitness Dvds for my patients.

I work with homeless female addicts, many of whom are pregnant.

I met three four homeless people in the span of an hour.

I wasn't even looking for them.

The first instance was at the dollar store.  I was picking up some personal care items and office supplies for work.  At the register, a man and woman were a couple of dollars short for the food they were buying.

At this point, the woman was heard saying, in a panic, "We have to go.  The shelter will lock us out if we don't get there on time."

I left my spot in line and tried to thrust my credit card in the slot.

The man refused the money.  He basically gave up something he wanted.

There's a thrift store next to the dollar store.

I walked past an elderly man and a young man (maybe a couple...not sure).  The young guy asks me for a dollar.  I give him a $5 and went inside.

There were no exercise DVDs for pregnant women.  I found a used AA book and bought that.

Upon leaving, I saw the two men and asked what they were collecting money for.  Without skipping a beat, they said that they were going to rent a room for the night.  They were only $6 short.

By this time, the shelter had closed.

I ran to my car to dig around for money.  I found $6.  There was an old pissed off guy waiting for me to move my fat ass so he could get into his car.

I wish he would have said something (*sadly, most people don't speak up until it doesn't matter any more).

I apologized.....moved.....and got the money to the couple.  They wanted to work for me.  I don't need anything.  I know a place that's hiring homeless folks.  Luckily, that organization is two blocks from where we stood.  I showed them where to visit in the morning.

Here's the deal.....

None of these people looked homeless.  I typically identify long-term homeless people by their teeth.  Dental care is usually the first thing to go when one is in survival mode.

The two men shared that they were homeless just a few weeks.  They lost their jobs.  Covid has taken away all the day labor.

This is a story I often hear from my patients, too.

[In typing this post, I realize where I can find the DVDs I need - it's a thrift shop called "Family Tree" that stocks up supplies for women leaving abusive relationships.  Battered women get coupons to shop there. Regular people can shop there, too.   All the funds from the sales goes to providing shelter and counseling for the women.  They'll have DVDs.   I'm going to end this post now to head to the other side of town - when I come back I'll write about the political bullshit that led to this crap, how homelessness is just beginning to explode and all the sheep are waiting too long to bleat - we need the Democrats to move their fat asses and stop curtailing the economy.  If we don't speak up now, we''ll lose our window of opportunity for change.]

Next Day Edit

I'm back.  The Family Tree/Treasure Trunk thrift on 44th and Harlan shop wasn't open on Sunday so I wound up driving back Monday morning.

Oh, my gosh.  That was a very interesting trip.

They were doing construction on 38th Avenue so I wound up diverted a few blocks over.  There's a brand new nursery ( to me) on 41st and Harlan.

Guess what ???

I'm so excited!!!  I think one of the employees thought I was going to keel over from a heart attack.

They sell Irish Moss!!  It's a ground cover that grows well in shade and sun.  It doesn't take a lot of water and doesn't need mowing.  I work so much, it's hard for me to keep on top of the lawn.  That's the first thing the local politicians harass me for via Code Enforcement when I start speaking up about their bullshit.

You can get Irish Moss seeds on the internet but they are incredibly light weight, they blow away before they take root.  I'd been trying to find starter plants for a long time.

I spent far too much money.

Yeah, I found another nursery close by, too.  Now,  I've got 6 bushes, 1 tree and several huge containers of ground cover to plant.


Carrying all those plants made me thirsty so I drove over to the Lakeside Walmart to get some tea.

I have never seen so many sheep in all my life....


The Walmart and Targets on the rich, white side of town do not make you stand in line to get into the stores.  Apparently they do in Lakeside (wonder what the mayor of Lakeside thinks of that?   Word is that he works for the City of Aurora but that could be old news....maybe about a former mayor).

Baaa  Baaaa  Whaa  Whaa

There was this middle-aged, white, male dork muffin at the self-check out lanes who had a cart full of potato chips, sugar soda pop and all sorts of junk food.

About six feet away from him was a Spanish speaking woman who was not wearing a mask.

Do you want to know what the idiot guy did?

He walked within six inches of this woman's ear and started screaming at her because she "didn't care" for people and wasn't wearing a mask.  This guy was worse than a banshee.

So much for social distancing.

Mr. Karen started to scream that he was going to get a manager.

I rolled my eyes.

Apparently this guy doesn't believe in rules because he's breaking them.

Did I mention that his cloth mask was under his nose?   Polis nailed it.  Part of me wonders if he holds stock in a mask company.  Those things are worthless.


I'm checking out and holding a miniature spruce tree in my hand and ready to poke the asshole with it should he continue to get too close.

A couple of people nearby were loudly talking about how they know the masks don't work but they were them so that assholes don't wind up having fits of rage due to their fear.

The woman left.

I told the guy to learn about immunology.

He's obviously an uneducated, racist (perhaps sexist) prick.  It's always guys acting like tattletales bullying women - always.  Polis has just given abusers a reason to harass women.

Someone is going to get shot.  Maybe not this guy - someone will eventually get shot due to their abusive behavior over an overblown response to a flu.

This guy is going to get sick.  Maybe not with Covid19 but if he is eating all that junk food, he isn't going to be living on this earth very long.  You have to feed your immune system.  It doesn't survive on salt and sugar.

Right now, I'm getting pissed off at the Democratic assholes pushing this fear and the Republican cowards who are too afraid to put a stop to it.

It looks like I owe you all a new post to explain what I'm finding out.

In sum.....Covid19 is giving political assholery cover: No one can go out in public to call out the assholery in person.  There is a lot of crap going on in my town.  The fear is giving the politicos an excuse to keep everyday people from commenting on their piss poor decisions. 

I'll try to thread it together for you.  It may take more than one post.

Life is weird.

You might like this, too (it has links to actual studies regarding masks - read those):



P.S.  Oh - I found three exercise DVDs for pregnant and post-partum women at Family Tree.  I'm glad I went!   I left some for other people, too.

The best part of my day is the restraint that I showed in NOT going to the music store next to the thrift store.  Back in the day, I routinely spent $400 a month there.

Besides, with all the plants in the car, I probably couldn't bring home a saxophone.  Thank goodness for miniature spruce trees!

Sunday, July 12, 2020


Today I'm thankful for Fiverr.

I'm too disgusted at my local police department for words. So, I'll pay someone to come up with the name for a PAC.

I'll just leave this here.

I'd rather do other things with my life but if the cops keep trying to kill my neighbors, I guess that fighting their funding will have to become the priority.

I pray Coffman's balls drop finds his true authenticity and he actually gets off of his ass and does something other than let socialists tell him what to say.  figures out that, as a conservative, he doesn't have to bow down to the liberals.  To tell the truth about him, my personal experience has been disturbing. 

Coffman's staff - oh, my goodness - they are incredibly stupid.  I was once barred entry from a town hall meeting because they looked me up on Facebook and saw that I grew up in Arvada.  They claimed this meant I wasn't living in Aurora despite my real address being listed on my driver's license and entry form.  It's a shame, Coffman may have appreciated a conservative presence that is well schooled in subliminal crowd control.  This was way back when his meetings were packed with liberal protesters. 

His loss.....

All that means is that I've got to make myself more visible.  Perhaps I should run for his seat again. 

I'd rather not.  I have more power outside of the limelight.

The Covid lockdowns only keep the community apart.  I'll continue watching the city's dog and pony show on YouTube.  Eventually, they'll get to see my mug on a weekly basis again. 

Love ya,


Next day edit:

I'm going to put this out there.  Twelve years ago, I ran into a retired police officer (Denver, I think) who claimed that the United Nations wanted to do away with local policing.  He seemed afraid of UN Troops coming in and taking over our cities (he claimed it would have to be international soldiers due to the Posse Comitatus Act forbidding US troops from acting on US soil).

He had dvds and written documentation which I passed on to people who wanted to research the issue.

If there is even a kernel of truth to the idea that local policing is in danger of giving way to Federal or even international control, police brutality could be the means by which this idea is sold to the general public.

Shifting gears, it is estimated that 3.7% of the population is sociopathic.  Of course, this minority of the population makes its way into a variety of occupations, including community policing.

This would seem to be a good reason for the unions and the majority of well-disciplined, caring cops to kick the rotten apples out of the bunch rather than stand with them in solidarity. 

My experience in Aurora is that the cops harassing me were not sociopaths.  I say this because they were obviously uncomfortable.  It would seem that they were ordered to mess around on my property and sit outside of my home.  Whoever gave that order was the problem.  Any rule (or illegal fine threat towards city employees) that forced these officers to comply is part of the problem.

I'm just one obnoxious old lady (and a pretty good thespian, too).  Undoubtedly, many more people (possibly less obnoxious and theatrical) are harassed in a similar fashion.  I can make the experience hilarious.

Other people may not see it as a joke.  They may actually experience trauma which severely limits their ability to live their lives as fully as possible.

This has got to stop. 

Very old research on the rotten apple theory of police brutality:

Sad Phone Message

Today I am thankful for being a musician and a psychotherapist. 

Yesterday I had a conversation with a young coworker who is leaving to pursue his passion in music.  He plays almost every instrument under the sun.

We spoke about how most musicians who go to college to study music often take on a major that will protect them should their performance careers not take off.

I chose music education.

He chose music business and production.

He seemed a little worried about going to college to study music and I told him that as a young woman, I never thought I would become a therapist and use my music recording knowledge to help people.

My hobby used to be making meditations for YouTube.  I couldn't keep doing it due to the content trolls.  It took a few hours each day to remove the copyright strikes against my videos because other people claimed they owned my voice

or the sounds of the birds recorded in my front yard.

What I eventually learned is that other hypnotists paid a company to protect their works from being stolen online.  This company would pretty much strike every hypnotists' videos and audio files and then market itself as a way to protect their work from being removed on YouTube.

I just let YouTube take my free content down and I stopped posting videos through that platform.  It started happening on other sites, too.  I stopped sharing my work for free.

I never placed ads on my videos.  YouTube did to create revenue for the content trolls.  For a couple of years, it was a great way to advertise.

This young man can always go back into psychology should he feel the need.  Musicians often make natural therapists.

It's amazing how much sound production has benefited me over the years.  I've even harassed an obnoxious city employee with a boom mic (he was a bratty snot and he deserved it). I got a good recording of his nonsense, too. 

The experience comes in handy once in a while.


I received a call from Sunnyvale, California last week.

It was less than 20 seconds long and it sounded silent.

I'm not sure why it bothered me so much.

With the sound amplified and the audio cleared up, the call captured a very sad voice slowly saying


My gut feeling is that I need to pay attention. 

I have no clue who this was. 

This person is getting prayers.


The lessons are that nothing we learn is ever truly a waste of time -and- always trust your gut.

If anything comes of this, I'll share.

Love ya,


Place for Documentation

  When I was a kid, I wanted to be a pilot.  My stepdad would talk about flying into Germany during World War II.  I'd spend my weekends...