Thursday, August 27, 2015

Broken Dolls and Witches

Today I am thankful for my coven and a handsome over-protective Shaman. 

Shaman is probably the worst word to describe him.

Never call him a warlock.

That's offensive.

He's a necromancer.

Nonetheless, he's promised to fix the stalking issue for me. 

As has one of my witchy friends. 

I think it's time. 

Let me tell you why....

I was sent to the emergency room because I had symptoms of a heart attack. I think it is due to the stress of dealing with a problem without end.  There are things going on I do not write about.

I should....but I don't.

The doctors stabilized me.

They gave me drugs.

They eventually sent me home.  My usually low blood pressure was unusually high. 

I came home.

I slept a day. 

I awoke and looked out the window. 

As I looked outside of the window  where the smoking man stood by as he turned on the water a few weeks ago. 

I saw one of my dolls on the grass. 

She was laying there.....about five feet from the porch.

She'd been broken. 

It wasn't like that when I left for the hospital.

Let me explain....

I have two whiskey barrels on either side of the porch.

Each barrel is filled with spelled herbs.

The one close to the door has female empowered herbs (like rosemary).  To balance the energy, I placed a male scarecrow doll affixed to a 12" wooden spike in the bucket.

The other bucket was intended for male empowered herbs (like basil).  I placed a matching female scarecrow doll in that bucket.

It would appear that someone yanked the female doll out of the bucket, bent the wooden spike to the point it partially broke and threw the doll on the grass about 5' away from the barrel.  The person must have stomped on it.  There is a really big footprint on it

(ooooh....a footprint ......I can do some nasty voodoo with that.....hmmmmm).

I don't know if I should take that as a threat.

I am getting annoyed.....very annoyed. 

For some damn reason, the wifi was out and my camera wasn't working.

It would appear that some asshole skated away from arrest that day. 

My paychecks have gone missing out of the mailbox, too.  I pray the f*cker cashes them so I can have his a$$ bent over a bar of soap in the local pokey....


Thank goodness for friends in dark places. 

Love ya,


P.S.  Oh...I've had an unusually high number of tires with screws in them of late.  Mr. stalker needs to be careful if he parks in front of my driveway.  I think that is where the screws originate because I've picked a couple of them up. 

I wonder who put them there in the first place? 


Stalking....that's really going to help me keep a relationship with my ex or any member of his family....



Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Calls to the Police

Today, I am thankful for good advice.

My ex was in town yesterday. 

I've had trouble containing my tears since my garden hose was cut a few weeks ago.  I am planning on moving.  I've looked at houses in various places in small towns in my home state. 

I fell in love with a house in Georgia.  I am actually licensed in Georgia, so that would be an easy state for me to move to. 

I'm still looking.

I'm also licensed in Hawaii but I don't have a prayer of affording a place there. 

I'm trying to get a license in California.  For some reason, that state is tricky.

We'll see. 

I love my job.  I love my office.  I cry when I realize that I'm going to have to give them up. 

I cry a lot. 

My office mate caught me crying.

My boss caught me crying.

Mike caught me crying.

Mike called the local police patrolman to ask what he thought we should do.

He didn't get more than one sentence out.....

All he said was "my dead sister's boyfriend blocked our driveway in March...".

The officer interrupted with a response....he said "it's time for a restraining order."

The local police department keeps track of every phone call I make.  I've called a lot.  Maybe it is time for a restraining order.

You know....

I was a victim's advocate.

I like proof. Judges like proof.  They don't always require it.  It's just nice to have.

If I could only figure out how to retrieve the video from my new camera to take to the judge, all would be well.

I don't know...It can't be that hard to tap the SD card.  I'll figure it out. 

Maybe the telephone recordings of my freak out 911 sessions are proof enough. 

I'm still debating what to do next. 

I've had a lot of people try to help me recently.  I had a woman who runs a support group for estranged mothers explain that many of her colleagues brag about stalking their kids, their former in-laws and their grandchildren.  They do this to get information. She says that this could be what is going on.  If so, it is something that Mike and his mother need to deal with.  I can't do a thing about it.

That was helpful advice.  I do pray for this woman who helped me.  She's estranged from her daughter.  That's sad.  This woman seems to have a good heart. 

I'll let you know what happens.

I just want to let you know that angels are everywhere.  I should give them more energy than I give the demonic jerks who pretend to be Christian. 



P.S.  I have a cricket singing his mating song in my living room.  I'm trying to find him to shoo him out the door.  I wonder how he's living inside this house.  What do crickets eat?  What do they need?

That poor little guy. 

Next stop Google.....someone ought to know what to do.


Place for Documentation

  When I was a kid, I wanted to be a pilot.  My stepdad would talk about flying into Germany during World War II.  I'd spend my weekends...