Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Immunology Rabbit Holes: Where Conspiracy Theory and Research Intersect

 Today I am thankful for old hard drives. 

To make a long story short.....

my nephew was hospitalized after receiving a Covid booster. 

my daughter almost had a heart attack after her vaccine. 

I am convinced that a booster killed my foster brother, Gallen. 

My sister is freaking out.  She's an RN who thought I was insane for avoiding the boosters. 

I had the second Pfizer vaccine and my left leg swelled up to twice its normal size.  I haven't had any since.  Granted...I am allergic to eggs and all sorts of stuff they put in vaccines.  I'm the mom who won't let my kids have a vaccine until it has been out for a minimum of five years. 

My intention was to get a doctorate in psychoneuroimmunology after grad school but then there were political battles to fight due to harassment from the local government.  After that, I was divorced and mandated to live in this house until last year.  When all this went down, we didn't have any good doctorate programs for health psychology in Colorado.

After Aurora stole land from private owners on Colfax to build the CU monstronsity (School of Medicine), we have some good health psych programs here now.  My nephew was in the program.

What is that old saying about the distance between apples and trees?  

I wonder how long it will take our kids to stop trusting the government? 


Now, I'm going to briefly put this out there with links and will add as more information becomes available.  I understand that Google, Facebook, Twitter(X), and all the other social medical companies were talking to each other and sharing information.  I'm pretty sure my PubMed research got me kicked off of Twitter and throttled on Facebook (to the point that I couldn't post, like or share anything).  

You're going to have to connect the dots.   I'm debating downloading the files and putting them up on a dummy site where you can download the articles.  Things have a way of disappearing on the internet now. 

My line of inquiry began when I read about how COVID-19 impacted the Helper T Cells (CD4).  It was incredibly reminiscent of how HIV/AIDS impacted immunity. 

In a nutshell, Covid leads to dysregulation of the immune response, especially the CD4 T-cells.  HIV targets CD4 cells and leads to a progressive decline in the immune system's ability to function.  Sadly, we need more access to Covid research to make a more accurate correlation. 

In an environment where speech is regulated, access to information is a difficult endeavor. 

It took a while but I found an article that didn't quite make the connection.  Instead, it looked at the impact of Covid on people with HIV:

I'm betting other people have made the connection and are researching it or have researched it and are being censored. 

It may be decades before we can drill down to the truth because the powers that be are afraid of the truth; anything they don't agree with will be labeled misinformation.  

Other aspects of these diseases are troubling, mainly the controversies surrounding the NIH and their origins. 

Some of us are old enough to remember an old East German conspiracy theory about HIV being created in a US lab by the same NIH actor who recently retired.  I'm going to leave this right here:

Doesn't this seem familiar?

I'm struck by the claim that the Stasi (80s speak for "Russia, Russia, Russia") was behind the theory. 

This seems like a well-worn page in an old playbook. 

I'm thinking that bio-warfare against the everyday human just living life has been going on for a while now.  I would also posit that gaslighting, using a proximal origin story, and minimizing any possible lab leaks are well-worn strategies to cover it up.  

Too many people have died over the past fifty years from AIDS and COVID-19.  I'm not happy.   

Please pray I'm wrong.  

Do your own research.  

I hope someone truly investigates the former head of the NIH for nefarious behavior before he passes away.   

If you want to have an impromptu bowel movement, read up on Disease X and the work they are doing in Britain!!!

Of course, it is for our safety.  Creating novel viruses just so we can make vaccines makes no sense unless one intends to profit by releasing the virus into the world.  

And, of course, this lab has connections to a biowarfare program.  

I never believed John Titor was from the future or gave him any credit but he did say we'd have an epidemic of human mad cow disease - maybe he was on to something.  

Disgusting...I wonder how long this power grab was in the works. 

Take your D3, Zinc, and your vitamins.  There's probably a reason the Nazi rebrand WEF and pharmaceutical companies want to ban them. 

Love ya, 


Thursday, January 11, 2024

Pissed off Granny (w/ updated information)



Most of the people in my family have English or German Surnames; Albin, Vicory, Grant (as in Ulysses), Shank, Smith

Except my granddaughter. 

Her last name is Aguilar. 

Grandma Siegfried is about to go ballistic because of a Fourth Amendment violation. 

I've raised four kids of my own and taken in three others (one of whom was trans, one was gay, and the third was troubled).  I guess with that in mind, they all identify as women). 

None of them had to endure the kind of crap my Latino granddaughter endures from Laredo Middle School. 

This is the school that I went to about eleven years ago having a conniption because some librarian printed off a list of names of girls who could not go to the school winter dance due to alleged fines.  The girls would show up in skimpy dresses.  The parents would drive off.  The school staff would take the money for the tickets and send the kids to walk home in the cold. I was driving down the street and noticed girl after girl shivering home in the cold. I got home after dropping my daughter off and sure enough, she owed a non-existent fine and had been sent to walk home.  I picked her up. 

I drove to the school.  

This was the winter dance. 

It was about 7:00 at night, 

after a recent snowstorm. 

This was not safe at all.  

At first, I was nice to the principal who decided he didn't have time to hear from me. 


I threw my driver's license on the table....

told him to Google me...

and proceeded to call a reporter. 

That got his attention. 

He called the librarian.  It turns out that many of the girls on that list didn't owe any fines 

What do you know? 

With the fines expunged and the girls able to join the dance in a warm auditorium, there was no need for a reporter. 

What pissed me off was that the girls weren't allowed to call for rides home and were walking home in short skirts, high heels, in the dark, on icy sidewalks. 

It's a wonder no one was raped. 

Our educators lost their critical thinking skills a hell of a long time ago. 


teachers are digging in my 13-year-old granddaughter's backpack to look for alleged missing books? 

That's not allowed as per the code of conduct.  Given that my granddaughter is Hispanic, I wonder if there is something a tad bit more nefarious going on. They are probably looking for drugs or some type of contraband. 

After all...this is Aurora.  Aurora is getting disgustingly ghetto. 

First, if you dig through a teenage girl's backpack, you're gonna earn whatever you find.  I hope you find a bloody tampon or ABC gum or something grosser for your trouble. 

Secondly, Grandma raised at least one Latin-speaking legal eagle. Guess which kiddo can afford the granddaughter? 

I'd advise Laredo Middle School to investigate before Mamma and her law firm find out. 

Actually, it's too late. 

I'll call the superintendent on Friday.  Don't give me the runaround.  If you do, here's a word of warning. 

I'm hyper-religious as is my granddaughter's other abeulita.  We are both into the same type of spirituality.  

Let's just say, every day is Halloween. 

One of us worships Ares.  I'm not sure what her Abeulita is into but people who piss her off tend to have back problems. 

If you're a racist asshat at Cherry Creek Public Schools, get yourself some holy water. 

Right now, you're lucky that I work nights, otherwise I'd sit for a spell at a school board meeting.  I'm seeing enough crap in my community that it may be worth finding another job just to jump back into the fray. 

Witchcraft is just me blowing off steam, smelling red hot cinnamon candles, and planning little wars against abusive asshats.  The real danger is when I play politics. 

Don't make me come back.  I know I'm already on a watch list.  Merrick Garland doesn't scare me; one more watch list won't make a lick of difference in my world.

For the Dems out there, have your fun while you can.  The tide will soon turn and you'll lose your power.  Nothing lasts forever.   

Love ya, 



It turns out that my daughter is aware that this particular teacher is racist. 

This teacher has a "spanish" table....

and refers to it as a "spanish table" where all of the latina/o students are assigned to sit.  

But this teacher will deny it when called out on it. 

Mama can legally take care of it. 

Not a lawyer? 

Are your kiddos experiencing discrimination?  

Start here:

If I were Joseph Stuart at Laredo Middle School, I'd take a look at my staff, pronto and nix the "Spanish table" and ward my staff off of unauthorized searches of backpacks....

seriously, you don't know what you're gonna stick your hand in when searching a teenager's backpack searching for a book...

stinky sneakers?  a smushy apple?  old tampons?  don't do it! 

You've got a pissed-off Irish Grandma making offerings to the God of War wondering why Laredo Middle School has so many shitty videos on YouTube.  Seriously?  You let a teacher beat up a disabled student? 

Why weren't you shut down? 

Maybe I should run for the school board....I talked a friend into running back in 2009.  He sat on the board for several years until he was forced out. 

I don't know the details.....

I'm old and boring.  

They'd be hard-pressed to find real dirt on me.  



Sunday, January 7, 2024

Stupid is as Stupid Does: Judge Joe Jefferson- Exacerbating Homelessness in Englewood, Colorado (with update)

 Today I am thankful for....

I have no clue if I'm thankful for anything. 

I'll admit it, I'm depressed. 

I haven't been depressed for a long, long time.  The last time I was depressed, my mother died, my father died, my grandmother died, my step-father shot himself, my sister became homeless and I was facing homelessness all within a two-year span. 

That was January 1987. 

Now, I'm depressed.  

I hate to say it but Judge Joe Jefferson in Englewood, Colorado is a special kind of stupid.  People are working and unable to pay rent in Colorado.  Denver just passed an idiotic law mandating that all landlords be licensed and submit to inspections....all of which cost money and increase the cost of rent. 

Englewood is not alone in its stupidity, however, that doesn't excuse it. 

I regret spending several hundred dollars supporting Ricos Pizzeria, The Neighborly Thrift Shop, that Little Book Shop, and the King Soopers on Broadway yesterday.  Oh, I forgot the military surplus stores out there, too.  I go there every weekend to do my shopping but that is now going to be a thing of the past. I was going to go back and buy a new dishwasher from Becker Appliance.  I'm ghetto.  I can keep handwashing my dishes and using my crappy one as an expensive drying rack.  

NEVER AGAIN.  I don't think I can go into Englewood again without vomiting.  I'm over my home town. 

I know the cause of my depression. 

Everywhere I go, I'm confronted that my silence is failing the homeless.  

Utah is sending its homeless here.  Texas has sent 7,800 homeless migrants here.  My hometown of Englewood, Colorado is deluded into thinking that criminalizing and fining homeless people will solve the problem. 


I'm a drug counselor.  

I'm fighting a losing battle.  

I was giving 20% of my income into solving the issue. 

I decided to get my LMFT to try to reunite families as a means to help solve the issue so I put my money into that and stopped giving money to homeless charities and disengaged from politics. 

Our politicians, judges et. al are delusional.  Maybe I need to start acting like a female dog again rather than a kindly old lady counseling people into sobriety. 

I'm quiet. It's not helping. 

This video just reminds me that Englewood is horrible. 

This is the city that tried to arrest me for reporting a situation involving human trafficking in 1996.  Back then, we called it kidnapping and prostitution. It took me a good ten years to save that woman and her three children from her situation.  Stupid Englewood Cops.  

But I was the bad girl. I don't know why they believed the pimp strung out on methamphetamine but didn't believe the woman with the bruises and her friend with the psych degree.  When the pimp moved into Denver, the police there stepped up.  

Uneducated lazy people will be (insert colorful language here). 

They know who I am.  I used to have fights with a former City Councilwoman (Barbara K?) over homelessness. Back when I was a bitch, the mayor was the former principal of Englewood High School or maybe he was the gym coach?  Who cares?  They were short-sighted and stupid.  I stopped arguing with idiots because it was futile about ten years ago. I'm just an old Irish witch who grew up on Fox Street with an Australian name that means girl because her parents were afraid she'd be misgendered.

My parents were either lazy or ahead of their time - lol.  To be honest, the Democrats are always misgendering me.  They like to call me "Rob" or "Mr. D."  I don't know why.  There must be some pretty guy out there named Rob D.  

I'm realizing taking a low paying addiction job isn't helping if governments are ripping off my clients (not saying the men in the video are my clients but if the homeless are paying BS fines for having nowhere to go, they can't get mental health treatment, pay Medicaid copayments for psychotropic medication, or pay for hotel rooms, food, shoes, and things they really need). My sacrifice is meaningless if those in power are going to be greedy when it comes to those with the least among us.


I have an idea for the Colorado House and the Colorado Senate and it's so-called leadership. 

I pray that so-called leaders at the state house steal it - 

If We the People of Colorado have to PAY to care for the homeless of Texas, Utah, and other states, we ought to send the bill to the legislatures of Utah, Texas, maybe even the White House (when it comes to the migrants) and any other state or entity sending their homeless here. 

It'll be cheap publicity. We know they won't pay it but at least your constituents will know what is going on.

If we believe in forcing people to take responsibility and paying their fair share.  Let's start with the people passing the buck to us. 

We need to stop the homeless go round, too.  It's high time we stop "solving homelessness" by arresting the homeless, fining them, and sending them on a one-way bus ride to no-where.  Let's sit down and have a REAL conversation.  Show the people your leadership skills. 

That is all. 

Don't make me get all medieval on your arse.  I won't break any laws and guarantee you won't know what hit ya.  I will avoid spending money at Goddess/Isis just so I don't help the coffers at Englewood.  I'll use my homebrew this time. 

I don't play like the others.  

I could be messing with you....I could be serious.  Time will tell.  

Truth be told, since the Democrats have taken over Colorado, it seems like the lunatics have been running the asylum.  I thought if I spoke Lunatic Language, they'd understand.  They probably won't. 

I'm pissed at a very, very deep, spiritual level. 

It still won't hurt to light a candle or two and take every public speaking opportunity I can get. 

I'm angry.  I've had enough of people in power passing the buck and failing to take responsibility for their own bullshit. The politicians CHOSE to shut the economy down due to Covid-19; this caused many people to become homeless. This ravaged the economy like Godzilla tromping around Tokyo. Our politicians, rather than take responsibility for acting like clumsy idiots, would prefer to claim that homelessness is a choice and pass laws that increase the cost of housing.  The problem is a lack of leadership.  Don't even get me started on the climate change bs and the impact it has on jobs and the economy.   

Here is the deal: If you're in a leadership position LEAD or get the hell out of the way for someone willing to take the reins. 

This is getting old. 

I'm off to play slap bass.  I wonder if I can pull off some Blue Oyster Cult.

Love ya, 


Tuesday edit: I invoked Mars and am working to connect with legal non-profits. I'm regretting not going for my JD right now. Let's see how this shakes out.

I just need to find like-minded voices. 

May we win the battle against the evil of corruption trying to control our communities through unelected bureaucrats. 

Edit: 1/18/24 

Thank you, Mayor Mike Johnson. 

By the way, the Supreme Court have agreed to to rule on Grants Pass, OR v. Johnson, Gloria, et al to define how municipalities can punish/criminalize people who are houseless in places where there is a lack of affordable housing. 

Stay tuned. 

Love ya, 


Place for Documentation

  When I was a kid, I wanted to be a pilot.  My stepdad would talk about flying into Germany during World War II.  I'd spend my weekends...