Thursday, December 25, 2014

Weird Christmas

Today I am thankful for my blog and the weirdness that has become my life.

I think I am thankful. 

I'm not sure. blog.  For the past eight years, I have documented almost every single thing of significance that has happened in my life since my (now) deceased father-in-law was seen driving by my house (which coincided with my ex and I talking about getting divorced).

That was April of 2006.

Some of the blogs are no longer public.  I wasn't sure if my political frenemies would make fun of my life in the papers when I was running for office.  I'm not that important, thankfully.  In any event, many of my other writings haven't been public for a while. 

I'm important enough to have my diet scrutinized in the press.  I'm NOT important enough to have my stalking crisis critiqued.  That's not a bad place to be. 

The neat part about having eight years of blog posts is that it helps me to see patterns in relationships.  I have the gift of hindsight. 

When it comes to Steve, I can see a definite five week cycle of push and pull.  We were three weeks on and two weeks off.  I can see borderline tendencies in the emails that I chose to share.

There are 49 emails I have yet to read.  I may never read them.  I do so tire of hearing that I'm a cheating whore with 15 "f_ck buddies." 

I don't know what Steve thinks "f_uck buddies" are....but if I have 15 of anything, they are creditors.  Maybe he considers paying bills as getting f_cked.  If that is the case, the man speaks the truth.

I have a lot of creditors.  There were other things, too.  I don't want to talk about them.  Those emails are causing an interesting type of trouble for me this holiday season.  I'll share below.

When it comes to Michael, when going through my blog, I can see what triggered the stalking events.  It was typically my reaching for independence.

I fear going back to work as an independent contractor.  I fear being stalked.  Now, after Steve told everyone not to believe me, I fear being disbelieved.  I find myself not speaking of it anymore. 

That's okay.  If I wind up dead, I'm sure Michael, Steve and Shannon will be rounded up and quizzed by the cops.  This is why I keep my blog.  I want justice for my kids should anything stupid happen. 


My eldest borrowed my computer several months ago.  I didn't sign out of my Gmail account, so when she went to check her email...she saw many of the emails Steve sent to me.  They were abusive.  She showed her father.

He forbid me from allowing the children to have any contact with Steve.

They helped me hide the emails and put them in an electronic file to share with the police just in case things escalate.

This is where it gets interesting....

I am finding myself really conflicted here. 

My ex-husband bought me a new laptop for Christmas so I have a computer without Steve's crap on it. 

I do NOT want to take it out of the box.

I want him to take it back. 

He thinks I should use my old computer for recording and mixing my CDs. He wants me to use the new one for work.

This is the first time he's actually given me permission to work.

I know it sounds weird to want permission from one's ex-husband in order to hold a job.  That means a lot.  It means that he probably won't stalk me at work.

It could mean that the stalking is over. 

That means a lot to me. 


I did visit with my sibling yesterday.  I have a sister who was raised by my mother and step-father.  She was diagnosed as a Borderline (a diagnosis that I dispute).  She is bi-polar.

She is confusing me.

She had an entire bedroom devoted to Christmas gifts for children....and my grandchild.

I am not joking. 

There must have been 500 individually wrapped presents in that room. 

All I bought her was a copper mirror.  I told her to look in it and see the one thing we truly wanted on Christmas.  We wanted her presence.

I think I stunned her.

That's okay....I think she is trying to make up for all the years that she was not there for whatever reason....she had some rough times. 

She has not aged well.  Life has been hard for her.

She wanted to know my anti-wrinkle secrets.  I told her.  It's Gobin Cum (Google The Oatmeal).  Just put that crap on your face for ten minutes once a week.  It'll melt your wrinkles off. 

White grapes work, too.  Grape juice doesn't sting your eyes. 

I don't know.....

We should have talked about what she wanted.....what she to make her feel included.

We didn't. 

I have a plan.  I will start implementing said plan tomorrow.  I don't know what to share.

I think.....I think....she gives what she wants.  I think.....she wants to be made to feel special.

I'm trying to arrange a surprise birthday party in a room full of presents.

We'll see.


It was fun to learn that a kid I taught bass to 22 years ago is in a very popular band.  I had no idea.  He told me how to get an Ibanez 5-string for $50.  He told me which pawn shop had the stupid sales staff. 

I'm too honest to get away with that. 

Maybe.....I'll have to take him with me. 


I think that's all I can type.  I'm so busy that I find myself falling asleep at the computer.  I was offered a page on a very popular psychology blog.  I had a corporation offer to buy the rights to my videos on YouTube.

Things are heating up.  I do not know where to go. 

I guess the lesson is to look forward. 


I do find myself wondering....


it is possible to go back to my ex....


I can get him into counseling.....


the stalking would stop...


we can learn to talk to each other....



I don't know....I don't know.....every time I see him, I get the sense it will be the last time. 

He is ill. 

I am very afraid that I'll have to bury him. 

It's bizarre but I ask for prayers for my ex-husband.  He is ill.  I don't know if I should write about it. 

I'm scared. 

I want my life back. 

It's so hard to move forward when I fear the worst for someone I care about. 

No one deserves what he is enduring. 

It seems surreal.  It really does.  It seems like all heck broke lose the day we were divorced.  He's had so many health issues this year; broken bones, a near heart attack, diabetes......

He can't walk without limping....without breaking out in a cold sweat.....without getting winded...

I'm worried. 

He also sports wood.  I guess his heart health and diabetes can't be that bad. 


At least he doesn't have prostrate cancer.  I know who would get the blame then.....the last eight years of our marriage, I didn't help him clean out the pipes.  That is what I miss the most.  I miss the pipe cleaning fun.... I miss the taste.  I will have nightmares about getting turned on....going for it....and being told that I can't have any because my car alarm is going off. 

It's a long story.....I tried to enjoy the treat once last year.  Every time my boyfriend and I got interested in it, the car alarm would go off.  I'd laugh.  He'd get pissed off thinking that I was laughing at him.  Then he critiqued everything about me.  I lost the mood.

I also had the car alarm disabled. 

I hate to think that I'll never know the taste of.....well....that's not true.  I get to taste Goblin Cum once a week. It's not the's not.

Okay....on that note....I'll try to go to sleep without having nightmares.   Celibacy isn't so bad.  I can deal.  I just get so fat when I can't exercise.  I've gained 20 pounds over the past six months.  I need to go on a diet.  If only I had a "f_ck buddy."

I don't. 

I shouldn't feel so crappy about it.  A lot of people have dry spells.  They survive.  They don't whine.  They don't complain.  They don't blog. 

I can suck it up. 

Oh, that didn't help. 


Happy thoughts.....I'll think of things I like.....Christmas.....Star Trek.....The Nexus....Bald Guys....Patrick Stewart....


Oh geez....that didn't help....

I'll just take a sleeping pill with a huge glass of ice water.  It's all good. 

Tomorrow, I'll head out to Bath and Body Works to get my sister some feel good potions. 

Do you know something fun?  Everyone who knows me treats me like I'm a tom boy.  They act like I'm all leather and heels and tough and geeky.....

My sister remembers that I like lace....and pink.  Most of those packages contained lacey scarves and hats or pink jewelry. 

I did get one really weird was a bottle of knock off Justin Bieber perfume.

The package literally said "Our impression of Justin Bieber." 

You wanna know something? 

It didn't smell like a teenage hooligan. 

I was pleasantly surprised. 

Whew....I won't need that cold shower after all. 

Justin Bieber is good for something!!! 

Happy Holidays!!!

Love ya lots,


Friday, December 19, 2014

Christmas Tree in a "Haunted House"

Today I am thankful for the laughs that I am getting from something under the Christmas tree.



There are electronic devices under the tree.  They aren't expensive.  They're little toys. 

They are children's toys. 

Some are talking dolls....

Others are talking action figures.....

Some are little electronic toys for the granddaughter....

One of them talks to me as I sit in the living room building websites....

It says....

"Better them than me!"

It is a male voice.

I bet it is coming from the Deadpool doll. 

I don't know...

It is weird. 

It is funny.

It is weird because of my hobby. **


It is no secret that I collect artifacts from haunted houses. 

I think it is fun.

It is a great way to get antique jewelry and creepy dolls for next to nothing. 

People want to get rid of creepy things. 

I take them. 

There are only two things that I find too creepy to wear.  One is a 70's era Avon necklace that is said to have six demon spirits on it.  A woman sent it to me after her Satanist father died.  He kept it in a safe.  It sits in a box of sea salt and sage in my underwear drawer.  There is probably nothing to it.  I'm probably just sharing in the hysteria of the woman who sent it to me. 

The salt keeps the nightmares away.  It's worth it. 

The other is a necklace that came from the middle east.  It was said to have a highly protective Djinni on it.  This Djinni was said to have helped the locals find lost children and get revenge against child rapists.

I believe the lore surrounding the stone.  The person who made it seemed afraid.  It is a lapis surrounded by an iron cage.  The locals believe that iron contains demons and keeps them from causing chaos in the world. 

This is the necklace that shocks anyone who touches it.....except me. 

It is my favorite. 


if you ever see me wearing an Iron necklace never, ever, say the words......"I wish".....

I wish I could get enough money to buy a decent vehicle in a way that harms no one. 

That wish.....that wish....never comes true. 

There is a reason why I may need a new car. 


I am running around trying to get a lot of things done for the holidays.

I had an issue with a child wanting to keep a friendship with my ex-boyfriend's daughter.  She wants to give her a gift she bought for her. 

I don't know.....

I don't think that will turn out very well. 

I don't trust that the other adult in the situation wouldn't use the children as a means to harass or get information about me.   I don't know what I am dealing with.  I am leery about allowing that nonsense back into my world. 

I still can't get over all the occasions he tried to use Facebook to get my friends to shame me.   I am learning that this is quite common with people with Borderline Personality Disorder. 

I would have never found out about it if my stalker ex-husband wasn't stalking Steve.

Wow......Yes, I'm fairly sure that Steve has "Borderline Personality Disorder." 

I think that he was using NVC to try to navigate the symptoms of the disorder and prevent further fallout.  I think he used Anarchy as a means to justify some of the symptoms. 

He is trying to adapt.  DBT would work better.  I'm looking into auditing a course on that treatment option.  It's been a long time since I studied counseling. 

Borderline Personality Disorder such a crappy label for someone who cannot regulate his or her emotions due to a fear of abandonment.   I wonder how I missed it? 

I should know better. 


I am still avoiding Facebook.  I have a new reason now after talking to someone who deals with Borderline personalities.

I don't know......

I don't know.....

I don't know what I am dealing with....

I just know that I cannot share any part of my life online anymore.  It could upset my "BPD" ex-boyfriend.  Any sharing of my life could cause him to fall into an emotional storm. 


It is also bad form for a therapist to self-disclose in a public forum.  If I want to get my old job back, I should not self-disclose online.


the men.....there are men out there who use Facebook to try to troll for warm beds to sleep in. 



I'm staying away until I figure out how to deal with what I think was happening. 


I did learn some interesting things about narcissistic personality, too.  There are people raised by narcissists who take on the characteristics in times of stress.  I'm fairly sure that is what was going on with my ex-husband.   He's being pretty nice.  I don't trust it. 

I get the sense he's going to start borrowing my car now.  He ran the mini-van I gave him into the ground.  It won't pass emissions.  We'll see how he handles his situation. 

I only have one car key.  It'll be hard for him to just take my car.  Besides it is a tiny, beat-up, Altima.  My ex is 6'2" and 450 pounds.  He can't really fit it in very well. 

I'm tired of rescuing him -but- he needs his job.  I need him to have his job.   His job is the best chance I have of living in peace.  If my car enables him to keep his job, I guess he can have it.  I only paid $1,500 for it and $1,100 for repairs. 

If he takes it, I'll just take him to court for the $14,500 he took from me after our divorce and try to recoup some of the money.  I still don't know if I want that money back.  He's helping me with the bills now, maybe I can call it a wash.....


Sometimes it is better NOT to fight for things. 

Sometimes it is better just to let other people win. 

We have to pick our battles.

Our kids are getting straight A's in school.  I wonder how much of that is due to the fact that I don't argue with my ex.  I let him stay here****.  I don't know if they would maintain their grades if there were any type of upheaval in their home.

One got accepted into a prestigious program.  Our eldest was in that program. They paid her way through college.  She makes more money than I and her dad - combined!  I'd love that fate for all of the kids.  I really would.  

I'm not going to fight it.  I'll just sit back and see how things fall into place. 


There is also a lot of other bizarre stuff going on in my household. 

My ex was diagnosed with two more life threatening conditions. 

Maybe I'll write about it later.  I do find myself in tears when I watch him walk in public.  He can't do it without limping.  He can't walk without breaking out into a cold sweat. 

I am worried. 

I want to live in peace.  I don't want him to die or anything. 

I can't bring myself to harm him until he gets help. 

On the bright side, he is in no condition to stalk me now. 

I am lucky.  The people in his family are all very obese.  It's easy to outrun them when they decide to stalk me on my ex-husband's behalf. 

I just wanted the stalking to end.  I didn't want anyone....hurt. 

It gets weirder.  He won't admit to being divorced.  I think we need couples therapy to help us move on -but- given the state of his physical health, I don't want to push anything.  He needs to get the dangerous stuff out of the way before dealing with the aftermath.  Besides, there may be more of a reason for therapy if he's going to have life altering health issues.

Love doesn't die just because of a legal document.  He was my best friend most of my adult life!  You don't just throw someone out in the street at the end of a 22 year relationship.  The weird thing now is that I don't know if I should call it a 23 year relationship - he's still here even after the divorce.

I don't know...

Steve taught me that there are dangers in dating.  I'm not in any rush to move on. 

I'm running late for a meeting.   Sorry this is choppy. 

I have had some exciting things happen, too.  I'm just not sure what to share -or what to disclose.

I'll try to update soon.

I just want people to know that BPD is treatable.  It's not like it was when they told my sister she had it.

I still think she was misdiagnosed because only an idiotic psychiatrist would hospitalize a single mother on Christmas Eve due to a fear of abandonment.  She had witnessed a death in the days prior.  She saw a man hit by a train.  She was having trouble coping and saw a doctor to try to mediate the medicine she was taking for her bi-polar issues.  He hospitalized her.

She had family.  She had a four month old daughter.  She needed to be at home at Christmas. 

We got her out. 

My sister was a very kind child.  I remember.....before we were separated....she was barely sitting up. My mother would yell and this little baby would wrap her hair around her finger and stroke my face with it. 

I was four.  She was barely a year old. 

I remember......that is my sister.   That was my sister before the lithium.  That was my sister before she became an addict, before she was homeless, before she started lying about everyone trying to help her. 

I will always see that when I look at her.  She grew up to be a nurse. 

I our she took a job in the nursing home to protect our grandfather.  He had suffered a stroke.  His kids abandoned him.  I went to visit and found my sister working there.  She made minimum wage.  She said she did that so he wouldn't be alone. 

That IS my sister. 

There are theories about how BPD people are hyper-sensitive and have big hearts.  I wish more would be published.   I do so tire reading about how they are all "crazy a$$holes."

I still don't think she's Borderline.  She could be.  We don't get to talk very much.  When we were little, I was sent to live with my grandparents.  She grew up with my mother and step-father.  They vilified me for being "too perfect."  She hates me.

I don't know her well enough to know if she has the disease.  I just remember having to get her out of the mental health hospital on Christmas Eve.

Now, I'm running the risk of being late.  Gotta go.

Love ya,


Edit Sometime Later:

**LOL- I found out what was making the "better than them me" sound.

It is a Homer Simpson app on my daughter's Samsung phone.

It sure feels good to debunk superstition. It really does.

**** I'm too tired to argue about him leaving now.

Friday, December 12, 2014

About Borderline Personality Disorder

Think About It... A person with Borderline Personality Disorder often presents with a characteristic relationship pattern over time. This pattern usually evolves through three stages: The Vulnerable Seducer, The Clinger, and The Hater. This evolution may take months, and sometimes even years to cycle through. In the later periods, the personality often swings back and forth from one phase to the next. ~ Roger Melton, M.A.. 

Today I am thankful for how far we've come in defining Borderline Personality Disorder in the past decade. 

I have stayed off of Facebook since Steve posted to my page under a pseudonym.  If he is mentally unstable, I probably shouldn't provoke him by posting about anything.  I have hidden all of my posts from everyone except my friends.  The problem with that is that he was trying to get in one of my Facebook friend's knickers.  She was the one who called me up claiming to be homeless and wanting to move into my ex-husband's room.  Her calls went from problem solving her situation to talking about Steve.  She said that he was hitting on her during our relationship.  The last night I spoke to her, she asked what I thought about Steve and I just said "he's a nice man but he has issues."  That was the night he flew into a rage on my Facebook page under a pseudonym.

He had to have put her up to calling me.  That really pisses me off.  She had a knack of calling me right before super busy days.  She'd call me up crying late at night and hang up around midnight.  I had to be at work between 4:00 and 5:00 a.m.

There is a chance that this young woman is letting him use her page to watch me or that she'll report everything to him.  I don't want to delete her for two reasons: (1) she could actually be homeless (2) if she's dating Steve, she may need someone to talk to in the near future.

It could be that Steve has another fake account linked to my profile.  Two of my friends have contacted me on his behalf, telling me about Steve's lies.  One chided me for the drama and blocked me.  After eight years, I've become accustomed to him blocking me and coming back when he needs something.  He's a lot like the Terminator.  He WILL be back.

The other started to call me a "statist" but we wound up talking about how sex with statists is boring: he shut up.  Talking about sex does something to a man.  It reboots him.  Any complaints he had before simply disappear at the thought of getting his nards off.

Still......returning our attention to the Facebook issue......

anything I post will be misconstrued.  If Steve is acting like a three year old, everything will be about him.  He'll get paranoid.  He'll act out.  He could lash out at me.  He could lash out at his children.  He may even lash out at the family dog.

He could take it out on himself.

I am becoming afraid of him.


I have avoided Facebook.  I don't like the drama.  The drama Steve creates tends to bring more men out of the woodwork.  They want to comfort me.  I need to take time to be alone. 

I Facebook a Borderline convention site?

Probably not....given that less than 2% of the population are Borderline.  I was reading statistics for the prison study concluded that 30% of violent offenders are Borderline.  I guess that resolves that.  I have to stay away from Steve for my safety. 

BPD is different that NPD. It's not that people with BPD will stalk, plan, and execute a well thought out crime.  On the other side, they feel everything quite deeply.  They can spiral into paranoia and obsession.  They will become enraged at any thought that they are being rejected, whether or not they are actually being rejected.  These are the people that will kill you in a fit of rage and feel guilty about it later. 

NPD people will plan it out just to mess with you.  If they kill you, they will feel that you deserved it.

I did like this write-up about BPD: The article tends to create a sense of hope for people suffering the disorder. 

I never really believed it existed until I caught Steve testing me and then chiding me for passing the tests.  I had to prove my love but then if I put up with his abuse, I lacked self-worth in his eyes. 

I had no choice but to leave.  It is a no win situation.

Remember.....when I was in graduate school, the diagnosis was controversial.  It was like the fibromyalgia of pain diagnosis.  It was a label that shrinks gave to women who exhibited bi-polar disorder and self-harm.  It was also said to be given to women that bad shrinks had seduced; rather than take responsibility for breaking ethical rules, the shrinks blamed the victim, claiming that they were taken in by the charms of the Borderline personality.  Few people treated Borderlines.  They were like the lepers of the profession.  I would hesitate to consider that label for another person due to the bad rap that they could get.  At least....I would have back then.  Yes, there is a movement to rename the disorder to reflect that is a learned emotional regulation problem; not a personality disorder.  That should also help people find hope. 

Here is the link:

It was written by someone dealing with this set of issues.  I share it because it offers hope to the hopeless.

Just know...I hate labels.  They are only good at describing phenomena and treatment options.  They NEVER do the person bearing them justice.

Labels NEVER describe people.....they only describe behavior. 

I am feeling ungrounded and unsteady.  I need time. I need to deal with the stalking from my former in-laws and ex-husband.  I'll write more about that later.  Things are better -but- I'm still having trouble with nosiness on the part of my ex-husband.  I probably should document it soon. 


I am having two men hit on me.  One is my doctor friend.  The other is my long time IT friend who now lives in Malaysia. 

I don't want to talk to men right now.   I want to heal.

I'm about ready to delete my Facebook account. 

I need time. 

Right now, every man I meet is going to be met with suspicion.  I need to recognize the red flags that I missed when I met Steve.  When I met him, I had just announced my candidacy for mayor.  I was getting published in journals.  I was starting to command $150 an hour.  Yeah, I was only working two to three hours a week but that's not half bad.   

What happened? 

The stalking.....the problem was the stalking.  The stalking caused a disruption at my office.  I had to move and try to start my business elsewhere.  This was when I got to know Steve.  I let Steve in my life when I was vulnerable.  I should not have done that. 


This was an insightful series.  I'll share here.

Video One: Describes BPD a little bit and talks about what the person hears when you try to help them. 

br />

Video Two: This one describes why you cannot tell a BPD anything personal.  This is why I have to stay away from Steve.  Everything I told him was used against me on Facebook.  After a year of this, after a year of losing friends and business contacts due to his lies....I had to leave. 

Video Three:  Why relationships with Borderlines are unworkable and how to break up.

Hope this helps someone. 



Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Bingo, It's probably BPD


Today I am thankful that I understand what was probably going on with Steve.

One day while driving Steve to a political event, he told me he had a personality disorder label but he refused to tell me which one.  At the time, I thought he was joking. 

I am now believing that he was diagnosed with something that I never really believed in - Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD).  When I was in graduate school, it was considered a basket case diagnosis; it was given to people who walked the border between sanity and insanity and people who didn't fit the diagnostic criteria for anything else.  These were people believed to be attention seeking, who either choose to act out, or they were unfortunate enough to have seen an unethical psychiatrist.  I actually saw an article this morning written by a psychiatrist where he replaced the term "a person with borderline personality disorder" with "crazy asshole".  That didn't really sit well with me.  I wonder...if anyone has filed a complaint with his state regulatory agency? 

I submit this with caution.  I mean the label is real.  Using that particular label, one can easily go to a search engine and find countless stories that mirror what Steve and I endured.  One can find countless treatment options and thus find hope.

I still don't like calling that set of symptoms Borderline Personality Disorder because it denotes a fixed set of traits and thus makes it sound like it's a hopeless situation.  If one wants to learn about it, if one wants to know he or she is not alone in the experience, this is the label one would have to type into a search engine at this point in time to find information. 

To this day, there is some controversy whether or not such a diagnosis actually exists.  Certainly, there are people who have these issues and want to work through them.  The issue exists.  The controversy is whether or not it is a separate and distinct diagnosis.

BPD mirrors Bi-Polar II disorder (mood swings).  It has aspects of narcissism in it (manipulative behavior, masking, self-absorption).  In my opinion, I would say it has aspects of the secondary gain that hypochondriacs exploit: In other words, people often the diagnosis to manipulate others into accepting their bad behavior. 

It is different from narcissism in that people diagnosed with BPD swing from idealization to devaluation.  People with BPD think of themselves and others in black and white terms.  One is either all good or all bad.  There is no shade of gray. You're either an angel or a devil. 


I believe that Steve may have been diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder in the past. I say this....because....I've spent the past two weeks researching personality disorders -AND-

many of the things that he said to me came straight out of therapy training manuals; he must know.  He must have heard of BPD before; he certainly talks the diagnostic talk.  He appears to know more about the disorder than I do.  I have a graduate degree in psychology!


Steve is reflecting his therapist's feedback towards me.  In order words, he would come to me and say "my therapist says that you are [fill in the blank]."  They were typically things that people with Borderline Personality Disorder are said to do.  I don't think the therapist was talking about me.

1.  His therapist allegedly claimed that I was victimizing him by pretending to be a victim. 

I'm not his victim.  I'm just trying to process everything. 

2.  His therapist allegedly said that I told him about being stalked in order to hook him into the relationship.

I told him about the stalking because....really....that is one danger inherent in hanging out with me.   I thought he should know who the obese blond chick that follows me around is.  If I were dating someone being stalked, I'd want to know. 
3.  His therapist allegedly told him that I abuse him because I fear losing the relationship.
This was what he wrote on Facebook.  He defined my abuse as talking for 15 minutes.  I don't understand how he thought that I feared losing the relationship.  I'd already lost it six times!  He kept breaking up with me!!!

There were other aha moments reading through the literature.  I find that the moment one pops in my head, several more do...and then they disappear the moment that I start typing.  There really is too much to process. 

Oh...I remember....if I needed to do things for myself, he thought I was abandoning him.  He would often, out of the blue, complain that he knew I wanted to be rid of him.  In August, he hit me with so many crazy accusations, went to Facebook and lied about me countless times, and had at least two people contact me to talk about him, I had enough.  I couldn't take it anymore.  In his bid to keep me with him, he pushed me away. 

There were hundreds of times in my relationship with him where I wanted to scream at him and say

"Feelings are NOT facts!!!"

That is where the lies were born.  He felt afraid that I would do something and run around to Facebook and tell my friends that I actually did those things.  Sometimes he wrote that stuff on my Facebook wall, in front of potential clients and fellow political activists.  Since I plan on returning to my work as a pain management consultant, I had to make my Facebook account private.  From this point forward, I cannot friend people I do not know because they may or may not be future clients.  They'll have to follow one of my numerous pages.  It is an ethical no-no to allow my private life to be brought in front of potential clients. 


Steve did many of the things in the video.  The unfriending and deleting on Facebook was a monthly occurrence.  I had to unfriend him when he started to lie about me.  I'd take him back when I thought he realized what he did wrong.  I thought we had better boundaries.  He was to keep things light if I were his Facebook friend.  He couldn't do that.   Now that he twists the truth, I can't even talk to him out of fear he'll take everything public.  That was a hard reason to cut him off.  It hurts. 

Who wants a lover that she cannot talk to? 

In the end, I couldn't trust him with anything.  I have empathy for him.  I care about him -but- I can't continually put myself in a position of having to defend myself from his attacks. 

The danger of dating a man (or a woman) who distorts the facts is the chance that one could be arrested due to a false accusation.   In July, he threatened to get a restraining order against me because I did NOT answer a Facebook message.  In September, he sent me several messages accusing me of abusing his daughter because my driving scares her.  Those things, in and of themselves, are warnings.  At what point could he get that restraining order and twist the facts further?  Maybe he saw me at the store across the street from our offices?  That could get me in trouble.  If he twists the truth, how far of a twist would it be for him to call the cops and say I menaced his daughter? 

It's better just to never see him again.  It hurts -but- if he cannot take responsibility for his behavior, I cannot be around him.  When he acts out, he causes a lot of trouble for me.  He doesn't understand....there are consequences to some types of behavior.

People with that label can be manipulative, whether or not they mean to be.  They can judge you but you are not allowed to judge them.  They make excuses for their behavior.  I do not know if they do it to get away with things.  It is most likely that they do it because they are sensitive and have a hard time facing up to the way they behave.  I don't know.....personality disorders are not my area of expertise.

Steve would misuse Non-Violent Communication (NVC); primarily the judging aspect.  In NVC, one is tasked with listening to another while suspending judgment, so he or she could hear the meaning behind the words rather than jump to conclusions.  The problem with this is that there are times when behavior has to be scrutinized.  I was not allowed to judge Steve's behavior. Mine was held up to a ridiculous amount of scrutiny.  His had to be accepted.  I saw this quite a bit while reading through the BPD forums.  People with the diagnosis were pleading to have their needs for acceptance met.  People dealing with loved ones who had the disorder were trying to avoid the rage attacks and dealing with having to walk on eggshells to avoid the wrath of their loved one.

The other misuse of NVC is that he used it to excuse his abusive tirades.  He would say that we need to focus on the needs he had when he started acting out.  Then, he truly believed that NVC techniques would repair the breach.  The problem with that is when I had a need, it would be dismissed or used against me later.  For instance, if I had a need have a friendship with my lover, he'd say we couldn't be friends but still expected my intimacy.  If I told him I needed anything, he'd find a way to use it against me later.  That didn't work out very well.

The other striking thing is the minimizing of the impact of their behavior on others.  I find myself pondering Steve's concept of Anarchy.  I find myself wondering if that is how he relieved himself of responsibility when he broke the law, damaged another person's property, or hurt people.  Maybe in his world, he can break laws because the government shouldn't exist.  He can damage government (or quasi-government) property for the same reason.   He seems pretty reckless with community property and so I Anarchy how he excuses it? 

I'll be pondering these things for awhile.

He had to have been diagnosed.  He must've known.  If he wasn't diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder he most certainly had been diagnosed as Bi-Polar.   The great tragedy of that is that there are treatments for both borderline and bi-polar disorder; they could have changed his life!


Let me explain my history with the issue....

I am so old that when I went to graduate school, Borderline Personality Disorder was very controversial, especially in Humanistic circles.  I once heard a professor joke that only bipolar women who wouldn't sleep with their unethical shrinks were given that label.

After graduating, when a therapist suggested that my ex-husband had the disorder, I researched it.  A shrink told me that Borderlines are bi-polar people who engage in self-harm.

Okay....the Bi-Polar label disorder certainly has less of a stigma.  Bi-Polar can be treated and managed.  If you had to give someone a label, why not go with the one that makes more sense and doesn't make the person sound like a lunatic?   Why not go with one that is more precise? 

Besides, people denigrate the label and make it out to connote some fearful kind of psychopath.  This is why I do NOT believe in the "Borderline Personality Disorder" label and support efforts to change it.  I believe that there are people who have this issue.  I believe that therapists often diagnose it without checking for other issues.  I believe the very name connotes a sense of hopelessness to the people so diagnosed and it makes it hard for them to get help.  I think it scares potential mates, potential therapists, and potential friends away.

In my personal experience, psychiatrists are careless with the diagnosis.  In my educational experience, it was seen somewhat as a joke.  Back in the day, it was a billing tool.  Borderlines were not real psych patients, they just came in to mess with your mind and the only way to deal with them was to ignore them.  I thought this attitude did not help people.  If the diagnosis is a basket diagnosis viewed as a joke, one should strive to be more precise and accurate in defining the issue.

I'll share an anecdote from my personal experience.

My younger sister, who has bi-polar disorder, was institutionalized for BPD on Christmas Eve.  I had to work like heck to get her out of the hospital so she could spend Christmas with her young twin boys and infant daughter.  I'll tell you the story.  She lived in a loft above a rail train station.  A few weeks prior, she looked out the window and saw a man standing on the tracks and a train was coming at him.  She tried to open the window in time to yell a warning towards him.  She was too late.  He was hit and died at the scene.   She fell into a deep depression because this event triggered her childhood trauma.  She witnessed our mother's murder at the age of eleven.  She witnessed our step-father's Christmas suicide at the age of fourteen.  Christmas is a hard time for people with that kind of childhood history, especially the fact that the only dad she had ever known shot himself on that holiday in front of her.  She was despondent and went to the local clinic to try a new set of psych drugs.  The doctor told her she had BPD and put her on a 72 hour psychiatric hold.  He did NOT even ask if she had any other diagnoses.  She NEEDED her family at that time of year.  She NEEDED to be with people who loved her and understood her pain.  The last thing she needed was to be thrown in a cold psychiatric cell with NO BLANKETS.  There were no blankets.....oooh...!!!  I chastised the doctor; he admitted to making the diagnoses based on the nurses notes which seemed to be more of a commentary on my sister's hair and clothing.  Long story short, her boyfriend and I threatened to report the doctor to the regulatory agency.  He let her out in time to celebrate Christmas. 

This was eight years ago. I guarantee my sister thinks twice about reaching out for help now due to this careless shrink.  This is wrong.

The issue seems to have come a long way in the past 20 years.  There are more detailed studies out about Borderline Personality Disorder.  There are support groups and forums.  Surprisingly, I came across entries from a BPD diagnosed man named Steve who seemed to write tales of experiences that mirrored what I went through with Steve.  I don't think it was the Steve I know -but- it did hit some of the lessons home.

What resonated with me the most was a comment made by someone with that label in a forum.  She had said that we shouldn't judge.  We need to be sensitive to their needs.  We have to be there for the person at all times.  We cannot leave them.  They deserve our love.  We have to do as they wish for their mental health. This struck me as being similar to the things that Steve would say.  It is as if they are stuck in toddlerhood, with an undying need for unconditional love without an understanding that the other people in their world have needs.  It is as if they do not afford the other person the same liberties they take. 

There were other comments from other diagnosed people claiming that people in relationships have to "pay to play."  There was this idea that should one enter into a relationship, he or she is co-dependent and deserved to be used and manipulated.  There was a woman chastising the partners of BPD diagnosed people saying that they deserved to be hurt because they chose to love.  I'm thinking that woman was in the wrong forum.  She seemed to be more Narcissistic than Borderline. I don't know.  I need to learn more about the recent literature. 

The very phrase "personality disorder" makes one feel like there is no hope for change.  It is misleading.  I do NOT believe it is a personality disorder.  Personality disorders are fixed and cannot be treated.  The research shows that this can be helped.  The issue is real.  People are hurting.  Still, the label seems to be misleading.  It is still controversial and there appears to be a lot of overlap with other, more rigorously studied, disorders.  Most people with that diagnosis meet the criteria for other mental disorders:

 61 % also have at least one anxiety disorder (e.g. social phobia).
 49 % have an impulse-control disorder (e.g. intermittent explosive disorder).
 38 % have a substance abuse or dependence disorder (e.g. alcohol).
 34 % have a mood disorder, most commonly a form of depression.

Source:  National Comorbidity Survey Replication


Labels are only a good shorthand for understanding behavior.  It's easier to have empathy for someone who engages in abuse if you know what you are dealing with. 

So....I submit this with the caution that I do not believe in the Borderline Personality Disorder label.  I believe that there are people who exhibit these traits.  I believe that these traits are developed in childhood.    I believe that it is an impulse and/or emotional regulation disorder.  I do believe the experts when they say it will take between 4-7 years of intensive therapy to see marked improvement in the symptoms. 

I applaud the therapists trying to change the name of the label to more accurately reflect what it is.  It is an emotional regulation disorder, not a personality disorder.  Maybe a more accurate term will make future research easier.  Maybe we can find new techniques of emotional regulation if we look for that!

Labels make it easier to describe something.  It also makes it easier to communicate about a subset of issues connected to the label.  Having a more accurate label will help in describing the disorder, researching it, and eventually treating it.

If you are curious, here is the DSM checklist.  I highlighted what I saw in the relationship.  I cannot get into the man's head.  I don't know what his self-image truly is or if he feels empty.  I do know that there was only one suicide threat in the past 3.5 years. 


A pervasive pattern of instability of interpersonal relationships, self-image, and affects, and marked impulsivity beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by five (or more) of the following: 
(1) frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment.
Note: Do not include 
suicidal or self-mutilating behavior covered in Criterion 5. 
(2) a pattern of unstable and intense interpersonal relationships characterized by alternating between extremes of idealization and devaluation 
(3) identity disturbance: markedly and persistently unstable self-image or sense of self 
(4) impulsivity in at least two areas that are potentially self-damaging (e.g., spending, sex, Substance Abuse, reckless driving, binge eating).
Note: Do not include suicidal or self-mutilating behavior covered in Criterion 5.
(5) recurrent suicidal behavior, gestures, or threats, or self-mutilating behavior 
(6) affective instability due to a marked reactivity of mood (e.g., intense episodic dysphoriairritability, or anxiety usually lasting a few hours and only rarely more than a few days) 
(7) chronic feelings of emptiness 
(8) inappropriate, intense anger or difficulty controlling anger (e.g., frequent displays of temper, constant anger, recurrent physical fights) 
(9) transient, stress-related paranoid ideation or severe dissociative symptoms

I am going to audit a course on Cluster B Personality Disorders just so I'm up with the times.  If I find a decent one open to the general public, I'll post it here. 

You know....I am NOT Steve's therapist.  My background is in health psychology  -NOT- the diagnosis and treatment of personality disorders.   I only know enough to recognize these issues and refer people suffering from them to specialists.  Even if I were licensed to diagnose and treat personality disorders , I couldn't make the diagnosis with someone I know on a personal level.

But...I'll put it out into the universe.  It could help one find others who have had similar experiences.  It could help one find hope and help. 

Just stay away from the shrink that calls it "crazy asshole" disorder. 
So....what does that mean for anyone reading this blog?

Well.....if you are NOT the therapist for the person abusing you, your primary responsibility is your own mental health.  You have to draw boundaries.  You have to stick with them. You have to hold the other person responsible for his or her behavior just as you are responsible for your own. 

It is okay to leave someone who is trying to manipulate you, lying a about you, raging at you, and otherwise making your life a living heck.

It doesn't matter what label the other person has: If someone is making you crazy enough to think you have a label, it is time to take time for yourself.

Love ya,


P.S.  In my struggle to find a decent resource about BPD to share, I found this.  It helps.


P.S.S.  This is a late edit.  I get a lot of hits on this and wanted to share something from my personal interactions with individuals diagnosed with BPD. 

They appear to be focused on the amount of empathy they get from others.  They seem to be almost obsessed with empathy.  They'll often accuse others of lacking empathy when they don't get what they want. 

It's just a weird thing I notice.  Perhaps it is the subconscious mind's way of making sure they don't get into empty relationships that mirror the one they had with their primary parent in childhood.  

To be honest, I don't know.  I'll work on getting more experience with this population before running around trying to advocate for change. 

Sunday, November 30, 2014

How to Handle Abusive Texts & Emails

Today I am thankful for realizing that if I were truly an obnoxious b!tch, I would have made a YouTube video of the texts and emails Steve had sent me throughout the past year. 

Apparently this is the in-vogue thing to do when someone wants to make their arguments with you public. 

I'm old.  I didn't know. 
It would seem to me that being emotionally abusive via electronic discourse could be an incredibly damaging thing to do in this day and age.      

I won't make those kind of videos. 
I'm too lazy.   

I also won't do that because I realize now that Steve is bipolar.  I had to get away from it to figure it out.  I shouldn't call someone out on his mental illness.  I may, however, take excerpts of our conversations and use them in a website discussing mental issues.  Steve will be anonymous.  I will have to wait many years before I will want to look at those damn things again. 

Okay.....okay.....there is a better way to deal with abusive and threatening texts, emails, Facebook posts, and phone calls.  The link I shared will take you to a website written for men in emotionally abusive relationships.  I find the advice to be sound for both women and men.  Just one word of caution; your abuser may run around playing the role of victim.  Do your best to ignore it.  Share your story.  Tell the truth.  NEVER cover or make excuses for the abuser.  Just don't let them trick you into reacting.  Part of their game is to provoke us into acting out of character.  If they get us to the point of being rude, yelling, or slamming doors.....they've proven us to be the crazy people they claim we are.

Why do they claim we are crazy?  It deflects responsibility for the problems away from them and on to us.  It frees them from introspection.  If they can get away with calling us crazy, they don't have to look at how their behavior created a messy relationship.   

Yeah....yeah....yeah......if a man claims that his two ex-wives are both narcissistic sociopaths think really hard before giving him a second date.  If he says that his marriages lasted less than a year and that he has revoked the parental rights for his former spouses so they can't see the the check and get the heck out of there.  I missed those red flags.  I only have myself to blame.  We do have to take responsibility for keeping our lives sane and sometimes that means keeping users and abusers out of it. 

I would say that the same goes for the guys. I'll add this one, too.  If your date is bragging about how she takes advantage of men she claims to have loved at some point in time, put on your track shoes and RUN!  


Steve claimed to be seeing a therapist.  That is partly why I took him back.  He claims that he's seen shrinks for many years.  I am sure he's been diagnosed by now.  I am pretty upset that he never warned me about the diagnosis.  I didn't know what I was dealing with until it was too late.  If you have a mental illness, don't hide it from someone you asked to marry you.  Geesh!

After talking to a sister diagnosed with bi-polar disorder on Thanksgiving, I realize that Steve is most likely bi-polar (aka manic depressive).   This could be why I put up with it for so long, too.  I grew up with this person and that experience probably acclimated me to some of the things that bi-polar people do. 

With bipolar disorder, the manic period can mimic narcissism.  The depressive period will usually cause a person to fall into a delusional thinking stream.   Steve seemed to have a five week cycle; three weeks manic and two weeks depressive. 

I don't know if I want to expound further about Steve.  I may.  I may not.  Just know....bipolar disorder explains EVERYTHING: the constant break-ups, him hitting on 25 year old women during our relationship, the paranoia, the substance abuse, the mind games, the constant attacks on my character, the forgetting what he had said and done and blaming me for all of our problems!  I hope he sees someone who can diagnose whether or not this is the issue.  Bipolar disorder is a heck of a lot easier to treat than a personality disorder.

I don't want to diagnose anyone.  I want to understand what happened and what I could have done differently.  Believing that his behavior stems from a disorder will help me forgive him for libeling me on the internet and recruiting third parties to play games with my time and energy.  He has an illness.  It is not an excuse to be an a-hole but it will help me understand how he's thinking and why he says the bizarre things he does.  It'll help me be more forgiving of his emotional abuse.  I won't necessarily allow myself to experience it again but I will understand its origin.  It may not be personal.  It could very well be born out of psychic pain. 

I won't be a total bitch. 

His behavior is really frustrating.

I have a friend named Tony.  I've known Tony for seven years.  Tony and I had a deal that if we weren't married in 2017, we'd get hitched.

Tony saw Steve's Facebook post to my wall.  I told him that Steve claims that I have numerous boyfriends and "fuck buddies".  This caught his attention.  Tony now thinks Steve has hacked my account and he wants me to take my phone and laptop to the police.  Tony wants me to stop talking to him online because he fears what a jealous guy would do.  He expects me to communicate with him on the phone or in person. 

Tony lives 1,500 miles away.  He owns a coffee shop.  He hosts fiddle parties and country dances for a lot of the elderly people who live in the area.  He does not want trouble. 

I don't think Steve is a threat.  Steve's just trying to get my attention. 

Steve doesn't drive.  He lost his license.  How would he harass a guy so far away?  I don't know...I wonder if Tony has been on the receiving end of a psycho before.  I will honor his wishes.  I'm sure it will blow over soon.  If not, I'll just send him an invite to another social network site. 

I find it bizarre that one would want me to take everything to the police.  I have a real stalker.  My former in-laws would follow me around, harass my coworkers, try to break into the house, and put gps equipment on my car.....they are truly stalkers....the police wouldn't do anything to them.

I do not understand why Tony would think that the police would do anything to a guy who sends abusive emails, texts and Facebook posts.  In fact, it is questionable whether such behavior is actionable.  The Supreme Court has agreed to look at a case involving domestic abuse and Facebook in an effort to clarify what behavior, if any, is illegal.

I am a little bit pissed off because this puts me in mind of Shannon's stalking behavior.  Tony wanting me to change my behavior over Steve's garbage reminds me of how much of my life changed when Shannon was harassing me.  I am not happy with that. 

Every time Shannon would harass a coworker, a professor, a mentor, or a landlord - I would lose that contact.  I would lose the lease.  I would lose the job.  I would be asked to leave school. 

People don't want to deal with people who associate with crazies. 

This leads me to my point.....

Dysfunctional people will make you feel bad for abandoning them, not giving into their manipulations or enabling them.  They will get nasty, abusive and really rude.  They will put roadblocks in your way to keep you from leaving but don't let that dissuade you.

They will eventually find a new target. 

Giving into it will bring about many more years of misery.   Get help at the first red flag, even if that help is a visit to a therapist on your own. 

I may write about what is going on with my ex-husband.  I can now see where the narcissistic diagnoses stems from.  In a nutshell, he has no empathy for the issues his family's stalking creates for me.  He doesn't understand.

I am stuck with him due to domestic theft.  He took the money I was awarded in the divorce and spent 50% of it.  I planned on using that to start my new life.  I feel stuck.  

I feel bizarre because I do a lot of crazy things for him just to keep the household running smoothly.  Today I have to buy license plate tags for the vehicle I gave him after we divorced.  It is a time drain.  I don't mind being helpful -but- I would like to know what his expectations are.  I justify it saying that it'll help the kids when they are with him. 

I tried to set down the law over the weekend.  I'll decide what to share later.  I don't think it went anywhere.  I think we need to see a counselor and a lawyer to try to move forward.  Narcissists don't want people to move forward. We can't afford not to move forward.

I am still trying to get the funds to get the house fixed up and ready to sell.  That is probably the only solution. 

I have to brainstorm a way out of this.  I did realize that the stalking will never really stop.  Even as we age, the stalking methods change.  When we were in our twenties, the main issue was being followed in cars and on foot.  Now, the harassment is more electronic.  I think the cost of gas makes following people in cars difficult and expensive.  Now, there is more electronic stalking.  There are more electronic threats.  There are weird gifts left on the porch.  The break-ins happen when they think I'm not home (like when I leave my phone at work).  It's not the same.  Technology has changed everything.  

I know that the stalking is about keeping me in my place and under his thumb.  I hate it. 

If I had any advice to a young person it would be to be yourself and don't let anyone change your path.  Don't make my mistakes and give in to abusive idiots just to keep the peace.  The day will come when the monster grows too big to manage.  

Other monsters will see what you put up with and try to come into your life, too.

Stay away from negativity so you do not attract more of it into your life! 

Love ya,


P.S.  Oh....I almost forgot.  This is IMPORTANT.  Never, ever follow my example and call an ex matter how crazy he or she truly is.  The same goes for the words psycho and nutball. 

Don't do it. 


Because crazy people always project their craziness onto others.  They're not crazy.  You are.  I am.  The entire world is.  In their view, they are SANE.

Also, note that crazy people (ooops) will be vague when referring to their assertions that others are crazy.  The borderlines and narcissists will just say "she's crazy".   We can say "he's crazy because he claims the aliens from planet Xenon watched us have sex six months ago on a distant planet."

See?  We can define crazy.  People with delusion cannot.

That said....what do you say when those third parties invariably come around with tales of our perceived, vague, craziness that came from the abusive people we used to date?

You say something like....."I'm sad to hear that [name of person] is having such a hard time.  It's just that things didn't work out."

No explanation should be given because these third parties are probably emissaries of your ex.  It will get back to them.  Insane people are tough.  Angry insane people are impossible.

Okay....gotta go. 

I'm having nightmares of narcissists.  Maybe I'll share one in my next post.

Edit Circa 2021:  So, shortly after this post, I learned the guy who inspired it  is Borderline.  It's a so-called personality disorder borne from childhood neglect.  It mimics bi-polar disorder but also has components of self-harm and suicidal ideation. 

There was a time when he challenged me to guess his personality disorder diagnoses. This would be it.

Many therapists, including myself, do not believe it to be a personality disorder.  It is a form of CPTSD, in other words, Trauma.  It is more of an emotional dysregulation disorder than a non-treatable personality disorder. 

That said, this diagnosis is given to women more than men.  The advice about men running off at the first sign of trouble is good advice.  No one should ruin their lives trying to solve other people's issues. 

DBT is best tool to deal with BPD.  

At last count, I have 13 siblings.  We all had an abusive dad. I do have a sibling with BPD, too.  It gets better when they get away from the abusers. 

This man never got away from his.  

As far as my sibling, I've seen her beat the crap out of men and I've had to help get them away from her.  

It was never cheap for them. 

There was a high cost not only financially but in terms of lost time with their children and loss of self-esteem. 

Oh, the biggest warning sign of borderline personality disorder is they seem to be stuck on empathy, in that, they will accuse others of lacking it.  It doesn't matter how much love or empathy you give, it will never be enough as they have a bottomless pit due of need due to their difficult upbringings. 

If you and others are consistently bitched about based on a so-called lack of empathy (and you're not a narcissist) you may just have a person with borderline personality disorder on your hands.  They are also terrified of abandonment, so there is a tendency to cheat.  They'll also leave you and then panic when you actually go. 

If you find yourself in an emotionally abusive relationship with someone who lies about you, likes to ridicule you publicly and make your life a living hell.  It may be worth seeing a therapist who can help you see through the web of deceit and make a game plan to salvage whatever you can of your life.    

When I think of people with these tendencies (or even real cluster B personality disorders), I think of a poisonous snake. 

You can't reason with a snake.  You can't change it's nature.  All you can do to protect yourself is to get away from the snake. 

It it strikes, you'll have to get away and get help neutralizing the venom they inflict. 

The best thing to do is to get away as soon as you can. 

That said - 

If you have this disorder, understand that it is not the lost cause too many people claim it to be.  Interview therapists.  Make sure they are licensed.  Make sure they understand the most recent research.  Do not see anyone who is not schooled in dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT). 

The DSM may say it's a personality disorder.  Try to find someone who understands its actual basis (emotional dysregulation based on childhood trauma).  

DBT is a therapeutic intervention based on mindfulness.  There are many good tools on Amazon. 

Finally, you have all the power in your life.  No one else can take that away from you nor can they fix you.  All the good things you'll do from this point forward will be solely due to your efforts. 

Please give yourself time to focus on YOU. It'll make all the difference in the world. 

Love ya, 


Thursday, November 27, 2014

Conversations with Narcissists

Today I am thankful for those brave people who have been diagnosed with a personality disorder and are open enough to talking about it. 

My ex-husband has spent the past few weeks trying to explain controlling behavior to me.  I don't understand.  I really don't.  How can you call someone a bunch of names and expect them to hop in the sack with you?

Michael claims that it works because a woman will feel torn down and think that she cannot get anyone better than the guy emotionally abusing her.

It does seem counterproductive, to me.  I want to suck the rooster on the nice guy.  I want to hear him moan.  I want to hear a voice that doesn't make me cringe.  If you upset me and I pair the sound of your voice to emotional pain, I won't want to be near you intimately or otherwise.

So.....I still do not understand even after Michael so generously explained it to me. 

Luckily, in this field of work I can talk to a lot of people with NPD.  I can hear their stories about acting out, leaving a partner for a younger one, screwing that up and convincing the former partner one to take him or her back.

I lived this reality with Steve.  We broke up every three weeks.

I understand that on-again off-again relationships are common in NPD/Co-dependent pairings.

I'm not sure what I am dealing with. 

The thing that throws me in dysfunctional relationship is my belief that love is unconditional.  I do understand that some people expect unconditional love but can only love conditionally.

I have always remedied this by loving difficult people at a distance. 

I want to understand more.  I want to process what I've dealt with over the past few years.

Steve was running around Facebook claiming that I was a narcissist.  I started there.  I wondered if this was projection.  I'm not the first woman he claimed was a narcissist.  I wanted to understand the disorder. 


Well.....I met a woman with NPD.  For a cup of coffee, she gave me her insight. 

Now....I am not saying that Steve has Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD).  I'm not believing that Mike has NPD.  I do see these traits in them.  I put up with these traits and they make my life a living heck.

I want to understand these behaviors so I do not put up with them again.

And her experience fits Steve far more than it fits Michael. Steve has said things to me in the past that mirrored what this woman, Carol, said to me.

Carol spoke about how she always wants something out of her league.  She pursues it.  In her mind, the objects of her pursuit are never people, even if they are human beings.  These are not people, they are things.  They are mere objects to her. 

She has to become something other than herself to attain the object of her obsession.  She researches the other person.  She internalizes who they are.  She becomes who she believes she must be to reach her goal.  She is NOT real. This false self gives her confidence.  She likes being this new persona.

She realizes that the object she pursues is amazing.  She is in bliss when she finally has it.  Then she starts to become doubtful because she's smart enough to realize that nothing is perfect.  She worked so hard to attain what she has, too hard.  She doesn't deserve anything less than perfection.  She starts picking the object of her obsession apart. 

At this point, the façade of being fake is beginning to crack.  She is beginning to feel doubt that she can keep up the charade. 

She knows that she is perfect.  The relationship is not perfect.  The object is not perfect.

Thus, at this point, she realizes that she is too good for it and wants to do whatever necessary to get rid of it.  As she describes it, people and things become so devalued that she considers them to be garbage and she would do just about anything to dispose of it. 

Now....this is where I lose my sense of understanding....but she says that this is the point where she projects her faults, expectations, and problems on the object of her obsession.  If she feels a certain way, the object must feel that way, too.   If she is a liar, he becomes the liar.  If she is cheating, he is cheating. 


I have spent the morning trying to digest this conversation.  I want to understand it.

I guess, in the future, if I have been celibate for six years and a man I meet claims to have been celibate for eight years, I need to run the other way. 

If I meet a man who claims that I am financially taking advantage of another human being, it means I need to keep him out of my financial agreements. 

If he claims that I am emotionally abusing his child, I guess that means I have to keep him away from children.

Thank goodness he didn't tell me that I put a live bomb in a public place! 

Oh...and if he tells me that he consistently goes for people and jobs out of his league, I need to pay attention to  that, too. 


Oh, and Carol said that she always replaces her objects before discarding them with her projections.  I feel sorry for the young lady that called me the other night to tell me how Steve was hitting on her during our relationship.  She feared that he had posted naked pictures of her online.  It would seem that he did a fair bit more than hit on her if that was a valid fear on her part. 

I fear that she is my replacement. 

I tried to warn her. 
I hope she doesn't call me in tears in the coming weeks. 


If I find anymore nuggets of wisdom in the conversation with Carol, I'll share. 

It truly was eye opening. 

But....I do not know if it is narcissism that I am dealing with. 

I do find myself suffering from cognitive dissonance.  The reality of my experience with Steve was quite different than the person that I thought he was.  It is hard to rectify the sensitive person he presented to me with the hyper-judgmental man he was. 

This is where I feel tripped up. 

I can handle being picked on.  I can handle people criticizing me.  I just....just.....well...the problem was that Steve would get a story in his head and attack me as though it were true.  Once he attacked me because he thought I couldn't say no.  Another time it was because he thought I called him a frog.

I don't know....they seem silly.   He seemed to lose his cool over the craziest of things. 

That is what smacks of narcissism. 

When he attacked, he was relentless.  I would get texts, emails and telephone calls.  Some of them would be threatening: he'd ask if I wanted him to kill himself or he'd threaten to stalk me.  Others would be vile: he'd call me a sociopath or some other name.

Those emails and texts made me hate checking my phone. 

This is what I am trying to reconcile.  I want to try to find out the truth of what happened. 

I cannot. 

That is what hurts.  I feel played.  I want to see that I was wrong.  It seems like the more people tell me what Steve did to them, the more I realize that I was blind to what he was doing.

He had a habit of attacking my friends. 

Why?  Why do people do that? 

I wish I understood. 

I guess that narcissists understand narcissistic behavior.  My brain wasn't built like that.  It is something that I can barely understand. 

I have been told many times to "not try to make sense out of nonsense."
I shouldn't.

Maybe I'll start writing about personality theory again.  It could simply be that I'm a Blue Introvert,   Steve is Green Introvert, and Michael is a Gold Extravert.  That could explain it all, too.   It could explain everything except the abusive emails, threatening texts, and stalking crap.   It could also explain why it bugs me, too. 

Maybe I'll post that in the next few days.

I just want to understand....

I probably won't. 

Love ya,


Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Livin' the Chaos Free Life

Today I am thankful for living the chaos free life.

Perhaps I am overstating this a little bit.  I had a chaos free day. 

I've been volunteering at the homeless shelter.  I was the babysitter.  Today the kids wanted to have a singing contest.  They all won. 

The children sing and dance like angels.  I love hearing them sing about being beautiful.  I love watching them sing and dance while pointing at other kids telling them that 'they are gold.'

Yes, I want them to know that they can fly. 

It is a beautiful experience.


Let me tell you....

I didn't realize how difficult it was living with constant accusations until I didn't have to defend myself anymore. 

I like this life. 

I like being away from the chaos. 

It is a blessing. 


I hate feeling like I am judging narcissists, bullies, psychopaths, sociopaths and other meanies.....the label doesn't matter, I guess.

What matters is how I feel around them. 

I can't stand walking around on eggshells worried about the impression that I am making. 

I can't stand worrying about my ugly car and how it makes people look when I drive them around in it.  It takes a lot of my time and energy. 

I wish I knew the magic trick to neutralize the criticism.  

I don't. 


I do know how to get a timid child to sing louder and to know that her voice counts.  When she sings and dances to the song in her heart, she is truly showing the world her beauty. 

That is where I will spend as much time as I can.  I would prefer to build children up than allow an older person to tear me down. 

Life is good when I give.  It is in the giving that one truly gets something. 

Happy Thanksgiving. 

Love ya lots,


Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Why Lovers Bully

Today I am thankful that I have more clarity on what was happening between Steve and I.

I'm not sure I have a lot of time to write about it today.

I'm not sure the issue is narcissism.  I do think it has more to do with childhood issues than a personality disorder. 

I'll try to come back to the post to clean it up.

Typically, Steve would send me nasty demanding emails, break up with me or complain after he had conversations with his mother.  They seem to be an enmeshed family.

Steve sent me several emails claiming that I didn't honor his requests.  When I asked him about it, he said he wrote those because his mother made him eat potatoes.

Yes...I's mother cannot make anyone eat anything. 

I think most parents learn that lesson when they have a toddler in the house.  You can put something in their mouth but that doesn't mean they'll swallow.

It's the same with bullying.  People can bully us but we don't have to swallow.

 It is up to us to internalize their nastiness.  

I'll leave a link here for you to read.  If I have time I'll expound on it. 


This is why I am not ready for a relationship.  Right now, my life is in turmoil.  I cannot take on another person's pain.  I can't.  I should not feel sad or guilty for walking away from emotional abuse.

When I read the first anecdote, I really feel that pain.  I feel like it would be impossible to please someone like Steve.  Nothing I did was good enough. 

The fact that he runs to his mother or Facebook with every complaint, it makes it hard for me to want to do anything for him.  I had to let go.  Even if it pains me, I need to stay away. 

I'm going to buy this book, too.   Maybe it'll save me pain in the future.

So now the question becomes...... why did I tolerated the obnoxious behavior at all?  Why did I tolerate it from Michael?  Why did I tolerate it from Steve?

I'll have to do some soul searching there.  

Something within me made me leave.  I need to find that part of my persona and augment her.

Love ya,


Saturday, November 22, 2014


Today I am thankful for time to process heartache.

Never hear what somebody thinks about you, you'll live longer. Hear that they're in pain. Don't hear their analysis. - Marshall Rosenberg

The problem, though, is that when everyone else hears that analysis, it causes problems in the real world. 

That analysis causes me pain. It causes my friends to analyze him. Men who see him write lies about me call me on the telephone and flirt with me. I wonder what he said about my religion. One of these guys is Pagan. I didn't know that. What on earth would compel one of our mutual friends to call just to announce his religion? 

I don't know.

Lies and accusations take a lot of time to sort through. It sucks my creativity away as I spend hours upon hours trying to reframe  and defend against the lies and accusations.  It doesn't matter if I love someone. If they are wasting my time and going out of their way to hurt me to get my attention, I have to walk away for my own sanity.
Especially now because I am in the process of trying to rebuild my life.   

I feel bad but it must be done.

I wish I could stop loving.

I need to stop loving.

I am truly believing that the best course of action is to stay with Michael until he finds another love.   It may be best for the kids.  The more time they have with him, the better.

I do not like being in the mother role.  He isn't taking care of the van I gave him.  I am finding myself waking up at 4:00 a.m. to drive him to work an hour away and come home to take the kids to school.  It is exhausting! 

For the first time in my life, I feel unworthy of love. 

That's okay.

The sick part of feeling unworthy of love is that I have faith that the less prepared I am for love - the more apt I will be to find it.


I want to heal.

I think that is what makes me so darn angry about Steve's post to my Facebook wall.

He wants me to "be done."

I don't know what "be done" means. 

I think that means that he wants me to stop writing about narcissistic style abuse. I can't do that. I have friends enduring stuff worse than I. I have to share. It helps them.

I think it will help me leave the situation at my house, too.

I can't stop.

I can't be done until I understand what went on.....

what is going on.....

and what I am doing to bring it into my life.  

I want to understand why Michael is still here without sex or kissing.

I wonder how to broach that topic. 

I wonder what strategies I need to employ to change my life in a manner that minimizes the hurt that other people experience.  

I need to know why Steve thinks everything I post is about him.

I need to understand why Steve (and men like him) go on the attack when they need something.

I need to understand why the Goddess brought Steve into my life at this point in time.

What is the lesson?

I want to know how I got knocked up while on the pill.

This was probably the last pregnancy I will ever have.

Why did it have to be so.....horrific....sickening....depressing.....and ugly?

I want to process that loss, too.

It was probably due to the radiation. Who in the world has 19 dental x-rays and forgets to ask the dentist for the radiation shield?

I feel very guilty.

I didn't know. 

My skin looked pretty! 

I couldn't eat real food without barfing.

I was late!

I should have known.

I didn't know until I held it. 

That broke my heart.

I am having a hard time smiling.

When I do, my teeth look pretty but that only makes me remember the cost of going to the dentist.
It's a shame it hurts too much to cry.

I spend a lot of time in meditation in front of my altar wondering why....

why are these things happening to me?

Why did this happen to Steve and I?

Why couldn't Steve and I just go to our true loves?

Why did we have to experience this pain?


On the bright side, he'll never know what happened to me.

At least....he was spared the most emotional part of the break-up. 

My friends are spared that knowledge, too. If Steve doesn't know, then he won't gossip about it.

That doesn't mean that I do not need to process it.

Love ya, 


Place for Documentation

  When I was a kid, I wanted to be a pilot.  My stepdad would talk about flying into Germany during World War II.  I'd spend my weekends...