Saturday, November 21, 2015

The Problem of Stalking and Controlling Relationships

Today I am thankful for the insight of my psychotherapist.
Psychotherapists typically see other psychotherapists just as a matter of course.
I've spend most of my adult life in psychotherapy.  It helps.
It is not uncommon to have a client bring in an issue that uncovers your own.  At that point, one needs to go see someone to work through their stuff in order to be present with his or her clients.
I have a therapist. 
She resembles Shannon in many ways.....she is shorter and much skinnier.
She has Shannon's voice, hair color and style.
She doesn't have Shannon's smirk.
I've seen her for a about a year or so.
I stopped practicing psychotherapy for two years when the stalking made its way to my office and other therapists as well as the billing specialist were harassed.  I went back into private practice in 2013 but took clients by referral only.
I've only started advertising again this year.
My therapist and I talk about soundproofing the walls. 
We talk about our contrasting styles and how our decorations connect with our clients.  How she likes to choose things that say "I understand you."  She also went to college in Washington.  She is now in the doctoral program I fled when the stalking followed me to campus. Her decorations resemble the colors of her college mascot.  She also has numerous photos of sights and tourist attractions in our neighborhood.  She wants to be seen as a trusted confidant and neighbor.
I like to keep my office decoration minimal.  My intent was to keep the conversation pieces out of my office.  I do have positive affirmations painted on my walls. I have abstract art.  My intention was to have people come in and start talking about their needs without their small talk about being influenced by the décor.  Often abstract art can be used as a mini Rorshach test.  People sharing their opinions about pieces can shed light on where they are in life and what they are going through.
The therapist I share my office with says that she can see my personality in the decor despite my desire to keep myself out of it.  It is positive.  It is bright and sunny despite my attempts to keep it black and white. 
The candy.....the cough drops....the free pens....and magnets with the affirmations on them.....all say.....I care.
I tried.
One thing psychotherapists are great at is pointing out those areas where you are lacking insight.  By this I mean those things that are so obvious that other people can see them but they are invisible to you.
These are the blind spots.
My therapist, Mary, pointed out a big blind spot.
She asked why every surveillance camera that was brought into this house goes missing or breaks quickly.
I don't know.
Maybe they are cheap?
I told her that I bought several surveillance cameras.  Last week, while perusing Amazon, I bought one for the children that constantly monitors people who come to the door.  It has a motion sensor and snaps a picture at the slightest movement.  That way, they will never be scared again when someone comes to the door pounding on it while I am away.
I told my ex-husband about the camera.  I said that he could open that box and install it if he wanted to.  It was for the safety of the children.
There are things that I did not say.  There are deliveries that will not come to the house. I cannot write about those.  Let's just say, I want to put an end to the mystery NOW.
My therapist asked me if I was concerned that the new camera would be broken if I told my ex-husband about it.  I responded that I had to tell him about it.  The monitor would be in plain sight so the kids could use it.
Well......I should have listened to my therapist.
Last night, I arrive home from my insurance sales job around midnight.  I sell in Hawaii.  When it is midnight here, it is 8:00 p.m. here.  That makes for a long night.
Michael told me that the camera I ordered for the front door was missing parts and cannot be installed correctly.
I don't know if Amazaon screwed up or if my ex doesn't want the camera installed.
No matter......I've got something else up my sleeve.  I wish I could write about it because I think it could help someone in my situation.
All I will say is this.....they have numerous cameras for front doors.  You can go to Amazon or Ebay and order a peep-hole camera which snaps a picture when someone knocks on the door.  You can buy a doorbell camera that snaps a picture when someone rights a door bell.  You can buy a mini-camera the size of a paper-clip that has a motion sensor and a 32gb memory card - it will record if it senses motion.  There are a lot of things you can do. 
Just don't do what I did.....don't tell the person the police say is stalking you that you have a camera because it could be disabled.
If I have any other tips, I'll share.
Love ya,
P.S.  I vow to research stalking and computer safety.  When I find something helpful, I will post the link.  I'm also putting together a Stalking Safety Tips pin group on Pinterest.  Right now, it is listed under my business name but maybe I can put it under the name Siegfred Smith.
There is one other thing.  I have noticed that the stalking picks up when I use Facebook.  I stopped posting and haven't had an issue since.  The stalker could harass me when it looks like I'm reaching out to other people. It could also be that s(he) is monitoring my page and reminded to harass me when s(he) sees my name pop up in their feed.   I don't know.   My friend count jumped when I became involved I politics - most of these people are not my real friends, they are frenemies.  They use Facebook to keep tabs on me and dig up dirt.  I don't really do anything interesting enough to create a scandal.
There are perks to being boring.
Love ya lots,

Friday, November 20, 2015

Document, Document, DOCUMENT!

Today I am thankful for the ability to document stalking crap.

My brand new ultra-expensive 32 gb Samsung phone has been hacked.

At least, I think it was.  It will flash various screens while it sits on the table charging.  It should be silent and off when I am not using it.

I fell asleep for five hours, when I awoke the phone was flashing.

I'm trying to remember all of the weird stuff that has been going on this week so I can write it down to remember it.

I apologize for this being so choppy.  I've been working twelve hour days selling insurance and providing hypnosis services.

If you want a boon in business, put an ad on a coupon website.  You don't make any money (they keep most of it) but it's a good way to get the word out about your services.

I built a new website and a web app. They are pretty spiffy! 

I'm busy.  I'm tired.

I need a place to document this.
On Sunday, November 14th - I awoke to find that someone had opened the back gate.  I have so many locks on that thing - NO ONE should be able to open it from the outside.

Two week ago, I discovered that the web cam on my computer was disabled.

Not a big deal, right?

Well.....the web cameras are inaccessible on all of the other computers in the house.


Every single one. 

There are six computers in this house.  There are five tablets in this house.

I'm going to run to my office in twelve hours (after my insurance shift is over) to check my work computer and tablets there.

This is  scary.  Can someone hack your computer camera so you cannot use it?

I'll have to make a mental note to research that.

It sure makes Skype conferences impossible!

I'm realizing that Michael is the stalker.

He has to be.

I saw my phone acting up and I asked him if he touched it.

If he touched it, it would explain why the screen was not in screensaver mode.

He yelled at me claiming that I didn't trust him.

He's right.  I don't.

I am just trying to figure out what is going on and find a solution.

If he touched the phone, it's not a big deal.

If he didn't, I should scared.

Why would he yell at me for trying to reality check a scary event?


I asked him to move.....again.

I don't feel safe right now.

We'll see.

I am realizing that if Mike wasn't stalking me, he'd probably be as scared as I am.  He is not concerned about it.  He doesn't like trying to solve the problem.  He ignores me when I try to solve the stalking problem.

An innocent man would not ignore me when I mention a desire to move out of this house.

I'm an idiot.

I believed the wrong person.  I disbelieved the wrong people (the cops).

Oh, and the ceiling fan that overlooks my bed suddenly stopped working three years ago ('bout the time Michael claimed a camera was in there).

My spy camera detector picks up wifi waves.  With all the tech in the house, it's hard to determine where a spy camera would be.

I don't know what to do....

except to move.

I don't know what I am dealing with, exactly.

That is what makes it dangerous.

If I could prove that it was Michael, I'd feel less afraid.

The only proof I have points to Douglas V. V3ga (who moved from Golden, Colorado to within a half mile of my home).  Doug was dating Michael's sister Shannon.  I've only met him once - when he grabbed me in public and called me "Satan." 

I have caught him watching me at various points over the years.  No words were spoken - he and Shannon just.....watched.


Did Michael ask them to do that?

There is another's kinda strange.

Several of this blog's posts are missing, too.

I guess it is time to change the password.


My computer is probably infected.

Damn it.

This is insane.

It really is.

Please.......if you think you are being your instincts.

The police officer told me that it is always the "person you'd least expect."

She's right. 

He was.
I have done a couple of things to try to catch the stalker in the act so I can go to the police with proof.

I can't tell you about them now.

When it works, I'll share my method - so you can use it to stay safe, too.

If you want inexpensive spy gear - try Amazon and Ebay.

They have a lot of nanny cams in the form of coat hooks and pens.

I share that because I didn't buy any of those.

I have something better.

That's all I'm going to say for now.

Stay safe!  

Love ya,


EDIT SOMETIME LATER:  I do have an old tablet that Michael doesn't know about.  It was hidden under piles of size 8 clothes in my bedroom.  The camera still works.  Only the computers were tampered with.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

My Resignation Letter To the Libertarian Party

Today I am thankful for closure.
Warning: This is a serious post - for once. 

I am sharing my resignation letter to the Libertarian party.  I was told that I needed to send one in, so I sent an email to the Records Director and asked if he wanted me to mail it.  I never received a response. 

I do know that they are getting the message.  They have finally put an ad forth to find someone to take my place.  I was told that they would probably fold the group because people are not participating.

Why would that be?
Why would people join the party and hesitate to take action?
Perhaps they feel like they won't get anything done? 
Perhaps they feel alienated?

We need to find out why and change our ways. People cease to be motivated when they do not see results for their efforts, don't feel appreciated or find themselves slandered for doing the best that they can.

Yes, I am still bothered by the very public smear campaign against the man in Florida.  I thought this party was above that.

In talking to fellow therapists, my staying with the party after Adrian Wyllie harassed a man some claim to be mentally ill could harm my career.  It is unfortunate that the story went viral and hit the local papers. People want to know if I have spoken out about it.  I can't really without making the candidate seem to be mentally ill.

I don't know if he's insane or a genius that doesn't hold Libertarian ideals.

Now, as Pagans, we learn quite quickly that there is a fine line between genius and insanity. 

The ego is that line.

 If one lets his or her ego get in the way, he and she can get into crazy territory quite quickly**.  Belief is a powerful thing.  It can help us reach new heights.  If we take it all too seriously or think we are more than others, we can do great harm to ourselves and the people around us.

This man may not be mentally ill.  His ego may have taken hold of his beliefs.  Wyllie may be tired of losing so he lashes out like a childish bully.  Maybe both of them are acting out of ego.  Maybe my leaving is acting out of ego.  I don't know. 

Truth be told, I don't need a political label to sit in meetings and give ideas about fighting tax hikes and poor government policy. 

As far as being tired of losing, I never really thought of myself as a loser.  The groups I have been involved in have won everything we sought to achieve.  We were multi-partisan and we always won.  Alone I am nothing.  In a group, especially a multi-partisan group, things can get done.

I was asked a few days ago to teach some activists how to use covert hypnosis to give speeches. I can't find a colleague who has a group in the area, so I'm putting together a course and a practice group for them.  I'm hoping someone with more time steps up....if not....well....

I still have ways to fill my time.  I'm just sad it came to this.

I thought I joined the Party of Principle.  If thought-crimes are punishable by public shaming and we don't feel empathy for people who may have mental illness (or that we mock for being crazy in the press), we lack those principles we claim to have.

If it is a matter of one bad apple, consider censuring him before he ruins the bunch.  All it takes is one poisonous personality to ruin it for everyone else. 

I will still find a way to do what I like to do, the political label won't change who I am. 

Here is the letter:


It is with great sadness that I write this letter to indicate my resignation from my role as ******* ******* ******* with the Libertarian Party of ***************. I am no longer qualified to perform the duties assigned to me.

I did not make my decision to change my party affiliation lightly.  What I have witnessed play out in Florida has plagued my mind.  It appears that our party leadership approves of the public persecution of individuals for mere thought crimes.  

For a psychotherapist like myself,  the Non-Aggression Principle means more than disavowing physical aggression against others.  It includes such things as emotional abuse, cyber-bullying, and public harassment.  The act of sending out a press release with the intention to engage in a smear campaign against a candidate hopeful (e.g. shaming someone for college assignments and calling former religious colleagues to dig up dirt to air publicly in the press) is a form of public harassment. If we suspect a candidate has a mental illness, as was suggested in several articles, the very last thing we should do is run to the press. We have other options that are less dangerous to that person's mental health (e.g. NOTA).

It is unclear to me how the Senate hopeful from Florida broke the Non-Aggression Principle. Sure, he wrote a lot of offensive things. I did not see where he actually attacked anyone.  On the other side of the coin, I can find another instance where the former chair of the Libertarian Party of Florida allegedly engaged in the cyber-bullying a Libertarian Gubernatorial hopeful who threatened to engage in a lawsuit  (circa 2010- 2013).

In organizations, the silence of the leadership on such issues lends an air of covert approval.  The deafening silence helped me see that the party is going down a road that I cannot follow.  Until the situation corrects itself, or the national party makes a statement about the issue or even censures the former chairman of the Libertarian Party of Florida, I will cease to donate my time, energy or money to the Libertarian Party..

Additionally, sensationalizing a rare behavior and pairing it with a religious label can be offensive to individuals who identify with that label and do not engage in such behavior.  My step-father identified as Native American.  Pagan practices were common in my household growing up.  I found the manner in which this controversy presented itself to be offensive: I humbly suggest that the party leadership and affiliates put out a message of inclusion to libertarian minded folks.

Let me be clear. We cannot win a race by sabotaging members who want to play on our team. We need to model respectful political discourse.  We can attack ideas without attacking the people presenting them.  We can have public debates without running to the press with what amounts to little more than gossip.  





Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Life Lesson: Bad Vibes Mean RUN

Today I am thankful for my latest life lesson.
Pay attention to your intuition.  It can pick out red flags quicker than your conscious mind can.
It took me more than four decades of life to figure that out.
I am not accepting Facebook friend requests at all just because I am tired of Steve's drama.  I must get two to three requests per day from fake Facebook accounts (accounts with no friends and one picture).  It's crazy. Today, I had a request from someone who looked like Jane with a weird name.
I blocked her.
When I hire a social marketing guru to help me keep my pages up, maybe I'll change my mind. 
There are a couple of websites where college students will negotiate to do such tasks with small business owners.  I have someone revamping my website and branding now. 
I'm going to focus on what I want.  That was the advice from the legal assistant who tried to help me stop the stalking.  The stalking stopped. I am not sure if it is because I am not here to annoy anymore or if it is because Michael has to stay here because he's unemployed.  There is no need to stalk me if he always has eyes on me.
From this day forth I shall heed her advice.
Focus on what you want.
Give energy to what you want.
I am actually proud of myself today.  I saw a red flag.  I acted on my intuition.  I left the situation due to my discomfort.
My washer broke.  It's from the 70's.  I bought on Craigslist for $65. It cleans clothes so much better than my new machines.  I loved it!

The transmission wore out after a year.  It was replaced.  I worked for about two years before it broke down again.
This time the driveshaft broke and shredded the barrel that holds the water.  The cost of parts is more than the washer is worth.
My ex-husband (bless him) and I have been driving around town trying to find another old machine. 
We found a model from the 80's.
It was nearly $200.  It was a bit more than the part needed to fix the old machine.  The guy promised to recycle my old machine.
I asked if there was a warranty.  He said 30 days.  Thirty days should be enough time to know if something was wrong with the machine.
I whipped out my debit card.
Then the salesman's phone rang.
I overheard the conversation.
Someone was calling about an appliance he purchased from the store on October 2 of this year.  It was broken.  The salesman said that he was outside of the thirty day warranty period and he couldn't help him.
The salesman hung up, shook his head in disbelief and wondered why someone would call to complain about an item two days outside of the warranty period.
I wondered if the items they sold were not looked over thoroughly enough to last more than a month. 
I left.
The salesman seemed shocked that I'd leave.  I'm not sure Michael understands why I left.
That store is bad news.
I don't want to be the one calling them in thirty two days wanting help with a defective unit.
I want a working machine.
I will focus on that.
That's the lesson.
Focus on what you want.
I want a working washer.  I can't buy from a dishonest seller who doesn't do right by his customers.
I want a working relationship.  I can't waste my time with jerks and their girlfriends who want to play games on the telephone or social media.  
I want to make a difference in my community.  I will spend time with people who try to be part of the community dialogue rather than pick other people apart for who they are. 
I want to be a published author.  I'll keep writing to see if I can get a story out of all the gossip I hear about myself and all the craziness I see in my life.  I'll probably need to hire a college student to be my editor because (as you can tell), my prose is choppy and I write like an uneducated neurotic.

There has to be a way to turn it into an entertaining teaching tale. 

What am I learning?

I am learning a lot through this process about people with personality disorders, the price of being gullible when faced with liars, not taking advice from police officers and letting people get my goat.
People can't get your goat if you don't give them the reins.
If this helps you.....
Focus on what you want.
Surround yourself with people who personify those qualities you want for yourself.  Their good behavior will rub off on you.

Life is too short for anything else.

Love ya,


Edit at 8:26 p.m. - This is interesting.......

I had an experience tonight that proves that the real world is much stranger than fiction.

I went to Craigslist and found a very clean 70's era washer for $70. 

Get this......It was in the very spot my mother was killed back in '84!

I'm not joking. 

It was in the kitchen of the apartment that I grew up in on Girard Ave. in a town called Sheridan.

The renters said they were given the washer thinking it would work in the apartment.

No.  My step-father was the manager of those apartments.  I pointed out what used to be the laundry room back in 1975.  It is a storage facility two doors away from the apartment. I pointed out the underground storm shelter on the side of their apartment.  They didn't know it was there.

We used to store our stuff there.

It was fun walk down memory lane.  I gave the men $80 because I was too lazy to go to the bank for change.  They argued about it for a bit and then decided to load everything up for me.

I was grateful to get the see the place I grew up.  Too see the paint drippings on the wall my step-father made when he was not being particularly attentive to detail.  It looks like someone didn't try to smooth them out when they changed the color of the walls.

It was nice to see that the old gas stove replaced.  The tile and the cabinets were new.  The hot water heater was no longer in the kitchen.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.  The garden, lawn and tree we planted in the early 80's was still there and well kept. When I give speeches about how the government needs to shrink, I see myself with my step-father pulling weeds and hearing him talk about how one should never accept blankets (or other gifts) from the government.  I used to hear that story before we watered the garden because he couldn't believe a government could charge for something the Great Spirit gave so freely.

I think of that garden and those stories daily. 

I wonder if my reddish calico cat is still buried there.  Her name was Spice. My step-father shot her when I was twelve.  Yes, I spent so many years in therapy that I wound up with a graduate degree in psychology.

I wonder.....

If there is something to this spiritual stuff when the veil is thin?

The veil between our world and the spirit world is thin.

If you hear me talk, I call the spirit world the Ethernet. 

Get it?

It's lame but that's my name for the creepy stuff that we cannot explain. 

I wonder.....on some very basic level.......

the mindset of a child that going back to my childhood home brought out of me.....

I wonder.....

if my mother led me to the machine when she did.

At least that is what I want to believe.

I came home and a neighbor told me that someone came to my door and pounded on it several times just a few minutes after I left.

The person was on foot.  They must have seen me ride away in the Mini-Van I gave Michael.

My neighbors didn't get a good description of the person for me.

They said that the banging was loud.

I have to check the security footage.  I've had trouble with the camera since the day some jerk turned the hose on  it.

Maybe there is a reason I found myself far away at that point in time.

Maybe something unreal was protecting me?

Maybe it was just a coincidence.

I'll never know. 

On the bright side, I had an interesting walk down memory lane that I would not have had if the appliance shop salesman wasn't a dick.

My life is crazy. 

The crazier the story, the more apt it is to be true. 

May all your crazy stories be the fun kind of crazy. 

Love ya,



Monday, November 2, 2015

How to Stop Harassing Calls

Today I am thankful that my generosity has solved a problem for me.

Steve's girlfriend keeps calling.

I'm not sure they are actually seeing each other now. 

They were seeing each other while I was dating Steve.

All I know is that Jane had a tendency to call me with problems when Steve broke up with me.

She calls to talk about being taken advantage of by abusive sociopathic men,

then she brings Steve up

and when I try to warn her about sociopaths and how they operate, she hangs up on me.


In the past, Steve would harass me shortly after she called.

I wonder if Steve is putting her up to calling me. 

He has a way of coming up in her conversations.

He has a way of harassing me shortly before and after her contact.

This latest round of contact could have been the result of my blocking his new Facebook account due to the creepy messages I had been receiving.


The last time she called here, she admitted to seeing Steve during our relationship.

Truth be told, I really don't want to deal with anyone connected with Steve anymore. 

There is too much drama.

I will help anyone I can....

unless they are trouble makers.

If she is reporting our conversations back to Steve, she is a troublemaker.

Her last phone call was weird.

She started off by apologizing for ruining my life.

She knew I was angry.


I never told anyone how I felt.

I was angry because Steve was harassing me online.  He went to a public page and made a bunch of crazy claims about me after I asked her to consider her own needs and to avoid men who are irresponsible and emotionally abusive.

My friends say he went on to slander me for several months.  Apparently, he is telling people that I sent demons after him.  I added that to my blog just because it was funny.  Truth be told, if I could control demons - the last task I'd have them complete would be to harass Steve and give him nightmares. He's not that important! 

I doubt that people can actually control demons.  If one could, what would one do?  Condemn them to hell?  Harass the Aurora shooter?  Tempt all statist politicians to dance with the Devil in the pale moonlight?  Never mind......I think the politicians do that now.

Anyway......enough of the cray cray.  One shouldn't be giving energy to nutty assertions.

Let's get back to Jane.

In that last phone conversation, Jane went on to state that she chased me off of Facebook for eight months.

I went off of Facebook due to Steve's creepy messages and threats.  There are a couple of other men annoying me, too.  They are not local but I don't like being propositioned by people I've never met in person.

I don't do much with Facebook now. I am looking into hiring a social media manager to deal with it for me.

I guess it is nice that she fessed up to seeing him.  It explains a lot, actually.

It explains why he would talk about screwing a twenty year old, how his other girlfriends looked like models (she does), and why his sheets were bloody and mutilated the last time he invited me over to drive him to the Phish concert.  He spent the weekend acting like a smirking jackass, leaving me alone while he hung out with women (who he claimed badmouthed me) and lying to his mother and people over Facebook.  When I got home and saw his social media posts about me, I promptly broke off our relationship. Then he became incredibly nasty.  I blocked him out of my life.

If he was seeing Jane (or even another woman), that could also explain why he sold my concert tickets, bought me a cheaper set and had me sit alone in the stands for a show.  Perhaps he was dancing with her on the floor.

It certainly explains why he was angry with his mother for being late and why he was worried about not getting to the venue early.  Perhaps he was meeting someone.

I don't know.

Maybe Steve had reasons for being a brat.

I guess Jane gave me closure.  I didn't want it. 

It does help me understand what Steve actually was.


It worked out for me.  I met my current boss that night at the Phish concert.

I ran into him when I left the show crying.  He told me to "breathe."  I won't comment on what he was doing (not bad....I just don't want him judged).

Eight months later, I found myself at a new company going through the interview process. He told the HR people that he knew me but wasn't sure where we had met.  I got the job.

The company paid to get me licensed and offered me a seasonal gig.  I'm getting experience and other companies are trying to court me away.

In stressful situations, my boss still likes to remind me to "breathe."

He and the HR came up with the plan to thwart the stalking. I don't park on-site.  They keep my phone in a locker near the security desk in another building (so I can't be tracked). They have a shuttle take me to and from my car.

I'm not complaining.

It's a little bit funny.

Jane reminded me how gullible I am. I didn't see Steve's game until she started calling me.

My boss has reminded me how opportunities abound, even is dismal circumstances.  Everyone we meet may be important to us at some point in our lives.  Wonderful things happen when we are good to each other. 



Let me tell you how I solved the crazy phone call issue.

It's quite simple, really.

Michael lost his job and needs a decent cell phone to hunt for work and answer calls.

I didn't want to answer my phone.

I found a way to make it a win-win situation.

Michael needed a phone. 

So, I gave Michael my cell phone.

I upgraded my account, my phone and got myself a new phone number.  My business lines will forward to my new phone.

Yesterday, I learned that Michael has been talking to Jane on my old line.  It doesn't sound like they are in-depth communications. Maybe I'll give him a number to a charity that can help her.

I hope Jane has taken my advice about putting herself first and avoiding abusive guys.....

I hope...

I can't help her anymore.

If she dated Steve, I'm too close to the situation to help her.

I need to distance myself from drama. 

With the peace and the quiet, life is good.

If only solving other problems were this easy.

Love ya,


P.S.  I know my in-laws had hacked that phone at one point in time because the screen would flash like crazy right before I would catch Shannon watching me.  I'd look down, various screens would flash and it was a sign and a signal to look for Shannon or Doug.  I would usually find them a few feet away when that happened.

I don't know if they hacked the phone or my Google Account.  If they hacked the phone, they can now communicate with Michael and he can deal with his family on his own.

If they hacked my Google Account, my new phone paired with two part authentication will solve most of the problems. 

If good things happen when I ditch my phone and my car, I wonder what will happen when I sell the house? 

I'm thinking about it.

Stalking victims have to take responsibility for their own safety.  Sometimes that means leaving the things you love behind. 




and even homes. 

Place for Documentation

  When I was a kid, I wanted to be a pilot.  My stepdad would talk about flying into Germany during World War II.  I'd spend my weekends...