Monday, March 31, 2014

Migraines, Laughter, & Famous Friends

Today I am thankful for laughter. 

I can't laugh too much today, though.  I have been plagued by migraines for the past few days.  I think I hurt my neck. 

It's a long story. 

I don't know if the neck pains are psychosomatic.  Someone has been a pain in my neck.  I am imagining it as being real.  I think the neck pains are bringing on the migraines. 

Let's see.....I'll share the fun stuff first. 

I've been laughing pretty hard at some dinky record label who is mistaking my voice as one belonging to a male Mexican singer who bills himself as a romantic artist.  They have flagged over forty of my YouTube videos as rip offs of their client's songs.

I'm a hypnotist who speaks in a monotone e-flat alto voice.  If this label is mistaking me for their client...the guy needs singing lessons.  If this dinky label removes one more of my videos, I'm going to go to my mailing list of over 160,000 people and poke a little fun at this guy. 

That's the funny part of my week.

My ex now has a broken wrist, high blood pressure and diabetes! 

Oh gawd.....I can't take any more. 

Last week, he blamed my talking about the stalking for his high blood pressure. 

I am so frustrated with that.  I am pretty darn sure Michael put his sister up to stalking me.  He has never really helped me put a stop to it.  He used to yell at me when I tried to talk about it or deal with it. 

She always found me while attending events Michael knew I would attend. 

He is behind the stalking.  He is using the medical conditions as an excuse not to deal with it. 

I don't know.....I really do not know what to do. 

He did agree to help me come up with a plan to move him out of the house.  I'm not sure if it will happen.  He mentioned a hard truth today.  He realized that if I fall in love with a guy and cohabit with him, he doesn't have to be on the hook for alimony anymore. 

I never thought that my falling in love with Steve would be the carrot that gets Mike out of my house.   He thinks Steve is a good guy.  Maybe this will work to move things along?  I'll believe it when I see it.

I have had a lot of famous people reach out to me lately.  I had a politician ask me to pick him up from the airport.  I declined because I have a car missing mirrors that stalls at stop lights. 

I had a famous colleague offer to help me find clients.  Maybe things are beginning to turn around...finally. 

I don't know what to do.  Things are so crazy right now, I think I'm losing my mind slowly. 

I'll update you again when the migraines go away. 

Love ya,


Wednesday, March 26, 2014


Today I am sad but thankful.

I am realizing that the stolen money, constant arguing, crying, raging and crazy crap is retaliation for my seeing Steve.

I spent Friday night with Steve.  There was hell to pay yesterday.

I have decided that until I can access what is left of the money I was awarded in the divorce or sneak around and earn enough to afford a lawyer to help me fix this mess, I have little choice but to be alone. 

Even if I could bring contempt charges into the courtroom on my own, without a lawyer, I think it would be just like the divorce would be ignored.

I'm heartbroken. 

I may have to back away from politics and work, too.  Those things just cause more drama.

I am stuck. 

I know no other action that I can take.

I have to keep this guy happy until I can move out or get him to move out.

Yes, it is narcissism that makes men ignore legal agreements.  They leave you destitute.  They destroy your credit. 

It's got to be a bit more than narcissism.  I see quite a bit of delusion here, too.  He put off the divorce for six months because he said we would split a larger tax refund.  Now, he wants to use that money for marital therapy.

He doesn't understand what has happened.

Years ago, when I asked him to help me put a stop to the stalking and harassment, he told me to divorce him.  He'd been calling me his ex since 2006! 

Why has he changed his mind now?

I am so confused.

I don't want to drag anyone else into this mess. 

I don't know exactly what to do except to wait.

I'm crying today. 

Sometimes, though, it is best to look at the painful truth rather than ignore it and press on.  The painful truth is that I have to be alone right now.

Love ya,


Edit later that day:

Okay, so my ex-husband told me that he didn't mean a word of it.  It was the drugs talking. 

So....that's nice. 

He doesn't have an expectation of returning to me. 

Okay.....that is one less worry.  This is one less thing for me to clench my jaw over in the middle of the night.

Maybe he can't give me time table for moving on.  Maybe I just have to be patient. 

I can't take this anymore.  I can't take his control of my assets.  I can't take the time wasting lies. 

I can't take the recollections of his uncle lunging at me in public, his mother yelling at me, and his sister and her boyfriend stalking me. 

I have no clue what the heck I did to these people. 

They are whacked.  This is a dynamic that I am truly hoping to get away from. 

On another note, I got a lead on a decent sales job today.  It pays well.  It is a telecommuting job, so I could work from my office or home.  My home is full of alarm systems and video cameras.  I'm safe from the stalking here. 

Wish me luck. 

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Sleeping Pills

Today I am thankful for sleeping pills.

I have been exhausted of late.  I am having a tough time sleeping.  I fall asleep around midnight.  I wake up around four and hallucinate that I am talking to djinn. 

No, they do not grant wishes. 

They give me advice.

I think my subconscious mind thinks it is a genie.

I am being told that the things I think are true are lies.

I am being told that I am being manipulated by my ex-husband.


I spent the past six hours having an absolute stupid argument. 

I wanted my ex-husband to tell me how and when he wanted the actual separation to take place.

He wanted me to stop seeing Steve.

So.....we went rounds.

He wants to stay in this house until I find a good paying job. 

I am afraid to look for a permanent job so long as he lives here due to the fact I'm being stalked by his sister.

I haven't really spoken to his sister since 1999, so I don't know how she knows the things she knows about me.  How does she know what I look like?  How does she know where to find me?

He has to be telling her things about me. 

This is when the argument gets crazy. 

My ex-husband will admit to not wanting me to work.  He will admit to sabotaging me.  He will admit to controlling the money and the cars.  He will admit to doing this so he can stay with me.

Today he admitted to putting off filing the taxes because he wanted me to agree to go to marital counseling with him when the refund arrived.  I need the refund to pay the rent on my office space.

Marital counseling?  We've been divorced three months!!!

He will admit to trying to keep me with him.  He will not admit to the stalking. 


He also admits that he had no intention of divorcing me and that this is why he hasn't followed the agreement. 

This makes me tired. 

I don't know what to do. 

I'm going to go to sleep and hope to have another conversation with my djinn.

What should I tell him?


If I had three wishes, what would they be? 

A job?
and world peace?

I don't know....

Maybe I should ask for money, a job in another state, and a hobby so I can ignore my ex-husband?

Maybe what I need is good advice.

I don't know exactly what I want. 

I guess that is the problem. 

I don't know what I want. 

If I knew, I'd go get it for myself. 

I am tired.  I am confused.  I want to go off and hide in a cave. 


Love ya,


Monday, March 24, 2014


Today I am thankful that I passed the temptation test.

So...the universe sent to me a hot, Leo, Pagan, Libertarian, Bass Player who is also a political activist.

Oh....did I tell you that he likes to hug. 

Oh...did I tell you that he looks strikingly similar to my ex-boyfriend Thomas when he was in high school. I want to know where he found that elusive fountain of youth.

Oh...did I tell you that he shares Steve's birthday?


He's NOT what I want. 

I can't exactly pinpoint why that is. 

I went to a restaurant where his band was playing.  He ran up and gave me a big hug. 

He watched me through the night.   I could see him point at me from the stage.  The lead singer would nod.  It was weird.

I met a Lakota man and his Irish wife.  I met a woman who sold Pagan ritual clothing.  I met a man who made hypnotic posters. 

It was fun. 

At the end of the night, when my bass playing friend was exhausted from running around the stage with his beautiful blonde 5-string fretted Fender, he ran up....gave me a big hug...and said..."damn, you're so much prettier and fun in person!"

He's so much like me.  I want to know why I am not interested. 

What is it? 

I'm thinking that if I had that answer, I could define what it is about Steve that I like so much. 

Edit sometime later:

Oh well....

I've been sick for the past few days. 

Now, I am worried.

My ex-husband was in pre-op today.  He needs to have a metal plate put into his arm.  When he was consulting with the doctor, something happened and he wound up in the ER.

I just got the call. 

I'm his ex-wife so details are sketchy at this point. 

I am in tears. 

Why can't I have a month without drama?



He's in the same hospital Steve was in a couple of months ago.  I have half a mind to drive down there and hypnotize the staff into telling me what is going on. 

I'm not married to Steve and they told me. 

Maybe I can get someone to spill the beans so I can help Mike get better. 

I know it sounds stupid but, if you're the praying type, please pray for Mike. 

The kids need their father.

Love ya,


Monday, March 17, 2014

Things Ex-Wives Say

Today I am thankful for comedic moments.


This morning my ex-husband fell out of the back of a big rig.  He was auditing the contents of a semi-truck and fell out of it and onto solid concrete. 

He caught himself with his wrist. 

He shattered it. 

He hasn't told anyone that he works with that we are divorced. 

I got a telephone call this morning. did he get to the hospital?

He drove himself. 

He drove himself to the pharmacy for pain medication. 

He drove himself back to the house. 

He missed the smoozing lunch with the head honcho in Oregon.  Damn....I guess this knocks him out of the running for the promotion that would move him 500 miles away. 


In his drug induced state, he seems to say the darndest things. 

He mumbled something about introducing his wee self to the alternate.  

I didn't get it. 

He was grinning.

I still didn't get it. 

I think I needed to hear a drum roll.   

He told me to think about. 

Minutes past. 

I'm so stupid. 

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, I looked up at him and said "It's gonna have to be the alternate.  I am NOT talking my old job back!!"

To which he responded, "I love you."

It was the drugs talking. 

I think he would have preferred to have broken a leg. must go through hell and back when they break their wrists. 

Love ya,


Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Love is NOT giving up

Today I am thankful that I realize what love is: It is NOT giving up on someone.

I don't want to say exactly what is going on. 

I don't want to have my therapist hat on today.  It is really hard not to do that given my training and life experience. 

Someone I love is having paranoid delusions; my guess is that they are due to alcohol or depression.

I tend to work with creative types (artists, musicians, entrepreneurs) and help them overcome mental blocks.  The bulk of my experience in health psychology tends towards motivation (weight loss and smoking cessation).  In the psych world, I get the easy jobs because my clients tend to be highly motivated for change.  I don't get court ordered people resistant to change.  I get people who want the best in life and are willing to pay for it.

I don't deal with neuroses, personality disorders, and the really heavy stuff.  At most, I've taken maybe ten seminars on these things after getting my graduate degree.  I only did that so I could recognize people in dire straits and refer them elsewhere. 

Delusional disorders are not my domain. 

I have studied them.

Sometimes people will mimic paranoia when trying to work though persecutory incidents from their past experience.  It's just like people who marry drunks when trying to work through the alcoholism of an opposite sex parent.  We subconsciously do things to try to resolve inner conflicts.  I guess it is our subconscious mind's way of releasing old baggage.

I know this isn't a personality disorder.  I know it is due to stress.  I am wracking my brain trying to think of things I would suggest to a client to do to support a significant other undergoing the same things. 

I've never had a client in this position.  Perhaps I need to see one of my colleagues.  I know....I know....I'll ask my office mate.

The funny thing is that I had slated the day to build my website.  The servers have been down since last night.  I can't build it.  I got it looking really nice and then the servers blew.  UGH!!! 

Luckily, I have more than one webhost and my domains are pointed to a working server.

As of this moment, I have nothing to do except clean and think. 

It must be fate. 

I am NOT going to work on my websites today. 

I did manage to create a spiffy looking resume.  Then all I could do was cry. I feel horrid because I am not as available as I would normally be to the people I love because I am stuck here in this situation. 

It is a painful place to be.

So, how would one support another person suffering from persecutory delusions?

I guess one would take this person away from the stimuli; no more conspiracy theories, no more political events with right wing Republicans who talk about the Rothchilds, no more exposure to my paranoia.

That means, I have to start carrying my taser and Glock so I can scare my stalker away.  Truth be told, I haven't seen her for several weeks now.  I think it is done.  She has taken a couple of years away from it only to return.  Remember this has gone on since 1992. There was a tiny lull in it between 2003 and 2004.

I guess I should do what I need to do to help him feel secure in the relationship.  I was celibate for seven years and six months.  I really am not interested in finding anyone else.

Maybe if I weren't so paranoid, this person wouldn't feed off of my energy. 

I guess one would find a way to minimize stress. 

I guess one would go hiking, get out of town for a weekend, be open to reality checking and that kind of thing.  It could help to simply his or her daily life.

Positivity could help, too.  Maybe asking if this person wants to volunteer at a soup kitchen, or collect toys for needy kids, or something that could keep his or her mind too busy to read into everything. 

If paranoid delusions are a form of daydreaming, I suppose one could daydream about better and more positive things. 

It could also point to something that this person doesn't want to face.  Sometimes when people get paranoid about one thing, it is because they are worried about a betrayal that is a true possibility.  

I guess I should ask this person what possibilities are brimming in his or her subconscious mind.  I will tell you that I had to exercise a lot of restraint to not hypnotize this individual to get the answer. 

I'm proud of me.

I'll spend the day thinking about this.  Damn....I wish I would have paid better attention in my Abnormal Psych classes.

I started this blog to track my stalking experiences.  I mean, I was having dreams that I would end up shot.  That turned out to be a very real fear after I learned that my sister-in-law menaced a neighbor with a gun.  I still write about what is going on just in case something happens to me because I figure that the first thing the cops are going to do is go through my computers.  They would see these posts and they could probably corroborate what I write with what I've discussed with officers on the telephone.  Right now, I don't want the wrong person implicated.  I keep track of what happens in my life so people know what is going on.

There is a little jealousy.  If anyone reads my emails and Facebook conversations should I kick the bucket, they will see who is angry about the situation and who is trying to help me problem solve it. 

My friend's paranoia is teaching me that I have to focus on solving my issue.  It is probably the reason that it is hitting so hard.  It is an elephant in the room.  I need to take care of it NOW.  If for any other reason than I cannot be available to comfort or support anyone else if my own life is in complete disarray.  Maybe when the rainy season is over and the clouds finally lift, I'll be back to my normal loving self. 

I have so much love to give.  Why am I stuck in my bed all alone and in tears?

Love ya lots,


Monday, March 10, 2014


Today I am somewhat thankful for freedom. 

I realize today that Steve and I have no choice but to go our separate ways.  I'm not what he wants.  That's why he can't look into my eyes.  That is why I get crazy emails.  That is why I got those emails in February where I was said to be uneducated, stupid, false, and fake. 

That is why he lies about me on Facebook.  This is why he triangulates with the men on his page.  This is why he complains that he only wants to date Anarchists. I wonder if he knows that Relationship Anarchy often means polygamy and polygyny.  I hope he likes to share.

I am NOT what he wants.

This is an important realization. I had it around 5:00 this morning.  I didn't sleep much but am feeling more energized that I have in months.   Today was the first day that I woke up without tears. 

He still was the first thought I had but it wasn't a painful one.

I'll finish the post later. 

I you truly love someone, you want him to have what he needs.  That is love. 

Love ya,


Sunday, March 9, 2014

Being Limey

Today I am thankful for emotional cleansing. 

I've spent most of the past eight years crying alone at night.  I hate it. 

I still cry when I am alone at night.  To this very day, I realize that the thing I want is someone I love to share my nights with. 

He has to be someone who won't be trying to test me all the damn time.  Those tests cut into the rapport that I need to get into fuck mode. 

I don't want to be a Facebook friend.  I don't want to answer long accusatory emails.  I want flirtatious evenings capped off by passionate kisses and hot fucking that leaves me tired enough to sleep. 

I got tired of spending every waking moment trying to figure out how to answer crazy emails.  I realize now that the man I fell in love with wasn't ready to love me. 

He hid behind intellectualism.
He hid behind politics.
He hid behind emotional attacks. 
When we finally became close, he hid his eyes so I couldn't see into his soul.

Then, he over thought everything and I felt that I spent most of the relationship attacked.  Then he attacked my feeling attacked.

I don't mind that so much.

The problem was that I didn't know what I could share of myself without provoking an argument.

Then, I realized that this is why I'm afraid to wear dresses, thigh highs, and a pendant dedicated to Aphrodite while visiting his house.  I always thought it would be fun to drop the pendant and bend down in front of him without underthings on.

I had a friend tell me that he wanted a woman to sit in his lap facing him.  He saw it in a movie and thought it was hot.  Just the way he talked about it made me want to do it....with someone else.

I have a book on how to give b-jays to guys.  There is one thing that I have always wanted to try because it sounds like it would make a guy squirm.....and this one....well....he isn't into that. 

I have all these little fantasies.  I have thought about enacting them. wonders....would I be critiqued on style?  In an email?  While running late for a job interview?

So....the flew out the window. 

For this reason, I realize that we cannot hookup.  I've spent the past six weeks sobbing irreconcilably.

When I thought that my friend and I were over, I invited Mike to stay in this house as long as he wanted.  I actually talked to him about changing up the divorce agreement so that he can live here while I move out.   He's still undecided.  At least he's considering it.  That is forward momentum in my book. 

One day, as I sat crying, my ex rented the movie Thor for me.  I'm not really into Norse Paganism but I thought I should watch it.  I spent most of the time sobbing.  I was numb.  He sat next to me  and put his hand on my leg.  That was weird.  I wound up putting a hot bowl of buttered popcorn on my leg to cover my crotch and irritatingly taping his hand so it would move. 

I felt a little ill when my ex-husband tried to make a move on me. 

This is why he won't move out. 

That only doubled my pain.


Yesterday, I spent the day feeding the bread I gave to Isis and Osiris to the birds as I was instructed to do in my visions. Then I went out and bought seven limes and fresh rosemary. 

I was to cut the limes in half, squeeze the juice into my bathwater along with the rosemary.  I was to do this while visualizing all the negativity and pain floating away. 

You know....I feel better.  I have to end the spell by disposing of the lime peels in some kind of compost bin away from my home.  I'll do that tomorrow. 

I realize that I was not carrying my own pain.  I was feeling Steve's pain.  I was feeling Michael's pain.  I think I was even feeling a bit of Thomas's pain.  I feel like I was taking in the pain of the men I have loved in my past.

Mike and Steve have controlling mothers.  I feel like I have spent the bulk of my adult life paying for the sins of the women who raised my lovers.  They treat them with contempt, so these men treat me with suspicion.  It's painful.  I am not that way.  I try to be in tune with the man's tastes.  It just takes awhile to get to know what they like. 

Thomas was my best friend in high school.  His mother was a saint.  I decided as a teenager, I would be like her!  I try. I think I set my heights a little too high. 

My issue with Thomas is different.  When we have met in the past he would regale me with stories of the women that followed me.  He seems to carry a lot of pain from those relationships; they were cheaters and violent man beaters.  When I talk to him I find myself crying because I let him go thinking it would free him to find his true love. I wanted him to find someone who made him happy.  My dad and grandmother died within a six week span during our relationship so I was very depressed. Thomas, try as he might, wanted to make me happy.  I couldn't be happy.  This hurt him deeply. 

I wanted him to find the woman that would make him happy. 

This is my wish for Michael. 

This is my wish for Steve.

Thomas taught me that wishing alone will not make it so. 

What am I supposed to do?

Pick one guy and make him happy?

Is that all one has to do to show love?  Is a woman supposed to pick one guy she cares about and do what she can to make his world brighter?

I can't make a man happy if he is nitpicking me all the damn time. 


Now, I am trying to think of what I can say to Steve to make it better.  It's closure.  I think he wants a Facebook relationship.  I can't stand his Facebook alter-ego.  It's not him.  It attacks me.  It wants to talk about sensitive subjects in front of my stalker.  I can't do that!

I bought him a journal as promised.  I found a skeleton key.  It's rusty.  In the Pagan tradition those are good luck.  I'll give that to him, too.  He can make a wish on it. 

I lit some incense at my altar to Isis and Osiris and let the smoke permeate his book.  I asked them to bring to Steve his heart's desire.  I will drop the book off at his home tomorrow morning when he is at work.  That way he won't have to have his heart yanked out upon seeing my face.



I've been trying to build a flash website on old computers.  It's not working at all.  I may wind up paying someone else to do it. 

As I uploaded the photos, I noticed something out of the corner of my eye that made be sexually aroused and sad at the same time. 

My computers organize photos alphabetically. 

The picture of Steve is next to the picture of Thomas. 

I felt aroused as I saw Steve's picture.  I felt sad when I saw Thomas.

That is when it struck me. 

Thomas taught me that I want to see the man I love happy.  Thomas also taught me that if I leave him, his happiness is outside of my realm of action.  If he is with someone else, I cannot do anything to make him happy without violating major boundaries.   

It was a falsehood to think that letting Thomas go would lead him to find happiness elsewhere.  It is flawed to think that this will work for Steve, too.  It may.  It may not. 

I want to make the man I choose to be with to feel happy around me.  I don't want him worried that I embarrass the waiter.  I don't want him worried about my driving.  I want him wondering what kind of hot game we are going to play when we get home. 

That's it. 

To do that, I need time to get rid of the negative baggage. I also need to get close enough to him to know what I can get away with.

If I am going to live to make him happy;

he is gonna have to let me be me,  

he is gonna have to let me have freedom to scheme dirty thoughts,


he is gonna have to let me free up brainwaves to think about how to romance him rather than deflect crazy accusations. 

Judgments kill romance. 

I want to be the person I was before the stalking got really bad in 2011.  I want to be free to be me. 

I think letting go of the baggage of the past will help.  Actually I think it is helping.

I am feeling better today than I have in years.

Love ya,


Friday, March 7, 2014

Headgames (with edit)

Today I am thankful that I am a hypnotist who detests head games.

Last night, I invited Steve to call me for closure. 

He did.  He called after the hockey game ended.  His team was playing the Redwings.  I hate to tell him that my ex has the basement is decked out in Redwings stuff.  My in-laws hail from Michigan. 

I was a little upset about what I heard from him.  He likes to "kick the tires" to test the strength of his relationships.  He likes to grasp at straws and....oh, what did he call it.....ah...yes...."fishing."

So he makes up assertions and throws those in my face in order to get to know me better.  Addressing those assertions proved exhausting.

I don't like that.  Those are head games.  They upset me quite a bit.  They take time away from the getting to know each other naked, euphoric stuff that is supposed to happen during the early stages of a relationship. 

I told him that when I looked into his eyes the last time I saw him, it felt like he was scanning me and not finding what he wanted.  That creeped me out. 

Then when I reached up to touch his face and he pushed my hand away, I felt hurt and confused.

We were not connecting. 

Three days later, he sent me a series of emails claiming that I wasn't smart enough, educated enough and liberty loving enough for him. 

That pretty much confirmed what I saw in his eyes....I wasn't what he wanted.

Then he went to Facebook to bash me.  He had claimed that I called him names.  I was only referring to the tone of his emails.  The tone was abusive and harsh.  It didn't mean that he was abusive and harsh. 

Two weeks later, he wanted to work things out with me.  He sent me loving emails swearing up and down that he had done some soul searching and that he had changed.  It didn't take more than a week before he started to send me crazy emails with bizarre accusations in them. 

He went on to complain about me on Facebook.  He claimed he took in a wounded animal.  One of my FORMER friends went on to claim that I clawed Steve's heart out.  He doesn't know what actually happened because I will not talk about it to anyone but Steve.

That is triangulation.  That is emotional abuse.  My former friend was played a chump.

I couldn't take it anymore.  It is obvious that he blames me for the separation. 

I don't know....those emails.....made it pretty clear what he thought about me.  They made me question myself. 

Why should I stay with a man who doesn't want me?

He was everything I wanted....but I wasn't what he wanted. 

Alas, it is Friday.  I'm going to ask Isis to help Steve and I go where we are meant to go. 

I'll let ya know if I gain any decent insight.   

Good love is hard to find. 

Ending things is painful. 

I'm going to ask Aphrodite to find me a true love who wants to accompany me to my gigs.  I hate going to bars alone.

I'm hopeful he we will love me enough to learn to gain rapport with me naked.  The only games I want to play with his head will involve swallowing. 

I'll get through it. 

Love ya,


Next Day Edit:

I did not like what I saw in the visions. 

I do not believe them. 

Isis reminded me that I dyed my hair black.  Yes, I did.  It still glows red in the sunlight.  I used black henna.  I need a job.  People don't hire redheads as quickly as they hire brunettes.

I still don't believe what I saw.  Maybe I saw another guy that looks like Steve but doesn't use shame to harass me on Facebook. 

That is the issue.  He acts as though his emotions and thoughts my emotions and thoughts.  He assumes I act in ways that I don't.  He assumes that I feel in ways that I don't.  He assumes that I have motivations that I do not.  He uses shame to try to control me.  He does this in front of his few hundred friends....none of whom aspire to keep him warm at night and rub the knots out of his back.

Why would you try to tarnish someone you love like that?

He may feel that I think he is garbage.  He may feel like I threw him in the trash.  He may feel like I wounded him.  That is not reality.  His insecurities are causing him to engage in emotional abuse.  The only way to regain my sanity is to stay away until he gets help or stops playing games.   

This is not fixable without help. I can't be responsible for his behavior or his issues.  I can only take responsiblity for my end of things.  I don't want to be with someone who is constantly misreading everything I say and do.

There really is no easy way to fix emotional abuse in a relationship. 

I have to use compassionate detachment.  I love him -but- I cannot watch his Facebook feed.  I cannot read his emails.  Those are not who he is.  I love the man he is in person.  The man he is when he lets his guard down.  I like the man he is when nobody is watching.  If I saw more of that, maybe I wouldn't have been afraid to bounce up and down on him.

Steve kept calling me submissive.  When he drank, he grabbed my neck when he tried to kiss me.  I became terrified of kissing him. 

He seems to want control. 

I don't mind being submissive in the bedroom -but- I will be damned if a man messes with my goals, my money, or my aspirations again. 

I have an ex-husband doing that.  He doesn't need any help. 

Steve also wants someone ten years younger than he is. 

I tell you what....all that stress made my skin break out.  I looked old!!  My red locks started to go platinum.  I had a stress wrinkle develop between my eyes. 

I am finally beginning to look like my old self.  My stress wrinkle is fading. 

The man who I wind up with will fuck me enough to make my skin glow and never purposely do things that invoke that stress wrinkle!!! 

Life is hard enough without having to create drama. 

I'd rather fuck than argue.

I do wonder how much of Steve's email and Facebook attacks were due to insecurity over my ex still living here. 

Yes, it makes it hard to be in a relationship.  No, we do not have a romantic or sexual relationship.  Yes, we are friends.  No, I do not trust him and will never take him back. 

My friends and family are telling me that I am making excuses for Steve's bad behavior.  Am I?  Or am I just trying to see my role in it?

I will not see another man until he is out of the house.  Breaking up hurts too damn much. 

Love ya,


Thursday, March 6, 2014

The Synthesis of Anarchy (with Edit)

I am thankful for people who have written about relationship anarchy.

It is a concept I understand.  It is a relationship without rules. 

This confuses me because the relationship Steve and I tried to build was formed with rules.

They were not MY rules.  They were his rules put into place due to conflicts we had together.

  1. We are allowed to grow.
  2. We are allowed to be honest with each other.
  3. We agree not to be judgmental assholes.  He found that comical because one can't judge someone judgmental without violating the rule. 

I do not understand how someone who does wants to build something based upon rules wants a relationship built on Anarchy.  It would seem to be more of a Libertarian relationship.  We have rules but have to agree to them.


This puts me in mind of my Native American step-father.  We met when I was five years old.  Every time I fell down, got hurt, was in a car crash, fell off my bike, or got lost  -  this beautiful bald paramedic with blue eyes would find me and take me home.

After seven years of this, he married my mother. 

I called him Bob.  It was easy to say.  My friends called him Bob-barian. seemed to like his nickname.

Since I was a little girl, he'd talk to me about the laws. 

He'd say that we had too damn many of them.

If we couldn't grow tomatoes in our front yard to share with our hungry neighbors, we had too many laws.

He'd say not to trust the government.

If the government could give Native American babies blankets infected with smallpox, we shouldn't trust any so called gifts from the government. 

He'd tell me the stories of his people and give me Apache Tears to remember them by.  Apache Tears are little brown stones that become translucent when held up into the light.  They are said to be made from the tears of mothers who carried their dying children when the government forced them to march away from their homelands and onto the reservations. 

He would quiz me about the only law that mattered.

He called it the "law of love." 

I remember being eight years old wondering if that was truly the only law we needed.

I'd ask, "Daddy, don't we need laws to stop people from murdering each other?"
"No" he'd say. "If everyone held love in their hearts no one would murder anyone."

If we loved each other, we'd never steal.
If we loved each other, we wouldn't trespass, make inconvenient, or harm another human being.

It didn't matter what law I brought up, dad could prove that love was the only law needed for the survival of society.

This went one step further.

We didn't need ten commandments.  
The Great Spirit only gave us one;

It went so far as to eradicate the need to pay taxes.  As he put it, if people truly loved each other, they'd never let each other starve.  We'd honor our elders.  It could be paradise.

His ancestors lived simply.  They were not without their conflicts.  He'd talk of great wars and horrific acts of violence.  They didn't have government.  They worked together.  When they loved neighboring tribes, it was peaceful.  Sadly, not every tribe honored the law of love.  Many of the conflicts he spoke of were brutal.


I don't have the answers.  I don't know if my love is enough for anyone.  In fact, I'm not even sure if things I think are loving are seen as loving in other people's eyes.

I'm thinking that dad is the reason I am so damn independent.  He'd talk about responsibility.  If I loved my partner, I wouldn't make him responsible for my needs. I'd take care of myself and hope he would do the same.  That is love.  If we take care of ourselves, it leaves a lot more time for the fun stuff. 

I don't know.....I am trying to think about how dad influenced my relationships.  Someone claimed that I had daddy issues.  Do I?

He killed my mother when I was fourteen.  I was visiting them on Valentine's Day.  A man had called me "beautiful" at a grocery store.  My mother was jealous.  When we went home, she beat me and bit my arm (still have the scar, too). 
I didn't live with them because my mother was an alcoholic.  They were both a bit tipsy that day.  Things probably escalated more than they should have.

I remember he pulled her off of me and pushed her onto a burning gas stove.  She died of her injuries two days later, on her 36th birthday.  That was thirty years ago.

To this day, I cringe whenever someone calls me "beautiful."

I do feel guilty that my mother died because my dad was always trying to protect me.  My sister has always blamed me for the death of our mother. 

Dad couldn't deal the death of his wife.  He shot himself on December 26, 1987.  For Christmas that year he gave me a painting of his of an eagle passing through the realms.  He asked me to celebrate his life and his passing to the next adventure, so I wore a silver party dress that he liked to his funeral. 

It's what he wanted. 
It's what I did.

I still visit his grave three times a year.  He is buried with my mother at a National cemetery near the neighborhood I grew up in.

The biggest influence on my life is my grandfather.  I was basically raised by my grandparents until my grandmother fell too ill to care for me in my late teens.  They stole me from my mother when I was a baby because she was an alcoholic.  I was lucky that they were the ones who raised me.  We didn't have many of the creature comforts my friends had nor did we eat the same things.  My grandparents were married during the great depression.  This is how I learned to budget and save.  I am one of the few people I know who can cook from scratch.  I wouldn't trade that for anything in the world.

My grandfather died when I was 27.  I have been lost since that day. 

He, too, was short, bald and had blue eyes. 

It hurt me so much when my friend said he was unattractive.  The most beautiful men in my life looked like him. 

He doesn't understand.   We can see the beauty of others in their eyes.  We can hear it in their voices.  We can feel it in their auras.

We are not these containers that we live in; our bodies are just vehicles to help us navigate the world.

I don't know what I am trying to say. is the only law we need.  Anarchy is probably a movement that can be distilled to that one word - love.  This is probably what my dad was trying to tell me as a kid. 

These relationship rules are dorky.  Those rules were easily broken.  

If I had to add one, it would be that we are each responsible for our own needs. 

I am responsible for my own stuff.  If I don't want babies, I am responsible for doing what it takes not to have to live in a shoe. 

If I want to have fun sex, I'm going to stop eating sour gummy worms so I can drop that extra twenty pounds and be bounce happy again. 

I have to be responsible for my bounciness: Other people should be responsible for their own stuff.

If I want a good relationship in the future, I am flippin' steering clear of Facebook.

And....if I want to make 100K, I've got to finish building my website. 

So....I am gonna go website build and ponder this a little bit more and write again if I can find more insights).

There is a lesson I need to learn before I move on.  I'm blogging in an effort to figure out what it is.

Love ya,


Edit:  I spent some time talking to friends of mine who practice Relationship Anarchy. 

No rules.  No masters.  No control. 

These are polyamorous relationships.  I'll not share details because one of these people is a close friend.  She has two husbands.  All of them have multiple partners. 

I can't do that. 

That's not me at all.

My goal is to figure out how to make ONE guy moan and squirm.  I'll know I've done my job when he gets a woody just seeing me. 

That's my job. 

My memory is super bad.  I couldn't keep more than one guy straight.  I'd forget that one guy likes a pinky up his rear while the other one likes me to teabag.  I'd get mixed up and one guy would get a freaky surprise.

I fear creepy, crawly STDs, too.  I want one dude.  That's it.

If Relationship Anarchy is what turns you on, go for it! 

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

A Trio of Concerned Witches (with Edit)

Today I am thankful for my Pagan friends.

Today was a crazy day.  I learned that I took too many classes in college.  I need to take ten refresher courses and work 18 months under a clinical supervisor in order to get a license in addiction counseling.

That was nice.  All those other drug and alcohol classes I took were unnecessary.   That's okay...that education is what makes me a darn good stop smoking hypnotist.

I spent two hours cooped up in my car waiting for an emissions test.  I read an entire book about relationships and how lovers talk to each other. Apparently men who criticize their loved ones tended to be criticized harshly by their parents.  I knew that....but somehow.....reading that while sitting in a car that smelled like my former boyfriend made it hit home.  He thinks all the judgment is normal!

By the way, the car passed the tests with flying colors, so now I have to earn the money for license plates.  I have one vintage bass guitar left.  I'll sell it if I have to do that. 

One step at a transformations happen one step at a time. 
I'm getting there. 

I had meeting after meeting today.  I was busy.  I'm not sure if anything will pan out.  

Upon arriving home and checking my email, I found a message from one of my Pagan friends.  She and two other members of her Coven are Facebook friends.  They saw what went down.  They are worried about me and Steve.  They want to cast a spell on our behalf before the full moon. 

I don't know.....I don't know.....

Isn't that unethical?

Hmmmm.....I could ask them to help Steve find that raven haired beauty in the visions.  But then, that would require telling them about him and giving them a picture.'s not right.  It was a violation of Wiccan Law for me to ask Isis who his true love is.  I gave an offering hoping to bring her to him.  It was rejected.

I was shocked that my friends noticed his absence.   She was the one that prayed to find me love two years ago.  Maybe she's sad that I didn't hang on to that love.  I was happy for a short time.  I'm not happy anymore.   

I guess there was a disturbance in the force. 
She wanted me to consider a reconciliation ritual.

I don't think reconciliation is possible.  I'm not what he wants.  He has made that clear.  I'm not Anarchist enough.  He's not comfortable with me.  He claims that I have no self-respect and couldn't give him an ounce if I tried. 
I'm so sad.
I still have that book of shadows that I bought him.  It pains me to look upon it.  Perhaps I should send it to the woman who wrote today.  Someone in her coven could use it.  

I wish the crying would stop. 
I do wonder if I owe him closure -or- if calling him would make the pain worse.  I find myself thinking about this numerous times every day.  Should I offer him friendship?  Should I just let it go?
Maybe time will heal this.
Truth be told - I wasn't what he wanted. If I was, there wouldn't have been so much criticism and judgment.  

Love ya lots,


Edit: witch friend wrote back to me.  She's a few years older than I and she's been around the block a few times. 

She said that this was the course of passion.  She said that when a man doesn't get his sexual needs met the energy turns around and  causes men to do crazy things.  She said that she bets the sex is hot when we get together because people who are hot together fight when they can't make good use of the loads of energy they generate. She warned me NOT to do anything stupid.  I think it is too late for that. 


Me?  I am a worshipper of Aphrodite. 

I had a thought.

Aphrodite gets bored easily.  I'm beginning to wonder if the fighting is a way of amusing Aphrodite.  I mean, I'm not doing anything new except fighting.

So...I brainstormed a bit and thought of a new way to keep her interest. 

I guess I'll have to get more sexually curious and vow to do new things every weekend.  That will be a way of keeping stupid fights out of any future romantic entanglement. 

I'd rather be entangled in sheets than crying my eyes out. 

Love ya,


Tuesday, March 4, 2014

The Crazy Dance & The Art of Survival

Today I am thankful that I am learning how to master the art of the crazy dance.

Yeah....I am.

The crazy dance is what one does with controlling people who want to take over our lives. 
I'm realizing that the secret is to give them the illusion of control.
So, that is what I am going to do.
I'm going to play nice and give my ex-husband the illusion of control.
He can post whatever he wants on my social media accounts. 
I'll cook whatever he wants for dinner. 
I'll still scrub the stains out of his clothes.

I won't bitch if he doesn't follow through on the court orders.
I get to sleep alone in my bed.
He doesn't want sex or hugs.
He wants me to be a mother to him.
This isn't a bad thing. 
At least, I think this is what he wants.
I know he wants to be seen as the good guy.
I know he doesn't want to leave me in a lurch.
I know he doesn't want to have to pay me alimony and child support.
I know he is trying to be kind and nice and helpful.
I know that some of the things he is saying about Steve are projections and this is helping me find insight and closure that I never had before.
I guess it is a good thing.
The kids seem to enjoy having him around.  He buys ice cream.  He buys chocolate (probably because I'm crying all the time).  He rents movies for them.  It's okay.

I's okay to try to make the most of a situation.

It IS awkward when I post something about stalking on Facebook and my ex-husband likes the post.

I'm going to let him control the little stuff.  The longer he sits in his basement apartment playing on Facebook, eating his dinner, and dripping oil on his clothes.....the more time I have to look for a job.

It seems like a good plan.

And, the whole bizarre thing about Steve's claim that I depicted my ex-husband as a troll has led to a funny development.

I now get asked those dreaded "questions three" when I want something.   The questions tend to hail from the movie "Monty Python and the Holy Grail."  I guess I should watch the clip so I can memorize the answers. 

Hmmmmmm.......again....the little games keep him busy.   I have more time for writing, recording, and building websites.

I like the troll game better than walking on eggshells to keep the rage away game.
He has even updated his social networking pictures to the face of a troll. He's having a lot of fun with the idea that I depict him as a troll.
The only reason I brought it up was that I feared hurting his feelings. 
He scoffed at the idea.
So.....I guess I shouldn't worry about that anymore.

Yes, I am depressed that things aren't going the way I envisioned.
Yes, I still cry myself to sleep and wake up at 4:00 to freak out and cry some more.
I'm hoping that the tears finally finish so I can find a way to solve this issue in a manner that makes everyone happy.
The first requirement is for me to find a job that pays $40K.  I have an interview tomorrow. I'd better go polish my curriculum vitae.

Wish me luck.

Love ya,


Monday, March 3, 2014

My Closure (final edit)

I guess today I can be thankful for my closure. 

I'm not sleeping. 

I am ruminating over an online conversation that I had with an INTP who dated three INFJs with little success.  I contacted him because Steve (an INTP) and I (an INFJ) were having trouble communicating.  I thought he could help. 

I know...I know....Steve doesn't buy into labels and personality theory.  I'm a big fan of Jung, so I had to investigate. retrospect, I wish I would have heeded this man's warning. 

I am sad now that I realize that he predicted how the relationship would go. If I would have not gotten involved with Steve, perhaps we wouldn't be in so much pain now. 

Truth be told, I am a mystery.  Sometimes I feel like I am mystery to myself.  I'm always uncovering stuff I didn't know I could seven years worth of celibacy.  I had no clue I'd come through that like a champ.

Okay....back to the theory. 

The INTP would want to distill the mysterious INFJ down to her basic truth.  He would want to understand her.  He would want to come up with a basic theory to help him understand everything about her.  He wants her truth.

He'd think a commitment would help the INFJ to reveal herself.  So, he would try to formalize the romantic situation.  The early commitment would, in turn, freak her out.  This eventually causes her to get weird and distance herself.    

Holy crud!!!!

I'm going to think about this a bit and update the post later.  I did write about it the day it happened.  You can read about it here:

I never did find a male INTP that had a good experience with a female INFJ willing to talk to me.  There are some online but I've never met one in person.  The posts say that INFJ females are like golden retrievers....loyal and kind.  We will jump the fence and run off if you try to push us or criticize us too much. 

Hmmmmm........When I re-read the stuff about the stalking, I realized that I haven't taken care of that yet.  Just because I've had a lull in it for a couple of weeks does not mean that it is over. 

I could use my mystery to my advantage.  Maybe the secretiveness could serve me well now.

I do wish I had someone that I could confide in....who would care to listen to me without shushing me.  I have too much going on and need to focus. 

I'll figure it out. 
Love ya,



The more I think about it, the more I realize that it was Steve's absurd accusations that did us in.  Everything I did was analyzed and there was a conclusion typically reached about my motivations.  Often that conclusion was dead wrong.

Toward the end, Steve treated me like an enemy.  That is not a trait I want in a lover.  I want someone that trusts me enough to let me explore his body. 

I love Steve.  Nitpicking seems very ingrained in him.  It is his way of sharing his anxiety. I fear that asking him to change that would keep him from talking about the real things going wrong in the relationship.  Right now, the nitpicking is being done to fill the air so we don't have to talk about the real challenges we face.  Eventually, though, as he works through his issues they will start being more accurate. I'd hate to have him feel stifled because he's learned to be quiet. 

I think the game changer was his claim that I had no self-respect.  That claim changed the dynamics of everything.  He'd say I had no self-respect and then disrespect me. 

At that point, I had two choices. 

I could agree and let him continue to disparage me thus proving his point. 
Or, I could walk away, like a healthy person, until he decided to treat me with respect. 

They say we train people how to treat us: staying with him while he was behaving like that would train him to continue the behavior.

I'm at a loss. I'm worried about him.  I guess I'll have to keep busy with other things. 
If he could have learned to be more diplomatic or to trust me....then things could have been different. 

Until that changes, he is not worthy of me.  It's sad to say that.  It hurts to say that.  My soul hurts.  I can barely function. 

As time wore on, the inaccurate reading between the lines of my emails and nitpicking my every word started making me feel sad.  I can only imagine how I'd feel three years from now if it continued. I know it is projection of what he thinks is wrong with him.  I know it is a subconscious delusion; there is nothing wrong with him. 

I know he was not secure that I would stay with him.  I can see a family history of insecurity.   I understand.  He needed a commitment. I don't know how to make a commitment this early in a relationship. 

I don't trust relationship coaches with this.  There are real psychological issues at play.  If we had been together longer, I would have hired a licensed couples counselor for an hour; once we know what we are dealing with then the coaches can step in. 

There is something going on that is behind the outbursts, behind the paranoia, behind the delusions, behind the panic attacks.  I am sure gaining a personal awareness of those issues that impact us on an individual level, we can each take responsibility for fixing ourselves.  Until we gain that awareness we are both walking time bombs.   

I guess I'll take this time to work on me.  I hope everything goes well for Steve.  I do worry about his health both mental and physical.  In my late twenties, I was working towards a doctorate in health psychology/psychoneuroimmunology.  I know how break-ups can undermine health.  I want to call and offer him closure but I KNOW that if he hears my voice that dopamine is going to start flooding his system.  I'll only prolong the pain.

So I don't know....I am not sure this is fixable. 

If I find anymore grand insights, I'll share them. 

Love ya,


Next day edit:


Steve reads into everything because he wants attention.  I just don't know whose attention he wants because he puts this stuff on Facebook for everyone else to see. 

Perhaps he's interested in another lady.

I was partially right when I said he was attacking me and twisting my words due to sexual frustration.  It always started late in the week, especially on those weeks I had plans and could not be with him.

Perhaps it is more than that.  Perhaps it is due to emotional frustration.  He's alone and wants someone to pay attention to him.

Oh....well....arguing over minutia is not the best kind of attention one can get from a lady friend. 

Yes, I am trying to run a diagnostic on the situation.  Sometimes diagnosing the situation isn't a bad thing to do if you are open minded about it.  It's like putting together a puzzle trying to fit the different pieces together to see what works.  I don't even think Steve knows why he is doing it.  I think he is subconsciously testing me. 

I don't like it one bit. 

I miss him -but- I don't want to promise to give him my body, soul, and what is left of my mind right now.  His antics put him back at square one with me.  I don't know who in the world he is right now.

I know my friends were trying to get both of us to see reason.


Reason is letting someone fix her life before trying to corner her into making a commitment.  A rich, stalk-free girlfriend is much happier than a stressed out girlfriend.

I still don't think I can deal with the games.  The last stunt made me physically ill.  He tried to put himself in my ex-husband's shoes.  Every time I saw my ex-husband, I felt ill.  Now, whenever I see Steve's picture, I start to feel the same way.

That man is loving the opportunity to tell me how much Steve never loved me.  I must hear it thirty times a day. 

That's okay....

I'll deal with it.  I'm still processing it.  I feel guilty for cutting Steve off but I had to do it for my own mental health. He was making fun of me. My friends were commenting and it moved across my feed. 

I stopped following our mutual friends.  This should enable me to remove the block.  I mean, if I can remove it for my stalking in-laws and ex-husband, I can remove it for Steve. 

Facebook ruins relationships.  I swear, that website brings out a side of people I have never seen before.  I have seen all of the men from my past devalue themselves on that page.  I hate it!

I will NOT re-friend him nor will I look upon his page.   There would need to be some heavy duty coaching for that.

I guess he can play all the games he wants.  It will be outside of my awareness, so it will not matter anymore. 

I've got my blinders on. 

Love ya,


Sunday, March 2, 2014


Today I am thankful for my conscience.

I've been sick for a little over a month.
I think it is due to stress.

So, I decided to quit caring so much.
I don't care if my ex hangs out here anymore.
I don't care if he ignores the separation agreement.
I don't care if he doesn't split the money as he was court ordered to do. 
I don't care if he doesn't follow through. 
I don't care. 

My neighbor told me that my eldest threatened to "kick [my] ass" if her father moved out of the house.  The youngest cries at the thought.  I guess it's wonderful that they love their father so much.  I am disgusted with my neighbor for broaching the topic with my daughter but he wanted to know why I haven't, as he put it, "kicked my ex-husband to the curb."

He's the father of my daughters.  They need each other.  Until he can see that his life is not going to consist of a dreary, empty apartment, he should be allowed to stay.  I am realizing that it is easier this way. 

Maybe I am supposed to be the one to move.  That would be the best way to do this really.  If I move out of state, the stalking would stop.  I would be outside of his control.  It could work. 

Right now, I am depressed because it feels like the life I had designed for myself after divorce is on hold.  I'm in too much pain. 

I'm not sleeping.  I'm still having trouble breathing. My lips turn blue. I'm still fainting. 

I'm still praying for a way out of this mess that does not depend on a man.

I have an opportunity for a good paying job on Wednesday, so I guess I will not be able to formulate my plans until then.   My ex-husband offered to take the day off from work so I could prepare and attend the interview without having to hire a babysitter.  See?  He is trying to help.  I was shocked.

If this works, I won't be entitled to alimony.  Please....I hope this works!


I found a man I love but he wanted to move too fast.  I felt as though he wanted to make me responsible for his needs.  He wanted things that it takes at least a year of steady dating to acquire.  He liked to accuse me of bizarre things in email.  His emails steadily became more paranoid.  After awhile, they stopped making sense.  Then, he'd run off to Facebook to complain about how horrible a person he felt he was due to our relationship.  That hurt. 

Worse, he was a drama king.  That drama could potentially put me in danger.   Why he would invoke public conversations about  my situation is beyond me.

I don't know if it is because we are both intuitive.  He knew I was upset that my post-divorce life wasn't going as planned.  He knew I felt bizarre seeing him with my ex-husband still hanging about.  He probably could sense that I was backing away due to my embarassment over the situation.  His behavior was probably due to .....oh crap, what's the word.....not starts with a 'p'....

possession?  I can't remember.  It's my lack of sleep. 

I think he wanted to stake a claim.  I think when I take time to clean up my mess, Steve acts out for fear of losing me. 

The problem was that my ex-husband would hear my sobs.  He wanted to diagnose the situation.  He claimed that Steve was acting like an alcoholic and urged me to go to Al-Anon with him.  My father-in-law was an alcoholic.  I don't know.....My ex-husband says a lot of things that make me feel like crying.  I think he sincerely is trying to help on some level. 

I guess all the crying will be good for me. 
Eventually, I will want to stop crying. 
Eventually, it'll force me out of my house.

My ex-husband is trying to comfort me.  He tells me that he's never heard me say a bad word about him that wasn't the truth.  He wants me to know that he's a grown man who can stand up for himself and that he was bothered by Steve's assertion that I made him look like a troll.  He's telling me that Steve never loved me and to never see him again. 

Right now, I am confused.  I don't know what happened.  I know my experience with Steve.  His behavior changed overnight.  I know he claims that it was due to judgments his therapist made.  He claims that was in error.  I feel incredibly disconnected from him.  He diagnosed me as having "low self-respect".  He demanded that I basically commit to him and be his everything.  He deserved to have an immediate and deep sexual connection with me now. He demanded respect but refused to show me how I was disrespecting him: When I asked, he would write about how his mother disrespected his needs.  I felt blamed for his reactions.  It was like he wasn't taking responsiblity for his paranoia.  Worse....worse....he tried to tell me that everything would be okay if I ignored my fear and intuition.  You see?  It was my intuition that told me he was the one for me.  I can't take his advice there.  I can't. 

What I am seeing, hearing, and sensing is that this may have been the right guy at the wrong time.  It may be best that he find what he needs now....elsewhere. 

Love is like a flower.  It blooms and blossoms in it's own time.  You can't rush a rose.  You can't push perfection.  Water it with care....not too much...not to little.  Let it grow, slowly if it must, but if you want to see what is possible....let it grow of its own accord.  Don't cut the rose back before it blooms or you will never know what you  can have. 
I found those emails quite cutting.  They caused me to take time away from the relationship and set the amount I put into the relationship back.
          All those tears made the rose drown in salt water.....that's not good!

It didn't help having my Pagan therapist buddy tell me that Steve had a crazy look in his eyes.  I don't see crazy.  I see pain.  I see a naturally aggressive (yet good natured) individual sucking his brilliance back into his body - he doesn't allow the world to see who he is.  I believe he does this as to not let his light overpower or gain the criticism of those self-centered people around him.  I see his strength in his face.  I see it in his posture.  I see it when I get lost and he comes running out of nowhere to make sure I find my way.  

I see who he is.  I have enough sense to question my friend's diagnosis.  I'm sad that he couldn't question his therapists comments.  Oh well.....Que Sera, Sera

I have given this a lot of thought in the past few weeks.  In the wee hours of the morning, I find myself wondering if I need to give him closure. 

Do I owe him that? 

His emails to me were rude, emotionally abusive, and made little sense.  Worse, he went to Facebook and made fun of me.  

It was like his subconsious mind was screaming for something that he's been missing for a long time.  I can't figure out how to do that right now.  With all that has gone on, I no longer trust my heart.

I think my heart is stupid. 

My heart wants to make sure he is happy. 

What do I owe him?

I don't know. 

I wish I knew. 

There are times when I debate calling him to ask if he needs closure.  There are other times when I think that would just make it worse. 

Tonight at 7:00 p.m., I do a forgiveness and love releasing ritual.  Hopefully it will help. 

Love ya,


Edit:  The love releasing ritual did not work.  The candle blew out on it's own.  So.....

I don't know....

I guess I'll just continue to pray. 

Place for Documentation

  When I was a kid, I wanted to be a pilot.  My stepdad would talk about flying into Germany during World War II.  I'd spend my weekends...