Monday, April 27, 2020

Ex Husband Behaving Badly

Today I am thankful for documentation.

About 5:00pm, my children stated that they received a text message from their father stating that visitation had changed from Friday evening to all day Sunday.



I tried to get him to mediate visitation.  I spent $20,000 on legal fees.

He did not want to change visitation during our court hearing in November.

Alrighty then,,,,

I know the game.

Get the custodial parent to believe visitation takes place on Sunday and then show up on Friday (according to the court order).

If the kids aren't ready, then you sue her for visitation interference.

It's just better to follow the court order.

Besides - we have church.


I'm paying $365 per month to pay off those legal fees.

I guess I'll have to get yet another loan.


My ex claims that it is because RTD furloughed him.

RTD is bragging about not having to furlough or lay off their employees.

I wonder what pissed my ex off?

I'd bet that he is the one hacking all of my accounts, too.


I'm so tired of all the controlling crap.

I asked him to change the visitation order just to avoid the scenario above (where I get in trouble for making side agreements and not following the order).

We'll see how this goes.

Love ya,


Edit: 05/01/20 -


trying to help him turned out to be a nightmare.

So he wanted to change the visitation times without changing the court order.  I spoke to him about getting more time - having dinner visits twice a week in addition to the Sunday he requested.

I wrote about teaching the kids to drive so that they could drive to see him whenever they wanted.

I caught him in a couple of lies about his schedule.  It didn't matter, I still tried to be helpful.

Then I asked for his address so I could send a written agreement to protect each of us -

he refused to give me his address.

He said that I'd have to take a day off of work and drive to the courthouse to get it.  That's not going to happen

Everything is shut down due to COVID19 - except healthcare.  I work in behavioral healthcare.  I can't take a day off even if I wanted to.

He is supposed to share this information with me as per the court order.

Then it turned into name calling.

So....we're just going to have to follow the visitation order until he decides follow the rest of the order.

I finally realized that he needed narcissistic supply because he is bored.  He needs to go back to work.

Now, I'm finally mad enough at Governor Polis to light my black candles.

I've been spending my Sundays protesting at the State House.  Our governor is an idiot.  I'm reading the science behind COVID19.  Our government paid to splice Coronavirus with HIV.  

Most people only have mild symptoms.

It's shocking to me that they shut down the government for mild symptoms.  I'm beginning to wonder if this was part of a bigger plot to remake our economy.

The governor's policies are going to get people killed.  Many people are losing their jobs and insurance.  They won't be able to get medical care should they get sick.

Crap, I can't even get medical care of my liver tumor or the lump in my breast because every thing is shut down.

Worse, I fear those policies are going to get me killed by my angry, stalking, creepy ex.

Tuesday is the day to pray to Ares.

I think it's time to beat the drums of war on more than one front.



Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Feeling Cute, Might get Arrested Later - Hacking and An Angel of Death

Today I am thankful to be overworked.

In spite of the death of a close relative who we can't bury or have a service for due to the overreaction to Covid19,

I'm happy to still have a job.

It pays very little. I just took the job to get hours so I can sit for a licensure exam.

I have enough hours now.

The aunt who tried to rescue me out of foster care died a couple of weeks ago.  She fell.

Kaiser Permanente was so intent on saving hospital beds for Covid19 victims, they released her from the hospital early.  They REFUSED to provide skilled nursing care (in violation of the Denver City Employee Evidence of Coverage for her plan) and a licensed social worker tried to intimidate another untrained elderly relative into providing the nursing care.

I warned Kaiser that I would report the social worker to DORA.

My aunt died the next day.

The Coroner was so pissed off, he had a victim's advocate report everyone.

I'm trying to convince her Medial Power of Attorney to complain to the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services.

Me....I'll just do my political thing.  Maybe Kaiser Permanente will finally be run out of Colorado.


I think my ex has too much time on his hands.

In the past 24 hours, several of my online accounts have been hacked by the same IP address in Cheyenne Wyoming.

They don't all have my name on them. Many of them have fake names attached to them like

Siegfred Smith, Sue Happy and so on....

I'm thinking I need a new computer.

Or my passwords are bad.



is too easy to guess.


There will be a protest at the capital this weekend to beg Polis to reopen the economy.

I've been working 12 hour days.  I come home, can't sleep and wind up researching the Covid19 crap.

I need more time to post.

Let's just say that the virus originated in North Carolina and then followed the researcher to Wuhan.

Why in the hell would the US government fund testing to see if they could make a virus more virulent?

They withdrew the funding recently- but- the damage was done.

Our government is messing with us.

You can easily find the information on academic websites.  I should download it before it gets scrubbed off the net.


Polis is not the brightest bulb in the bunch.

Mayor Hancock is an idiotic brat.  For instance, he literally shut down the Appliance Factory Outlet for not being an essential business!

The day before they did this, the appliance store brought me a new dryer because they broke one I bought a couple weeks before.

Not Essential?????

I work in healthcare.  Yesterday, I was exposed to a patient with scabies.

I spent my lunch hour washing the elderly woman's clothes.

Poor dear.....

When I got home.....

I had to take my clothes off in the garage, throw them in a plastic bag, get into the house, hop into the shower to scald my skin and hair before emptying the bag of clothes into a hot water wash and drying them on the hottest setting possible.  .

Appliances are not essential??????

You've got to be kidding me!!!

Mayor Hancock is a statist twit!


Now the Libertarian Party has invited me to a protest at the capital.

I'm wondering if Mayor Hancock's goon squad will arrest us?

If I get to wear an orange jumpsuit, I'll sue the holy shit out of Denver.

I look great in orange!  It matches my flaming locks.

Hell, my lawyers need work.  I'd rather tax dollars go back into the hands of the people than sit in the coffers of a stupid government.

Alas, I may not get to participate - I work too damn much.


The worst part about the shut down is -

get this-

my glasses broke!

I had an eye exam before Polis shut everything down.  I couldn't buy glasses.

I'm wearing an old pair.

The lenses are popping out because the frame cracked.

Here I am....unable to see....trying to type in a hurry because I have to get back to work.

Damn it!!

Well, that's not the worst part....

I haven't been able to get my breast cancer/liver tumor crap checked out -

let's just say that

my skin and excretions are yellow, my left breast is deformed and there is blood and unexplained bruising (large painful bruises).

So much for waiting until I could get PTO to schedule my medical procedures.

Yuck -

This shut down is going to kill me.

If I die now, I'm coming back as a Libertarian Wraith.

I know who I'm going to haunt.

I'll be the ghastly ghostie screaming "NOOOOOO" as politicians sign freedom limiting measures into law.



P.S.  I'm having a hell of a lot of nightmares.

I dream of my high school sweetheart gifting me tomato plants.  This inspired me to start a hydroponics garden.  I can't eat tomatoes - but - the kids and foodbanks will make good use of them.

I use grow lights as a beauty treatment - don't judge - people think I'm my thirties.

You know what?  I'll put them to better use when my seedlings get a little bigger.


The worst dream is of my grandfather screaming at me telling me to stock up on coffee and meat.  So, my freezer is full and my clients have enough coffee to get them through the apocalypse.  I'm hoping they'll save the grounds for my roses.

The probably won't.  I'll have to take up drinking coffee again.


I don't know what is worse - my dreams - or reality.

Both seem surreal.

Speaking of surreal -

I bought a new bass - It's a Fender Precision Bass.

Never had a Fender bass before.

I also bought my kids an acoustic guitar.  A Martin....I think.  I haven't seen it since it arrived.

Crap...I sure hope the music stores gets to stay in business.

It cost me less than $900 for the set.  This is very sad.

It's hard to watch people suffer.

Love ya!

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Ex-husband's Antics Remind Me of His Stalking Days

Today I am thankful for eagle-eye neighbors.

It seems like everyone is home now that COVID19 is in town.  The kids are doing online classes and the nosy neighbors see everything.

I work in healthcare so I get to work long hours.  On the bright side, I have face masks.

I'm working a lot.

Enter visitation.

I get a call at work shortly after 4:00pm stating that my ex husband is sitting on my porch pouting.

I'm unable to see his expression through the camera but I finish with my patient and call home.

It appears that he showed up for his visit an hour early without warning.  The kids were doing their online class and unready to start the visit.

This concerns me - His bizzare behavior seems to be amping up.

Sometime in the past month, he hacked one of my store accounts and overrode my phone number with his phone number AND a phone number that we disconnected eight years ago.

I remedied this by getting a new account.

He sent me a snarky message last week wanting to switch his visitation times as he assumed the kids were not in school due to the Coronavirus scare.  I told him that they do indeed have classes and that they were studying at the time he wanted to visit with them.  The eldest has a class that ends at 5:00pm three times a week.

Today, I received a message from a neighbor stating that my ex-husband was hanging out on my porch an hour before his visitation was to begin.

He never contacted me.  A neighbor did.

Now, I'm getting scared.

I wonder what's going on?

I'd ask him -but- I really don't want to hear that I'm a bleepity, bleep lousy liar who made up stories of his family's harassment and stalking.

I'm terrified of him.

I'm terrified of his family.

I've learned it's best just to avoid talking to them.

If I have any advice to share it is that if you want money, favors, a home or anything from your ex, be nice.

If you attack her continuously, she'll stop helping you.

NEVER attack her in front of a family law judge.  That's a sure fire way to piss off the person who may just help you skate out of paying your arrearages.  The judge changed the order to force him to pay every dime.

I wasn't even asking for that.

Be nice.  You'll get more that way.

Love ya,


Place for Documentation

  When I was a kid, I wanted to be a pilot.  My stepdad would talk about flying into Germany during World War II.  I'd spend my weekends...