Thursday, October 29, 2015

Peace and Quiet

Today I am thankful for the lack of drama in my life right now.

I have learned that.....yes, I have to change my behavior.

That is the price of peace.

I don't answer the phone for people I don't know.

I am thinking about hiring an answering service to screen for Steve's girlfriend and Michael's relatives.

I hired someone else to do my social networking so I don't have to put up with Steve or other annoying men trying to get into my pants.  I thought that would stop when I hit forty.  It didn't. 

I stopped trying to talk to my ex-husband about moving out.  I never got anywhere with him.

I am trying to deal with everything myself now.

I'm stuck in a couple of places and may need to go back to court.  I didn't realize it would be impossible for me to remove my name from joint assets so he could have them.  He needs to cooperate with me.

I'm sure a judge could force him to take me off of the title to the van I gave him and the old checking account.  If I close the account, I get cut a check for his money and his auto-payments won't go through.  I can't close the account without making his life harder. I can't take my name off of it.  He has to go to the bank, get a check for his money and open a new account.  I cannot do that for him.

In the divorce, I was given that account.  I opened it when I was 21 years old. 

I thought it would be easier to give it to him rather than try to talk about taking his money out of it. I have no clue what is in it.  I never really had access since 2011.  It's his account.

I opened my new account during our divorce.

I'm not comfortable with this situation. 

I'm stuck until he decides to take action.

That's the hard part......trying to do all the work myself.

If anything is going to happen, I'll probably have to make it happen.


I have also decided that I will NEVER again date a man who laughs and/or ignores my fear.  Michael discounts my fear surrounding the stalking.  He doesn't think it's a big deal.  He doesn't want to deal with it.  He does replace the locks when his relatives break them.  He does run around the house with a bug detector.  He did buy me a security camera (that freaks me out because he had it installed on his cell phone and it recorded everything I did).

Steve did the same thing.  He called me a liar (even thought he was there when Shannon was watching us drink tea at Starbucks with her Apple laptop  and phone pointed in our direction).  Steve even played on that fear a couple of times by threatening to stalk me and lie to get a restraining order against me.

Then......get this.....he told some of my friends that I was stalking him.

Wow....stalking is NOT a joke.  It's not funny.  It is incredibly terrifying. 

I don't even park my car at work because of it. 

The manager of a local retailer lets me park in his lot while I walk to work a block away.

The last line speaks to the incredible grace of the people in my community.  I've endured far more kindness than abuse.  I hope to return all the good that I receive ten fold.


I haven't had a single stalking incident since Michael lost his job.

I realize now why men like to make women dependent on them.

Dependent people are easier to control.  Dependent people won't try to hurt you because they need you to take care of them.

The tables have turned.....Michael is dependent on me until he finds a job.

The stalking appears to have ended.

If I ask him to leave now, I'm probably inviting the stalking or worse.

I'll just......keep myself busy with other things for now.

I have also realized that men like Michael and Steve wanted loyalty more than love.

No matter how idiotic, mean and rude they were - I wasn't allowed to speak about it or try to put a stop to it.  When I tried to problem solve with them, they either ignored me or blamed me.

They never hit me.....thank goodness.  They were incredibly emotionally abusive.

They would make up reasons to badmouth me to other people.

The triangulation should have been my first clue to the abusive nature of these men.

Do not date any man who talks behind your back or tells you that his mother doesn't approve of you due to the stuff he says to her.

Both of them would tell me that they told their mother things about me (that were untrue) and that their mothers did not approve of me.

Michael told his mother that I wouldn't allow him to go to school.  I was helping him apply for student grants at the time!!  He received a degree shortly afterwards!!

Steve told his mother that I binge ate when he wasn't around and that I was abusing him.  This was when he was sending me threatening emails and texts.

Maybe this can be a tip for other people.

Abusive men seem to have bizarre relationships with their mothers.

They also like to cast themselves in the light of a victim.....while they are terrorizing other people.

I wish I understood these types of people.

I can't. 

I have a graduate degree in psychology.  I understand the theory. 

I just can't understand how people could live that way.

It must work for them.


I am hoping that I can start living like a normal person again.

It would be nice not to feel the need to act like a demonic witch.

My in-laws claim I'm Satan.

The only thing that seems to scare them is witchcraft.

Maybe I don't need to scare them anymore.

Maybe they are done.

Please let them be done.

This week has been amazing.

I found a mentor.  He has helped me develop three corporate courses and seminars that I can market.

I also have been working on new videos and a super duper top secret project.

I am outsourcing my art and videography to people in Indonesia.  It's nice.  I put in my order and it's usually done by the time I wake up in the morning.

Things are looking up.

I should also say that Michael has been very helpful in recent weeks. 

I have to carry the insurance on the kids now that he's lost his job..

This is a good thing because I can insure that they get the health and dental services that they need.

I couldn't do that when Michael carried insurance on them because Michael and I cannot communicate. I didn't know what was covered, who to call and what the co-payments and co-insurance would be.

Now, he will drive them to their appointments and sit with them while I work. One of the kids needed a surgery.  He sat with her.  I'm pleasantly surprised.

Maybe it's not a bad thing letting him stay here until he gets back on his feet.

I am working two jobs - I am rarely home.

About the second job, I needed health insurance.  I realized that the best way to get health insurance was to become an insurance agent.  I'm licensed in eight states and the District of Columbia.  This year my cost is only $80 a month (for health, dental and vision).  I'm not sure about 2016 yet.

I'd recommend that part-time gig to any entrepreneur needing to get insurance.

If I have any more major epiphanies, I'll share.

Your journey is different from mine.  I'm not sure you'll get any mileage from my bizarre thought process.

May your journey be long, beautiful and with many pleasant memories and friends made along the way.

Love ya,


Thursday, October 15, 2015

My Diagnosis

Today I am thankful for Dr. Frank.
I've been fainting a lot. 
It usually happens when I exercise. 
For years, I was told that I had exercise induced asthma.
I've had trouble keeping down my weight due to my inability to exercise.
Dr. Frank is sharp. 
He's young.
He's fresh out of medical school.
He asked me one question no one ever asked before.
Where do you exercise?
Well.....I like to hike in the mountains.  I have a home gym and like to crack open the windows so I can feel the breeze through the windows.  When I raise my heart rate, I start to have trouble breathing and then I faint. I thought it was because I was overweight and out of shape but soon realized that dieting didn't help the problem.

He asked me to talk about when and where I faint.  I faint when the windows are open.  I faint in my home town (which is near the mountains) and I faint when I'm near a lot of trees.


Well....long story short, I'm allergic to all sorts of trees, grasses, dust, dogs, cats and just about everything one would find in the mountains on a hike.....and in and around my home.

I'm also highly allergic to the diet food I've been eating for years.  I can't eat wheat, soy, milk, eggs, cheese, bananas and peanuts anymore. 

I guess that explains why I always felt better not eating.  Eating made me dizzy and I struggled with anorexia as a kid. This explains it. The stuff I ate made me sick. 


I stopped eating the dietetic and protein bars.  I've lost 5 pounds and my blood pressure has returned to normal.

I thought I'd share just in case any one else is in the same boat. 

I think the only things I can eat now are oats, rice, chicken and green veggies. 

If I drop a lot of weight by avoiding the stuff that makes me sick, I'll let you know.

Love ya,


Edit: I am losing about one pound per week since abandoning the foods to which I am allergic.  I'm lucky to live in these times of fake eggs and gluten-free foods.  I have alternatives.

I've hired another doctor to guide me through an elimination diet to help me work through the allergies.

I'm told that, with time, I may be able to eat most of those foods without the inflammation and weight gain I experience while eating soy, wheat, eggs, peanuts and dairy.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Stupid Steve and His Silly Girlfriend

Today I am thankful for my latest lesson; though shall not answer the landline after 10:00 p.m.
So....I dated a guy for a few months last year.  I'd known him for three years, off and on.  He'd break up with me every two weeks or so in part, because he wanted to "f*ck a twenty-year old" and all his other "girlfriends look like models." 

He'd leave and come running back.

After awhile, he'd act like a crazy guy to run me off and come back two weeks later.

The last time, he invited me to a concert and sold my tickets leaving me alone in the stands.  He did other creepy crap there. 

As far as I was concerned, that was too much for me to bear.  I'm not going to mention the threats and many creepy e-mails and social media messages.

Let's just say, he's not allowed to contact me anymore.  I will get a restraining order.

I blocked his number from my phones.
I blocked him.  He has a couple of aliases I've had to block.  I know they are Steve because....well....they write very personal things to me that only he'd know.
I guess it is possible that the weird crap is coming from Michael's family, too.

I guess it doesn't matter.  If I don't pay attention to it, I am sure that it will stop.


Several times during our break-ups, a woman has called me crying and pleading for my help.  We'll call her Jane. I met her when I ran for office a few years ago.  She was a student at the Air Force Academy.
Imagine how we treat our woman soldiers and the things we allow the men in the military to do to them.

Remember how we stay mum about violent attacks.
Yeah....that happened to her.

She's never received justice.

She's been drifting ever since.

She developed a habit of calling me when Steve had broken up with me.  At first, I tried to help her.  She claimed she was homeless.  I had an organization reach out to help her and someone at a local university offered to help her finish college and find a place to stay.

One day, she calls me complaining about Steve.  She named his full name.  She said he was a friend of one of my friends and that he was going to post naked pictures of her online.  She said she had never met him. 

I didn't believe her because if they hadn't met, why would she have been afraid of him having naked pictures?

I told her to avoid him.  She wants a man to take care of her.  He doesn't drive.  He's irresponsible and wants to be taken care of.  I asked her to consider meeting her own needs and following her dream of returning to college. 

That must have really pissed Steve off.  He went off like a firework.

A few hours later Steve had made a fake Facebook account (under the name Steve Hensen) and threatened me on my public page. I think it was because I told the object of his affections that he didn't drive and wasn't who claimed to be.

 I think this was also the time someone sent me a screenshot of Steve's daughter making a suicide threat (which I forwarded to the county social service department who assured me that Steve was already on their radar). 

I need to change my phone number. 
Jane called last night from an 808 exchange. 

I'm not sure I've mentioned that I'm licensed in several states (including Hawaii) and that most of my clients are on Maui and Oahu. I probably could make a real living if I charged market rates (ooooh, an epiphany...thank you).

I thought it was a client.  I answered the phone.  It was late at night where I live.  In Hawaii, it was only 6:30 p.m.

She proceeded to apologize for ruining my life because of Steve.  I don't understand how she could have done that.  I broke up with him.  If they are dating, it's okay.

I told her that my anger the next day was due to messages he sent to me and a message I received  pertaining to his daughter.

Then she tells me that he was hitting on her during our relationship and that she was corresponding with him and even went so far as to meet him at a Libertarian function while we were dating!

This was the first time she admitted to knowing him. The last time she called me, she claimed she didn't know who he was (except that he had naked photos of her that he was threatening to post online).

I know he admitted to wanting to have relations with someone in her age group while he was hitting on her.

I don't know what she's worried about with regard to me.  It's a free country.  They can do whatever they want to do. I don't have to be near them. 

She continued to tell me about a sociopathic man she met who was hitting on other women while dating her (just like Steve did to me).  She told me that she's learned to hack accounts (just like Steve) and then I began to feel concerned that she was talking about Steve.

It sounds like she's trapped in a living situation with a sociopath!

I tried to warn her.  I'm worried about her.  I don't think I can do anything for her. 

I tried to warn her about how men like that track down people to take advantage of.  If you have left a bad relationship or have experienced a trauma (like a rape), they will try to take advantage of you in your weakened state. They hunt down people on the internet who are desperate and swoop in with love bombing.  Once they think they have you hooked, they go after your wallet, your time and your energy.  Once they've used you up or you've become wise to them - they'll go after your reputation. 

They'll have another love waiting in the wings.

Then when they used up their new love, they will come back to try to repeat the cycle with you.

If you give in to them, they are nice for a few days before they go back to their old tricks.

If you don't do what they want and, especially, if you have figured out that they are wacko, they'll call you crazy and slander you to their friends.

I told her he'd be back for her and asked if she had made any friends in Hawaii who could help her out.

She hung up on me.

What are the odds that Steve put her up to calling me.......again?
No matter.  I've got a plan in the works. up on sociopathic behavior.  Borderline men act like sociopaths (their reasons are different) but the behavior is often the same. 

You deserve better.

Stay away from men like that!
And for goodness sake, do NOT call his ex girlfriend! Why is she calling me? 

This makes no sense. 

If you've won a man and wrestled him away from've won.  Revel in your victory. Don't bug the ex.

Remember a man willing to cheat on one woman will probably cheat on you.

I'm sad that those things happened to her.

I can't help her anymore.

I pray she finds people who can.
Love ya,


P.S.  I am going to ask my friend writing the book on sociopathy why the new girlfriends call the ex girlfriends.  It's a little bit bizarre.  I wonder why they do that.

I will refrain from answering the phone after 9:00 p.m.

That'll stop a lot of the drama.
I really don't have time for that.

I don't really have time to talk about Steve, either. 

Avoid abusive guys. 

If anyone gives you a creepy vibe.  Run away......FAST!

Tuesday, October 13, 2015


Today I am thankful that a month has gone by without stalking activity. 

I haven't seen Doug for an entire month.

I haven't had screws in my tires.

I haven't had my mail tampered with.

My locks haven't been broken.

I haven't had weird hang up cell phone calls.

It seems to have stopped.

I don't know if I should credit the stupid spell (due to my lack of witchy ability)

 or the fact that Michael is at the house and is privy to everything I do.

I guess there is no need to stalk me when one knows exactly what I am doing.


Michael lost his job.  He has no where to go.  He's living here.

It's driving me batty.

I wanted to go back to court to put together a time frame for moving on and out.

That's not going to happen now.

My attempts to talk to him about it are met with my being ignored.

I don't understand.

The man buys me Kombucha tea (so he must care) but he won't talk about what to do next.

I'm very sad. 

All I do is cry.

I can't ask him to leave now.  I'm trying to leave.

I certainly feel trapped here. 

The only way out is to sell the house out from under him. 

What kind of brat does something like that?

There has to be a win-win here.  Why can't Michael help me find it?


I apologize to all of the cops who tried to warn me.  You were right.  I should have listened.

An officer told me a few weeks ago that my ex would do anything to stay here another week.  He urged me to have him evicted from the property.

The next day my ex was unemployed and had no where to go.

I have a plan. 

I'll keep the details of said plan under the vest until I implement it. 

Love ya,


Edit 10/21/15:  Michael showed me a letter from the unemployment office claiming that we won his benefits for being laid off. 

I guess he didn't quit his job on purpose.  I feel obligated to let him stay until he finds another job.

I'm not happy about it.

I wish I could tell you what was going on whenever I try to set up a timeline to move on.

It's just frustrating.

May he find a new job soon. 

Love ya,


Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Libertarian No More

Today I am thankful for the truth about the Libertarian Party.

Our leadership stands silent in the face of bullying.  Bullying is such a stupid thing to do because it draws attention away from what needs to be done to needless drama*.  It does feel like there is too much cray cray in the party to get things done.

We let the cray cray flag fly.  Sometimes we let the real crazies (who appear normal) go to the press and make a mockery of the party.

We do not solve problems.

We use the press to destroy our own people.   

You can't win a relay race by derailing members of your own team. 

I have decided to leave my party.

They are attacking a potential candidate they describe as a Pagan for a goat sacrifice; they say he supports eugenics and a civil war. 

I've read the candidate's work.  I don't like it.  It sounds like the ramblings of a sexist narcissist.

Nowhere does he say that he's writing fiction.

No where does he say he supports eugenics. 

He is anti-woman.  He is anti-abortion.  He is a paternalist.  I don't think he's a Libertarian.

He does not have a chance in Hades of winning.

Why is my party engaging in a smear campaign?

Yes, it is a smear campaign.

The man behind the smear campaign has found papers this Pagan candidate wrote in law school to use against him.  In graduate school, I was often asked to take up positions contrary to my true nature and write about them to show my argumentative agility.

The man behind the smear campaign has even gone so far to interview Pagans who knew his target in the past to dig up dirt.

This man's name is Wyllie.  I've got to say, the adjective fits.  He is quite wily and not in a subtle way either.

That scares me.   I did a search on the man and found someone's old Wordpress account (circa 2010) with this man's name, his state, the name of our party and the words smear campaign in the tags.  The posts have been deleted.  I wonder if this kind of smear campaigning is common with this Wyllie character.

It would seem to me that we have a situation where two narcissists are going head to head.

It's going to ruin the party.

Worse, if you want to distance yourself from someone who embarrasses you, the last thing you want to do is run to the press and pair his name with the word "Libertarian."

That was incredibly dumb.  That was incredibly stupid.  That brings the wrong kind of attention to our party as a whole.

His state party leadership went to the press with strange claims.  The claims are so strange that they are pretty hard to believe.

They claim there are videos of this guy claiming to want to kill people.  When I ask to see them, I am led back to the party's blogs.

There is no proof that I can find....yet.

I like to find proof before I form an opinion.  I have been unable to do so. 

The candidate has been gracious enough to answer my questions. 

It looks like a good chunk of what he is trying to say is being twisted.

Most of what I'm reading from the party representative appear to be vague and half-truths.  Sociopaths often bully using half truths

I probably should say former party representative.  He resigned so he could slander this fellow.  I'm sure he'll be back to being registered as a Libertarian soon.

I'm sad that people don't understand what is going on. 

I used to run a blog about organizational bullying.  What one usually sees is a target publicly slandered with half-truths so that his or her reputation is ruined.  Other people will repeat the bully's claims and harass the target, a practice referred to as mobbing.

Perhaps I should resurrect that blog. 

In fact, I initially worked with Libertarians to stop the bullying in our local government.  Workers are being bullied and illegally fined.  Sometimes they are fined if they act ethically towards the citizens and disobey orders to break the law.  For instance, a member of the audit staff was fined $500 and fired for not raking in a $250,000 quota in the span of a month.  Reaching that quota would have most likely meant collecting taxes that the city was not mandated to collect. 

True auditing would be about compliance not revenue generation. 

This auditor (and his family) were  fined, bullied and slandered for honoring the letter of the law.

He is not the only one.

My ex was the auditor in the above story. I found out about it when money went missing from my account and the assistant city attorney called me to gloat.  She told me I couldn't do anything about it.

Yeah, if you could see me right now.....I'm grinning.  I did something. 

I wanted to stop the bullying.

 I quickly learned that the best way to do that was to gut their funding.  The easiest way to gut their funding was to fight their tax hikes.

One does not need to be a registered Libertarian to fight tax hikes.

The Republicans do a good job fighting the tax hikes.  The Democrats are doing a good job tackling the social issues.

Together we are getting things done.  The hardest part of that journey was raising awareness of the bullying.  The city lawyers make the bullied employees sign confidentiality contracts.  It's hard to get people to speak out against it because they are intimidated.  

I've got too much to fight.  I don't really have time to deal with a bunch of party in-fighting. 

So.....I have decided to leave.

The national leadership refuses to speak to the entire Pagan bashing thing. 

That's how bullies thrive.  They're ignored.  Their antics are accepted.  Other people start leaving the organization silently.  This happens in churches.  This happens in work places and this happens in political parties.

If you are silent when faced with injustice, you take the side of the oppressor.  I'm not sure who said that but it is true when it comes to organizational bullying.

Quiet people are just as much at fault as the bullies themselves.

I'm a female.  I've dealt with my fair share of sexual harassment in the party.  I try to ignore it.

This is hard to ignore.  This guy spreading the rumors is fairly convincing (except that he does not have proof).  He's just running around vilifying a guy for being Pagan. That is a practice called religious discrimination. 

That makes me sad. 

I spend a good part of the morning picking apart the arguments against the target this morning. 

So far, everything my former fellow Libertarians have said has been debunked. 

They said this candidate has paid $10,000 to be on the Florida ballot.  He has not.

They said that they didn't know who he was because he wasn't active in the party.  They assert that he just materialized out of nowhere to pay for a place on the ballot as a Libertarian. 

When I looked at older stories, he was known.  He had words with the smear campaigner in the past.

This looks bad.

I have a suggestion.  I'm not sure anyone cares to read it.

If it were me, I'd put up a crowd funding page and start collecting money to nominate someone else for that seat.  You have a lot of eyes on the story now.  Use that to your advantage.

I'd also realize that our party has a problem with people registering but failing to be active members.  Controversies like this could make people feel unwelcome.


As for me, I'm thinking about moving on to another party.  Maybe I'll be an independent for now.

I grew up in a Pagan household heavily influenced by Native American spirituality.

Sadly, I no longer feel welcome in that party. 

I wish this post were fiction. 

It'll be interesting to see if the party grows the balls to combat discrimination or if they'll shrink back and just continue to piss off Pagans like they did when they ran Barr for president. 

They need to speak up and clean up the controversy. 

Getting another person to run for that seat would be a great first step.

It's not my business anymore. 

Love ya,

Independent S.

P.S.  A Republican friend forwarded this to me.  I could only stand to listen to the first few minutes. I will stand by my characterization of this man as a patriarchal narcissist.  It's his right to be whatever the heck he wants to be so long as he does not harm the personhood, reputation or property of another. 

I also stand by the characterization of the guy spreading the news as a bully (vindictive narcissist, perhaps....that will depend on what the Way Back Machine reveals).  This man had best NEVER cross my path. 

The party leadership are acting like apaths.  Apaths are the most dangerous people of all because they swallow the lies....hook.....line..... and sinker.  They do nothing.   They say nothing.  They sit in silence and let people destroy all that they have worked for.  They suffer from the sin of apathy.

Apathy is what is ruining our country.  I'm sad my former party cannot see through it.  I thought that apathy was what they wanted to fix.  People need to fight for their freedom.  Sometimes doing that means speaking up when witnessing injustice.

Perhaps I misunderstood what they were about. 

Any money I planned on donating to Libertarian causes will now go to the state group fighting tax hikes.  It is run by a Republican.  At least, I know that he won't run around spreading rumors and lies about other people. 

Oh, and I was saddened by the Libertarian activist who suggested that this man be put into a mental institution.  Libertarians are not supposed to advocate putting other people in cages for the "crime" of free speech.

Who are these so-called Libertarians?  I'm shocked.  I truly am. 

I wish someone would pinch and awaken me for I surely must be in the midst of a nightmare. 

Love ya,


P.S.S.  I made the mistake of Googling Adrian Wyllie.  Well.....this isn't the first charge of bullying he's endured.  Apparently the Libertarian Party of Florida was threatened with lawsuits in 2010 because of cyber-bullying occurring due to the Governor's race.  That was Wyllie's race.   I also found a smiliar story in 2013. I'm not sure if it was due to the same race, though. 

Anyone who wants to be Governor in Florida gets harassed by this Wyllie character.  Maybe Wyllie aspires to be a Senator now? 



The Way Back Machine is my friend. 

A Wikipedia page?  If you haven't saved a bunch of people, written a best selling book, cured cancer, or done anything of note, you don't need a Wikipedia page. Oh my...that's the mark of a narcissist.  Wow...

That was what I needed to know.  The party will let crazy people engage in crazymaking and drive off people who really want to work.


As of this morning, I am now unaffiliated. 

A house divided against itself will fall.  I cannot make myself at home in such a place. I certainly don't want to be under the roof when the foundation folds upon itself.

I feel as though a great weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. 

I feel pretty good about my decision. 

I'll come back if our leadership figures to lead.  It's not a problem with the new national chair.  Apparently, this has been going on for many years. Washed up Republicans are drawn to the mindful not to let them play the same games.

I love the people.  I just don't look that good in a crowd of yellow.  I'm not afraid to speak out.  When I'm ignored, I'll find a different place to speak.

I wish them the best.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

How Many Times Do I Have to Facebook Block Steve?

Today I am thankful for Facebook, it gives me a barometer to measure the crazy crap in the air.

I received a strange message today.  It was from someone who went by the name:

Preciou K O Love

It was in my primary inbox despite the use of strict filtering.  It was from Facebook.  The message itself was blocked pending an identification request from Facebook.  This was the message I found awaiting me this morning.

 This message has been temporarily removed because the sender's account requires verification

This isn't the first time, I've seen this.  There was a guy who called himself Luvuby Earnest who harassed me on various social networks.  I wound up putting myself on lockdown.
So, I did a search for the recent people who have interacted with my profile.  I have many friends named Steve.  I don't understand why Steve Y's new profile came up first in the search results....all I typed was STE. 

My friend Stephanee didn't show up!!
I did some research on the Facebook algorithm and was informed that it appears to be due to who actually visits your page the most.

Is Steve (or someone pretending to be him) watching me?  Ugh....

I know he infiltrated my toastmaster group. 

Yes, I found myself blocking Steve as (Steve Y) for the third time today.  Someone has set up yet another profile for him (using the same profile picture he had when I met him). This makes three now.

I must have blocked people I presume to be him at least 20 times. 

He's either Steve Y (name of famous San Francisco/BYU football player)
Or Steve Hensen (like the puppet master).

He also goes by Liberty[enter his first name].

I also found two more accounts for his father, Larry.  I blocked them.  I also blocked his sister. be fair.....I don't know if these Steve Y accounts are Steve or if these are my former in-laws messing with me by making fake profiles with Steve's picture or contact information.  I know people have made fake profiles for me on YouTube and Amazon to harass me.  It's not completely out of the question.

Do you want to see a fake profile?  If you know my real name.  Go to Google+ and type my full name in with the numeral 2.  You'll find one of my harassers.  That person was blocked for spamming people with messages on YouTube.

Mike says that Steve blocked him on both of his accounts. Weird.....are these guys still stalking each other? 

Mike also says that he thinks Steve is watching me to ensure that I don't tell the truth about the crap he's pulled with me.

I don't want to deal with negativity anymore.  I'm just going to block it.  The harassment makes me want to vomit. 

If Steve is watching me to make sure that I don't write ill things about him,  He is too late. I have a friend writing a book about dating people who act like sociopaths.  His antics at Phish may make it into the book...

the whole ordering dinner without me while I'm in the bathroom of a McDonalds and scarfing it down in five minutes, not giving me a chance to eat, selling my tickets and buying me one for the stands so he can hang out on the dance floor, and taking my money.....before running to Facebook claiming I was abusing him...and his mother...

and that he won't be responsible for the damage his parents do to

Yeah, those antics. 

You know, I had to laugh at the idle threat.  I can make more powerful people than them quiet when I choose to speak.  I eat people more powerful for breakfast. Sadly, it always leave a disgusting taste in my mouth, even when I win.

Anyway....I did show my author friend the text messages threatening to stalk me and to ruin my reputation. 

I didn't tell her about the choking rapey thingy.  Maybe I should.....

I didn't even tell her about having the 25 year old he told me he wanted to f*ck call my home numerous times***.  Throughout the relationship, he said he wanted a twenty year old.  I wonder if he acted like a douche so I would leave him available for her.

She called me three times, pretending to be homeless. I tried to help her.  The third time she wanted information about her friend who told her NOT to finish college and who threatened to post naked photos of her online.  She named this friend as Steve Y.  She named our mutual friends and asked if I knew him. 

I warned her to stay away from Steve.  I told her that he was emotionally abusive, had a criminal background and to proceed with caution.  This led to a mini-Facebook meltdown on my page.  He left a long rude messages for me on my page under the name Steve Hensen.  He made it sound like we lived together and that I had to pick up my stuff.  He, under his fake name, called me a stalker. He blocked me when I clarified that the only thing he'd need to pack up for me was a couple of books and that if he mailed them to me I'd reimburse him. 

He never sent them to me.  Those books have since been replaced.

I battened down the hatches.

Then he had a couple of my friends harass me.  They wound up blocking me.  Don't piss off a hypnotist.  She'll bend your mind (unless you're too sick to be reached).

I'm about to leave Facebook over the bull.  I did notify the police.  I notified my neighbors.  They vowed to call the police if a short bald guy is messing with the property. 

It might not be Steve.  It could be Mike pretending to be Steve.

Mike isn't so saccharine.  He doesn't pretend to be sweet....Steve is the better actor.  Mike has family that harass me.  Steve isn't that sneaky. 

I don't care who it is.  I'm tired of it!

If you Facebook stalk your ex, you'll never get over her. 

I would prefer not to be reminded how tempted I am to conjure more demons for this man or whoever the heck is annoying me.

This person had best leave me alone.....pronto.  If he's piggy-backing on my ex-husband's abuse, there is nothing protecting Steve from my full wrath.

I have kids with Mike.  I won't hurt him. 

Steve.....well, I have no reason to let him annoy me.  It might be fun to take out my aggressions on someone.



I was offered a job yesterday by someone who found me on LinkedIn.  Well....his name is also Steve.  I turned it down because this man wants a good Christian lady.  I am not that.  Yes, it was an illegal thing to ask me.  I told him that I had concerns about being a good fit.  I think he gave my name to a competitor because a woman just called and asked me to interview for a similar position. 

I guess I must have good karma. 

Yes, I am very spiritual but my religion is NOT Christianity.  I have prayed to my Gods asking that this man find the person he is looking for.

Maybe I'm just better off working for myself.

I need to start advertising again.  I may just hire someone to do my social networking on a contract basis.  If it keeps my eyes away from the harassment, it'll be worth it.  I did find a company to do my social networking on Twitter.  So far, it's helping me stay away from the BS.  I need to find someone willing to take over my YouTube and Facebook accounts. 

It's weird, I don't check my messages often. 

I did today.  One of my darling hottie gun liberal gun enthusiast buddies wants to be close friends.  He let me know two weeks ago. 

How did I miss that? 

I wouldn't have known if I weren't being messed with. 

Love ya,


***The girl Steve was chasing is still calling me, by the way.  I keep catching her in lies.  Apparently she thinks she ruined my life because of Steve.  I don't understand the details.  A blog post about that is pending.  I'm hoping I get some insight to share before hitting the publish button.

I probably won't.

I have only learned that 18 hour workdays make it impossible to answer the phone.  In cases like mine, it's a good thing. 

Place for Documentation

  When I was a kid, I wanted to be a pilot.  My stepdad would talk about flying into Germany during World War II.  I'd spend my weekends...