Friday, December 31, 2021

Well, The Dreams Came True: I just pegged the wrong guy as my first love


What do married men think when they hit up old friends? 

Wanna know what goes through my mind? 
This....except the robots are black, silver and purple striped.


I am thankful to be so busy that I am now avoiding everyone. 

It's a long story. 

Apparently, my subconscious mind thinks my first male childhood friend is my first love.  Nearly everything I saw in the dreams is happening (except the stuff that won't happen if I don't visit with him). 

Yeah, a guy from my past sent


searching for a description while being in denial...

let's just say messages. 

This guy and the guy I thought it would be grew up to resemble each other. 

One is a liberal techie.   

The oldest friend is more of a kind-hearted politician (kind-hearted towards animals, obnoxious towards asshats), weapons collector, and loner (kinda like me). 

So - 

I'm freaking out a little. 

Just so ya know - 

maybe there is something to this unconscious collective business.  Perhaps we do pick up on the desires emanating from other people. Perhaps the warnings come to us in dreams. 

I've been dreaming of this warning since 2005. 

Thank goodness I'm too busy to think (or even sleep). 

Pay attention to your dreams.  They'll let you know what to allow into your life and what to avoid. 

This man - 

he's married. 

I am NOT going there. 

Good thing I'm going back to school. 

Love ya, 


Okay, okay...Maybe I'll ground myself and call him.  

Seriously, though,....a good friend does not ruin a marriage. 

We were never romantically involved -so- it's just a tad bit shocking. 

This is typically the point where I would run away.  

That'll just piss off my

I guess it's time to pray 

[Well, after I binge on chocolate and play a lot of slap bass. That's how I handle stress. I'll do me. You do you.  I hope he does his wife...or himself in a pinch.] 

Friday, December 24, 2021

Moving slowly in the dark (with edit)

 Today I am thankful that truths are leaking out. 

(oh, and my nightmares stopped). 

After my experience with Facebook blocking my posts and casting that spell to shut them down for six hours (should have made that 666 hours), I've started to go dark and keep most of my activities hidden. 

That is actually part of the Wiccan belief system. I'm not Wiccan but talking about one's activities typically chills them. 

It hasn't so far -but- I'm starting to be less obvious about it. 

I'm still working with more than fifty homeless folks in various places around town.  I haven't been confronted or arrested yet. I would say that the biggest helps to people in that bind are 

1. Reminding them that they are valuable human beings, 

2. Providing Case Management to help with addictions, employment, education, health issues, etc. 

are the keys to solving the problem. 


1. Throwing money at people via middlemen who take a huge chunk of change for themselves 

2. Raising property taxes 

3. Raising the costs of property ownership via regulation

4. Pretending to be homeless for a day and lying about the superficial reasons people are homeless to assuage yourself of the guilt you feel for promoting bad regulations (especially that bit about nodding to cities who only approved zoning for McMansions to get more tax revenue creating a need for affordable housing).  Yes, I'm bitching about one local politician here. 

These things do not help at all. 

I don't have a YouTube channel featuring these activities.  I don't really talk about them to anyone other than people who help me find ways to help them. 

This is probably why I roam at-large.  I know a woman who posts about her activities, she's the one who gets arrested.  

(Maybe I should light a candle for justice with her name on it?  Justice can be a tricky thing to pray for because it will take down anyone who does anything wrong.  I dislike those spells. So many things are hidden, it's just better to leave well enough alone.)

Now, I work twelve hours per day with the weekends free.  Next year, I'll work twelve hours per day, seven days a week until May. 

This is beautiful because - I sleep three hours a day and hence don't have dreams. 


I saw that White House Press Briefing where Psaki said something akin to 'the White House is flagging posts for Facebook to take down.'  This was a month or so before they fucked with my account (the day before they went down - don't mess with witches, idiots!). 

When I and a couple of activists suspected the local paper in town was doing that in favor of the Democrats, we immediately found a way to get the politicians they favored in trouble for illegal campaign contributions (because that activity is a type of help and contribution to a campaign - a valuable one at that).  It didn't come to that because the paper finally allowed Conservatives and Libertarians to share their views and we were not censored. 

I'm wondering if that could be done on a Federal level. (Please, someone, steal that idea.) 

Today, I read (an old article) stating that Psaki wants people like me to be suspended from all social media accounts.

 I want to put something out to this Commrade's higher self:

Sure.  Go ahead, fight to try to shut people like me up.  

Make my day.  

It will be your undoing. 

I'm sure anyone so adoring of Russian fairytales (e.g. the promise of Communism) 

understands the story of The Baba Yaga (an 'evil' witch.) 

In each of those stories, there is a thread. 

One who enters the house of Baba Yaga has one of two fates; he or she either succumbs to the powers of the witch -or- she becomes the embodiment of evil (thus becoming the Baba Yaga herself). 

Be mindful of your energy. 

As for me, I'll keep my future endeavors secret until they've manifested. 


I meant to only write to share a story. 

This is the story I want to share.  It would seem that people are finding proof of what most of my friends have been saying since March 2020.  Take a peek. 

This is all just a ruse to undermine our Republic and move the world closer to a one-world government.

There are traitors who will eventually look beautiful behind bars. 

We knew the UN was pushing for this kind of crap 15 years ago when they tried to get mayoral candidates to sign that damn ICLEI pledge. 

This is possibly why Blackrock is buying up all the property in the US. I haven't had a chance to research that yet. 

Feel free to research - just dig deep.  The information on the surface is pure crap. 


Off to run to the mall for preparations for my open house. Hopefully, the energy of this house will inspire one to succumb to the powers of their own goodness.   

Our family tradition is having a meal and present for any soul who needs one. 

Christmas is a Pagan holiday. 

For us, it's the holiday of Dionysus...

It's time to celebrate and (because I am a bad Bacchae), I'll have to beg forgiveness for my inability to have the type of party he would approve of...

I'll party for liberty and freedom. 

Orgies...not so much. 

I'm Ace after all. 

Other than that, the reasons I'm holding my lighter will be kept secret. 

The fact I'm not using matches should help one feel less afraid; the sulfur in matches is typically used for cursing folks.  Man, I would have a lot of use for sulfur now. 

Too much is hidden behind scheming politicians, media engaged in censorship, and internet bots leaving misleading comments on feeds. 

This is the perfect time to hide my activities beneath all the bullshit. 

I urge you, in this new year, to do your own research and follow older sources (especially research journals).  If you've been doing that, you'll know masks have been researched to the hilt for over 20 years (there's no evidence they work) and you'll read about those gain of function studies that created Covid19.  

To quote George Clinton "Free your mind and your ass will follow." 

Love ya, 


P.S.  Yes, I always say that I'll come back to edit the bad punctuation and grammar, but then I don't.  I'm just too darn busy.   


Dec. 26, 2021: 

Well, the house was packed.  The only things I have left of the "extra gifts" are two candles and a huge overstuffed sherpa blanket.  Most of my guests were college students studying neuropsychology or bioengineering (two master's students, one doctoral student, and an undergrad). 

Weird...I guess it's true that we attract what we are. 

One person showed up to tell me that a bass player for a goth band has a crush on me.  I didn't tell her that I originally introduced this guy to the instrument when he was a kiddo. 

She's trying to set us up. 



I'm not a cougar. 

One of my 13 sisters was there.  She's the one who I had to rescue from prostitution years ago.  I have to dress down for her, not wear make-up and put my contact lenses away or else she will literally cause a scene.  I sat there wearing my baggy clothes, in coke bottle lenses and hair I didn't comb wearing just tinted sunscreen and mascara. 

She presents me with a huge bag 

of makeup and slutty clothes.  

They were all one size too small. 

Isn't that sweet?  She's not calling me fat. 

Then she tells me, her former pimp's son is a recent divorcee and she wants me to meet him. 


suddenly, I found myself overbooked in 2022. 

I'm not sure what will take over the remaining five hours per day I have nothing going on. 

I'm sure I'll find something. 

Parties are weird. 

Next time, I'm hiring a male escort to visit.  It'll be the easiest day on the job for him; he'll probably want more Ace clients after that gig. 

May your holidays be extra special and your New Year full of promise. 




Place for Documentation

  When I was a kid, I wanted to be a pilot.  My stepdad would talk about flying into Germany during World War II.  I'd spend my weekends...