Sunday, February 25, 2018

Bubble, Bubble....Boiling up Trouble

Today I am thankful for the insight of an unfortunate email from my Democrat Senator and a Liberal Troll.  

I'll start with the Liberal troll - well make that trolls.....they're probably not even real people.  If they are, they're quite gullible.  They think that getting rid of guns will solve the violence that is allegedly epidemic in our community. 

Remember....I live in Colorado.  Um....this was the Wild, Wild West at one point time.  People had to be tough to survive the land.  Colorado was build on the backs of minorities and women - tough people built this place.

We survived guns. 

Even with all of those guns, there were no mass shootings in schools until 1999.  I graduated from a Jeffco school in 1987 and intended to raise my kids there.  I wound up moving away from Jefferson County in 1997 because the district ignored tips about violent threats of other students.

This is WHY the shooting happened at Columbine.

I am still interested in the politics of the area. To this day, you can find me at Jeffco school board meetings when I don't have to work.  They got rid of the only school board I respected.  Now, they just act like assholes towards the children who are brave enough to stand before them.

The liberals need to get a grip.  

I guarantee you a gun was what kept my stalker's family at bay.  My shooting instructor gave me two certificates of completion.  One graces my living room wall right by the door. 

I haven't had a break-in since.  

Guns give the law abiding citizens a fair shot at self-protection.  Gun control only ensures that criminals and governments have guns. 

I'm not a fan of being a sitting duck so the government can plan a mass extermination. 

You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass.  - Isoroku Yamamoto 

We all know that the Second Amendment is the real reason that Americans don't speak Japanese.  Our enemies knew enough not to come here.  

Besides what part of "shall not be infringed" do leftists fail to understand? 

If they don't understand the Constitution, our public education system has failed.  

Read this: it is quite enlightening.  Most school shootings involve handguns rather than automatics. 

The left would have you believe the latter. 

That could be, again, because they don't know how to read.


What good would giving more money to public schools do if they only use it to purchase more property and build buildings?  That is what happens when we vote in bond measures.  Nothing goes to the classrooms and nothing goes to security.  It ALL goes into helping the district gain more real estate value.  This is Colorado state law.  I don't see this changing any time in the near future. 

I received an email from Sen. Nancy Todd begging for more money for public schools as I watched a video of phone footage taken from Stoneman Douglas High School on Feb. 14, 2018. 

Only open this if you don't mind disturbing images:

Public Schools don't deserve any more money until they address the issue IN REAL TIME!  This is a security issue NOT a gun control issue.

I am almost to the point of starting a fundraiser to purchase door stops for every classroom and office in our public schools.  It's not a solution -but- it's a start.

I am to the point right now of demanding vouchers.  Public Schools are NOT safe.  

Check this out. 

The argument against vouchers is that the government shouldn't fund religious schools. 

Yes, I am a religious person - but my religion is already being taught in public schools as mythology, philosophy and foreign language (Latin). 

I am a devotee of the ways of ancient Greece and Rome.  


In honor of Hecate, 

I'm off to buy a trio of purple 7-day candles.  I may color one black with a Sharpie, it depends on how pissed off I become.

I read that this school shooting took place the exact same time a drill.  That explains the mass confusion.

My first question did the shooter know about the drill?

My second question is....why do so many school shootings occur while there are drills?

I am beginning to form a conspiracy theory.

Conspiracies happen all the time.

It's only a theory until it is proven.


I will let you know how the casting goes. 

I will probably come back to share how to cast protection spells on neighborhood schools.  I'm thinking about a mustard seed spell - no one would detect it.  

After the acts of cowardice we saw with the Broward County Sheriff's department, I may try to find a courage spell to share, too.  

If all witches protected their neighborhood schools and helped the balls of their cowardly peace officers drop....uh... their police officers stop taking commands of politically biased superiors, the world would be a safer place.  

I'd bet the sheriff held back just so he could promote an anti-gun stance. I'd curse him but I think his life is about to get a lot more hellish because he allowed children to be murdered.  

Love ya, 



Thursday, February 22, 2018

School Shootings are NOT a gun control problem - they're a SECURITY problem.

Today I grow tired of the numerous threats that impact the schools in the state of Colorado.

Apparently, this is going on across the country.

My kids are terrified.

Keep in mind, we were stalked by my ex-husband's family.

Our terror could be worse than that of other families.

I am NOT going to mince words here.

The politicians need to stop playing games, start reviewing the situation with open eyes and secure our schools NOW.

The Democrat politicians who fill my Facebook feed are whining about the need to curtail the second amendment.  I wonder, on some sick and disturbing level, if a political faction would not be above calling in threats to numerous schools to try to compel parents into giving up their freedoms.

Here is the thing -



How did that little F*(##@!% get into the school?  Why in the heck did the school cop run?

David Hogg is right about one thing, the adults let him down by not securing the school.  He's wrong about gun control.  If we cave into the gun control crowd, we'll have let him down again.  We all know what happens when a defenseless population comes up against a tyrannical government.


I am starting to get a tad bit disgusted.

I'm old enough that I remember guns on campus.  I remember learning to shoot at summer camp.

Guns were just another part of life.

Now....they'll arrest a six year old if he bites a pastry in the shape of a gun.

Yeah....this is how insane things have become.

There was a father of a Parkland murder victim met with Trump and said many incredibly insightful things -

he stated that after 9-11, we upped our security at airports.

We haven't done a darn thing about upping the security in our public schools.

It's time to start holding our politicians accountable for this crap....this includes the school boards, too.


I have a little girl crying due to the threats her school received over the past two days.

I wonder.....

if every family concerned about the safety of their children withdrew their children out of school....

how would that impact the funding for the Cherry Creek School District and other school districts?

I wonder.....

if some of my voucher zealot friends can use the safety argument to push for vouchers so that funds will be diverted from public schools and into homeschools and private schools?

If they can't keep the kids safe - they shouldn't get the money.

Heck....if it were me, I'd act like a politician and throw anything at the wall in the hopes that it will stick.

We need better security in our schools.

I wonder if the unions will start taking this crap seriously if they see it could impact their bottom line.

If there is another school shooting, I will blame the Democrats for steering us into the wrong conversation.

This isn't about guns.

This is about security!


I'm off to play with my calamus.  I hate black magick - but sometimes evil is the only way to defeat evil.

If that doesn't work, I'll break out the peppers.

If I come to a meeting smelling of habanero and sulfur -


Love ya lots,


Monday, February 19, 2018

The Problem With Colorado Human Service Programs

Today I am thankful for insight.

I think I understand the problem of CO-PEP and other government run social service programs.....

they're automated!

They've gotten rid of know, the people you can actually talk to, who are supposed to understand family situations....the kind who are supposed to pay attention and make decisions.  The people we can share paperwork regarding fraud with.

Now, everything is automated.

Machines make the decisions.  Case workers have been replaced by call center staff who tell the people who they are supposed to represent to hire attorneys they cannot afford.

I get it now.

My ex is a covert narcissist.  They are very good at making themselves out to be victims.  They only provide as much information as they can to paint a picture.

He's convinced everyone that he can only make $12 an hour based on a call center job he held for a few weeks.  He's passed himself off as homeless and has been put in a shelter where he is forbidden from working for a period of 8-27 months.

The taxpayers are paying for his three attorneys.  They sued me to get him out of having to pay child support or provide medical insurance on the kids.

I can't expect help now that he is forbidden from working, I'm SOL as they say.

I just can't believe that the Arapahoe County Social Service department sued me to keep him from paying child support.

I'm a social researcher at heart.

I've been reading....I think I see the problem.

There is NO ONE that I can give details to - there is NO ONE who will pay attention.

I can send paperwork but they'll ignore it.

Automation prevents accountability.  There is NO ONE acting as a case manager.  The responsibility is diffused.

NO ONE is accountable.  This is how the bs continues.

This guy won because he's manipulative.  I'm out of money.  There is NO ONE I can share paperwork with who cares enough to pay attention.

The only thing I can pray for is the defunding of CO-PEP so other single moms don't find themselves in my situation.

At this point, I have made a conscious decision to fight each and every social program that comes up until the Department of Human Services can start paying attention and weed out the manipulative folk from the truly down and out.

A man who turns down a $50,000 job and goes into a voluntary living arrangement where he is forbidden from working is not needy.  A man who is trying to find a job and submits, say five or more resumes a week, may be needy.

The first man may have more time on his hands to convince someone he's poor.  The second man may be too busy trying to find a job to hound the people working the front desk of the human services department.

If the Department of Human Services cannot weed out a manipulative man from a truly poor man, I seriously don't trust them to house the homeless.

My fear is that only manipulative people will be able to take advantage of the programs.

I'm not going to support funding shelters any more.  I'm sad to say it -but- it seems like other social programs.  The people who need the help get locked out in favor of the manipulative deadbeats.

That is what happened to the kids and I.  The program tasked with helping single mothers collect child support sued me to help prevent my ex from paying it.


I think the problem could very well be automation.  My ex looks poor on paper.

I have so many jobs that I must look wealthy.

I wasn't upset with CO-PEP until the court filing where they chastised me for supporting our nineteen year old daughter in college.

I mean....I don't understand their line of reasoning.

My ex is 50.  He is a tax auditor and accountant who makes between $45,000 - $50,000 a year (which I hear is his version of underemployed....a career coach stated that he should be earning around $90,000). 

Based on what I'm seeing from CO-PEP, he is dirt poor and deserves being supported by the State of Colorado.  They wrote that they are buying his clothes -but- weeks later, he'll ask me to help pay for his storage facility.

Someone is lying.

Our daughter is 19 and has no job skills but, according to the State of Colorado, she doesn't deserve support.  I am not supposed to support her.

I don't get it.

I really don't.  My ex could pay the child support he owes me over the past six years.  Some of that was due when she was a minor.  He could pay that to me and I'll support her with that.

Of course, he'll never pay because Colorado taxpayers are paying for his lawyers.

I seek to put an end to that.

I want to know why the State of Colorado will put the needs of a deadbeat over the needs of a young person.

I don't want to hear of another single mother enduring this bs.

I'm being chewed out for my lack of compassion.  Where is the State of Colorado's compassion for the kids?  I just filed my taxes.  I'm working numerous part-time jobs just to get by.

I had three w-2s and two 1099s.

This means that I've held three part time jobs and two side gigs.  I made a grand total of $31,000 before business expenses were taken out of the figure.

Remember...I spent $4,000 in legal fees trying to understand this CO-PEP debacle.  I supported three children (not including the two homeless teenagers I took in) and myself on $26,000 in 2018.

All I know is that the government is irresponsible and they often give credence to the wrong people.  I don't trust them with taxpayer dollars.

I'll tell you a little secret.

Right now, I am so broke that we do not have a working stove.  I can live without a dryer.  I can live without a dishwasher or a freezer.  I can live with a leaky sink and a toilet that needs a new wax ring.  I can live with broken gutters and mold on the walls of the room my ex-husband destroyed.

I don't know what to do without a stove.

We used to use that to stay warm in the winter.

I hear it will hit zero tonight.

I guess it's okay.  I am supposed to feel sorry for my ex.


Another disturbing theme I am seeing is the liberal claim that mental illness is the problem creating crime.

They go on to state, erroneously, that anyone who commits a crime is mentally ill.  They often claim people with personality disorders are mentally ill.

Well...not exactly.

Personality disorders are behavior choices.  They can be hard to extinguish in the Cluster B categories (histrionic, borderline, narcissistic and anti-social) because people have learned that they can get what they want by acting like jackasses.  Why change something that gives you all the control you want?

The liberals I know think that people mentally ill and having a personality disorder should excuse crime.

That is not case law.  I really wish they'd do some research prior to spouting off.

I am, quite literally, being told that my ex should be excused from child support because he was diagnosed with Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

The personality disorder is the reason he feels entitled to free stuff form the government at the expense of every one else.  Why in the heck should we give into him?  We'll just re-enforce the bad behavior.

Depression happens in narcissists who lose control of their supply due to their arrogance and asshole-ery.  When people realize that they don't have to put up with crap, they leave the narcissist.  Narcissists can get depressed if they don't secure new supply right away.  When that happens the depression is Co-Morbid to the personality disorder.  Depression is a mental illness -but- I've never heard of an 8-27 month inpatient rehabilitation for depressed people (narcissists or otherwise) or even alcoholics.

The question the liberals should ask themselves is this....would a single mom be eligible for TANF or food stamps if she refused to work because she was depressed or an alcoholic?

The answer would be no.

Just try to get a battered woman a government funded lawyer under any circumstance (it doesn't happen).  A guy wanting to escape child support - sure, the State of Colorado has your back if you want to voluntarily impoverish yourself.  

Why is it different for deadbeat dads?

Would a bank robber get away with his crime if he had Antisocial Personality Disorder (which a crook may well have)?

The answer would be no.

Why should it be the same for men who would otherwise face a felony charge for failure to honor a divorce agreement and theft?

Something is wrong with this picture.

As a society, we need to be more discerning about the people we coddle.

I'm disgusted because someone who may never have made more than $40,000 a year in his life -or may have been on the streets for years was displaced so my ex could get into a program intended for those who have no job prospects in the foreseeable future.  I still get phone calls from recruiters for my ex.

It's sad.  It really is.

Love ya lots,


Thursday, February 15, 2018

Fake News After EVERY Mass Shooting (w/ added links)

Today I am thankful for the internet.....

even though it can be frustrating.  

Do you remember that scene in Men in Back, where K shares with J that the supermarket gossip rags contain just enough truth to help agents see what it going on?

This is how I feel about conspiracy websites.

Sadly, it is always the same....

after every mass shooting....

there are news stories on major networks with witness accounts claiming multiple shooters on the location.

When one tries to put together a compellation of these stories, the are removed from the internet.

I just saw one this morning from a station in Houston as a KHOU 10 reporter was in Florida to cover a sports story.

Now....I can't find it.

I saw a similar story from a Las Vegas station shortly after that shooting.

There was one from a Denver station after the theater shooting.  I think it was KUSA.

These legitimate stories tend to disappear after a couple of days.

It's just enough to make me wonder if there is some type of conspiracy.

Now, the only place I can find these things are on the conspiracy websites.

At this point, I am beginning to agree with Trump.

There is fake news.

The problem with the proliferation of fake news is that we don't know which side is producing it.

We don't know the truth.


Sadly, the reaction to mass shootings are always the same.

The Democrats want to ban guns.  This isn't a good idea.  The first thing that socialist nations do when banning guns is kill off a chunk of the populace.

The Republicans I know tend to go on the defensive, reminding everyone about other school massacres that did not involve guns.

The perpetrator did not like property taxes:

I'm seeing Libertarians talk about how dangerous public schools are.  I see posts about vouchers and offering people the choice to homeschool.

The be fair, many people of various political stripes are talking about the stupidity of gun free zones.

Criminals don't care about laws. 

I see other people post videos about safety gadgets.

In Colorado, voters wanted the proceeds from the sales taxes on marijuana to fund the schools.  That money is not being used for that purpose.  I think a group needs to come to the forefront to fight to use this money to buy gadgets to help classes go on lock down from the inside.

Other people suggest arming the teachers and the guards and installing metal detectors.


Rather than pull the usual gun-grabbing nonsense it's time this country had a serious talk about safety in public schools.

We DO know that the school and the FBI knew this person was a threat and did nothing to protect anyone. 

He was expelled yet managed to get into the school Perhaps it is time to make classrooms less accessible to non-students.

This is where the conversation needs to begin.

Love ya,


I'll be back with more links.  I'm hoping to find the interview I saw this morning featuring a female student who claimed to be in a stairwell having a brief conversation with Nikolas Cruz while hearing shots fired.

It could be fake.

It could be truthful, yet hidden, information.

 I guess we'll never know.


Interviews with students who claim that there was more than one shooter:

Interview with a teacher who claims shooter was in Military garb:

Here is the last story's correlate on the InfoWars Conspiracy website (just in case it is removed):

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Jacked Up

Today I am thankful that I'm reminded why I need to get back to being me. 

They say change comes about in three incidents.

Over the past five years, I have gained about forty pounds and four dress sizes.  This happened when I gave up vegetarianism due to the discovery of my allergies: I can't eat soy, wheat, peanuts, eggs, shellfish, bananas, peaches and many other things.

Someone told me about Jackfruit.  They said I could cook with it in a similar fashion to tofu.

I was excited and ran to my favorite Asian Market in Aurora.  I love the people in this city because they are so friendly.  I had so many questions about the food, a kind young woman gave me a lesson on how to pick it out.  I picked out a beautiful one!.

Then I learned that the little threads that surround the meat contain latex.  She helped me so much, I had to buy it.  I couldn't put it back. 

I am deathly allergic to latex.  Even though I bought a Jackfruit for the children but I cannot touch it without going into anaphylactic shock. 

I'm very sad.

I'm going to have to subsist on whey protein powder, aren't I?

I can't live on beans and keep friends.

I moved to this city because the people are so friendly.  In fact, years ago, I told my story to a reporter and she did a little story about it.  I was involved in a hit and run.  That wreck destroyed my lower back and I lost 1/4" in height due to the injury.  I pulled over and cried until I could get my strength to drive to the nearest police station.  It turned out that a few people who witnessed the accident reported the details to the police for me.  They were looking for me. 

People were so kind, I bought a house.

I feel compelled to protect them.

I am realizing that I completed the protection ritual for the wrong segment of society.  I cast it for the police and fire department.  I need to cast it for the civilians within city limits. 


I awoke this morning to horrible news.

The police shot a man a few blocks from my home during a traffic stop last night.  The vehicle he drove looks very similar to the one I gave my ex after our divorce.  The shooting appears to have taken place across the street from the high school.

I went by the area looking for bullet holes.  I think I found one in a fence.

I saw nine bullet holes in the mini-van.  My neighbors said they heard about 9-10 shots.

I want to know why police officers are trained to think that this is 1925 Chicago.

Ten Colorado police officers have been shot so far this year: We've lost three police officers!

Why the bloodbath? 

I'm angry. 

The spokesperson for the police department won't say why the man was shot.  To me, that's a red flag.  When the shootings are justified, the excuse comes out immediately.

Someone, most likely made a mistake.

I want this to be the last mistake. 

This city just passed a law allowing police officers to pull people over for smoking in their vehicle with children present.  I saw the bullet holes in the van and wondered.....will this ever happen with kids present?

We have too many laws allowing motorists to be pulled over for silly things.  We need to limit these traffic stops to things that endanger others.  Traffic stops are dangerous.  We're endangering too many people - cops and citizens alike.

What can I do?

Do I research the sheer number of military veterans we hire for the force?  Do they need PTSD therapy?  They seem to be awfully quick on the trigger.  I know we hire many war veterans for our police force.

Is there a connection?

I want to understand why this is happening. 

Something is up.

Where does one start to research this?

This has to stop.

No more! 

Don't get me started on the Fourth Amendment violations that people of color face.  Some segments of society have a higher rate of death to due police officer mistakes than others.

I made the mistake of looking over my Facebook feed.

Female politicians, who I respect despite their differing political views.....were suggesting that male politicians of differing opinions step down because they allegedly pinched their butts or sexually harassed them.

When I asked for evidence, I was told of a completed investigation but offered nothing concrete.

After a few minutes of reflection, it dawned on me that this was simply a political ploy.   Both of my state representatives are women in the Democratic party.  They are calling for the resignation of these men who are, for the most part, conservatives.

Some of these men have actually tried to help domestic violence victims.  They are typically the only ones who answer my queries.

These women ignore me or scoff at me. 

When I've told them that police don't take stalking reports, they don't care.

They don't care that domestic abusers often find excuses to avoid child support.  They don't care that the State of Colorado has a program that actually helps abusers continue the financial abuse (even in cases where the woman was forbidden to work during the long-term marriage). 

When I told them that they need to make it easier for domestic violence and stalking victims to protect themselves, they scoffed.  They want to make it harder for domestic violence victims (and everyone else) to get guns and ammo.

It hit me.....they don't care about violence against women.  All they care about is power.  They going to use butt grabbing to get rid of the competition by shaming these guys into resigning.

They don't care about the real dangers facing their constituents. I don't like being grabbed either but when my stalkerish ex's brother in-law grabs me, somehow it's okay ( least according to the police who refuse to investigate and the politicians who don't want me to protect myself).

Maybe some women are worth being heard and others are worth being ignored.  Perhaps politicians consider themselves in the former category and sadly, I am in the latter. 

I hope they unfriended me on Facebook after I pointed that out.  I don't want to read their crap anymore.

Violence against women is often more than just butt grabbing; it is rape, it is domestic violence and is stalking.  What makes butt grabbing more important than being stalked, beaten and/or raped?

As frustrated as I am with these insight lacking women.....I am thankful for the lesson. 

I realize that I need to get back into activism. 

An older Pagan lady explained weight gain to me.  Weight gain is negative energy.  It is energy that is allowed to accumulate through depression, sadness and apathy.

Her take on it...well, if I start doing the things I want to do, the weight will fall off again.

I guess it's time to jump back into the fray.

Love ya,


Edit Two Days Later:  

The police department put up a press conference on YouTube.  I care barely hear it so I'm not sure exactly what they are saying.  It sounds like someone called in a complaint on a vehicle that looked similar to this one a couple of days prior to the shooting claiming that the driver brandished a gun.
The comments make it sound like the driver brandished a gun at the officer on another day right before he was shot.

One of the saddest things about these types of murders is that ...well....dead people cannot defend themselves.

I did find this snippet online.  Still....I think it will take unaltered body cam footage to explain the situation.

Whether or not this shooting is justified, I still think we have too many laws.   More laws mean more traffic stops.  More traffic stops often means more death.

I really don't think young men and women become police officers to "serve and collect."  That must be their purpose.  We've already seen that the police departments are not legally mandated to protect anyone.

Sad....but true.  We had a teaching moment in Castle Rock back in 2005.


Here is the real reason I am angry.  The story below is one that shakes one's trust.  It exposes the kind of crap that makes the force look bad.   This guy....well...he was a supervisor!!  His behavior was completely unjustified.

I wonder how much these types of incidents are leading to the distrust of police officers?

The government is not infallible.

The people must be vigilant.

Government officials must be accountable.

If I had a dollar every time I wondered "what are we paying for?"


I'd be incredibly wealthy.

Love ya,


even later.....

darn it...another death.  This time it was a police officer in Chicago.

details are sketchy.

This has got to stop.

Who is researching the reason for this? 






Thursday, February 8, 2018

Smart Stalking Victims Don't Use the Same Email Addresses

Today I am thankful that I change my email addresses several times a year. 

I just forward the mail from my old email addresses to the new ones.


managed to hack two email addresses I've used for over 20 years.

According to Msn and Hotmail, they were still signed into the accounts....

they even went so far as to change my recovery phone number.

The last people who hacked these accounts were my in-laws.

I found out, eventually, that they got my password from my ex-husband.

Sweeties -

I don't get email there.

Have fun trying to track me down.

If you still believe I'm a black magick witch,

it's a Thursday during a waning moon.

I'm all for bloodletting and cursing.

****** attention -

You've won.

You don't have to pay child support for at least 2 1/4 years.

No one I know about has even discussed defunding your champions over at CO-PEP - yet.

They've voted to defund the Colorado Civil Rights Commission.

Thank goodness - one should force artists to make art they don't want to make.

Right now, you've got it made.  You don't have to pay child support for a couple of years because you claim to have a drug or alcohol addiction.

If you had an opioid addiction, you wouldn't have crapped your pants so much when you lived here.  I know you're just hunting for an excuse to be lazy.  Claiming to be an addict gives you an excuse.

Just think....

In four years, all the kids will be out of the house and I'll be unable to collect the child support or even the judgement from the money you stole from me.

I'd're sitting pretty if you can stay outside of my radar for the next four years.

Why would you want to hack me and get my attention?

You know what will happen?

I'll sick that $400 an hour lawyer on you - you know, the one I retained when I thought I had stage 3 cancer.

Stay out of my way and you'll continue to win.

If I'm hacked again, prepare to pay the price - literally.

I'm shocked you guessed my password.

The stalking experts claim that narcissists are prone to attack around Valentine's Day.

I guess that's true.  The very first hacking attempt I became aware of was 2-14-2002.

It was the same email address, too.

That's okay.

I'm assuming you're trying to find out if I'm dating.

If it helps, I'm too busy working two jobs and hunting for a third to have a boyfriend.

My stalkerish ex would know that if CO-PEP lawyers hadn't stricken from the record who the other adult in my household is....

it's our daughter.

CO-PEP (the state of Colorado Child Support Deadbeat Excuse Making Program) thought that if the judge knew who the other adult was - their client wouldn't win his escape from child support.

The Colorado Child Support lawyers are too stupid to understand stalking and coercive control.  They don't understand why my ex needs to know that

there is no man in my life.

My ex doesn't have to worry about stalking me.

He should get the priests at his Christian rehab to pray for him - there is no proof I'm not going to play a little bit of black magic for him.


Oh....and the truth of the matter is that most of my life isn't online.

If I had a boyfriend, my ex couldn't find out by hacking my email or my phone.

I'm smarter than that!



Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Cancer Center Day

Today I am thankful that I have a battery of appointments at the local breast cancer treatment center.  

10:00 a.m. 

I leave in about 45 minutes.

I'm hoping for good news.

2:40 p.m. 

They found a lump.  The doctor believes it to be benign.

I'm just going to continue drinking my essiac tea....just in case.


Second opinions are always important!

I go back in six weeks for my final results.

Love ya,


Monday, February 5, 2018

Too Much Sharing

Today I am thankful for the realization that I share too much of myself online.  


I just had an alleged psychic email me on my business account. This person knew far too many details about my life.  This person even wrote about things I've never shared here.

The writer went on to tell me that I was taking on too many jobs and that I should focus on my life's passion....helping people through hypnotherapy.

That's probably good advice....

Then, this person, went on to make a few predictions about my life.

It was even predicted that I would marry a man of a certain ethnicity and certain age who hailed from the Tri-State Area. turns out that I have a Facebook friend of that exact age and ethnicity who hails from New Jersey.

Everything that was mentioned was posted to Facebook in the past eighteen months.

This is strange because I don't post very often and my friends list is set to private.

I'm going to bet that a Facebook friend is playing a prank on me.

My first instinct is to stop posting anything online.

Perhaps, rather, I should be thankful that someone I know is trying to make me smile?


Maybe it's just a sign and a signal to post a more recent photo of myself online.  This person is 20 years my junior!

I haven't posted a photo in four years.

I guess hiding my new appearance is unfair - especially after cutting up my face with glass.

Maybe I'm pretending to be someone I'm not on Facebook and attracting the wrong kind of attention.

I've been told that in real life, I give off the aura of an a-sexual.  Perhaps I'm not making myself boring enough online to encompass the truth about who I have turned out to me.



I don't think so.  The last person who proposed to me tried to choke me.

I like air too much.

Love ya lots,


Place for Documentation

  When I was a kid, I wanted to be a pilot.  My stepdad would talk about flying into Germany during World War II.  I'd spend my weekends...