Sunday, January 29, 2017


** I know no method to secure the repeal of bad or obnoxious laws so effective as their stringent execution. - Ulysses S. Grant

Today I am thankful that I have some measure of class.

Oh my Lord and Lady.....

I don't know what in the world to think.

A politician I went after nine years ago

wants to rip Donald Trump's family from their fortune....

take all their money away....

so that they can get him to play ball.


I thought we were the land of the free. 

What part of that is free or fair?



Get better players in the game.

Train your guys to stand up to Trump.

Give your guys the tools....

Give your guys the support and the money....

to take a stand on your behalf.

There is no reason to be uncivilized.

I don't understand all the liberal hullabaloo over Donald trump.

Trump is a loudmouth.

They're giving the loudmouth their power.

The way to win this...

is to empower their players to win.


Maybe I have more balls than the men that fought me at the city.

That's sad. 

Maybe they could be cowards because they hid behind the antics of an unethical city attorney. 

Then again, my ancestor won a civil war drunker than a skunk. 

Maybe fighting is genetic. 

I don't think the men who fought and died in that war sacrificed themselves so we could steal money away from people we don't like. 

Yeah.....Grant was a shitty president but one hell of general.

Maybe there is still a fighting spirit left in the DNA.

I'll try to talk some sense into the liberals. 

They're so emotionally distraught that they're not listening.

The conservatives are drunk with power. 

Both sides have forgotten that freedom is for everybody. 

Don't make me run for office again. 

This time, I'll try a little harder to win. 

I got everything I wanted when I ran.

It might be a fun way to should show people how to play the game.

I'm off to meditate with a $50 dollar bill.

Maybe I need to do more than laugh at both sides while our money and lives are at stake.

**The laws that Trump is pushing are horrible.  They will be struck down when people realize that 20% import taxes and a wall will do more to inconvenience us than the people we are scapegoating for our problems.

Mark my words.

Love ya,


Friday, January 27, 2017

Zaphod Trump

Today I am thankful for Comedy.

Whether it is the comedy of Douglas Adams -or- the inadvertent comedy of Donald Trump, 

It still makes me laugh.

It's strange how much life imitates art, isn't it?

Have you ever read Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy?

If you have, you know that Zaphod Beeblebrox, the ultimate two headed party boy, got himself elected as President of the Universe.  There were claims of voter fraud because his opponent believed Zaphod won by tricking people into believing that they were voting for the worst dressed sentient being in the universe. 

His first act as President involved stealing a state of the art spaceship called the Heart of Gold.

I'm beginning to wonder if Trump is imitating Beeblebrox.

Where is Humma Kavula when you need him?  That may be a fun archetype to play the next time I'm running a race against an ego maniacal ignoramus.  I play a good religious nut-job (see below).

Wouldn't that be fun?

For some reason, the blackout of the EPA made me think that Trump is up to something horrible.

I'm libertarian.  I love the idea of a smaller government.  I also love the idea of transparency.

A media blackout is not transparent.  At this point, I'm wondering if Trump is going to start hiding more crap and looting the treasury. 

I'm going to try to keep an open mind. 

If he wants us to trust him, he's going to have to be more transparent.

I wanted to share the subconscious promise that Trump made to Mexicans during his inaugural speech.

I've highlighted each promise he made to America.  Remember.....words have power.  Every word uttered is a spell.  A promise is a promise and the universe hears the promises we make.

America comprises several countries including the USA, Canada, Mexico, Guatemala, Chile, Brazil and others....

Trump promised a heck of a lot to the countries of the Americas.  It doesn't matter what he thinks he said.....the Gods heard the words he uttered.

Words have power.  Trump uttered a prosperity spell for all the countries of America.  You may be afraid that he'll fuck with Mexico.  He won't.  You may think he'll stop free trade with Mexico. He won't. 

His subconscious mind betrays him.  He basically says that the USA belongs to all of America. 

Read it for yourself. 

We, the citizens of America, are now joined in a great national effort to rebuild our country and restore its promise for all of our people.

Together, we will determine the course of America and the world for many, many years to come.

We will face challenges, we will confront hardships, but we will get the job done.

Every four years, we gather on these steps to carry out the orderly and peaceful transfer of power, and we are grateful to President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama for their gracious aid throughout this transition. They have been magnificent. Thank you.

For too long, a small group in our nation's capital has reaped the rewards of government while the people have borne the cost. Washington flourished, but the people did not share in its wealth. Politicians prospered, but the jobs left and the factories closed. The establishment protected itself, but not the citizens of our country. Their victories have not been your victories. Their triumphs have not been your triumphs. And while they celebrated in our nation's capital, there was little to celebrate for struggling families all across our land.

That all changes starting right here and right now because this moment is your moment, it belongs to you.

It belongs to everyone gathered here today and everyone watching all across America. This is your day. This is your celebration. And this, the United States of America, is your country.

What truly matters is not which party controls our government, but whether our government is controlled by the people. January 20th, 2017 will be remembered as the day the people became the rulers of this nation again. The forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer.

Everyone is listening to you now. You came by the tens of millions to become part of a historic movement, the likes of which the world has never seen before.

At the center of this movement is a crucial conviction, that a nation exists to serve its citizens.

 Americans want great schools for their children, safe neighborhoods for their families, and good jobs for themselves. These are just and reasonable demands of righteous people and a righteous public.

But for too many of our citizens, a different reality exists: mothers and children trapped in poverty in our inner cities; rusted out factories scattered like tombstones across the landscape of our nation; an education system flush with cash, but which leaves our young and beautiful students deprived of all knowledge; and the crime and the gangs and the drugs that have stolen too many lives and robbed our country of so much unrealized potential.

This American carnage stops right here and stops right now.
We are one nation and their pain is our pain. Their dreams are our dreams. And their success will be our success. We share one heart, one home, and one glorious destiny. The oath of office I take today is an oath of allegiance to all Americans.

For many decades, we've enriched foreign industry at the expense of American industry; subsidized the armies of other countries, while allowing for the very sad depletion of our military. We've defended other nations' borders while refusing to defend our own.

And spent trillions and trillions of dollars overseas while America's infrastructure has fallen into disrepair and decay. We've made other countries rich, while the wealth, strength and confidence of our country has dissipated over the horizon.

One by one, the factories shuttered and left our shores, with not even a thought about the millions and millions of American workers that were left behind. The wealth of our middle class has been ripped from their homes and then redistributed all across the world.

But that is the past. And now, we are looking only to the future.

We assembled here today are issuing a new decree to be heard in every city, in every foreign capital, and in every hall of power. From this day forward, a new vision will govern our land. From this day forward, it's going to be only America first, America first.

Every decision on trade, on taxes, on immigration, on foreign affairs will be made to benefit American workers and American families. We must protect our borders from the ravages of other countries making our products, stealing our companies and destroying our jobs.Protection will lead to great prosperity and strength. I will fight for you with every breath in my body and I will never ever let you down.

America will start winning again, winning like never before.

We will bring back our jobs. We will bring back our borders. We will bring back our wealth. And we will bring back our dreams.

We will build new roads and highways and bridges and airports and tunnels and railways all across our wonderful nation. We will get our people off of welfare and back to work, rebuilding our country with American hands and American labor.

We will follow two simple rules; buy American and hire American.
We will seek friendship and goodwill with the nations of the world, but we do so with the understanding that it is the right of all nations to put their own interests first. We do not seek to impose our way of life on anyone, but rather to let it shine as an example. We will shine for everyone to follow.

We will reinforce old alliances and form new ones and unite the civilized world against radical Islamic terrorism, which we will eradicate from the face of the Earth.

At the bedrock of our politics will be a total allegiance to the United States of America, and through our loyalty to our country, we will rediscover our loyalty to each other. When you open your heart to patriotism, there is no room for prejudice.

The Bible tells us how good and pleasant it is when God's people live together in unity. We must speak our minds openly, debate our disagreements honestly, but always pursue solidarity.

When America is united, America is totally unstoppable.

There should be no fear. We are protected and we will always be protected. We will be protected by the great men and women of our military and law enforcement. And most importantly, we will be protected by God.

Finally, we must think big and dream even bigger. In America, we understand that a nation is only living as long as it is striving. We will no longer accept politicians who are all talk and no action, constantly complaining, but never doing anything about it.

The time for empty talk is over. Now arrives the hour of action.

Do not allow anyone to tell you that it cannot be done. No challenge can match the heart and fight and spirit of America. We will not fail. Our country will thrive and prosper again.

We stand at the birth of a new millennium, ready to unlock the mysteries of space, to free the earth from the miseries of disease, and to harness the energies, industries and technologies of tomorrow. A new national pride will stir ourselves, lift our sights and heal our divisions.

It's time to remember that old wisdom our soldiers will never forget, that whether we are black or brown or white, we all bleed the same red blood of patriots.

We all enjoy the same glorious freedoms and we all salute the same great American flag.

And whether a child is born in the urban sprawl of Detroit or the wind-swept plains of Nebraska, they look up at the same night sky, they will their heart with the same dreams, and they are infused with the breath of life by the same almighty creator. So to all Americans in every city near and far, small and large, from mountain to mountain, from ocean to ocean, hear these words: You will never be ignored again.(APPLAUSE) Your voice, your hopes, and your dreams will define our American destiny. And your courage and goodness and love will forever guide us along the way.

Together, we will make America strong again. We will make America wealthy again. We will make America proud again. We will make America safe again. And yes, together we will make America great again.

Thank you. God bless you. And God bless America.


This guy has no subconscious desire to 'eff with Mexico.  He's not going to play around with NAFTA or TPP for that will mess with his rich buddies acquisition of wealth.  Sure...he is going to sign executive orders but, seriously, he can't do everything by himself.  He has to sell the Senate and House on his idea.  Who is to say that they won't kill these agreements, only to create another one that mirrors it?  They'll just come up with the same thing with a different name.

He's just pandering.  He's just feeding his ego.

Nothing is going to change. 

Trust me.

Nothing will change. If it does, it won't last. 

I wonder....

How long it'll take him to realize that there are citizens of the U.S.....conservative citizens....who do not identify as Muslim but believe in Islam?

I can tell you of an old Irish-American witch who allegedly controls nearly 500 djinn.

Will she be detained at the airport?'s time for her to ..ask...for a favor.

I wish the veil surrounding Trump be lifted. 

Trump is akin to a vampire.  He's getting power from Liberal fear.  He is not worthy of your emotion, your anger or your fear.  He feeds off of it.  Stop giving this narcissist your power!

Don't march.  Don't bitch.  Influence your representatives.  Give them your time, energy and money.  Trump is a mere figurehead.  Give your time and energy to the people who can really make a difference. 

Love ya lots,


Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Property Damage

Today I am thankful that the police department finally offered to take a police report.


I am unsure if a report is appropriate.

Part of my religious practice involves leaving food for the squirrels and birds.  I put it in the outer perimeter of the yard, what the witches call the crossroads.

What isn't eaten becomes compost for the garden.

It's part of the cycle of life.

I haven't been doing that too much since I've been giving money to other causes close to my Deities.

Today....I wanted to honor Dionysus (cut up grapes) and Isis (whole wheat bread crumbs).

I set out in my back yard and lo' and behold....

The door to my shed was torn off and thown three feet.

The contents were rifled through but nothing was missing.

I froze in horror.

It's not over, is it?

My children said they noticed it like this over a week ago.

They didn't tell me about it because they didn't want to worry me.

They also thought the wind tore the door off of the shed.

Here's the thing,

The contents were not distributed through the yard!

The empty trash barrels are still in their places.

It's hard for me to believe that the wind tore off a door but did not displace empty, plastic trash barrels.

My co-workers urged me to call the police.

I did.

Refreshingly, they asked me to file a report when I got home.

I don't know.

The survellience cameras aren't working.

How do I prove what happened?

Will it make a difference?

Will it stop?

Given all of the craziness in the past five years; the in-laws following me, the fire set on my front porch, the gps box on my car, the destroyed phones and computers.....

and all of the other insane things,

I'm fairly certain I know who is behind this.

I'm pretty sure it happened the same day that the door mats were moved.

I'm thinking someone is rifling through the property trying to find a key to the house.

I changed all of the locks on Christmas Eve.

This rattles me quite a bit.

I'm thinking that it is high time for me to move.

I'm licensed in California, Virginia, Washington (both of them), Oregon and a handful of other states.

I can pretty much go anywhere I choose.

I just have to beg the court to allow me to leave.

I can't take the bullshit anymore.

I am thankful that the police offered to help.

This time....I don't know what I can offer them. 

I guess it is now time to pray on this day of Mars....when Mars is in the sign of Aries.....

I guess it is time to pray for protection from the great God of War.

I love meditating to Ares.

A few years ago, I fell asleep while meditating to Ares.

He appeared as a young his late twenties.  He was drinking ale and, with a jolly chuckle, asked me why I pray to Aphrodite when all I want to do is fight wars.

He told me that men may find my armor too intimidating. 

I remember being told that there was money by my side and I needed to wake up and buy myself a nice dress and shoes because I needed softer armor.

The strangest thing happened.....

I found $60 by my side.

I've never worn the dress and shoes I bought that day.

Maybe someday I'll find someone worthy of seeing me in the outfit.

There was a day, a little over a year ago, when I dreamt of Ares. 

He jumped in front of me with his spear drawn, an angry look upon his face.

That was the day Shannon allegedly died.

I am very spiritual.

Some things I've seen still shock the holy heck out of me.

I don't share everything I see.

Some of it is far too strange.


I need to decide what to do.

I'm tired of being alone despite men all around me trying to help me....

Life is too short to be afraid to have friends.

I'm sure I'm hurting people by not allowing them into my world.

I'm trying to ponder why.....why won't I trust them?

It's not really a matter of trust.

The stalking scares me and I fear having people get sucked into my drama.

Or maybe I tell myself that because I need to come to terms with the mistakes I've made in my love life in the past.....

it always comes back to the first one.

I think I ruined that first relationship because I let him see the drama in my family.

This may be why I don't let people come close when my life falls apart.  Maybe I think of the pain in his eyes and his desire to solve my problems...

That's what guys are hardwired to do....solve problems....

but....I had to be the one to do it. 

I did...eventually.

I did it with my obnoxious flair

Just like I always do....

But maybe....that's the lesson. 

I had a lot of guilt surrounding his worrying about me.  It's like we had an amazing gift.....we had a deep friendship but my pain starting sucking the joy out of the connection.

Maybe that was where I learned to be alone when crazy things happen in my life.

Maybe I fear hurting other people like I hurt him.  It pained him to see how my family treated my sister and I.

He spoke of it the last time we met.....more than twenty years later.

It hurt him.

He still looked pained the last time he saw me.  

Maybe.....this is why I feel the need to be alone

even now.


The problem, though, is that life is short.

There are always problems.

When will my life be problem free enough to invite someone into it?

I don't know.

Perhaps Friday, I'll have to meditate to the Goddess of Love and War. 

Maybe.....I'm supposed to embrace the solitude.

Solitude is an introvert's paradise.

It won't last.

I'd like to believe that people don't recognize me.

They do. 

They notice I changed my hair.

They still know me. 

Perhaps I need to stop deluding myself. 

There are things we cannot change. 

I will always be me....just a little older.

I wish I were wiser. 

I don't know what the future brings....but it will probably be okay. 

Besides, I have a lot to fight for.

Maybe in my next post I'll cover the promise that Trump subconsciously made to the Mexicans.....

yeah....he promised to bring all Americans jobs. 

He has no idea what he said during his inaugural speech. 

It made me laugh. 

Politicians are stupid. 

Yeah.....I know....I ran for office once. 

I was stupid, too.

Perhaps I should enjoy my alone time with my bass. n

Introversion rocks!

Who knows when the season will change and I'll have less time to play homespun bassline EMDR?

Sigh.....I need to enjoy it while it lasts. 

Love ya Lots,


Thursday, January 19, 2017

Living the Stress Free Life - Sort of

Today I am thankful for my positive attitude.

On Tuesday, as I was leaving my day job for a hypnosis appointment, my car broke down.

A colleague tried to come to my rescue and jump the battery.

It didn't work.

My client was kind enough to reschedule.

I wasn't worried even though I had no idea how I was going to get home.

I had no money as I'd given what I had to a homeless guy scrounging around a trash bin -

or so I thought.

After work, I walked to another office my employer owns.  I visited with my author friend.  He's on the public transportation board.  I wanted to know how much bus fare was.

He told me.  He tried to give me money.

I smiled and said no.

He'd had a bad day and was overjoyed to see my face.  He had a medical emergency.  I'm thankful he was okay.

I thought maybe that's why my car broke down.  Maybe I was supposed to visit with my friend.

After visiting with him, I visited with someone else who was passed up for a promotion.  I'm sure it's because her current boss can't stand the thought of losing her because she's very good at what she does.  I didn't do much to reassure her.

The more I spoke to people, the more I wondered if there was something I was supposed to do.

I asked if I could charge my phone.  I sat at the security desk for an hour trying to charge my phone.

My phone wasn't charged. 

It wasn't charging either.

I waited and waited.

It dawned on me that I should dig through my book bag.

I found $2.75 in dimes and quarters.

This was two and a half hours after I left work.

I said good-bye to my workmates and started towards the Avenue.

I had no clue when the bus would come.

It showed up within minutes of my finding a bus stop.

The driver's name was Tom.

I must've looked like crap.

Tom told me how to get home.  At the end of the route, while waiting for my next bus, he let me stay on the bus and we talked about teenage kiddos and college.

He looked like he had a bad day.  With government employees, I fear leaving kudos for them.  The city I live in tends to fine employees for stupid things.

I'd be afraid if I said something nice, the transportation board would can the man for talking to me and selling me on the idea of public transportation.  I'll ask my friend before I open my mouth.

I don't know what he told the second driver.  The second driver had arranged for a third bus to wait for me.  That third bus dropped me off a block from home.

I made it home four hours after I left work.

My car was in a minor wreck the day before.  The man called me several times that day reassuring me he'd fix my car.

I know he will.  If not, I know I will.  It's not a big deal.

The next day was stranger.  I arranged to take the bus and found alternate travel arrangements for the kids. 

I have a membership through Costco but I wasn't sure if it included Roadside Assistance.  I tried to call Costco to see if I purchased their Executive Membership or the Business One.  Everytime I called, I was given a choice to call back or have someone call me back the next day.

That wasn't going to help tow my car.

In desperation, I called the mechanic who bailed me out last summer.  His name is Craig.  Luckily, Craig knows a lot of tow truck drivers.

I wasted six hours trying to get ahold of Costco.  Craig had a tow truck at my workplace in 20 minutes.

My boss let me leave early.  The tow truck driver gave me a ride home.

All this time, I'm not feeling stressed out.  I'm a struck by all the people I'm getting to meet.  I'm happy my boss is kind and that I'm not working normal business hours.

My lawyer demanded $500 because he has to communicate with my ex.   The communication doesn't help solve problems, my ex just writes to make excuses for ignoring the court orders.  That is what is costing me an arm and a leg.  It wouldn't bother me if he tried....actually...solving the problems.

Coming up with more money was a little stressful....but nothing I can't handle.

So far....nothing phased me.


Today, it was the same thing. I woke up early to catch the bus.  I met people who smoked, offered to help them quit.  Worked nine hours and came home.

My mechanic was able to fix my car by noon.  I paid over the phone and took four buses to pick it up.

I feel badly it was filthy.

Isn't that the way it goes?

Your car only breaks down when you don't want another human being inside of it!

None of this stressed me out.

It was an adventure.

The homeless guy.....

The guy in the wheelchair with the service dog.....

The smokers.....

The sad bus driver....

The nice bus drivers.....

The weird guy on work release who really should understand why you don't want to sag your pants near the prison....

The crazy work schedule......


Nothing stressed me out.....


I checked my personal email.

I don't use the internet as much as I used to because of the stalking.  I had to check my email to see what type of Costco Membership I bought.

I opened it and there was a scathing email from my ex-husband complaining that I cancelled his auto insurance because he couldn't log into the account online!

He sent that message two weeks ago.


He obviously didn't call the auto insurance company because I'm still being billed for his premium.

They won't stop billing me or reimburse me until he calls them, so I get the joy of paying two premiums until the plan ends in February.

That email ruined my serenity.

He won't visit the kids, honor the divorce decree, pay child support or whatever it is....

and he feels entitled to my paying his auto insurance.

He's lucky I didn't let the judge award me alimony when we divorced.  The judge would have given it to me.  I was certain I could manage without it.

This is really strange.

Getting away from the crap helps me see it for what it was.

My ex is self-entitled.

That's why my life got away from me.  He was entitled to my time, energy and money.  He still seems to feel that way.

That is what stressed me out.

I just can't let it get to me.

I guess this is all a learning experience.

It's strange what rattles me.  I'm writing this hoping to come across some helpful tidbit or insight that will help someone else.

Maybe that insight is, it's hard to notice lurking shit when you've become acclimated to the smell. 

Love ya lots,


Monday, January 16, 2017

Hit By a Hummer

Today I am thankful that I live in the rich part of town with spoiled people.

I'm also thankful for YouTube.

I was hit by an H2.

It rear ended me as I pulled out of a local supermarket.  The driver followed me around a corner and begged me not to use his insurance.

I pay for two policies.  I pay for my own.  I pay for my ex-husband's policy because he won't cancel it and the only bank account information the insurance company has is mine.  He's got until February to cancel that policy.  I told them not to renew his. 

This driver.....based on what he told me.....tends to get in a lot of accidents.

He doesn't want his policy dropped.

The back lights of my car were shattered.  I didn't say anything. 

His car had a scrape of paint on the corner. 

To be honest, it seemed like an easy repair to make.

I wanted to be sure before I said anything.

I told him I'd get the parts and hire my neighbor to fix it.

He told me he'd pay for a dealer to fix it.

Dealers?  That's cute.

Rich people are funny.


I don't know about you....but my car is more than ten years old.

It's pristine.

I'll just ask the guy who sold the car to me where he thinks I should take it.

I don't think it's worth taking it to the dealer.

The man that sold the car to me is funny.

His dad sold cars to my dad.  When this car developed a starting was due to hand lotion on the key.

What a stupid little thing.  At least the repair was easy. 

If I wipe off the key, it starts like a charm.


This guy is my age. 

He lives two miles away.

This is really a horrible way to meet men.

He's terrified I'm going to sue him and rake him over the coals.

It isn't going to happen.

I found a YouTube video telling me how to fix the back of my car.  The corner light which sustained the worst of the damage will take a few screws.  You replace the light housing the same way you change the light bulbs.

That's easy.

I can't figure out how to fix the center light....yet. 

I'll still let my mechanic look the car over but I don't think it'll cost as much as this guy thinks it will.

The other driver just had an incredibly lucky day. He didn't get a ticket because we are on accident alert.

I used to hang out in junkyards with my dad.  I don't mind yanking three lights off of the back of a car (or a few).

I have an incredibly common car.  I found a place with the parts available if needed. 

YouTube is awesome!

Life is awesome. 

Love ya,

How easy is this?

Woohoo....I just found instructions on how to fix the center console.  Seven screws...that's it.

I found all the parts for $250.00 at an auto parts store. 

I'll try a junk yard first.  If I can take the parts off a car, it'll be easy to put them on. 

All I need is the okay from my mechanic that the suspension is fine and all will be well.

I'm glad my dad taught me not to fear tools.

Now, if I can just use hypnosis to get rid of the swelling in my throat, this guy's insurance will never have to hear from me.

Shit happens.

It's always nice when you can fix it on your own. 

I wish all the shit that happened to me were this easy to fix. 

May all your problems be easy to solve, too. 


Sunday, January 15, 2017

Uncle Clark Would Be Proud

Today I am thankful that wishes come true.

My Grandmother would talk about uncle Ulysses S.  Grant.  My grandmother's grandmother took care of him.

She was his niece.

Her daughter became a minister in Dayton, Ohio.

I found a picture of my great-grandmother online.

We wear the same kind of clothes, right down to the little cotton flower pin on the lapel. 

Maybe I'll post it later.

She spent her life trying to make up what we did to former slaves.  My great aunts (her daughters) would complain that they had nothing because everything they had went to other people in the community. If they had nice cotton cloth, they had to sew suits and dresses for the children of the former slaves.

I think my great grandmother felt guilty. 

Grant is not the hero we think he is.  He was a slave owner.  My family doesn't talk about that.

There are days I wish they were lying about the relation.  When I find my distant cousins online, I hear the same stories.

They're probably telling the truth. 

Maybe fighting and politics is in my blood.  Perhaps that is why I never feared jumping into the fray.

Politics is just another circus.  I collect hats.  I don't mind throwing one or two away in the ring.


My mother, aunts and uncles would talk about their uncle, Clark Ringling.  He married into the family and brought with him a love of animals so strong that he hated what his relatives did to them.

This is why my family likes to save animals. 

This is why I am ticked at the Aurora and Denver dictate to murder pit bulls.  Aurora officers, for the life of them, can't tell the difference between a pit bull or a bulldog (the link will only lead to one story....for there are several). They shoot just about any canine willy nilly.  It's disgusting.

When I ran for Mayor.....countless children....this is no exaggeration for I surely lost count....children told me of the city killing their pets at the shelter. The cops took their loved ones away from them never to be seen again.

That is NOT a good way to build trust with the youth.  For the youth shall surely become voters.

Politicians are incredibly short sighted.  If they want stuff, they need to build trust within the community, not destroy it.  Geesh! 

Stupid is as stupid does. 

The Aurora Animal shelter is a disgusting sight.  The last time I was there, there was blood on the painted brick walls indicating where the animals were wagging their tails.  The staff didn't care.

When I visited the shelter, the guy with the office by the front door threatened me.  He wanted to know my name, where I worked and what I did.  I'm glad he forgot me.  I'll never forget him.  I hope he's not there if they abuse another animal in my presence or if I decide to start another activist group. 

Still.....Uncle Clark lives on even though he died before I was born. 

I'm told that he loved horses.  He hated the way the circus treated them.  I grew up in a room filled with pictures of Clark with his beloved horses. 

He'd probably be disgusted at how Denver allows their officers to treat the horses on the mounted patrol. 

Uncle Clark wanted the abuse to stop.

Most of us wanted to run off with the circus.

He ran away from it.

For some reason, this morning, I awoke pulled to go visit his grave.

He's buried at the Arvada Cemetery, just a few blocks from where I grew up. 

It's snowing now.  I live so very far away.  When I do get to Arvada, I usually spend my time talking to homeless people.

I'm not sure I'll make it today.  By the time I get there....I'm not sure I could come back. 

Maybe I'll go another day. 

I just saw the news. I need to share it. 

Now, I need to buy a newspaper and laminate the story to leave on his gravestone.

I have good news for him.

It's ending. 

You can read it here:

Wishes do come true.

Love ya,


Thursday, January 12, 2017

When Is It.....the Stalking..... Over?

Today I am thankful for peace and quiet.

Although things have been fairly quiet, I still fear quite a few things.

I fear answering the telephone in real time.  I stopped answering the phone when I realized Shannon and her relatives were calling to see if I were home. If I answered, they wouldn't break in.  If I didn't, that's when they were caught with a key to the house. I finally realized that if I did not answer the phone at all, they wouldn't know whether or not I was here.

I fear posting a real-time appointment calendar for my hypnosis practice online.  That was probably how Doug and Shannon knew where to find me.  Those shenanigans stopped when I put a 72 hour block on my calendar.  The problem, though, is that people have to call me to get appointments.  I could make more money if they could schedule online and immediately visit with me.

I fear going out on coffee dates with male friends.....still.  I've only had one offer from a man who I know isn't interested.  He's a major networker but....I still fear putting others at risk.

That's got to change. 

It's hard to wrap my head around the notion that I can have friends now.

I can do things now.

There is too much to do.  I can't afford to sit at home.

I'm guessing this is common for people who have been stalked.

When will I know its over?

When can I let go of the PO box?

When can I answer the phone?

When can I visit with male a coffee shop?

I guess I should take it slow.

We climb mountains....

one step at a time. 


I'm still struggling with the thought that I'll never know how the stalking started...

or why.

The question that bothers me the most is why.


It started in 1992 with harassing phone calls....

1993 saw break-ins and death threats.

In 1994, I lost my apartment to the harassing phone calls being made to my employer.

It grew from there.

It's never stopped.

There were excuses.

In 2011, it was because someone thought I was having sex with an old flame.

At least, that's what the shrinks and private investigators tell me.

I would hope my latest ex would know better.  I know the old flame knew I couldn't do anything remotely sinful.....on purpose.  I do stupid shit not thinking about it.  Sex...that's not something one could do on accident.  Sex is deliberate. 

I avoid sin, except the sin of vanity.

Sin makes you wrinkle.

In 2009, my ex's family were pissed because I had my own business.

In 2007, it was because I pissed off his former employer, or so he said.

That's a mess all of its own with more questions....why would city employees harass me on the phone, steal money and lie about me in court documents?

Don't was nothing running for Mayor couldn't stop. 

I still want to know why.  I wasn't politically active when the city starting picking on me.  I'd changed my name.  So, they didn't know I was once the teenager who met powerful politicians due to her passionate attempts to save her baby sister.  If they knew that I didn't fear taking action, would they have left me alone?

Mike must have been behind that shit with the city.  He must have been behind the crap his family pulled.

This weird creepy stuff has gone on for a long time.

In 2005, it was because I allegedly wouldn't get knocked up or killed unborn babies or something stupid....At least I think it was 2005...the years run together.  All I know is that my marital life was suffering and there are things ya gotta do to have kids.

With the drama his family wasn't happening. 

In 2001 - or maybe it was 1999 - they were pissed that I went to graduate school so his sister stalked me on campus.  I don't know why exactly.  I do know they'd demand that I drop out of school.  I do know that the security guard at the University and I went way back.  He met me after high school.  He's more pious than I could ever be.  He wanted to be a priest, so if they were stalking me because they thought he and I were an

I'm sure they were disappointed.

In looking back, I've been dealing with this bullshit most of my adult life. 

I only know the excuses for the crap.  I don't know if they are the reason for the hell, the gps boxes, the stolen money or the stolen time. 

I don't know.


I guess it's time to look forward, rather than back.

Since Michael left, I toy with changing my name.

My name is common.  I could say my name and know there are several people with it in the city.

It was a name I chose when the stalking first began and my ex-husband blamed someone I used to date.

When I was 22 years old, I changed my name to hide, not knowing I was hiding from the wrong person.

I chose a very common name.  At the time, it made it easy to hide.

With the internet, it's not so easy to hide.  There are few female hypnotists.  There are fewer hypnotists with graduate degrees who are politically active. Add into it one who plays a multitude of musical instruments and has her own recording studio and I'm fairly easy to track down. 

I look plain.  I look fat now.  I can now walk down the street and no one knows who I am. 

In the past six weeks, I have changed my look.  I dye my hair now.  I won't say what color because I'm hiding.

I've used hypnosis to change the color of my eyes. 

I miss my dark eyes. 

My clients have noticed.  I've had a client ask if I could change his eye color.  He had gorgeous eyes. 

Yes, it can be done.  Will I do it for a client?  No.

That same client wants me to hypnotize him to look younger.

Age makes men look hot. 

I must look younger than I did three months ago.  Why else would he ask?

I look much more aged since 2011, the year my colleagues were harassed.

That changed my life.  It makes me fear friendship.  I wonder if people I know are at risk.

That's a mindset that has to change.

I can't love people as much when I'm in isolation.

I am cleaning the house.  I used to let the local teenagers hang out here when they had nowhere to go.

When the stalking followed me home and Shannon would hang outside the house, I quit letting people stay. come over and visit.

There is a teenager, I don't know how to describe her.   She identifies as female.

She wears a kilt.  She looks like an old flame.  She sounds like an old flame. 

She's biologically male. 

It's hard for me to understand.

In the 80's we were all into androgyny.  The girls dressed like boys.  The boys dressed like girls.  We all wore black lipstick.  It was okay.

I remember a day when I overheard my first love tell nosy people that I was gay.  He was gay and that we were dating to cover for each other.

He had a dry sense of humor.  Sometimes it was hard to tell if he's joking.

It shut nosy people down. 

Gender didn't matter so much.  Sex did.  Gender.....not so much. 

Now, the kids choose their gender.

I don't understand. 

I watch this person hang out with my daughter.

It reminds me of the past.

I want so much to protect this young person, knowing how brave she must be. 

When I was younger, I remember holding the hands of gay men so the Denver police wouldn't beat them up (circa '87). 

They weren't even wearing dresses!

Now, millennials with xx chromosomes can wear dresses and there are no beatings.

Perhaps we've grown as a society.

I can't bring myself to call her "they."  That's her preferred pro-noun.

She's not a multiple. 

I try to only use her name.

I'm not the only one struggling with identity.

Who are we?

How much of ourselves in buried in the dictates of other people?

I don't know.

I met a couple a few days ago.  They were my age and deeply in love.

The woman's mother died an unexpected death due to undiagnosed lung cancer.  The husband was terrified that this fate awaited his lady love.

He brought his wife to see me so she could stop smoking.  They told me how they met at their twenty year re-union and were inseparable.  He lost her once and wasn't going to lose her anytime soon.

I was so enthralled with their story, I forgot to ask for payment.  The money didn't cross my mind until they sent the check.

I received it the day my daughter's friend stayed over.

It's weird the threads that weave themselves all around.
I'm trying to learn Spanish.

I took three years of Spanish at Washington State.

I can't say I speak it well.  Living in Colorado, it's a common language.  My granddaughter is bi-lingual.  I need to be, too.

So, in my efforts to speak the language better,  I listen to Spanish radio.  My boss is bi-lingual. 

He told me about a song called Tardio.  The way he translates the story to me, it sounds like the woman and her husband who just sent me the unexpected money.

I'm trying to find the song, so I can hear it.  Some emotions are lost in translation.  I need to hear it. Maybe it'll help me understand how love doesn't die and what we are supposed to do when we can't do anything with the love except wish everyone the best of life, love and everything.

The day I met the couple, I just wanted that beautiful woman to stop smoking and be there for her best friend. 

The money is icing on the cake.

It's a good job when you would happily do it for free. 

I guess I'm lucky.

I can't hide from the world anymore.  Things weave about together to form this bizarre thing we call life.  It's like we have a shared experience.  Things happen to me that help me understand the things that happen to other people better.

Maybe I had to know the people I knew thirty years ago to understand the young lady with the Adam's apple in the kilt.

Maybe I had to see that person again twenty years later to understand the couple desperate to hang on to each other.

Maybe the stalking will teach me something that will help me help someone else in the future.

I don't know.

I do know that I must start opening myself up to new experiences, so that I can be ready for the new people that come into my I know how to help them.

I can't cry anymore. 

I can't fear anymore. 

I absolutely must process the past so that I can push forward.

Love ya lots,


Sunday, January 8, 2017

4 String Instruments

Today I am thankful for musicians.  

I spent the day flitting in and out of music stores.

A twelve year old told me that she wants a four string guitar.

I have one. has to be acoustic.

It has to be small.

It dawned on me that she didn't want a bass, she wanted a ukulele.

I have one.  It was given to me by my grandmother when I was six or so. 

I broke the strings on it trying to play like Larry Grahamn.

What did you expect in the seventies?

I'm fairly sure a ukelele would bore the holy heck out of her. 

We spent the day driving around to get a sense of what truly interested her. 

It turns out she doesn't want me to spend money on her.  Ukeleles are cheap.

I explained that a decent used student's guitar can be found for less than $200. 

It's the lessons that cost money.

They are well worth it.

On our trip around town, she listened to numerous people play today. 

She liked the sound of the Spanish guitar.  The guy just pulled up a chair, grabbed it off the wall and played for her. 

That was beautiful. 

A man whose daughter just got a music scholarship tried to talk her into trying his daughter's old guitar.  I think it was a Martin.  I don't know....he seemed to have a tough time parting with it.  I didn't feel right looking at it. 

I had to walk by the pogo stick bass of my dreams without touching it.

I wasn't there shopping for myself.

I was there for her. 

She still wanted a ukulele.

Maybe....all that Funk I listen to has gotten stuck in the dear one's head.

I thought about it....very briefly. 

In desperation, I went to Facebook.

I found this video by Keith Urban and played it for her.

Maybe something budged?

She just announced she wants to learn to play the guitar.

We'll pick one up next weekend.

Now.....I'll just have to drag her out to meet some of my friends and listen to their bands.  Who knows?  Maybe she'll find something to be passionate about.

Life is not worth living unless you're passionate about something.

Love ya lots,


Edit: I found a forgotten acoustic guitar in my studio.  How lucky is that?

I wonder what else I have?  I'd better start cleaning. 

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Catch Phrase

Today I am thankful for assholes and TV shows.

The other day I had a conversation with a former foster child.  He's recently become an adult.

He wasn't just thrown out on the street when he hit the age of majority.  That's typically what happens to kids that age out of the foster care system.

His foster parent is really trying to help him move forward in life.  His foster parent is middle class.  His biological parents are working class.

The foster parent is trying to get him to go to college.  His parents are against it.

So, I explained how different classes tend to see college.

People seem to see time differently. 

Middle class people see college as necessary. They see it as an investment in the future. A college education will go a long way to helping you find and keep a good job.

Working class people respect people who are educated but often feel it is too expensive of a commitment.  They tend to be focused on survival in the now.  Why go to class two hours today when you can get a second job and make $16 and some change?

This gentleman is caught up trying to find where he stands on his timeline.  Focus on the now?  or Invest in the future?


This young man and his foster brothers have issues with the law.  They do stupid crap like drive too fast and get caught with drugs.

I explained that it is natural for children to rebel against their parents.  The government is the parent of foster children.  There are numerous ways to rebel against the government; you can break laws or you can fight bad laws.

If you choose to break laws, you are giving value and credence to the system.  You're paying their fines.  You're paying the price for the laws whether or not you believe in them.  You're not doing anything to help yourself.  You're helping the system.

On the other hand, if you truly want to rebel, you educate yourself and fight for change. 

Then I told him that I am a former foster child who chose to rebel by fighting tax hikes. 

I saw a light bulb go off in his eyes.

I think he may wind up fighting victimless crime laws or speed limits some day.  Laugh if you will, but there are studies which suggest that speed limits are dangerous.  Google is your friend. 

There are assholes in government.  It's almost as though bureaucracy appeals to them.  It's probably not the bureaucracy but the non-accountability and power that appeals to them.

Most assholes like to posture.  They like to threaten.  They like to ask annoying questions in an attempt to size you up.

My favorite asshole questions are

Who in hell are you?

-and (when caught doing something illegal or wrong)

What in the hell are you going to do about it?

I finally found my answer. 

It's a one word answer.


Yes, I stole that from Dr. Who.

It's better than telling these assholes that they're asking the wrong question.  The question they need to be asking themselves is 'how long can we get away with this shit?"

This answer will save me a lot of time. 

I'm going to practice my River Song face now.  I have a dark auburn version of the hair.  We're about the same age (at least I feel like I'm 200 years old). 

I can't do a British accent to save my life.  I'll say it like a dragging out the o. Dragging out the o- drags out the fun.

It'll sound like Yeehaw but be Sp-oyyyy-leerrrs!.  

It would be funnier if I could get away with carrying a crop whip or wearing spurs.  Ladies don't get away with that so much in 21st Century Denver.  In the eighties, we could get away with it on the western part of the metro area. Now....not so much. 

I'll have to settle for my concealed piece, rope and pepper spray....well hidden so that they are not so much of a conversation piece.

Love ya,


Thursday, January 5, 2017

Bizzaro World

Today I am thankful that other people share their stories.

Stories are the only gauge I have to prove I'm not crazy.

I used to collect stories about the City of Aurora.

I once had a running Craigslist Ad asking for stories.  Back then, I was part of a citizens action group.  We fought fight tax hikes.

This happened because an Ass't City Attorney was defending a Tax Audit Supervisor who stole $500 bucks from my family.  She challenged me and dared me to do something about it.

So...I did.

I tended to do a lot of complaining trying to help people.

I was asked to run for office and, as a result, I let the project slide.

I still hear stories about victims being arrested and perpetrators being rewarded.

Like a rape victim arrested for saying a word that means vagina because the cop was offended and beat her up.

The cop didn't face charges. The rape victim did.

The worst part, the victim was assaulted in police custody. The woman was charged with verbal assault against an officer (or what I call Contempt of Cop).

I think I inadvertently have a story of my own now. 

My ex husband would let his family stalk me.  The police NEVER took reports.  They'd predict with stunning accuracy what was going to happen -but- they refused to help except to tell me to go to a battered women's shelter.

The battered women's shelter connected to the City of Aurora turned us away.  I was told that if I left my home due to stalking, I'd be homeless and Gateway Battered Women's shelter does not help homeless women.  I believe them.  In fact, I often meet homeless women who escaped abuse in Aurora. 

The City of Aurora is currently paying for a place for my stalker to live.

It's not jail.

And the city employed shrink has my ex convinced that he's the victim.

Weird, eh? is another story.  A guy raking his leaves yells at a kid in a jeep to slow down.  The kid was going 70 miles an hour!  Then the kid in the jeep turns around and charges at the pedestrian. The pedestrian threw the rake at the jeep, probably because he was terrified and trying to ward the driver off...

Do you want to take a wild guess as to who was charged with road rage?

I won't spoil the fun.....I'll let you read it for yourself.

People tend to do strange things when a ton of metal is coming at them in a public roadway.  They tend to go into shock when attacked (especially by a big red hunk of metal).  People in shock often don't think about little calling the police and fire department.

This happens with rape victims quite often so many rapes wind up unreported.

The story gets worse.  A quick internet search shows a claim that the jeep had a shoddy suspension system from lack of care and that the bench a six year old child was sitting in was not securely attached to the jeep.  The child is a sibling of the driver.  She is now disabled.

The parents are NOT taking responsibility for the driver's behavior nor are they taking responsibility for making sure their son was driving a working and safe vehicle.  If your eldest child was prone to misdeeds and too cheap to fix his car, would you let him chauffer your 6 year old daughter?

I wouldn't.  My ex had a crap car.  The seats were held up with bricks. That's why I took the crap car and let him use my van when he had the kids.

We have to take responsibility for our actions.   

It's easy to blame an old man in shock for the misdeeds of a twenty year old boy. 

It's easy.....just not honorable or fair.

Part of me wonders how the parents are connected with the city and the Adams County District Attorney's office.  Someone did them a favor.  I'd like to know why.

I wish cops understood fear, shock and trauma.  If they did, maybe they'd take a stalking report or two.

They didn't even take a report when the joker lit a fire on my porch and put it out with a garden hose.

I should have called the fire department instead.

They didn't want to come out when my neighbors were fighting over a parking space.  They didn't want to come out when a guy pretending to be my insurance agent was taking pictures through my windows.

It's crazy.  They're lazy.

Understand.....we are responsible for our own safety.

Aurora needs a Nancy Grace to publicize this crap. 

There is no logic in this world, is there?

Love ya,


Monday, January 2, 2017

Fairness -vs- Nastiness

Today I am thankful for a reality check.


My ordeal seems to be over. 

I'm still not sure if I should jump into the political fray....

If I I want to use a different name?

Everyone will know who I am....

but maybe it'll make it harder to get the attention of my ex's family. 

Instead of Siegfred Smith.

I could be S. Tiberius Smith.

Yes, I once published a book with my first initial and middle name (which is a man's name, just not as cool as Tiberius).

Everyone thought I was a guy.

It was great!!!

Maybe.....I could use my birth name.

The other woman with that name is a frightening D.C. lawyer.

Maybe I'll just be "She."

A lot of people call me She.  I've had politicians call me She. It was born from a political rival nearly ten years ago. 

Some Democratic candidate thought I was a man.  He argued with me on an internet forum claiming I was a man.

There are stupid Democrats in the world. He was running for Senate of all things.....and he wanted to write laws....isn't that scary???

I rarely hung out at Democrat gatherings.  How would he know?  I used to wear 5" heels and push up bras.  I wear jasmine perfume.  No one questioned my gender.

Maybe I needed to wear more make-up or something. of his cohorts decided to Google my name. 

I received a prompt apology.  The forum post was deleted.

I've never let the guy forget it!  His name is Steve. 

I don't have a lot of luck with guys by that name.

From that point forward, I was know as She.


That's because I was born with the name that means girl.  My last name was the name of a saint.

The funny thing is a grew up to be a Pagan heathen.

Maybe I'll just be.....She.

Everyone knows who I am.  It doesn't matter if I say my name.

They know to tread carefully.

I'm 5'5" of smirking brat.


The city is doing creepy crap.  Since I signed into Facebook, I get to read about it.

I don't know if I should speak up. 

They just paid $325,000 to pay people to shut up about a Civil Rights Violation.  I knew one of families that were caught in the crap that day.

Funny thing, we tried to CORA the order and we were told the FBI wouldn't let the city answer our question. 

It would seem to me that someone at the city lied to us to keep us from learning the truth.

I'm learning of more shenanigans.

It's disgusting.

Perhaps I need to get back into the game.

It's hard to lie to a hypnotist.


There was a ruckus at the mall last week.  The kids and I were caught up in it. We bought tickets online to see Rouge One.  We didn't make it to the theater.  We called from the car to see if we should come down, the young lady at the theater sounded incredibly frightened.  I don't blame her.  Four years ago an asshole with a bad shrink shot up the place and killed twelve people.  We parked and got an eyeful.  My kids were traumatized. 

We left.  We waited for the full story to come out. 

It turns out that a cop arrested a couple of kids and shut down the mall because a child cursed at him.

This is not the first time an Aurora cop has arrested someone for saying a curse word. A sex assault victim was arrested for saying the word 'cunt.'  That pissed me off.  My anger was legendary. 

I wish the cops would stop fearing curse words.

I wish they'd stop arresting people because they think they have virgin ears.

Contempt of cop isn't a real thing.  It's a farce.  It's a joke.  It's an abuse of power and tax dollars.

I'm sickened.

Worse...if the cops would grow some courage....they could use curse words to their advantage.

It's about what a hypnotist can do when people lose their cool around her.

Emotional people are highly suggestible. 

If someone is cursing and in the midst of emotion, you have an in to their subconscious mind.

Why not use it?

Maybe they're ignorant of the power of emotion.


I fear a six year old Aurora boy is dead.  He's missing.  He's been missing since New Year's Eve.  Facebook posts claim that the boy's mother and brother were fighting.  The brother told the mother to get rid of the boy.  The boy was missing for one hour before they called the police.

I hope the Aurora cops are searching Facebook news forums. That's how I used to get my political hints and clues.  I'd read every little thing and research it.  

I pray the cops do the same thing. 

IF that is the case, the young one is most likely no longer among the living.

I pray I'm wrong.

I hate watching the news.

It sucks.


I'm still reeling from the crap of the past fives years.

I still have panic attacks...when things are moved....when there are strange sounds outside.

It's not good.

When I hired my lawyer eight months ago, I struggled with cutting my ex a break.  He owed me a small fortune.

Last week, I received a judgment for $46,000 plus $5,000 attorney fees.  I was on my way to figure out a way to cut that figure down. I was tormented.  Should I halve the amount?  Should I only have him pay me 25%? 

Should I cut him a break?  Does he understand how much his crap has cost me?  Jobs?  Relationships? Time?  Peace of mind?  Health Insurance? My credit? 

Well...the question was short lived.


I saw my bank statement.

I am being billed for his auto insurance and my own.   I was told I needed to separate the auto insurance policies the day he moved out.  I did.

I saw two debits in my bank.  I called Ameriprise and they won't tell me what they are for.  This is probably one of those things I'm going to have to call the Insurance Commission to report. 

One is mine.  I'm pretty sure the other is for my ex. 

I'm thinking that he has to call them to cancel his insurance.  He's too lazy.  I think I'm going to be on the hook for his insurance until late February.

So....that additional $95.00 debit is going to cost my ex thousands of dollars.  If I'm on the hook for his debts, perhaps there are more I don't know about.

This morning, I decided not to cut him a break.  I'm going to need the money to clean up his mess.

Am I being nasty?

How can I be fair in the middle of nastiness?

I wish I could talk to one of my divorced male friends to get their take on it.

What would they say? 

Sometimes they volunteer their insight.

The most haunting one comes from a man I love but can never be with due to religious differences.
Anyway, he says my ex wouldn't leave because he knew he messed up and wanted me back.

What do I owe someone who took so much?

I'm only now coming to grips with the thought that this is my home.

I don't have to leave.

What is fair? 

I don't know.

I probably shouldn't make the decision to be kind when he's still milking my bank account. 

I guess I should change my account number.  That'll put a stop to the nonsense. 

This is a nightmare.....still.

Love ya,


Place for Documentation

  When I was a kid, I wanted to be a pilot.  My stepdad would talk about flying into Germany during World War II.  I'd spend my weekends...