Saturday, May 23, 2020

I've Been Warned

Today I am thankful for the lessons learned as a stalking victim. 

Apparently, people who know me fear that Dennis "The Menace" is going to kill me should I venture outside to try to find evidence that someone is setting fires at Cherry Creek State Park.

They base this upon a Facebook post.

What's he going to do?

Set the witch on fire?

Note: I'm a descendant of the witches that didn't burn.

Oh boy, this is starting to get stupid.

I've dealt with more dangerous dolts that this guy.  If I were in danger, it would have been when I was ignoring the drug dealers at Civic Center Park while trying to get a guy to consider treatment.

The worst thing that happened was that a woman called me a "stupid bitch."  She shut up quickly as she was sitting by a guy who just got a new set of sneakers that I bought fo him.

Take care of people and they'll take care of you.

That was just a few days ago.


Hell, I have more of a chance of dying by lighting black candles in my circle than I have of dying by this asshat's hand. 

If that doesn't kill me, my untreated liver and breast tumors will.  


Just in case my fearful frenemies are right -

Should I disappear, the first suspect should be my stalker ex-husband (Mike....the guy who lived here without my permission just a few years ago).  He's acting out and sending me nasty emails.

Then maybe....consider Dennis.

I have a 99.999% chance of coming back here tonight and saying that I'm alive.  The other .001% would be the odds that I'm in jail for injuring someone for trying to kill me.

Little old ladies with guns fear nothing.

Love ya,


Edit: 06/06/20 - Nothing has happened.  I haven't found the scene nor has anyone threatened me.  Seriously.....I think the masks are making people go crazy.

Friday, May 22, 2020

An Idea Inspired by a Woman Living in her Car

Today I am thankful for ideas that spring from circumstances.

Now, I'm going to qualify with the following -

Homeless sweeps do more harm than good.

This bitchy witchy believes that there is a special place in Hades for the politicians who recommend them.  Typically those politicians are the ones who raise taxes to fund public-private partnerships promising to help homeless people

but the help is not forthcoming.

This is an idea born from a joint homeless sweep conducted by the Cities of Denver and Englewood.

There is an old woman -

homeless and living in her RV -

who planted food for herself and others to eat -

the Denver police decimated her garden and stole her property.

My understanding is that she still has her RV (but no money for gasoline).

I don't know this woman or I'd send her some gas money.

I was told of her story

and realized just how I can honor my religion while helping these people.

I'd like to buy several acres of property in the middle of nowhere to start a commune for homeless people to grow crops and live.

If I can pull this off, I could literally make the idiotic Denver Mayor a tad bit happier by lessening the problem.

Years ago, I had a dream I owned a charity called Hestia's Hearth.

Hestia is the beautiful goddess of a loving home.  She gave up her seat in the pantheon so that Dionysus could join the other Gods on Mount Olympus.

She is also the goddess of the state.

So....I'm going to pray that she helps me find a means to make this happen in a way that will not garner the ire of the government.

My goal was to visit the homeless today.

I couldn't do that.

I bought $285 worth of supplies and a wagon to carry it in.  My aim was to go to Cherry Creek State Park to find the plot that Dennis the Menace allegedly set on fire to run off an alleged homeless addict.


I got hungry and started to snack on some chocolate covered espresso beans given to me by my daughters for mother's day.

Well....they were chocolate covered peanuts.

I'm deathly allergic.

I spent most of the night sitting on my couch popping Benadryl like candy.

Damn it.....

Sometimes the best of plans can be laid to waste with stupidity.


In my isolation, I realized that I'm lucky to be single.

I imagined what would happen if my non-existent husband would have found the receipts .

What would a guy say if he saw that I spent $200 on men's shoes?

Would he think I wore them?

Would he want to see them?

Would he think I was having an affair?

Yeah....I'm glad I'm single.

I definitely have a problem buying shoes.  In the past, the shoes were for me.

Now, they are for everyone else.

Love ya,


Thursday, May 21, 2020

Political Nightmare

(I've gotta stop stroking the egos of horrible politicians). 

Today I am thankful that I can remember my dreams....

well, maybe not.

They're getting quite weird.

So, last night I dreamt that I was hanging out with Colorado's governor, Polis.

In this dream, I was really feeling sorry for him.  I was trying to help him understand that the Constitution cannot be suspended due to a virus and that there is no way to know for sure that the information he's getting from the CDC is accurate.

In this dream, I could literally feel his fear that people were going to die in droves if he re-opened the economy.  I could feel that he was experiencing guilt just by thinking of all the people he truly believed were going to die.

In the dream, I remember telling him to just think about all the people being saved by having the a ability to get preventative care.


Then the dream became bizarre.

Polis was on a stage, making weird gestures with his mouth.

There were people around me in a crowd, naked and pleasuring themselves with vibrators.....I'm looking at the guy behind me saying

"You know, this is gross.  I identify as an asexual."

He looks at me in horror as I notice a pink vibrator in his hand.

That's when I woke up thankful that it was just a dream.


The truth is that we are only as good as the information available to us.

The government really shouldn't trust intel from China.  We don't know what we're dealing with -

Even Dr. Anthony Fauci flip-flops on his recommendations.

The last thing we should do is condemn people to death by making it impossible for them to get medical care

(says the woman with an untreated liver tumor who lost her health insurance at the end of April).

The government needs to stop letting liberals run around condemning the rest of us to death.

Maybe this shut-down business is just a politician's masturbatory exercise in getting his kicks by exercising what little power he thinks he has.

This will cost countless political careers.

I'm thankful that judges are finally seeing that these shut-downs are unconstitutional.

Love ya,


Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Personal Death Tally Since Mid-March

Today I am thankful for anger.

I lost my fourth former patient to an overdose since Governor Polis shut down the state and instituted policies which halve the number of beds available in rehabilitation centers.

I lost a high school chum this morning due to an untreated health issue.

A little over a month ago, I lost my aunt due to a hospital discharging her early to make room for covid-19 patients.  These patients never arrived to clog the hospital system.

My anger is mounting.

To keep things fair, in all my networking, I have met countless people who have tested negative for Covid19.

I only know of one person who tested positive.  She is an RN who is a friend of a friend.  I never met her.  I asked about her and learned that she was working more hours than usual due to the shut down.

That appears to be part of the problem: some people are overworked while a vast majority of people cannot keep busy.

So....I wish the CDC kept track of people who died due to a lack of health care.

Maybe - that'll be a wish for the bay candle or the prayer to Asclepius.

This nightmare is getting worse.

It must change soon or you'll see ol' Siegfred outside with a clipboard collecting recall signatures.


Sunday, May 17, 2020

Rebel Cauldron

Today I am thankful for political assholes. 

I know....

I know.....

It's a dumb thing to be thankful for.

Assholes inspire anger.

Anger inspires action.

I'm starting to get a little bit pissed off.

The more people that relapse due to the shut down of the AA, NA and other 12-step meetings,

the more death I see ....

the angrier I become.

I'm starting to wrinkle.

I've got a tiny wrinkle in between my eyebrows

and I swear my smirk wrinkle is coming back.

When I'm at peace, the wrinkles go away.

When I'm so upset that I feel the need to take action, my shadow side can put people in a world of hurt.

I'm trying to be good, I really am.

I don't think I'm going to hold out much longer.


I went to a rally today.

It is the same rally at the state Capital I've gone to each and every week since our idiotic governor shut down the economy.

I wear a mask only because I promised my boss I would wear a mask in public.

That makes me all too easy to spot.

This time there were several wanna-be politicians present at the rally.


I saw something I had not seen before.

Across the street from the Denver capital,

I saw two homeless guys without shoes burning their feet on the hot pavement.


I went over to talk to them.

I think one had schizophrenia.

The other -

well, he lost his toes to frostbite (and could have a dash of narcissism, too - that said, when one is in intolerable pain, they may take on narcissistic traits as a means of survival).


So, old Ms. Siegfried

in her Gadsen hat and huge Colorado flag with the symbol of Athena (Goddess of Wisdom) and Asclepius (God of Medicine)

went over to talk to the gentlemen.

I got their shoe sizes and stories

and returned with two pairs of shoes, twelve pairs of socks, five loaves of bread, four jars of peanut butter and jelly, a large submarine sandwich, some peach tea and two gallons of water.

Next time I need to bring more food.  They asked for fruit and chips.

Thank goodness for Costco.

A homeless guy helped me find parking so they could help unload my car.

If I get arrested, it'll probably be for picnicking with homeless folks.

Make no mistake,

the Republicans steal from the homeless 

while the Democrats have people arrested for treating them like human beings (**2).  


I met a guy smoking heroin and told him that I knew people who could help him quit when he was ready.

The problem, though, is with the shut down there are half as many beds available to drug addicts than their were before due to the Covid19 hysteria.

Guess how many more people have died from overdoses than Covid19?

That answer should piss anyone off.

At the rally -

NONE of the so-called Christian protestors or wanna-be politicians met us on the other side of the street.

Not a single one.

I had a few homeless people asking for Bibles.

Some asked for masks.

One asked for water because the City of Denver, in all of it's unloving Democrat inspired glory, shut down all the public water fountains.

Liberals love to take our tax dollars promising to help the poor

while doing everything in their power to harm the people they swear to help.

I'm old enough to remember how they helped during the '08 Democratic convention - they used public funds to cut the hair of the homeless to make them look presentable.  They also took over a  detox center to hide them away from public view.

I think Wellington Web might have been the mayor then.  He's a corrupt jerk.  I'm too pissed to hunt down the documents exposing how people like him got rich selling cheap property to the taxpayers of Denver in order to build our new airport.

It's in tornado alley.

One day - that airport will be torn to shreds.

Stupid is as stupid does.


Across the street from the protest,

someone compared my actions to Jesus.

I'm Pagan, it's not really something a Pagan really wants to hear.

Another person told me that my "husband is a lucky man."  I just thanked him.

What am I married to?

Possibly Charlie

(that's the name of my latest bass hands are all over him).

I'm glad I'm not married.  I don't think a husband would enjoy my $100 splurges on socks, bottled water, bread and peanut butter that wind up feeding those people that our idiotic politicians harass.

I'm 50.  I remember....a tax hike passed in Denver in which the funds were promised to help the homeless.

I have no clue where the money went.

There are so many CORA requests I can do - but I don't have a lot of time.

Besides, for some stupid reason Polis (*?) has given the okay for state agencies to ignore records requests.  No one I know is getting answers.

I finally got an answer from the Feds about the homeless camp by my house ( I guess I'll update that entry).


Right now...

Right now....

I'm livid.

I'm livid at Mayor Hancock.

I'm livid at Governor Polis.

They have power.

They abuse it.

They can't think ahead enough to see the consequences of holding our freedoms hostage so they can exercise a little bit of control.

They don't care about what they're doing to the people.

I wonder if the lack of tax revenue is starting to bother them.

Somehow I get the sense that we'll be out fighting for our beloved TABOR amendment soon enough.



A good witch never tells other people what spells she will cast.

I'm going back into my circle.

I may even pray, in my own special way, for the ignorant wanna-be politicians who stood across the street ignoring the shoeless men burning their feet on the hot pavement just a few feet in front of them.

The meanest thing one can curse a Democratic politician with

is true bleeding-heart compassion.


I'm meeting recently homeless people -

people who lost their homes


This is an atrocity.

As much as a homeless guy wanted to teach me how to pray today,

I decided to pray in my own special way.

May this all end soon in a way that protects the people.

Blessed be,


*?  - I put a question mark there because I'm not sure if Polis has demanded that people refuse to answer open records requests or if this is happening due to his belief that he can continually suspend the Colorado Constitution every 30 days or so.

I have a hunch that the real reason Polis is declaring a state of emergency every 30 days is so he can raid our TABOR emergency fund reserves.

I saw that the amount of Covid deaths in Colorado have dropped to less than 900.  There are so many lies circulating in the media, it's hard to know what to believe.

I do know that the Constitution was not intended to be suspended due to a virus.

On that note, let me get back to the melting wax.

Love ya,


(**2) Correction, the Democrats steel from the homeless, too.  Mayor Hancock ordered a homeless sweep near Platte River on 05/19/20.

I've got a pretty black candle with his name on it.  He vetoed a law that would prohibit the City and County of Denver for killing pit bulls based on breed.  I should post a picture of his candle before I burn it.  It's got a rhinestone collar.

Don't worry, it's a reversible candle:  When the subject behaves and doesn't plot to kill homeless people or dogs and follows the Constitution that he's sworn to uphold, his luck is good.  When the subject is nasty towards others and betrays his oath, his luck turns worse.

It may not fix anything but, at least it's hella therapeutic.

I love the smell of burning peppers and miss it on the Denver street corners.

Perhaps if some idiot would open the city, I can get my kicks by a jalapeno stand rather than my circle.


Shadow S.

Edit 05/21/20 0156

So....I think Dennis the Menace is flirting with me.

Sigh..... heart belongs to Charlie (my new bass guitar).

I'd be willing to bet this scene was staged by Dennis himself (no one says something isn't staged unless it's staged - that's psychoanalysis 101).

I spent the evening with a bunch of conservatives laughing at Dennis's lack of understanding the very concept of homelessness (e.g. owning no property) and drug addiction (people smoke more than just heroin).

90% of what I write here is fiction.

Sadly, the shit with the political asshats isn't.

I'm going to miss my stash of black candles.  I'd rather eat my jalapeƱos than burn them.


peppery cursing candles are therapeutic.

Love ya,


Place for Documentation

  When I was a kid, I wanted to be a pilot.  My stepdad would talk about flying into Germany during World War II.  I'd spend my weekends...