Saturday, December 29, 2018

Truth is Grosser Than Fiction

Today I am thankful for rent-able dumpsters.


As my kids get older and start to age into adulthood, I am thankful that they are telling me things that they were afraid to tell me in their youth.

I am going to need to find a way to get a good job with health insurance so I can get them decent psych benefits.

I knew I needed to do this but I had no idea how bad it was.


I can't walk into the kitchen without wanting to vomit.

This evening, my 20 year old told me about her father

watching porn at the kitchen table



soiling the rug and the underside of what I thought was the lily white underside of my country oak kitchen table.

It was hinted that he did this in the living room, too.  So...the furniture and carpet have got to go.

I don't know if this is true or not.  Now, I have to consult with a professional to determine if this constitutes child abuse or neglect. I don't feel right quizzing the kids about this and need to find a professional to work with it.

I'm a mandated reporter.

Personally, I had an issue where some of ended up on my leg and I ceased to wear dresses around him.  The kids were not around when that happened.


this hurts.

Why would I assume it was just me who was abused in this way?  I don't know what to think.

I'm lost.

Why in the world would he...…?

This also makes me wonder if this has impacted our daughters' sexual orientation?

They don't date males.  I've got a few phone calls to make on Monday.

When this particular daughter was little, she said she caught him doing that in a chair in front of a computer.  I assumed it was in the basement home office and her viewing it was accidental.  She went into therapy shortly after the incident.

I never thought he did that in front of his laptop at the kitchen table or on the sofa.

This allegedly occurred after the divorce.

I regret not getting that restraining order now.  I was afraid of the restraining order being cited as evidence that I wasn't a friendly parent.  I was also afraid that it would make the stalking on the part of his family worse.


This daughter quit school last week because I cannot financially support her.  I can buy her food, clothes and provide free shelter.  I cannot afford to pay her school fees.

It breaks my heart.

It would be nice if someone could pay me the money he owes me.  It would be nice if he'd tell the truth about his income, even if he didn't - he could help by paying back the money owed.

He won't.

I need to find a third job.   I don't know how it happened but working full-time, I only grossed $28,000 last year.

I need to get back into private practice.  I still fear advertising because ads tend to bring out my ex-husband's family and their harassment.

It's overwhelming.

If only the gossip were true

and I had means to make wishes come true.....

How does a single mom without funds conjure a lawyer?


Christmas is also overwhelming.

It seems like every time I get near my family, I am inundated with information that takes me about six months to process.

It turns out that I am the 13th sister!  My father had at least 13 girls!  The boys are not part of this calculation.  I know I have half-brothers.

13 daughters!!!

It's hard for me to fathom.  Apparently some reporter is trying to track us all down.

I learned that I was hard to track down because of my name change.

Where does one get the energy to process all of this?

I'm thinking that my overarching theme of 2018 (if not my entire life)

is cleaning up the messes of disingenuous men and the patriarchy that supports them.

I'm trying to find the means to support my kids that my ex-husband refuses to support.

Now, I'm trying to carve out time for 12 siblings I did not know I had!

Everything is a blur.

I'm posting to say that I'm still alive and doing fine.

Life is a blur.

I'm unsure if I want to go into the addiction field as there is no money in it at all.  I'll keep working towards it but if I can't find a paying job soon in the next few months, I'll just go back into political advocacy and sales.

I think I made more money selling insurance than most of my professors make teaching.

Working as a perma-temp isn't a good idea when one is trying to get health insurance for the kids.  I was promised health insurance a year ago.  It will never materialize.  As much as I love the company I work for, it's time to move on.  The unions will solve the problem for other people.

Today I realized that I cannot afford to play the temp-employee string along game.  The kids need therapy!

So do I.

Besides, dealing with my family and ex is enough to make me feel crazy.   If they don't make me feel insane, talking to political peeps makes me think I need to get committed.

I'll try to explain.

Some of the crap people tell me about politicians is truly insane.  Many political ideas are so far removed from reality that I cannot help but laugh.

Who in the world is behind the assertion that Michelle Obama is a man?  It was actually Joan Rivers.  She's a comedian.  They tell jokes.  It is obviously a joke.

Sadly, people ran with it.

I laughed at someone for telling me that.

They tried to tell me that she was transgender.  So?  Good for her!

Someone told me that she adopted her kids.  As a former foster child, all that did was make me love her.  I can't stand her politics but if she is doing all that, what's not to love?

In the past, I've heard bullsh!t about local politicians.  I think people tried to spread bs in an attempt to get me to spread the lies and look like a gossipy bully.

With all the crap both parties are spreading about the other and the memories of someone I was fond of getting accused to groping the speaker of the house,

I'm really having a tough time fiquring out how to get involved while rising above the fray.

In the past, I made fun off the gossip about myself (not only from politicos but from my ex's family).

Now, the danger is that the gossip could take on a life of it's own.

We've seen how gossip taken as truth ruins lives.


I think the healthy thing to do is to take a time out from my new found family.  They do look like me but I don't know if I can deal with their stories...…

their stories about sex assault,



physical illness

and other traumas.

Rather than help my new found sisters process the trauma from my father,

I need to take time to focus on fixing the mess my ex-husband left for me.

First, I need to rent a dumpster and get rid of the furniture.

Secondly, I need to find a darn good job.

Third, I need to get a lawyer who isn't afraid of "crazy."  I had a lawyer tell me that people with "crazy" exes pay double the retainer.  Apparently the stuff my ex put in the divorce agreement signals "crazy" to the lawyers.

Only a "crazy" ex wants access to my home when I'm not here.  Ditto for refusing to allow the kids to speak to his parents.

No one knows about the emails.

It dawned on me that non-custodial parents will pretend to be crazy and non-cooperative to scare the custodial parent into failing to pursue financial remedies (e.g. child support, alimony, payment of judgments).  His latest round of emails scared me into thinking he was violently crazy and that he didn't have a solid grasp of reality.

The last lawyer hinted that stalking and domestic violence were signs of mental illness which prevented my ex from working a normal job and thus paying child support.  It isn't.  Domestic violence isn't a mental illness.  It's a symptom of patriarchy which results in men who will do anything to keep their perceived control over another person (or group of people).

It seems to me that the father's rights movement has infiltrated the court system.  In deconstructing some of their arguments, I've actually found ways that they can be taken down.  Taxpayers really shouldn't be funding welfare kings; these men get free food, free legal assistance, free housing, free therapy, free medical care and they do not need to qualify for these services.  There is no correlate for women.  Gender (as in biological sex) shouldn't be a qualifier for help.  Why is one sex exempt from income limits or work requirements?  Domestic violence victims rarely find free or low cost legal help.  Why does the government provide free lawyers for the civil/custody seeking actions of their abusers?

Something is off.

In time, the arguments will come.

I hope the new blood in the state house will see how skewed things have become.  It's hard to hold out much hope after what they did to their brethren last year.


One day at a time.  One step at a time.

I need to put my blinders on and focus on the kids.

That is the only way to live right now.

The last thing I want is for our girls to grow up like my new found siblings.

Love ya,


Edit 01/04/2019

After getting copied on an email where he expressed frustration to the county mediator because I want to follow the order to the letter, I went back through my diary.

He was fired one day after his company had a professional come into his office with black lights looking for biological material.

I'm thinking that maybe he was fired for the very thing my daughter accused him of doing.

Sad.....I wonder why he blames me?

As far as the mediation, I contacted the county years ago trying to do mediation to get him out of my house.  They told me that they could not do mediation with us due to the stalking and domestic violence.  I was told to get a lawyer.

I'd be shocked if they don't have a record of that.  He's engaging in more financial abuse now.  I'm not sure the case would be a good fit for mediation.

His need to control and his frustration over not getting his way makes us a poor fit for mediation.

I just got an email telling me that he's going to drop them off around 10:00 pm.  We agreed that the first visit they had in nearly three years would last from 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm.  I thought it would be a good reintroduction and a gentle path to him getting reacquainted with them.

All it did was remind me that he's manipulative.

I'm sure he's doing this to monopolize my time.  This is why he's supposed to follow the court order - so the kids and I can have a life of our own.

I have to say NO to mediation.  I need a lawyer.  

Friday, November 30, 2018

Dreams, Shamans and Goddess Meditations

Today I am thankful for the culmination of dreams, insight from other Pagans and a Goddess meditation.

First off, I was wrong.  Working 50 hours a week and attending school for 20 hours does not get rid of dreams of an old love.


I figure that if I understood what my subconscious mind was trying to say, the dreams would stop.

The dreams started in 1987.

They waned for a bit but came back with a vengeance on 11-5-2005.

For the first decade or so, the dreams were frightening.  In each dream, the subject would be injured.  The heartbreaking thing was that, invariably, the subject would wind up with these injuries in real life.

No, I had nothing to do with the injuries.

About three years ago, they turned into more personal dreams.  The only thing they do now is make me feel bizarre.  I can't be running around having subconscious imagery of a guy I rarely talk to anymore.

It would be very awkward to fun into his family now know.

To be fair, I had one dream that I would be comfortable recounting in public.  Last Saturday, I dreamt of this guy ordering breakfast at a fast food place.

Talk about incompatibility....


It's just a dream.

The dreams on Fridays scare me.  Last week, I dreamt of Isis watching us....


sharing a chair.....

which was too much for this prude person to dream about.

That dream....well.....that caused me to run to a couple of devotees of Isis.

I asked if it would be wise to meditate to the archetypal image of Isis and Horus (aka Mary and Jesus) to ask what in the world that dream meant.

There is absolutely no chance it meant what I saw.

I respect the man too much.

When we run into each other, he looks at me with love but I can sense that he is annoyed with me.

There is no way that we could be close on any level.  He'd need Xanax to put up with me.

Seriously.....there are more beautiful women in the world who won't drive him up a wall in a negative way.

There has to be another meaning to the dreams.


The first devotee told me to light some incense and leave an offering of fish for the cats at the crossroads.

The second devotee told me that her spirit guide, Inanna, suggested that I stop avoiding this guy in order to pursue the meaning.  Well....I won't run away but I won't stir up old wounds.

It seems to kill him to look at me.  He looks at me a combination of boyish wonder, love and annoyance.

Uh....I'm not good for him.

It's hard to watch the way his face contorts in my presence.

With that in mind, I meditated to Inanna.

Given that I'm a crazy Constitutionalist, I actually have a statue of her*.

Inanna is the Mesopotamian goddess of love and war.  She is also known as Ishtar and the precursor to Aphrodite and Venus.

She is a bad ass.  Most sculptures of her feature a voluptuous woman, carrying a scepter with each leg riding on the back of a lion.

Many Pagans believe that Inanna is the model for the Statue of Liberty.  In fact, the beloved sculpture wears the crown of Ishtar. It's easy to find an idol of this form of Ishtar.

I meditated.

I think I have my answer.

The dreams are distractions intended to keep the nightmares about my stalkerish ex and his family at bay.

I literally remember a powerful feminine voice stating

"You're a divine being! Don't waste your life on the drama of small men."

That's fitting.

I've literally spent my entire adult life cleaning up the messes of men be they my father, my ex-husband or the idiot who was given custody of my sister.

I tire of the bullshit.


I've done more meditating.  I finally realize why I'm having those dreams.

This is going to sound crazy


my first love was the only guy who understood the need for time to work on projects.

I have him pegged as an INTP.  He told me he was an INTJ.

Either way -

he's introverted,


intelligent and can't tolerate stupidity.

He has personal projects that he becomes engrossed in.

He didn't expect me to cling to him 24/7.

That allowed me free time to draw, study and engage in personal projects.

I've had two serious relationships and dated one other guy in the 31 years since we broke up.

The guys who followed him expected me to be a shallow, one dimensional human-being.  I was only allowed to exist to serve their needs.  Anything I tried to do on my own was, for the most part thwarted.

The guy who followed him trashed my musical instruments (including the bass my dad gave me).  He would tear up my college textbooks.  One day, when I had a final exam, he promised me a ride to school and dropped me off 20 miles away.  He didn't drop me off, I opened the door at a stop light and jumped out of the truck when I recognized where we were.

My ex-husband had his sister stalk me on campus and his friends harass me at volunteer gigs.  He also played games with money and vehicles making it hard for me to commit to work.  That relationship quickly moved to financial abuse.

Steve just badmouthed me to anyone I knew when I wouldn't do what he expected me to do.

These guys created drama when I wouldn't behave the way they expected me to behave.

Why would anyone want to live like that?

I don't.

Perhaps that is why I don't want to date.  I seriously don't want to serve some egotistical asshole who is going to just ruin my credit, destroy my belongings and steal from me.

I have far too many things to do now.

Why would I play around with an idiot when I have a recording studio and an easel in my bedroom?

I've got far too many things to do right now.

I don't know if grown men can ever understand the introverted woman's need for creative time.


It's Friday.....

let's see if the dreams are finally put to bed.

I'm old....

too old for love and romance.

The only things that make me happy and excited are my bass guitar and my microphone.

I don't think I'll find any man who makes me as excited as my first love - music and art.

Love ya,


Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Pretending to be Anti-Social

This song has been stuck in my mind all day.  I have no clue why.  The answer will probably arrive in my dreams around 3:33 in the morning.

Today I am thankful that I realize that the more I try to not be myself, the more of my personality tends to leak out.  

Years ago, I started writing down bizarre thoughts that I had.  I used my real name.  One of the thoughts actually made it into another author's book.  Just a line....he sent me a copy. 

I treasure that. 

When the stalking became frightening, I started to use a childhood nickname.  To prove to myself how ludacris the gossip about me was, I began to write as though I were the person in the stories. 

There is an inherent challenge in writing fictional type things.  First, the issue is of the environment.  Environments have to be believable.  For a fictional background to be believable, the environment is the story has to be consistent.  The best way to do that is to model the environment off of real life.  That is what I've done.  

The second challenge is to decide which gossip to include and what to ignore.  I've been accused of crazy crap (threatening my mother-in-law, wanting to kill poor people and all that stuff).  I decided not to include illegal crazy crap because anything so outside of my experience would be unbelievable and I'd have a hard time being consistent with it. 

The witchcraft thing, I ran with that.  It's partially based in truth.  I'm very spiritual but not so stupid as to believe that I could control Demons, Daemons and dark phantoms.   I've been told that people are afraid that I can do that.  It's funny so I put it in. 

If you saw the car I drive and the condition of my home, you'd know I don't have those powers.  Solomon was said to have had power like that - they say the Djinn built him temples. 

I have a beat up old house - so....come to your own conclusions about my power or lack thereof. 

I quickly realized that the stuff of my life was very strange and could easily be put in the story.  It is a tad bit too bizarre to be believed.  This blog (and the three that preceded it) have become a way for me to keep track of frightening events and dates.   I still have trouble believing what happened.

I hope that some of the stuff that I was told is true is actually fiction.  Yes, my hope is to find out that I was lied to about my in-laws dying.  

It's funny to see how much truth ends up in the stupid thing.  My step-father used to tell me that fact is stranger than fiction.

It certainly is. 


I started off my day visiting the Native American herbal shop to stock up on supplies for the winter.  Then I went to a new age shop to buy more herbs and inquire about a new office space.  I found myself relating a story about buying a vintage washer in the very spot my mother died.  I had been hunting for a 1970's era Whirlpool without success.  I found one on Craigslist and nearly fainted when the seller gave me the address.

It was in the kitchen where mom first lost consciousness on 02-14-84. 

For the past few weeks, I'm told that the cat will stare at the washing machine.  The cat is beginning to get very attached to me.  The childish part of me wonders if mom is visiting the cat.  

The adult part of me hopes she passed into the light.  

I look exactly like my mom, too.  My uncle faints when he sees me in public.  I used to have an office next door to an office his grandson owned.  Whenever I heard the name "Carol" and an accompanying thud, I knew my uncle was nearby.  

I bought some incense to keep the house peaceful.  I had the thought that I should play some Crystal Gayle and Linda Ronstadt, too.  Mom loved country music.  

The music will probably drive the kids out of the house. 


Life is too short.  

I have decided to stop wishing people happy birthday in the hopes that I will always see them as ageless. 

Yesterday was hard..... I imagine an old friend as living in Paradise, happily married with all the great things life has to offer. 

Sadly, Paradise has burned.  They're expecting rain.  After a fire, rain can lead to mudslides. 

The last place I knew he lived is suffering in smoke.  He has asthma.  

I'm embarrassed to say that over the past two weeks, this guy has had me on my knees more than any other guy at any point in my life.   

I'm serious. 

Thankfully, he'll never know about all of the prayers. 

I wonder what you were thinking? 

Oh.....sadly, I'm too darn busy for that.

It's weird.....once I went six years without it, I find that I really don't miss it any more.

Not having intimacies really gives one quite a bit of time to focus on other things.  

There is so much going on and I don't have enough time to do any of it. 

I had an idea that I brought to my favorite health care company.  I haven't had a chance to research it yet.

I love this company!  They're inspiring me to work on it.  

If they take it off my hands, the idea will belong to them so I probably shouldn't talk about it. 

If they don't, this could very well wind up being my dissertation.

School always changes my personality.  

I think I'm more INTJ than INFJ right now.  That happens when I'm in school.  

I think the technical MBTI term for my personality type is INXJ. 


On the bright side, when my Thinking function is heightened, I don't have filthy dreams any more. 

I should do more research.! 

Yes, I'm exhausted.  When I'm tired, my writing is choppy.  

There are a couple of other things bugging me.  I should write about triggers and wanting to do something about them. 

There are far too many domestic violence deaths.  The latest one really bothers me.  It is far too close to home.

Far too many abusers are winning custody of their kids and murdering them. 

The more I meditate on my experiences with stalking and domestic violence, the more I think about ways to solve the problem. 

The only thing the libertarian in me is thinking is that it is time to defund the Fatherhood Initiative/   This is where the funds to pay for my ex's three lawyers to gut his child support came from.  Those lawyers chastised me for caring for our daughter in college.  They also submitted a letter to my attorney stating that my ex was an alcoholic in a  religious rehab center (which is immune from state licensing requirements).  My ex denies being a drinker.  I've never seen him drink -but- that letter is enough to spare him from having to support the kids.

I thought that men couldn't voluntary under employ themselves to stop supporting their kids.  I guess, according to CO-PEP, they can.  Oh, and I don't get the privilege of having a lawyer (or three) provided to me because I'm female.

The government really shouldn't be funding a group that only helps one gender.  Abusers lie.  All they did was give more power to an abusive stalker.  The kids and are I paying for it.  Yeah, it's better to be a single mother in the poor house than a mother in mourning.  I'll eat the financial loss.   Truth be told, I've paid twice as much in legal fees than I have received in child support since we filed for divorce.  If the government is paying for his lawyers, he can fight long and hard.  I have to support the kids so I have to cut my losses.  

I hate to say it, but, the Fatherhood Initiative certainly makes a heck of a lot of excuses for abusers.  I'm hearing stories from lawyers where they are pressured to cave to the demands of deadbeat dads.  One lawyer, lost his license because he wouldn't back down.

The government putting children at risk due to some paternalistic notion not rooted in science? Uh....the taxpayers should not be paying for that.

When these guys gut their child support and the moms and kids wind up on welfare....well...the taxpayers shouldn't be paying for that either.

I've given up on my ex doing the right thing for the kids.  Karma will catch up to him.  

If I can find the time, I'll post. 

When a liberal is triggered, he or she will want to ban free speech and guns. 

When a conservative is triggered, he or she will want to ban personal activities. 

When a libertarian is triggered, he or she will want to gut government funding. 

I've been triggered since I got those rude and abusive emails from my ex-husband. 

Today I thought about sharing information that he'll probably want 20 years from now.  It would save him a heck of a lot of money and provide him current pictures of the kids


I don't want him to have another abusive in. 

It's sad when I can't pass along helpful opportunities for freebies (free to him - not me) out of concern he'll start harassing me. 

I wish people could play nice.  


Today was a very strange day.

I think I inadvertently flirted with a single dad today. 

We were at the store. 

I was trying to sneak down the baking aisle to get some stevia sweetener.   There was a man there who was very apologetic.  

He apologized that his cart was supposedly in my way. 

He was on the phone apologizing because he couldn't find the baking powder. 

I realized that I didn't have any baking powder and that the kids would want to bake over the holiday, so I beckoned him to follow me while I reached up on the shelf and grabbed a jar. 

The crap has aluminum in it but I didn't have time to go to the health food store. 

He apologized for taking the jar I offered him! 


I ran around and picked some last minute items: salad, tomatoes, mushrooms, feminine hygiene products, cinnamon rolls (yeah....I know)… cream....(yes....that's even worse)… soda (yeah....I'll probably take ten years off my life with that stuff). 

Several minutes went by.  The store was incredibly crowded.  I'm chatting with clerk and paying for my loot when the man pushes through line, runs up to me and asks my opinion about a baking pan. 

I wasn't familiar with the brand.  It didn't seem to be a good pan so I told him that I didn't know and asked the clerk for his opinion.  

The man explains that the person he was talking to on the phone was his daughter.  Then he apologizes for bothering me and the crowd pushes their way in front of him.  

I finish paying for the groceries and leave. 

Here is the weird thing about it - 

his voice is incredibly familiar.  

I think I've met him before.

I finally was able to buy a new pair of glasses ($100 at Costco....seriously.....).  Everyone looks amazing now that I can see them!

Maybe I know him but couldn't recognize him.

If so, I'm sure I'll find out about it soon.


Today was a weird day.  

I'm trying to process it all.  

It's time for me to go back on my knees and pray for an old friend and the wife and kids I hope he's acquired in the past six or so years.  

My daughter is right.  It's dumb to avoid people because of a fear of ruining relationships that they may not even have. 

Perhaps I learned the wrong lesson from the stalking.  I learned to isolate myself and not act in ways that cause other people to potentially feel insecure.  I'm probably taking those lessons a tad bit too far. 

This may not make sense.  I've averaged four hours of sleep per night over the past two weeks. 

It'll be interesting to reread this with a clearer head. 

All in all....I think there was a lesson today:   

The only thing this day taught me is that I need to stop being anti-social, take time to work on the projects that really speak to my heart and truly take time to listen to people. 

It seems that I'm always in a hurry and don't give enough time and attention to the people that surround me.  

There are so many beautiful souls in my midst.  Perhaps I should start treating them with more of my time and attention.

There is truly so much to think about..

Love ya,


Saturday, November 17, 2018

The Beauty of Fear

Don't fear the darkness.  The darkness helps us appreciate the light. 

Today I am thankful that I still embrace my anger and remember my fear.

Don't take advice from Muppets.

Sure, fear and anger leads to suffering.  Many people who suffer and work through it want to prevent others from suffering, too.

Today I was reminded of something I have to do in this city that is left undone.

I haven't solved the issue of the police ignoring stalking victims.

Yes.  I've felt fear.  I've been upset, anxious and freaked out so much that I'm probably too cool now.  I'm told I have a calming influence.

It's true.  Nothing freaks me out any more.  I don't think anything can compare to the experiences I've had from my ex-husband and his family.

This is why I learned to shoot.

I will never feel helpless again.

Fear isn't necessarily a bad thing.

In my mind, fear is the beginning of a journey.  It gives you strength to right a wrong.

If one is going to take advice from a fictional Sci Fi Character, I'd prefer the words uttered by Peter Capaldi's Dr. Who.

Fear makes you stronger.

Sure, fear often leads to anger.

Anger makes you act.

INFJs like to act to prevent injustice.

A little over a week ago, my ex sent me taunting emails claiming that I was lying about the stalking.  I showed them to a couple of lawyers who each suggested a restraining order.  I may have to do that.


I never did that before because I don't trust the judicial system.  Without police reports, judges don't often give permanent restraining orders.  In family court, restraining orders are seen with suspicion.

I don't want to be accused of parental alienation.  I know the game.  Guys will demand visitation with very little notice on times that are not typically in the visitation schedule.  They may do this once or twice every few years.  If they are asked for child support, they'll point to the one or two times they do this and cry "parental alienation."

I'm being set up for that now.

I fear a restraining order will only embolden my ex to make that claim against me.

Thankfully, I no longer delete the creepy emails.

I don't feel sorry for my ex.  I see the game.

I'm not sure I'm angry at him.

I'm very thankful I got away.

I had a therapist tell me a long time ago that 'one doesn't know the truth until one gets away from the narcissist.'

This was echoed years later by an Aurora cop.  As much as the police here don't like to take stalking reports, they are incredibly astute.  I had one tell me to get my ex out of my house.  That officer was right, once he left it would be easy to see through the ruse.


Today I'm taking a post graduate course on women and trauma.  The homework was to look up Colorado stalking laws.

I heard myself utter for the entire class to hear.  Sadly, laws are only as strong as the police who fail to enforce them.


I was reminded of the numerous times I called the police when my sister-in-law or her boyfriend harassed me in public.  The police blamed my ex-husband but refused to take reports.

They claimed he was messing with my head.

They told me to get a restraining order.

Without a police report, I couldn't do that.

I wasn't pissed off until I met another woman in the same situation and ran to the victim's advocates office angry as hell.  I can understand why the police don't want to take reports from an anti-tax advocate.

I didn't understand why they didn't want to take reports from her.

I yelled.

I had someone at the police department call me back.  I told her that I'd give this woman her name and ask that she call her.  If I heard of another case, I'd go public with my story.

It was only then they offered to help me.  By that time, I'd hired a private attorney to help me solve the problem.  It cost $10,000 to get this guy away from me.

The woman saw me three days later and told me that the police finally took a report.  Her stalker was arrested and she was taking the opportunity to change her life - she lost her home and her job.  She was safe.

Here is the thing that makes me angry....

I shouldn't have had to complain!

They should have taken a report.

Maybe I need to jump back in the game and raise awareness of the issue despite my ex's attempts to shut me up.

Someone has to speak out.

Not everyone can put a pentagram on her doorstep to keep the stalkers at bay.

Sometimes gossip is a good thing.


The anger is where I get my energy.

I may as well put it to good use.

I find it to be quite empowering.

Perhaps I should look for ways to solve the problem of uneducated police officers and idiotic lawmakers who think that if a law is written; police will enforce it.

Yeah....there is a woman's bathroom lurking male Democrat representing Englewood who argued with me over that.  He believes police will enforce all the stalking laws.  He's lucky he's never been on the receiving end of a stalker or abuser.  If he had, he'd know better.

Sigh.....I learned a long time ago that people in power live by different rules than the rest of us.  There will be a day when he won't be so powerful, he'll be on the receiving end of the horrible laws he's put forth.

It's up to the rest of us to educate him before he sees the impact of his stupidity with regard to civilian life.  There will be a day when he'll be too old to fix his mistakes.

I need to find a group to fight the crazy lefty gun laws.  They only see the kids dying at schools due to their lack of caring enough to help put together a safety plan.  Banning guns won't prevent gun shootings at school.  We need to look at safety processes in public schools.

The Democrats are too stuck on that trauma to see that gun control leads to genocide.  Take it from someone raised by a Cherokee step-father and a German-Jew grandmother.

As they say, those who refuse to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
Love ya,


Next day edit:  I was in class and asked to draw trauma from my life.  Most of my trauma involved death or severe bodily injury...

murder of my mom...

my step-dad shooting the cat...

my step-dad playing Russian Roulette with my sister and killing himself....

My aunt's cancer that took her life (we were close, I lived with her when I was a toddler)….

My rapist and the downhill spiral of his life which he blamed me for (it was my fault, I told his wife)…

A very short relationship in which I was put in the hospital on a weekly basis....

The only thing sticking in my mind is my ex-husband's abuse and his family's stalking.....

When I drew it, I found myself drawing a police car in front of my house.

Sure.....the police department never wanted to take reports


two years before it became very frightening,

they stationed police cars outside of my house on a daily basis (between 2009-2010).

I thought it was because I was an activist.

I learned, after the election in 2011, that they station police cars in front of homes of citizens they are worried about.  It serves a dual purpose as it gives the police a place to do paperwork and gives a potential victim peace of mind.

It bothered me.  There was one day when I spied the police car running and no police around.

I was frightened that something had happened to the officer and called dispatch.

The Sargeant explained that everything was okay.  I asked them to stop parking in front of my home.

They've never been here since that day.

I realize now what was going one -

they knew more than I did about the situation based on my ex's employment with the city.

The problem, though, is that he never smacked me around or beat me up.

He hit walls.

He had his family and friends threaten me in public.

When I ignored all of this, they harassed the most vulnerable people in my life (elderly people and clients).

That was when I had to give up my life to keep the peace.

Winning via control is temporary.  An abuser cannot keep someone down forever.

Even after I had him removed from the house, I still didn't want to believe my ex was behind it.

With each obnoxious email and court case, the realization that he is behind it became stronger.

I now know that he is having difficulty ceding control.

There are days when.....

I truly want to put some of my forbidden knowledge to use.

I've been fighting that urge for the past week.  There is no need for me to hex, curse or wish ill upon a control freak with stalking tendencies.  Their own evil behavior will lead them to ruin faster than anything I or any dark ritual could do.

I decided today to simply pray.  I pray all of the players see the beauty of the divine within them.

Someday I'll donate money to that former councilwoman who sent me a message.  She simply wrote

"I hope better for you."

She may not have been aware of the illegal behavior on the part of the City Attorney's office.  She doesn't understand that taxes can have negative implications for the lowest income earners in society and that playing shell games with the general fund cause distrust among citizens.

She's not stupid nor is she uncaring.

With that in mind, I wish the same for her.



Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Honest Lawyers

Today I am thankful for honest lawyers.

So....I met with a lawyer today.

I'm going to give him a rave AVVO review because....well....he's honest.

He gave me free advice, which is rare and spent about 50 minutes with me.   My ex has been emailing me wanting the tax credit.  I learned today that despite signing an agreement he can take it every other year, he cannot so long as the kids live with me the majority of the time.  He can also never take it if he is in arrears.

That is worth the good review.  I would have paid a consultation fee for the answer to that question.

The lawyer looked at my divorce decree, the parenting plan and the contempt citations.

I'll need a $10,000 retainer.  It may cost upwards of $20,000 to proceed.

He said there are reasons why the cost will be so high -

I expected to hear the reasons as

"the other party doesn't cooperate (which runs up costs)."

I didn't hear that.

I heard "he can try to claim parental alienation" because of the day he gave me a couple of hours notice and expected me to drop out of class to drive them to a theater to wait for him.  He didn't want to pick up the kids.  I have to bring them.

I couldn't cut class.  If I did, I wouldn't have a job.

The other reason made me laugh.

It was

"[My ex-husband's] family is crazy."

The lawyer pointed out something my ex put in the parenting plan forbidding me from allowing the kids to meet his relatives without his consent.

I replied, "he claims his relatives are dying off."

Which they, allegedly, are.

I realize now, my ex was behind the stalking.  If his relatives met our adult children, the relatives may reveal information that would be damaging to the image the kids have of their father.  This is probably why my ex put that in the order.  People who do not talk cannot compare notes.

His relatives are probably just as victimized as we were.

I understand where the lawyer is coming from.

Too many lawyers and judges have been attacked and shot at in the past.  When I was kid, we didn't have heavy security in the courthouse.

Now we do.

I thought that was brutally honest.

***I left with the impression that a narcissist can pretend to be an alcoholic and he will be able to skate out of child support.  He won't have to pay back any of the $67,000 he owes me in judgments plus an additional $9,000 in child support arrears.

He's free.  It would be a losing proposition.  If one is willing to turnip-ize himself, there is little I can do.

I don't think he can successfully claim parental alienation.  He sent me an email last year thanking me for having the kids wish him a happy birthday.

I didn't ask them to do it this year due to the bizarre emails I received from him.  His anger makes him dangerous.

The lawyer gave me other names.

I know of a couple of divorce coaches, I'll ask their opinions.  One of them is coaching me as to the ways one can educate lawmakers about domestic violence and the divorce process.

Maybe I can ask her opinion on the names of lawyers who are less skittish.

As for my ex,

It's a good thing I'm religious.

It looks like I'm back at square one....relying on my faith.

You know, as I dug through the piles and piles of divorce documentation, I found four letters from my ex.  He'd write me letters before we divorced after he screwed up and left the house.  In these letters, he'd promise me the moon and the stars.  He'd promise that the stalking would stop and that he'd get therapy.

Of course, that didn't happen while he was in the house.  The weird thing about the letters is that he actually admits to telling his family inappropriate things about me.  He also admits that this led to the stalking.

I am incredibly thankful that I didn't share those with the lawyer.  The whole situation is crazy.  Those letters can never be construed as truth but they are good for me to refer to when I'm getting emails calling me a crazy liar by claiming I'm making up the stalking incidents.

The things that happened in that relationship are so crazy, that talking about it makes me sound insane.  This lawyer did one very kind thing for me today - he let me know that  he's in family law and that he's heard worse.

I feel sorry for the people behind those unshared stories.

So, the remainder of the day will be devoted to my hunting down therapists for the kids.  I want them to grow up to kick men who play games to the curb quickly so they don't get caught up in expensive traps.

And, I'll light some of my religious candles, too.

Love ya,


***Disclaimer:  I will say that narcissistic people have a bizarre charisma about them that allows them to get away with stuff.  I will also say that 90% of us do not have that type of charisma.  If you have a conscience, don't try to under-employ yourself or act like a loser to get out of your responsibilities. Most people cannot get away with that kind of crap so it's not worth trying.

Friday, November 9, 2018

A Disturbing Daydream

Today I am thankful that I make notes of the little sensations I have during slow moments. 

At around 11:11, I felt an old presence next to me.  I felt the sensation of someone tussling my hair and felt a kiss on my forehead.

In a moment it was gone.

I've had these sensations in the past when people I've loved had passed.

As of this writing, I know of no one who is dying.

That's not true, I have a half-sister who is dying.  I've never met her. When we were kids, she refused to speak to me.  She reached out a couple of months ago but I've not been able to connect with her given school and work.   She's my age.  It's upsetting for me to realize that my birth stole her father away from her.  He was married to her mother legitimately.  He lied about his name on the marriage certificate with my mom.  As hard as my life was, it's hard to imagine the pain my sister is in.

I need to carve out a day to spend time with her.

My aunt had a near death experience two weeks ago.  I work for her doctor and I know he'll do everything in his power to keep her alive.  She's alive and kicking now....I mean truly, obnoxiously kicking.

I am at a loss as to who my subconscious mind is worried about.

I'm fairly certain recognize the presence.

It was male.

I could be wrong.

I pray it was a fluke.

Love ya,


Edit: Sunday 11/11/2018 (in numerology, the date translates to 11-11-11) It's Sunday.  I've visited the pagan store, bought my ritual oils and am praying.  I know numerous people in California.  Some have not checked in since the wildfires.  I'm nearing the point of reaching out to each and every silent friend I have out there.

It'll break my heart if someone I care about is spending time at a shelter tonight and living in fear and discomfort.

Love you lots,


Edit: Thursday 11/15/18 - so far, so good.  Nearly everyone is accounted for. Whew!

It's good to be wrong.



Wednesday, November 7, 2018

The Impact of Gaslighting: Confidence Erosion

Today I am thankful that the ratio of assholes to kind people in my life is around 1 in 50. 

I am also thankful for the insight of a former supervisor, a local politician and my current supervisor.

I found my dream job.  This job was one I wanted since I was seventeen years old.  I've always wanted to work on a suicide hotline.  It started after I was sexually assaulted and didn't where to turn.

I always wanted to be like the voice on the other end of the line.


A little over a year ago, I lost my job and went to a political meeting to complain about my neighbors being evicted and made homeless over the parking in front of my home.  I mentioned to the man who would become mayor that I had time to engage in politics because I had no job and thought that a volunteer gig would keep me out of trouble.

He suggested that I consider getting a job on a crisis line.  I never thought they paid.  He told me that they did.

Of course, I'm a dolt.  I didn't believe him.  As a single mom not getting child support, I needed money so I put it off.

Now, of course, I owe the taxpayers at least $2,700.00 so I started to look into ways I can volunteer to pay it back, so to speak.  I don't really owe the money, it was a gift from the taxpayers because I'm poor.  The city paid to cut down a tree on the property line.

I may be cash poor but there are things I can offer.

A decent human being will strive to pay it back.

I liked the idea of working on a crisis line so much, that I went back to school to brush up on my skills.  I should finish with my classes by mid-January.

Enter the perfect job, answering calls on a crisis line.

It pays less than what I make now at my temp job.  I only get 24 hours per week (which is better than the 18 I'm promised at the health care company I work at now).

If I hold the job for two years, I will be able to sit for the Addiction Counselor Licensure examination.

When I read of that job, I reached out to three of my former supervisors at call centers and a psych professor and asked for references.

I am lucky that they all agreed.

Now, last week, I had to contact my ex to ask permission to get our kiddo a counselor.  During the divorce, I agreed to give him joint custody and it is illegal for me to get her psychiatric care without his permission.

This has opened up a barrage of hateful emails which, basically, call me mentally ill for talking about his family's stalking.  They've been harassing me since 1992. I didn't call it stalking until 2011, after one of my ex's relatives roughed up the billing clerk at my office building.

He told me that I had no evidence of the stalking and that I was making it all up.  He told me that the proof was that I didn't get a restraining order.

He went on and on telling me that I'm insane and that no one believes me.  He went on to state that he plans on cutting the child support further.  He also stated that he wouldn't see the kids because of my "allegations of stalking" and that I needed to have them call him between 11:00 am and 1:00 pm on days they are in school (it is NOT going to happen).

I think I'm being set up to be accused of parental alienation.

It's now to the point where I have to take out a $5,000 loan to hire an attorney to deal with his abuse.

A strange thing happened when he started to criticize me.  I started to doubt my reality.

I literally had to find the box where I stored the threatening phone messages and letters from his family.

I had to make sure that I still had the depositions from the city where the attorney stated he took time off from work to pick me up (how he knew where I would be is bizarre).

I had to make sure I had documentation from the therapists, names of police officers, emails from my insurance company, pictures, the cameras that I had recording the area around my computers, various screenshots of his computer attaching itself to my computers, my phone records and the numerous other things that I had collected over the years.

I nearly wrote to the psychiatrist friend who was with me when my ex watched us drink coffee in 2009.  I don't think Tom remembers the two people watching us eat lunch on 1-11-11 (Doug and Shannon - my sister-in-law and her fiancée).  I doubt Steve will vouch for Shannon watching us drink tea on 11-26-13.

Thankfully, there are other people.

I can always find my former office mates, too.  I'm sure there is still documentation in my educational file from graduate school documenting Shannon trying to get a job in the psychology department circa 2002 to "force [me] to talk to her."  I probably still have the email of one of my professors warning me.  Of course, the other professor still lives across the street from me.

I'm not sure if the DA's office still has information pertaining to my internship and harassment by my ex's friend while I was working (how his friend knew I worked there is beyond me....okay, my ex told his friend...this friend murdered his infant daughter so I did not want to talk to him and risk him getting away with it - he managed to get away with murder....sadly).

My family has been around for quite a bit of it.  I know they can describe his relatives following us around on numerous occasions.

I know what happened.  He knows what happened.  If he doesn't understand how transparent it is, all I have to do is remind the judge that he refused to move out of my home for 3 years, 2 months and 5 days after he was court ordered to leave despite numerous attempts at mediation and notices posted on the door.

If that doesn't say obsessive stalker, I really don't know what does.

That is part of our divorce record.  After that bs, I KNOW he was behind all of the stalking (especially after he admitted to telling his cousin where to find me and learning that she shared it with the rest of the family).

The only reason I didn't get a restraining order against him is that I didn't want to be accused of custody interference.  If the emails don't stop and if the harassment ensues, I may have to get one.

Sad, isn't it?


I am finding myself questioning everything that I do.  I double check the clock to make sure I'm on time.  I re-read instructions to make sure I'm not messing up.  It's as though I do not trust myself.

My current supervisor called me out on it.

A former supervisor mentioned that I lacked confidence while my ex was in my house.

That was a light bulb moment.

I can't afford my ex's bs any more.  I really shouldn't have to endure harassment when I'm trying to honor the court orders.

I'd rather not have to hire an attorney and get a restraining order.

Right now, I have to find $700 for school testing fees for the kids.  I really don't have time or money to engage his baloney.


That is an interesting insight, isn't it?  Abusers and gaslighters cause us to doubt our reality and then, in turn, cause us to lose our confidence.


There is no reason to tolerate crap from any one.  I should be glad he's far away because if he's engaging in mind-fuckery with me, just imagine what he'd do to the kids.

I'm back to interviewing attorneys and looking for a second mortgage to pay the legal fees.

This is insane.

Stay away from abusers.  They do you no good.  We are responsible for our own happiness. They are responsible for their own happiness.  If they claim you're a bad person or if they blame you for their own shenanigans, get away from them and let them find someone else to pin their bad behavior on.

The further you get away from an asshat, the more clarity you will receive about the situation.

Love ya,


Tuesday, October 23, 2018

The Problem of Binding Spells

Today I am thankful for self-control. 


Over the past couple of years, I've seen countless self-proclaimed witches who cast spells in an attempt to bind politicians.


Seriously, if you know anything about the craft, why would you bind yourself to someone that you can't stand?

Witches use binding for love.

They are used to bind themselves to other people.

This, in and of itself, is unethical.  It is controlling.  Imposing your will on another human being is just, plain flat out wrong.

I can imagine that love binding spells create stalkers.

I've never cast such a spell.  I had a stalker; a guy would lie to his family and they followed me around for years.

It destroyed my life.

You NEVER want that.


There are people who will claim, well......that they want to bind Donald Trump from

pinching women's asses,

taking away abortion rights,

killing Mexicans

and letting businesses cut down all the trees and smother the planet in pollution.

(I never realized how little I pay attention to the liberal rhetoric until I tried to type it out)

I think the general idea is that they claim Trump is a racist, sexist man who wants us all to gag on the emissions from big business.

I don't see him that way at all.  I see him just as I see the Democrats.

He panders to people who squawk loudly and has the most money to give to his causes.

It's the nature of politics.

You have to have a certain level of narcissism to get where he is.

This is beside the point.

There are people out there who think they can cast spells binding Donald Trump from doing what they consider to be harmful.

The problem is that their idea of harmful is going to differ from another group's idea of harmful.

These people are gathering to allegedly cast spells to impose their will on Donald Trump and, most recently, Judge Kavenaugh.

There is a problem with that.

When we bind our will to another person, we join a part of our energy with them.

Why in the world would someone want to attach themselves to someone they can't stand?

I've read some of the spells.  They're laughable.  For the most part, they're nonsensical.

If I have more time, I'll deconstruct a few of them.

Even if they're not real,

there is a danger for the people in the group.

Getting yourself riled up to the point of rage over an idea is not cathartic at all.

It makes us angry.

It makes us prone to use our anger in unhealthy ways.

It takes away our peace of mind.

Cathartic expressions of anger do not do anything to resolve the source of our anger so it is just a waste of time.

If we believe we've bound our will to someone we hate, well, that becomes a part of us.

It's a waste of time.

I'll put this out into the universe.

I don't curse people.  I have lit two black candles for unknown people who have tried to break into my house, vandalized my property or sent me threatening messages (both of people have died before the candles burned down of undiagnosed cancer).

I've learned to pray for people.

The final time I did that to get away from my unknown stalker, I prayed that this person did not die.  The candle wax burned into the face of a man who resembled my ex-husband.

He lost his job the very next day.

It turns out he was talking to the relatives who were following me around on a daily basis and was telling them lies about me (e.g. he said he told his mom that I wouldn't let him go to college to get her off his back when she was allegedly hassling him over it).  His family harassed me to help him stay in control of me.  It cost me jobs, leases and other opportunities.  It destroyed my life on a short-term basis.

As an aside, my sister-in-law had a firearm.  She menaced a neighbor with it.  She didn't care about the law (if she did, she wouldn't have done that nor would she have stalked me).  The game changer was when I took a CCW class.  I will ALWAYS believe in the second amendment.  Any politician who believes that women shouldn't protect themselves is delusional at best.

Worse are those politicians who think Red Flag laws will protect people from danger.  Abusive people LIE about their victims to get them into trouble. Getting someone professionally diagnosed with a mental illness (even PTSD over their abuse) is a form of control.  Getting them in trouble with the law is a form of control.  Keeping a victim from protecting herself or her family will help the abuser retain control.

Let me paraphrase what one of the AG Colorado candidates said.  He said something to the effect of knowing that the Red Flag laws will be abused but if it saves one person, it'll be worth it.

If it passes, it'll probably condemn at least one family of four to death or bodily injury.

Getting back to the story, my ex-husband claimed that he had no contact with his family.  He also blamed the police for the GPS tracker on  my vehicle.  Now, I know that he was the one destroying my computers and hacking my phone.

Things are better now except that he's telling everyone that I'm making it all up.  He'll usually accuse me of stalking him when I ask him to help me with the kids or recalculate child support as per our divorce decree.

Yeah....but there is one problem with his story.  The City of Aurora had high priced lawyers depose me for eight hours in June of 2011.  Buried in those deposition transcripts is a downtown lawyer telling me that my ex-husband was fired, in part, for taking time off of work to stalk me. Well, it was phrased more as the lawyer stating the fact that he took time off of work and then posing a question akin to "don't you think it was strange that he kept turning up where he wasn't supposed to be?" 

The City Attorneys must have known what was going on.  It's a shame the police wouldn't help me document it. 

They also revealed some lawbreaking crap at the city that has yet to be resolved.   They fined him and claimed that forcing him to pay the fine was illegal so any cash payment was considered voluntary.  Despite the best attempts of the lawyers at civility, his former boss sent me a scathing email basically telling me he was fired for being fat.

You don't punish a man's wife because he's fat or stupid.  IF you work for the local township and you KNOW that someone is stalking his wife, you confide in the police department.  You don't steal money from HER and then run around in court claiming that she fakes heart attacks, is over educated and that makes him unmotivated and all sorts of other slanderous bullshit.  IF he's an abuser and you blame her for him getting fired for crap you're making up, he's going to go home and abuse her.

The City Attorneys don't know how much those bizarre lies were thrown in my face over the next eight years.  I won't always be a single mom.  I won't always spend my time writing a fictional blog.

I'll have more time to take on their crap in the future.

I have met other spouses of city employees attacked in a similar manner when talking about the illegal fines.

I wonder how many spouses are beat up over that crap?  I wonder how many of these assaults the police refuse to investigate?

Someday I'll figurately  smack city leaders over their collective head with the knowledge that lying about strangers can put them in danger.  In this case, it turned out that his boss was abused by a man who resembled my ex.  She obviously hadn't worked on her stuff.

On a personal note,

I made the mistake of telling other pagans about it.  This woman crashed her jeep.  I dreamt of the crash.  I heard she couldn't walk.  I had numerous covens praying for her healing after I learned of the crash.  All I had to say was....she's a single mom with two kids and her story made the rounds (without her name or occupation).

Those are my spell stories.

That is why I don't like spells.  I cast those anti-stalker spells when I was very frightened, the authorities wouldn't help me and I was at a loss of what could be done.

They were cast in desperation.  I will say those types of things should always be the absolutely last resort.

We always have more power in this world than in any other dimension.  We should do our best to work with the tools at our disposal: talking, filing charges, getting restraining orders, taking a self-protection course and that kind of thing.

Back then, I wasn't sure who I should get the restraining order against.

The happenings could be a coincidence.  When I cast these spells, my ex-husband refused to leave my home.  We'd been divorced for well over a year.  I lit the candles in the hopes it would cause him to admit to what he was doing or back down.

The deaths or job losses were not anticipated.  The candle lighting was more of a psychological tactic.

I would say, for me, it backfired.  I've spent a lot of time in mourning and regret.

At least the kids are safe.


Yes, you can change things by going into a primal, screaming rage and lighting dark candles.  What you tend to change is your own energy.

You can make yourself a wrinkled, aging, ugly scowling angry person if you wish.

There is another way.

You can fill yourself with peace and wish that for the offending party.

I literally pray for the wisdom of our politicians with white candles, frankincense and myrrh and all the trimmings.

I pray Trump sees the truth of the world around him and learns the power of discernment.  If he's still in the throes of the lesson, I pray the universe (or his God) brings decent and intelligent advisors into his midst.

When I encounter a complete asshole in government, I pray he or she finds a better occupation with more money in which they cannot make laws that hurt other people.

I've seen numerous changes since changing my tune.

Yes, I do need to get myself pissed when I need to start new projects.

Yes, I have to build a website.  This year I've been inspired by two Martins to be creative.  Sadly, neither one of them was a guitar.

Fortunately, the universe has brought amazing people into my world willing to help.

Love ya,


I'll come back and edit this in a few hours.


Thursday, October 18, 2018

Giving up on Childish Dreams

My personal faux lyric: Bitches keep on bitchin' 

Today I am thankful that I realize that I cannot escape politics.

This thought was inspired by a Longmont councilwoman who threatened conservatives with taking away their rights in a YouTube video

but failed to share how she wants to curtail their rights and exactly how she plans on doing that.

I think she was mad that they stood on a street corner collecting coats for the homeless.

I wasn't there.  I was in school working towards my dream of helping homeless addicts by getting licensed as a drug counselor.

I'm so angry at her words and her lack of decorum that

I'm finding myself toying with the idea of sharing the video around the internet to start her Warhol clock

Or sending the video to a reporter acquaintance in the hopes it'll start a national conversation about what is real.

She's lucky I don't live in Longmont.  I really like messing with people who mess with citizens.

The idiot former city councilman in my town who did that is now a City Attorney.

There are days I miss messing with his head.

Maybe I don't.

His energy was crazy.

I never instigated it.

He did.

He'd rush at me and threaten me.

All I had to do was smile.

I'm a short old lady.

Younger men would always rush to my defense and run him off.

I still don't know why he was so damn angry at me.

I never hexed him either.....

I was tempted.....

but I didn't.

Maybe I reminded him someone from his past that he hated?

Or maybe I wasn't the quiet old woman he expected me to be.

My childhood dream was to be a social worker so I could help kids who grew up like I did.

My first job was babysitting for an AA group every Saturday.  I loved it.  The older kids were hyper responsible.  I always had to keep the younger ones busy so they wouldn't get into trouble.

I was fourteen.

Those were the seeds of my dream.

I'm getting old. It's time for me to look at generativity.  I have to give back.  I'm keeping track of the money I owe the government ($1,000 for dental work - $1,200- $1,800 to city taxpayers for a tree removal).  I've got to pay it all back to the taxpayers.

I guess I can forgive the $1,000 the city stole from me.  Now I owe them!

Sadly.....there are people who are reminding me that of my true place in the world.

I keep getting pulled into bizarre circumstances by assholes who want to gut the Constiution.

Or by other assholes who want to play games with home rule.

In the real world, least in Colorado.....

Municipalities are supposed to make laws that honor state law.  They can make laws that are stronger than state law but they are not supposed to be able to do the opposite.

They are not supposed to buck state law.....

nor are they supposed to buck Federal law.

The city in which I live is.....well....for lack of a better word, is bipolar about it

They ignore Federal law by fining their employees in a manner that violates Federal Wage and Hour Law.

Yes, today I met another former employee levied a cash fine before she was fired.

This should be over with by now.  I've got to hunt down the candidates and see if they about this.

Aurora ignores the 2004 Colorado law against dog breed ban legislation.  They claim as a home rule city they can do what they want.

On the other hand, they claim they have to follow Colorado law when it comes to making it impossible for people to foster pets or get a boarding license.

My confusion is why the Aurora leadership thinks they can have it both ways?

It would seem that for every kind word I say about them, I find ten evil things they're doing.

I want to ignore their crap.



I can't.

Maybe I'll post the picture of the piles of dead pit bulls again.....

or the 43 pages of bizarre codes they want to change....

It doesn't make a heck of a lot of sense to me why they won't listen to the professionals in the area.

Oh, and the guy that headed the meeting on 10/17/18 offended quite a few people.  He may want to get some coaching on communication techniques.

He was very condescending and he lost a lot of support by acting better than the people who took time out of their schedules to offer their expertise.

I'm sure that was not the intention.

It was the result.

This Longmont Councilwoman reminded me who I am.

She's one of many assholes who've said really offensive, stupid crap this year and reminded me that I need to step up.

I hope to become one voice in a chorus of thousands.  More people need to stand up and say something.

I'm now finding myself wanting to share a video rant she had with a couple of reporters or maybe send it to the ACLU.

I'm not sure yet.

The rats are starting to come out of the woodwork.

It's hard to know what to think.

I'm going to have to head off to bed soon.

As you know, I've studied drug addiction for years because I lost my parents to the disease as a teenager.

I had a professor explain things to me I had never considered.

First, it was a foreign thought to me that the war on drugs is a Christian concept.  Pagans throughout time have used substances to get closer to their Gods.  That's strange because Jesus is supposed to be about 'free will.'  In Christianity, it is Satan who wants to control people.

The drug war doesn't fit as a Christian ideal.

My step-father was Cherokee (not like #fauxcahontis).  He claimed his grandparents to be Cherokee hailing from Virginia.  He described a matrilineal tribe.  He described passing as a white man for most of his life due to the shame of his background.

He didn't embrace his heritage until his late fifties.  He'd remind me that government shouldn't be trusted (don't take blankets from them and when you think of doing that look at an Apache tear.)  He told me that children were never left alone on their vision quests (the elders were watching).

He told me about the Great Spirit.

There is too much for me to type in just a few minutes.

He never told me about peyote or drugs.  Somehow, I just assumed that spiritual people often took hallucinogens to go on spiritual journeys.

I never needed it.  Ritual fasting typically did it for me.

I love frankincense and myrrh.  I had no idea that brought on hallucinations.

I have to stop using Catholic incense now.

I've always thought that hallucinogenics were used to help people go on spiritual quests to learn their fate but I was always too busy or too cheap to imbibe.

I'm so sensitive that I cannot even take the Percocet and OxyContin the doctor have prescribed for me after medical procedures.

I don't even fill the prescriptions.

There was a time when I'm pretty sure an asshole put LSD in my Slurpee.  It was a cherry Slurpee.

All I remember is that when I was seventeen, I let myself drink a Slurpee an acquaintance bought me. I saw hallucinations of the founding fathers and Ronald Reagan talking to me in my window.

I couldn't hear what they were saying.

Since I rarely eat sugar, I blamed the sugar.  I never could handle too much of the stuff.

Now, I'm wondering...…

given all the crap going on, I'm wondering if that was a stupid warning of what was to come and what I'd wind up embracing.

Back then, I hated Reagan.

All these years later, I'm realizing that after living through the clownish presidents who followed him, he really wasn't all that bad.

Maybe that asshole who spiked my drink took me on a spiritual journey.

I don't condone it.

Maybe there is a lesson in it.

If spiritual journeys tell us why we were born,

I'd hate to think I'm destined to be a Constitutionalist.

I'd rather help the poor.

Maybe fighting corruption in the government is the best way to help the poor.

I'll have to think about that one.

Perhaps it is time I put away my desire to help the poor and just push forward with doing what I'm led to do.

I pray that Longmont councilwoman comes forward and states what it is she wants to change before someone with clout and a fan base gets ahold of that video.

She won't.  It will be shared.  She will be shamed.  It doesn't really matter who shares the video.  It will eventually make its journey throughout the internet.  Perhaps it could be shared by someone running against her in the future. could build a and/or Vimeo channel to showcase this kind of malarkey.  It's happening far too much.

I have a channel on a YouTubish website where I would post videos of politicians I caught behaving badly in public meetings.  I wonder if it's still up and running?  I'll have to hunt for that.

If I don't do it,

who will?

I'll look into it.

Doing something will be far easier than having nightmares about it.

She's a symptom of a bigger cancer infecting our nation.

It's time we start operating on the cancer.

Love ya,


Edit Two Days Later:

So.....the Longmont Councilwoman got back to me.  She stated that my sharing the video of her threatening the Constitutional rights of citizens with the press was a threat against her.  She claimed to have reported me.

I'm unsure to whom she could report.

Filing fake reports and pretending to the be victim is often indicative of psychopathy or narcissism.

I'll try to suspend my judgment of her but it would appear that, at the very least, she's not ethical.

I hope she understood that she wasn't clear in her message.  She seems to want to curtail free speech.  In the email I got today, she wants to curtail gun rights.

She probably should go public and clarify herself.....soon.

The email I received reminded me off the emails from the some of the former City Council members in Aurora all those years ago.

The questions where akin to

Who the hell are you?   

(answer: a citizen)

Why in the hell do you care?  

(answer: an empathic citizen)

Why would someone in Aurora care about Longmont? 

(answer: bad policies and bad political behavior have a way of traveling)


What do you intend to do about it?  

(answer:  I don't know yet but I'm sure it'll surprise everyone, including myself).

This had a new element, though, there was her obvious game of playing the victim and threatening someone for speaking up in an attempt to silence them.

Sorry.....that game doesn't work.

If you feel threatened and no threat has occurred, you cannot hold your feelings against another person.

Claiming that you can smacks of a common argument people with untreated Borderline Personality Disorder would use.

Thoughts are NOT things.  

People who have no power threaten others.  Playing the victim tears into a person's credibility (it's worse for women).

As a female, I am offended by that game.  We've worked so damn hard to be taken seriously!! Women who play the victim when nothing has happened really nick into that success.

If you're a victim, say something.  Sadly, most victims are in shock and take a while to speak about their experiences.

If someone pinches your behind, say something.  You'll probably prevent something worse from happening.

If someone pinches your ass and you don't know who did it, don't demand the resignation of members of the other party who you feel may have done it.

It's starting to get disgusting.

I'm sorry.  This game is getting old.  This is the third female politician to try that stunt with me (or someone standing next to me at a rally) in five years.  I have great hearing.  I also read body language.

I KNOW when people lie.

Yes, someone I respect played that game in 2013 with a woman who stood next to me at a gun rally.  She claimed to have been threatened by my acquaintance.  There was no threat.  I was right there!!


All of these people have been Democrats!  Weird.....I'm sure women on the other side of the aisle are capable of ruining their reputations, too.

This Longmont councilwoman has inspired a new website.  I'm trying to decide if it should be a journalistic website or one similar to the one I had years ago when I shared the bizarre rantings of people involved in my local city government.

I may not share her email out of concern that she has a possible issue that shouldn't be made public.  There's a little more going on her than meets the eye.

If I find it's a political game, I'll share away*.

****She wrote something else that betrays a mental concern.  She claimed that people at the rally dressed up like politicians and open carried firearms.

My question is.....


how do politicians dress?

I wear flowery skirts and blazers when I have to give speeches in public.  The other day I went to an event in blue jeans.

Should I attend dressed like Black Widow?  Okay....that's my usual manner of dressing casually....all black clothes and red hair.

I looked at the pictures.  I saw people dressed as bumble bees.  I saw someone dressed as a butterfly.

No one was dressed like a clown.

Why would that mock politicians?

That was weird.

It's unhealthy to assume we know the motivations of others.


I'll remove her name from the blog just because I'm afraid for her mental health.  I could be mistaken but something is clearly wrong here and it's best to be conservative.

The silent majority cannot afford to stand silent anymore.  How many of us can be accused of threatening people?

I wish women understood that the game of playing victim to harass people only works to silence   real victims.

Fakers ought to knock it off.

I should share the video with Fox News -but- it could lead to the email being made public.  That email would only serve to ruin her reputation.


Edit three days later:  *It turns out she's threatening other people in a similar fashion to what she wrote to me.  Her behavior borders on harassment.


It's more than likely not a mental health issue that she has no control over.  It's probably more of a means to control everyone into silence.....

I've going to meet with some creative types in the next few days to come up with domain names.

If I remember, my next blog post will be about why someone who believes themselves to be a witch or a sorcerer will not bind a bad politician.  At first I thought that post would be inspired by crap on the Internet (witches want to curse Judge Kavanaugh and some poorly written Democrat Blue Wave spell that's going round the internet).

Maybe I'm just trying to talk myself out of having a few less black figural candles.

No, I don't like it when narcissistic/manipulative people threaten me.  I'm not very good at spells to push nasty people out of places where they hurt people with their behavior.

Although it has been said that I am too good at it.  Yes, I have a couple of cautionary tales about it.

I don't really like spell work.

There are far better ways to expose abusive and unethical people.

EDIT THREE AND A HALF DAYS LATER:  Being one of those people who think of obnoxious things to say days and weeks after an insult, I just thought of the perfect comeback.

"If you're that afraid of everyone, I can recommend a good gun club with wonderful self-protection instructors." 

That would seem to be unfair until you realize that these anti-gun politicians often have armed security.

***EDIT FIVE DAYS LATER:  So, I do a lot of research online and I found a picture depicting three people in business attire once of whom is wearing a jacket with one of the lawmaker's names on it.  At least one of them is legally carrying a firearm.'s the jacket that has irritated her.  It didn't have her name on it.

I hate to say it.  Politicians are fair game.  It's not illegal to dress as Trump, or a Clinton, or Reagan.

When one says " a politician", it's confusing.  Most politicians wear business attire.

Politicians dress like insurance agents.  It's boring!  It's all white button down shirts and blue or black suits.

I sold insurance for years. If I were prohibited from wearing suits and white button down shirts, I wouldn't have anything decent to wear!

If you're not wearing a mask or carrying a sign, no one will know who you are pretending to be.  I just assumed people who dress like that at a rally have just put in a very long work day.


At least the politician hasn't quite jumped off the deep end.  That comment had me worried.


I found my dream job.

Take a wild guess as to where it is! real life, I look like a clown (white skin, red nose, red afro) and crazy vintage clothes.

I'll be easy to spot if I wind up at City Council meetings.  If I have to move to Longmont, I'm sure they'll be happy people here in Aurora.

The universe works in mysterious ways.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Flirtations at 6:05 am

Today I am thankful for the realization that public transit forces me to socialize. 

The worst thing about living one's life in the havoc of challenge and despair is that one becomes self-absorbed.  The focus is on solving one's own problems.  There is little energy or time for other people. 

Taking the bus for 2.5 hours per day is teaching me that maybe I'm taking on too much.  

I can't figure out how to fix the mess I'm in.  I think my ex lost his job (could be wrong...but I don't think so).  I can't figure out how to solve the financial issue yet. 

The answers will come.  I'm just not so sure two jobs and school are wise.  

There is another issue with public transit. 

It reminds me of my first love.  In fact, ten years ago, he confided that he also had issues with riding the bus because it reminds him too much of me. 

It's probably the smell of engine lubricant, dirt and vomit that stir up the memories.  

I'm so, so sorry.  

I've been riding the bus for nearly a month.  

There are truly a lot of lonely people out there longing for a connection.  

We get to know people that we see every day.  

That guy that walks his Siberian husky at 5:00 am.

The old guy on the corner who likes to gossip (haven't seen him in two weeks, so I'm getting worried). 

The homeless guy who rides the bus on Saturday morning with his backpack. 

The bus driver who lets you sit on his bus during his breaks while he reads sci-fi.  He calls me "special one." I'm sure that's because I'm a little silly.  I can't figure out the bus routes so I often wind up looking confused.  He laughs about how I saunter up towards the bus, even if he's running late because he's waiting for me. 

I've learned to speed up my pace. 

There is a really adorable man who would always say hello after being dropped off at the bus station around 6:05 every weekday. 

We would always exchange our hellos. 

They've morphed somehow to....

my saying "have a great day!" 

and him saying "you too, beautiful." 

I'm old.  I don't hear it very often. 

I try to avoid men because I don't feel good about myself. 

I feel old....

and saggy and baggy.  

I know I'm a good person. 

I'm just not.....pretty or hot. 

The very thought of dating is bizarre. 

I can flirt but that's about the end of it.

Something must happen when one is celibate for a long time - sex and romance becomes a foreign concept. 

It is that for me.   

I have a favorite guitarist.  

He's not famous. 

He's local. 

We went to high school together. 

Years ago, when things became scary in my life his wife offered to teach me to sing.  

I adored the pair of them. 

I'd go to their gigs to cheer them on until the stalking started to get so bad it terrified me. 

Today he reached out to me because they just divorced. 

He is very hurt.  I can feel it.  

I don't know what to say....

or what to do....

except listen.  

It's heartbreaking. 

I'm sad and finding myself wondering what the point of love is if people wind up feeling so hurt at the end. 

A young man at work is studying psychology and he asked me to come up with a list of rules for love.  I can't remember what I wrote.  

They were along the lines of 

1.) Accept your partner as can't change him 
2.) Take care of you.....(s)he can't read your's cruel to expect someone else to parent you 
3.) Open and honest communication - always - no secrets, ever!  
4.) Always take time to be present for your partner....try to do positive, fun, exciting things with your partner so (s)he pairs positive experiences with your presence.....always be there in times of crisis, too so the person doesn't feel abandoned. 

There was another....I don't remember what it was.....

Maybe all of that is crap - 

Perhaps romantic love doesn't exist. 

It could possibly be that it doesn't exist for me.  

Maybe some of us are meant more for a more platonic type love.  

It is more to ponder. 


So that is the thought that I'm ending the day with as I try to get a couple of hours of sleep.  I have to be at work in six hours. 

My commute if 1 hour and fifteen minutes long. 

Someday things will change.

I hope so.  

May your life be happy and loving, 


Place for Documentation

  When I was a kid, I wanted to be a pilot.  My stepdad would talk about flying into Germany during World War II.  I'd spend my weekends...