Monday, August 26, 2019

The Truth Hurts

Today I am thankful for finally seeing the truth. 

Even though a former professor told me my ex was stalking me back in 2004....

even though an Aurora cop told me the same thing in 2012.....

part of me has always held out hope that we were wrong.

We are not.

I found the definitive proof today.

As you know, over the past 27 years and seven months, I have dealt with break-ins.

My ex always blamed his sister.

She allegedly died in 2015.

The break-ins continued.  After her death, I became incredibly fearful because it didn't stop.

Locks were consistently broken.

I couldn't figure it out.

My ex claimed it was his family.

In 2013, he told me that he sent his sister a key and told her to come to the house any time.  Then he said he was kidding.

I was terrified.  He didn't seem to want to solve the problem - he didn't do therapy.  He didn't want to move.

Locks continued to be broken until I could afford to take him back to court to get him out of my house in December 2016.


My ex refused to move out of our home for several years after we were legally separated.  It cost me, to date, over $20,000 in legal fees to get him to follow our original agreement.

He will never honor it.  He's found taxpayer funded helpers that provide him free legal services.

Yes, my ex claims to be a victim.

He is running around telling everyone that I'm a liar.  Well....maybe when it comes to the metaphysical entities that I write about....maybe.....

any metaphysical experiences are typically just a manifestation of my subconscious.

The stalking.....

the stalking is real.

It's frightfully real.


Over the past few months, I have had the home renovated.  Things are being moved about.  I found my fireproof safe.  It was missing keys.

Today I found the little box that contains my spare keys.

In it

I found the key to my unused post office box.

I found keys to cars I no longer have.

I even found a key to my safe.

Then I found a strange key in a bizarre Cam. .  This key was perfectly flat.

Curious, I went to Google.

It's the kind of key used for lock picking.

I wasn't sure despite Google, so I took it to a locksmith.

Low and behold, it is a lock picking kit.

I'm broken hearted.


I am 100% sure my ex is the stalker now.  All that time, he let me fret and worry.  He was the one breaking the locks.

He couldn't see to tell me the truth.

I am very hurt.

I can let go of any guilt about blaming him now.

I'm not going to give him any energy that would enable him to get out of paying me the money that he owes me now.  I don't reward bad behavior.  It's a pity the State of Colorado does.

It's good to know the truth.  I'll donate some funds to a police charity.

I can let go of the fear.  The harassers are only working on behalf of my former husband.

I guess I can call this closure.

Love ya,


Saturday, August 24, 2019

Show Business for Ugly People

Today I am thankful for being old.

The recent political hijinks at the office with the liberal therapist has me reflecting on politics and why I'm so mad.

She allegedly yelled at a patient because he was watching the news.  Trump happened to be on the news.

I will never understand someone letting their hate towards a politician impact them at work.

No one is perfect -  but therapists should, at the very least, know enough to treat people with respect.  We should model respect for each other.

The errant therapist ran into me with her head down.  She said hello but I could tell she was angry (possibly at me).  You know what?  Despite my disgust, I feel sorry for her.

I was informed of her antics by two upset patients.  That makes me feel sad for everyone involved.
I am well aware that advocating for the patients will probably get me in trouble.  I could lose that particular job because I passed on the information to the powers that be.  I AM, sadly, looking for another job.   Such is life....

There is something else that bothers me.  It's sad that she's treating politics as a spectator sport.  In fact, far too many people do that.

If she really wants to get involved, I know a few people....

Then I realized, she's probably bought into the bull....

I reflected on the bull.  Politics is a joke.  The behavior of the politicians isn't a joke because the laws they pass eventually impact us all (usually in a negative manner).

The crap they show in the media is a joke.  You have to attend the meetings to understand what is going on.

It's easier to make an impact on a local level.


Gosh, I'm old.

I'm old enough to know that Trump is at heart, a Democrat.

In fact, he was a registered Democrat and friend to Hillary Clinton.   When he ran for the highest office in the land, I thought he did it to help Hillary win.

Who in their right mind would vote for him?

I am serious when I say that I honestly thought that Trump threw his hat in the ring to ensure Hillary's win.

Apparently, dancing babies are still popular.  

You have to search deep to find the information.  Back in 2015, it was very easy to find.  In the early 2000s, Trump was indeed a registered Democrat.


Trump is No conservative.  In fact, he's not even much of a libertarian.

I will tell you that I did not vote for him because he tried to steal property from a little old lady.

That makes him an eminent domain loving, anti-property rights cad.  This is exactly what governments do, they steal property form the poor and give it to the rich.

Smaller government makes me happy.  Trump is NOT conservative at all.

He's a flippin' RINO!

What is a RINO?

Well, it is a 'Republican In Name Only.'  It is a fake, fraud, hypocritical conservative.

I hate RINOs.

In my mind, it makes him a Democrat.  In fact, he tried to steal the old lady's house WHEN HE WAS A REGISTERED DEMOCRAT.



That said, I'm old enough to remember watching a certain Senator from Illinois state that he could never be president because he wasn't born in the United States.  His mom was a US citizen, so maybe he didn't understand that he was a citizen.  Babies born outside of the US to US citizens often had their birth certificates registered in Hawaii.

That was in 2002.  I tried to find the clip in 2008 but it had seemingly been scrubbed from the internet.

Don't even get me started on Hillary.  She can't take responsibility for her errors.  True leaders take responsibility for their mistakes.  She blames everyone else.

For that sole reason, she'll NEVER be a good politician.

Perhaps the Democrats could consider running another woman.  Hillary's husband embarrassed her with his endless affairs.  She is portrayed as weak. She may have had a shot if she didn't badmouth those of us who didn't vote for her as "deplorables."

Hell....I'm proud to be a deplorable.

That stupid woman alienated more people than she knows with that one damn label.

Me?  Well....I voted for two people I knew personally even though they told me not to throw my vote away.  I couldn't vote for anyone else.

In 2016, our primary choices were; victim, jerk or pothead.

So I voted for people I actually like.  I wish I had money to send them.

On the bright side, Trump IS entertaining.  I may just vote for him next time around because he saves me so much dough on movie tickets.


Trump being a turkey does not mean that therapists get to abuse other people for their perceived political beliefs.  I'm disgusted at what I heard.  I am further disgused at the aftermath.  I'll stay silent for now.

Maybe some day I can be on the licensure board to make my voice heard.  I was offered a seat in 2009.  I should have taken it.

I wanted to fix another problem.

I don't even think the patient liked Trump in the first place.  He was, essentially, embarrassed for watching the news.


I should try to get on the licensure board.  That would probably solve the problem without embarrassing anyone.  I didn't see the entire event so I cannot file a formal complaint.

I could do other things.


Here is my dilemma.

There is always a possibility of turning into what one hates.

I hate politicians.  I was pissed off enough once to pretend to be one.

That's not something I'd like to repeat.

I don't want to get so angry at someone who yelled at a another human being to the point where I feel the need to yell.

Yeah, I have to be mindful lest I start an unending diatribe against a therapist who behaved badly.

It's sad.

I have to do some self reflecting.  If I can find words that I can recite without glaring, I'll invite the lady to meet some movers and shakers.

I'm, quite honestly, looking for office space with more reputable people.  If I hang around this woman and she does it again, I'll probably get grieved and put both of my psychotherapy jobs a risk.

I can't afford that.


If you don't hear anything....hear this.

Critical thinking is important.

The media has always been full of crap.  Think about things before jumping on the band wagon.

 It's sad, but for the past ten years, the best unbiased news source has been

I've had friends call me no end of names for that.

Who cares what people think?

As of right now, it is NOT a crime to be informed.  The only people punishing informed citizens are the San Francisco tech giants.

Facebooks is dying.  Twitter died ten years ago.  YouTube has been a gigantic mess for about eight years.

The tech giants should stop playing politics and focus on business.

I have to work on being a better role model.


Politics is NOT a spectator sport.

Politicians are RARELY what they seem.

If I could talk some sense into the RINOs and Democrats, I'd remind them of the purpose of the Second Amendment - to protect ourselves from the government.

The gun grabbers are going to lead citizens into a war against our own government.  It's happened before.  Let's just say this - government soldiers have pulled the trigger of the biggest mass shooting in US history (Wounded Knee).  They did this after disarming the tribes.

I didn't learn this in school.  The teachings were passed down by my Cherokee step-father.

The tribespeople were disarmed.

The US government isn't the only government to pull that abuse.

May the Great Spirit watch us from above so that we NEVER have another trail of tears.

Remember, we need to model respect.  Respect is a trickle-up phenomenon.  It starts at the micro-level and works it's way up.

Love ya,


Friday, August 23, 2019

Well...My Ex's NPD Diagnosis Must Be True

Today I am thankful that my ex's behavior confirms his NPD diagnosis.

My stalkerish ex was diagnosed with Narcissistic Personality Disorder in 2012.

Personally, I have had a very hard time believing it.  I even met with a psychiatrist buddy to discuss how stress (e.g. PTSD) can bring about narcissistic symptoms in people.

Of course, my ex-husband stalked this shrink and I at the coffee shop.

Even then, I had a very hard time believing it.

I have often wondered what stress could have caused him to turn into a domestic abuser.

He didn't start yelling until after our wedding in 1996.  That was when his family amped up their stalking and, in a couple of cases, physical violence.

It was 1997 when they started impacting my jobs and schooling with their harassment.

Deep down inside, I wanted to believe that his family was acting on their own without influence from my ex.

Turns out - he was behind everything.  He'd lie to them and blame me for him not acting at his mother's beck and call.

His family would harass me in public as a means of punishment.  Sadly, it was my ex who told them where and how to find me.

I still never wanted to believe he was NPD.

Over the weekend, he had a very long diatribe with our youngest daughter.

He told her that our family cat was useless and should be killed.

He went on to explain that if an animal or person is useless, it ought to be put to death.


For the record, we rescued the cat.  The cat in turn ran off the mice my ex-husband brought into my house.

Whether or not she did that, she always will have a home with us.


Narcissists only value that which they can use.

It kind of explains the violence and death threats.

I must have become useless.


Yes, my children are in therapy.

Still, it is always heartbreaking when they see the hidden truth in people.  It's always bound to happen.  It's still sad nonetheless.

Our youngest daughter has told me that her father has bullied her and her siblings in the past.  He never does this within earshot of me.

I have NEVER heard of a story in which he wishes a beloved family pet to be killed.

This is incredibly disappointing and sad.

I wish he understood the damage he caused to their relationship.

Damn it.

Sunday, August 18, 2019


Today I am, yet again, thankful for documentation.

I've had a couple of issues with my infrared camera system shutting itself off and on at night.

Most of the time when it shuts itself off, I get a notification.

I did not get a notification on Friday.

My ex visited the house to pick up the girls on Friday. The girls claim that he rang the doorbell.

There is NO video from any of the three cameras in my front yard of my house.

There is NO video of any of them returning - the girls, their father - NOTHING.

I usually get footage of bees several few times a day.  I didn't get one that evening.

The videos strangely stop between 1523 and 23:30 that night when the eldest came home from a date.

I'm just documenting this as I'm unsure what to make of it.

All it does is cement in my mind that my ex was involved in the stalking and harassment.

On the bright side, it would appear my ex is more technologically savvy that previously thought.

My questions are

How does one turn off wifi surveillance system while simultaneously disabling the video record function of an electronic system?

Why would one do that?

Love ya,


P.S.  Oh crap, I found numerous videos on YouTube describing how to disable a wifi camera system.

I need to change the names of my wifi networks.  My ex named them.

It would seem that the cameras provide a poor sense of security.  I need unhackable cameras.

Luckily, I bought a set on sale last year and can easily hire an electrician to install them.


Politics as a Mental Illness

Never thought I'd say this -but- today I am thankful for DORA (Colorado's Regulatory Dept).

I work in the mental health industry.

I tire of hearing stories of conservatives harassed by leftist therapists. I am literally shocked at the sheer numbers of therapists and teachers who harass conservatives.

These professionals typically go after strangers and coworkers.

Today, I learned that a therapist allegedly went ballistic on a patient she thinks likes Donald Trump.

I am livid.

I'm no Trumpette.  I think Hillary should be wearing orange.

I'm an equal opportunity hater and a porcupine at heart.

I'm hoping the patient reports the therapist to the regulatory board for investigation.  Make no mistake, this event is not without damage.  It is a breech of trust and safety.  How can any therapist get a client to talk if he or she does not approach professional practice with unconditional positive regard?

People are to be respected.
All voices deserve to be heard.


I need to find a new office now.  I don't want that nasty therapist's energy all over my practice.

I have a plan.  It's not a very good plan.  In fact, it's a stupid plan.

It may work.

Yes, I'm looking for a new workspace.

I'm also going to deface my car with a Trump bumper sticker and a camera.  Trump bumper stickers go missing from cars in the parking lot.  My thought is that I can get this idiot arrested if she takes my property so she can't hurt another struggling soul again.

Maybe if I wear a MAGA hat, this idiot will punch me and I'll shove the errant therapist's ass in jail.  I'm old and ugly.  She can't do much more damage to my face.

If she steals my hat, I'll have her arrested for theft.

Maybe I can confuse the bad therapist by wearing a red cap that states in white lettering:




Damn it!!!


I'm going to put this tidbit right here while I ponder the line I will use to decide when to report the abuses I see and hear about.

Most therapists who are not in private practice work for taxpayer funded non-profits.

My warning is directed at those therapists working in a non-profit setting and their organizations:




DO NOT....



You never know who goes to speak during committee hearings at the capital and who can bend the ears of lawmakers.  

I hate to say it.  Right now, even in my own industry, I'm not so sure my words will be positive. 

Please change that. 

Stop traumatizing the patients.


Your friendly neighborhood libertarian psychotherapist

Friday, August 16, 2019

Bright Orange Light in Planter on Porch

Yet again, today, I am thankful for documentation.

This will be short and sweet.  I hope.

I have absolutely no idea what is going on.

One of my camera systems has ceased to function.  It no longer records video, it only records audio now.

The other wifi camera system has gone offline twice now.

It went offline within the same 24 hour period.

This is the night vision camera system.

About 1730 on Wednesday, it went offline for ten minutes.   That night, about 2000, my daughter texted me that she saw an orange light shining in the living room window.

She went outside to investigate and saw that it emanated from a planter outside the house.  I actually have footage of her walking towards a bright light in the planter.  She touches the dirt and the light fades a bit but it is still there.

Shortly afterwards, I see her walking towards the front door.

She had two friends with her.

Twenty-three minutes later, the camera system goes offline again.  It comes back online at 0109 Thursday morning.

The light never returns.

I have absolutely NO CLUE what to make of this.

It could be a prank.

It could be some type of device.

I have no idea.

I have little time to research this - but- I really doubt anyone is going to get any interesting information about me or my family by watching the front of the house.


It's probably about my request to mediate child support.

Colorado child support services has a division called CO-PEP that helps men wiggle out of child support and get their arrearages dropped.  The problem is that I DO NOT utilize welfare.

If I did, Colorado would be able to drop at least a portion of my ex's $43,000+ arrearage as this would reflect money owed to the state.

Because I'm libertarian and do not get food stamps or TANF, they have to coerce me into agreeing to drop the arrearage.

I agreed to drop his child support dramatically (by 60%) because I would have been fired for taking a day off for a hearing.

The State of Colorado had three lawyers basically harass me with rude and dishonest court filings  claiming my ex had no clothes (he acted as if he ruled over me....funny, eh?...he also wanted me to pay for his storage rental FULL of clothes and our household electronics).  The lawyers for the State of Colorado insisted that the former corporate auditor could only make $12 an hour (seriously?).  They also sent a letter to my attorney insinuating that my ex was a homeless drunk in a 27-month rehab program (not true).

The only filing that irked me was that they wanted it stricken from the record that the other adult in my household was our 19 year old daughter.  They wanted it to look like I was living with a lover (possibly supporting me).

Given the stalking, I don't want my ex to think I'm living with a man.  If a camera was in the planter in the front yard, it could very well be to see if I'm shackin' up.

Nope, I'm prude.

The State of Colorado is nasty and rude.

They are probably targeting me because if I have to work two jobs, I can't fight the politicians ruining the state.

Here's a hint.  Whether or not that last statement is true, if I get pissed off enough, I WILL MAKE THE TIME TO TAKE ON THE BAD POLITICIANS.

I can sleep when I'm dead.

They've nearly pushed me to the brink.

CO-PEP failed at getting me to do their "free" mediation to hassle me into dropping the arrearages.  My ex refused low cost mediation with a different organization.

Now, CO-PEP is fighting the child support increase request based on my ex's new income of $15.50 per hour by insinuating that there has been no change in our financial circumstances.

His wage is a fact.  He makes more than that but overtime and second jobs DON'T count.

I don't understand WHY CO-PEP ignores his income.  It has increased by more than 20% which meets the threshold for a support change.  They claimed, earlier, that he was unemployed.

They lie.  CO-PEP could easily be the face of a campaign to KEEP TABOR.  Is this where are tax dollars are going?  To push women and kids ON TO WELFARE.

Come on....can't the lawmakers think a little...geesh!

My ex refuses to help with medical expenses as he was court ordered to do.

Would they prefer a contempt hearing for their little deadbeat daddy client?

I give up trying to be nice.

My ex is probably putting the bald dude up to messing with my property.  I need to share the footage with the cops.

Damn it.

I'm going to call my lawyer and see if it will be okay for me to call my reporter friends.

She'll say no.

I can ALWAYS put together another research website.  I have found other custodial moms wondering if CO-PEP is unbiased and transparent.

They are not transparent.  They are undermining family law by basically acting as if child support payments are too high.  Rather than helping all men, they only help those who break the law.

The law states that non-custodial parents MUST work to provide for the children to the best of their ability.  It is not allowable that one can leave a job as a corporate auditor to drive a bus (especially given the sheer number of well paying auditing jobs available) without a damn good reason (e.g. health concern).

CO-PEP is a sexist arm of the government turning family law on it's head.

I've been nice.

I can't afford to be nice any longer.

I was never one to reward bad behavior.  I absolutely hate it when the government rewards criminals (e.g. domestic abusers with large arrearages) and punishes good people (e.g. dads who pay their child support and single moms).

Crap....there goes my beauty rest.  It's a shame, too.  I scare people when I don't get enough sleep.



Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Well....That's Creepy

Today I am thankful for my four security cameras.

I think I found out how the visual footage is hard to see at times.

When I come home in the dark, I can see my face, my car and even my license plate in the front security cameras.

When the neighborhood cat comes to call in the wee hours of the morning, I can see him with the back yard cameras -

but, last night I couldn't see the person who stood breathing in my front yard.

All I could see were two lights.

This happened twice; once at 0036 (again) and 0536.

I suspect whoever is doing this has OCD...I mean, the times are eerily similar.

I saved the footage.

I'm an artist, so I'll take it to the various video editing programs I have to see if I can get an outline of the person's face.

At least my former life as a YouTube content creator has taught me a few life hacks!

This is Wednesday.

My ex's family always had a penchant for harassing me on Wednesdays (especially in the wee hours of the morning).

No one tried to break into the house this morning. The camera just captured video.

I have only had time to reach out to ONE of my security camera manufacturers.  I have two different systems now.

Apparently, if one shines a bright light directly into the camera, it tricks the camera into thinking it is daytime so the night vision doesn't work.

This is easily remedied by changing the camera settings to constant IR night vision.  One system is now set to day vision - the other is constantly set to night vision.

It's sad to say this but I have a third IR camera system.  I thought about donating it to charity.  I've decided to hook it up by the windows.

One can use a cell phone light to obscure his or her identity but it is rarely effective.

When I found video of my gun-toting neighbor setting his camera on my porch for a few minutes, I wondered if anyone could use a phone camera to thwart a security system.  They can - but only at night.

My Private Investigator neighbor is worried about me.

I don't know, yet, if there is cause for concern.

It would really be nice for this to be over.

Love ya,


Friday, August 2, 2019

Stalkerish Ex Found the Security Camera

Today I am thankful that we have four security cameras trained on the front yard.

This evening, my ex stopped by for his visit with the kids.

It's a little sad.  He's gained some more weight and lost his hair.  He walks with a slight limp.

He knocked on the door, looked up and stepped back.

I watched the footage in real-time.

The youngest came out of the house and my ex's hand pointed upwards while he asked, "Can you see me with that camera?"

She responded, "Yes.", while looking into the camera.

Yes, I can see you.  I can see anyone that comes to the door.

I saw the bald guy who messed around the ladder leading to the roof on Wednesday.  I'm not sure who he is but he looks a heck of a lot like the guy who nearly hit me head on in the street while pretending to be with Ameriprise Insurance.  Ameriprise investigated the incident and told me to call the cops. 

To this day, I can't fathom why anyone thinks my ex owns my home.

Not only can I see anyone who comes to the door, I can hear them.

The video is immediately uploaded into the cloud.

This week, I've not only seen my ex and the bald guy....

I saw my private investigator neighbor inspecting the property minutes after the bald guy left. He knocked on the door but I wasn't home.

I need to send that neighbor a fruit basket.

The neighbor's fluffy black cat visits often.  She also brought us a dead mouse.  Her name is Vertigo. She's beautiful.  

Even if he doesn't understand how incredibly disturbed I am about the stalking,

I can see him.  I can see any cronies he sends my way.

If I can see them, so can the cops.

I can also share the video in a full moon circle (just teasing.....) or with the hoodoo practitioner I adore. .

I'm trying to understand how things got so bad.

I'm realizing that my biggest mistake was not getting to meet my ex's full family and to stay away from his family events after his mom, sister, father and brother (among others) became physically abusive.

My ex has a huge family - I've met some of the people he sent to harass me.  Others, I don't know and only learned of their identity when my ex pointed them out in photographs.

I divorced to be free of the bullshit.

You know, I'm tired of crap.

It's time to be safe.

Love ya,


Thursday, August 1, 2019

Strange Things Captured on Video.

Today I am thankful for having four video cameras and two security systems. 

They pick up the darndest things....

One of my security systems pipes movement in my yard to my phone at work.

This morning, around 9:30, there streamed an image of my gun-toting neighbor putting his cell phone on my porch and walking away.

He comes back three minutes later to retrieve it.

I watched this unfold live from the office.

My colleagues said that it was strange.

My co-workers told me to be careful.

My daughter freaked out upon seeing the footage.

I'm feeling lost....

what harm can a four minute recording do?

I'll call my PAR officer tomorrow.

This was the last thing I expected to see.

I have another camera that records the entire front yard to a 38GB storage card.  I'll pull that in the morning to see what in the world this guy finds interesting.

One of the renters had a house guest who parked in front of my house on Monday.  He was so afraid of upsetting the gun-toting neighbor that he blocked my car in the driveway.

I asked him to pull up to the middle of my yard.

I'm wondering if this is what has my gun-toting neighbor pissed.  Aaron seems to think that all the street parking belongs to him.  It's a misunderstanding.

A cop ticketed one of my houseguests for parking in front of my house.  This cop, errouneously, told Aaron that we cannot park 5' from his property line.

City code says that one cannot park 5' from a driveway (which would put it about the property line).  This guy gets all bent out of shape when people park within 5' of his yard.  He's lost it to the point of pointing a gun at the poor drivers who inflict his rage.

I've told our neighborhood cop who will only do something IF I can state what type of gun Aaron has.

Of  course, Aaron won't show me his gun.

I guess that is a good thing.

It still pissed me off - irresponsible gun owners are the reason I have to stand on street corners with my Gadsen flag and pro-second amendment signs.

I should unwrap my hot foot powder.

Perhaps it is time for this guy to move.

First, I'll ask a police officer what someone can do with a four minute recording.

I'll share the footage with my private investigator, too.

Weirdness abounds.....

Love ya,


Edit: The older security system malfunctioned, it only picked up audio of the event.

The private investigator didn't see Aaron on the property, he saw someone else.

My other neighbors are sure it was Aaron.

I've installed two more cameras in the hopes I can see who is doing what.

Hopefully, the cameras in and of themselves, are a deterrent.

Oh....I really love seeing that the neighborhood cats are gifting us treats.  Not only is vertigo, one neighbor's cat giving us mice - so is a little male Tabby that visits often.

The girls say they pet these cats and give them water when it is hot outside.

It's good to be loved.

Place for Documentation

  When I was a kid, I wanted to be a pilot.  My stepdad would talk about flying into Germany during World War II.  I'd spend my weekends...