Monday, June 19, 2023



Today I am thankful for the opportunity to say that I'm alive and doing fine. 

I've just been busy. 

I've decided to leave the addiction industry.  I've just quit two jobs after a couple of weeks due to illegal behavior on the part of the ownership. 

I turned the first company into the Behavioral Health Administration who promised to offer coaching to help the company avoid lawsuits and trouble  Edit: I just learned that they are filing DORA complaints against employees who quit without two weeks' notice.  Oh boy, that's expensive for a therapist to deal with.  I never thought I'd see the day when a counselor would have to hire a lawyer for leaving a toxic job. This didn't happen to me but to my replacement.  I'll probably have to write a letter in her defense.  Damn it!    

I'm debating on turning the second company in. They're so stupid that they'll get caught. I was sent a nasty email for talking to my boss about concerns about liability because other counselors were telling people to stop their psychotropic medications without seeing a doctor and people were not getting their insulin. The nasty email from the Program Director stated, "We can't have people working for us who are afraid to take risks due to fears of lawsuits."   

It was a shame that he could not see that I feared killing our patients. Withholding insulin for three weeks can be deadly.   

Stick a fork in me - I'm done. 

Don't worry.  The clients finally got the medication before I left. They also know it is okay to report concerns to Medicaid and the Department of Regulatory Agencies.  

Besides, the last employer has not honored the hiring contract.  They're trying to pay me below minimum wage. They owe me about $3,000 in back pay.  My advice - if an employer shorts you on a check and fights you tooth and nail - leave.  Never let an employer get away with owing you more than you'd let a disliked friend owe you. 

These were both jobs that I got off of  I did not apply for them, the employers found me.  Both were horrible employers.  I'm doubting that I will get paid by the second company because they are not listed as a business with the Colorado Secretary of State.  Indeed consistently rejects negative reviews so we cannot warn others that they won't get paid or face grievances for leaving leaving a job in an at-will state. I think the lesson is to delete my account at Indeed.  If I can't warn other people about the pitfalls of accepting certain jobs then no one can warn me.  If honest reviews were allowed, I may have seen the writing on the wall earlier and accepted one of the other offers I had received. 

I did not get a master's degree and spend thousands of dollars on post-graduate work to work for asshats who violate the law and put their patients in danger. It's best not to associate with money-grubbing asshats with no experience or business acuity. 

I think the universe wants me to dust off my office space and see my own clients.   


Other than that - my life has been busy with school, studying, home improvements, driving kids back and forth to college in other cities, and all sorts of other things. 

I'm posting because my ex gets nosy if he hasn't heard from me for a while.  He sat outside the house for a few hours last week so I figure he needed to know I'm alive so he'll leave me alone.  I'm trying to head off future property damage at the pass. I know all too well that the police don't care about stalking or ex-husbands sitting outside of your home despite your asking that they not do that.  

I'm actually thinking of moving to the four corners area but I'll be mum on the city.  I can always work as a hypnotist in a tourist trap. I just have a few scores to settle before I move.   

Why do I have the feeling that the universe wants me to get back to business and start hanging out at the City building on Monday nights? 

Or maybe I need to find a way to get on the drug and alcohol counselor oversight board.   

Maybe I'll do that instead.  


I thought that I should let you know that I'm alive....I'm doing fine....and I pray you guys stay away from shit-hole people and employers. 

With all the censorship stuff, my blog may be taken down or I may wind up arrested or shot.  That hasn't happened yet. Life is becoming more dystopian because the bigwigs in power are freaking out;  people aren't taking their crap anymore so they are gunning for more control over the average person. 

Truth be told: The old ways of doing things are dead.  Corporate types, people trying to make a quick buck, and unqualified people trying to take a piece of the fentanyl-war funding pie are ruining things for good people trying to do right by their brethren. 

Why is it that government funding does the opposite of what it is intended to do? 

Never mind, that's just the Libertarian in me whining. 

My prescription will always be less government control.  Look at what is happening now and how our lives have changed. Corporatocracy just leads to a consolidation of power at the top which will eventually fall when people fail to do the bidding of the elite. The charade can't last forever. 

You'd be surprised just how many good people are out there.  When we speak, the evildoers among us have little power.  It's about time we form a chorus.  

In the meantime, I'll keep a steady beat.  

Love ya, 


Place for Documentation

  When I was a kid, I wanted to be a pilot.  My stepdad would talk about flying into Germany during World War II.  I'd spend my weekends...