Sunday, October 3, 2021

Facebook Weirdness

Today I am thankful that I decided NOT to advertise on Facebook again. 

So....I'm done with school. 

All that is left for licensure is a test. 

That's it. 

It's time to start another business. 

I paid an artist to design my logo.  She's a single mom and lost her job to Covid. 

It's an amazing logo. 

She designed my stationary, too.  

I'm building a website and trying to decide if I want to merge my hypnosis business with my counseling practice or keep them separate. 

On a coding break, I went to Facebook. 

I liked a post featuring this video:  

Love this guy! 

Then I tried to leave a comment for a friend who has not dropped a touch of the demon drink for fourteen years. 

Facebook sent me this: 

So I waited two hours. 

I tried to leave a comment on a colleague's post complimenting her picture; that woman doesn't age. 

I got the same message. 


what gives Facebook? 

I haven't really been on that site for two weeks. 

Even then, it was only to check my messages. 

There is no way I raised any liberal hackles on that damn website.  I rarely use it! 


I haven't really been doing the activist thing.  There is nothing that a Demoncrat could call me out for. 

I watch the bi-weekly Monday Aurora City meeting on Youtube because that's all the asshats in power will allow. 

It's preparatory.  

Not sure what I'm going to do yet.  

The meetings are annoying. 

Here's a hint - 

If you're the mayor or councilperson, the least you can do is look interested. 


I'm embarrassed by some of the filters used by the female councilmembers, too. 

I wonder if we are soon gonna go the way of Cuba - to Communism? 
The first thing to go is the freedom of speech! Facebook is so darn deep state. No wonder people are stocking up on toilet paper. Remember those news stories with the long lines of people in Russia waiting for toilet paper? Apparently, a lot of people remember that! 

There is something weird going on in politics.  The big tech corporations are pushing a liberal agenda.  

(Why is the jingle for Rice-a-Roni going through my head?) 

This is no treat: It's a San-Francisco trick! 

While big tech pushes liberalism, the liberals and the RINOs push regular folks out of politics. 

I have my ace in the hole. 

I got mad. 

I did a thing; it wasn't expensive, fattening, or illegal.  Outside of that, I'm not gonna talk about it.  

Let's see what happens now. 

If thousands of people are irritated like I am.  The fan is gonna be brown. 

Things are about to get interesting.                                                                                                


NEXT DAY EDIT: worked!! I'm a little shocked being that we are in Mercury Retrograde and all. 

Gotta do that the next time they single me out. Next time I'll ask that they go down for more than six hours. 

Better go light some incense to express my gratitude. 

Place for Documentation

  When I was a kid, I wanted to be a pilot.  My stepdad would talk about flying into Germany during World War II.  I'd spend my weekends...