Friday, July 29, 2022

An Idea for the Collective Conservative Consciousness

For a while, I've been irritated by fake charges and bullshit hearings: 

Now ,I'm hopeful that the Jan.6th committee gives way to keeping our republic out of the hands of elitist globalists. 

I'm spending most of my days cleaning up the mess made by asshat politicians who shut down the economy and made many of my neighbors homeless.  I am putting yet another black dress on in preparation for another funeral of someone who died in his youth due to a blood clot that I'm pretty sure was taxpayer-funded (damn Phizer and Biden for ordering an unConstitutional mandate to take an untested drug). **

I'm an INFJ. My rage is silent.  My kindness will give way to obnoxiousness that those who piss me off will regard as evil.  I'm not sure what I can and will do yet, but I'm always surprising myself. 

It just occurred to me.  The Democrats are behaving like traitors to the UN and the World Economic Forum and putting into place all sorts of lunacy to further their agenda.  There is really no time to write about it now but nearly 12 years ago, most mayoral candidates were asked to sign an ICLIE treaty promising to take actions utilizing unelected bureaucrats to further the UN green agenda.  I remember the treaty asking for one action to further their agenda the first year, two the second year, three in the third, and so on. 

Signing such a treaty is traitorous as are those who push to violate the Constitution to please these globalists and destroy our way of life. True, we need to change some things, however, it is maddening to know that these same globalists pushed oil, pushed fertilizer and other things they are trying to ban now after they made their fortunes.  Of course, the green agenda is a farce to open other markets so they can make new fortunes.  Ten years is not enough time to reverse the damage these globalists previously caused. 

Starving millions of people to push their agenda is evil, at best.  

Our Democrat traitors are charging people for a peaceful protest outside of their nation's home.  Yes, I say peaceful as the bullshit I see broadcast seems faked in some manner.  The whole January 6th committee crap does not make sense and appears to be a fraudulent distraction hell-bent on distracting everybody from the traitorous bullshit occurring on the part of the new occupant in the nation's house and his handlers. 

Here is the idea: 

(this is an oldie but a goodie)

Remember McCarthy and his war on Communism? 

Why can't we put asshats on trial who are furthering the  Rockefeller, UN and WEFs agenda? 

It is traitorous. 

Maybe we should start with Fauchi and anyone who publicly pushed the lockdowns and funded the gain of function and biological warfare experiments. 

Or maybe, we should go after US members of the WEF.  Gates, perhaps? 

If we can't do it now, I guarantee that short of election fraud, we can do this next January. 

We also ought to stop funding the clique known as the UN, too.  Why continue to pay our own bullies? 



**I just remembered that I should tell my boss about the Denver Cop parked behind my car at work last night.  He tailed me through the parking lot and stopped. Another cop picked me up and followed me several blocks. Don't know if that was about me, my homeless buddies, or them trying to dig up dirt on people struggling with addiction.  That chick in the Buick with the gun rights bumper sticker is kinda obnoxious.  She tends to utter Latin curses and wave her left hand at asshats in cars when she feels threatened or irritated.  If you were a Denver cop tailing a redhead in a Buick on Leetsdale/Parker Rd. yesterday, get thee some holy water pronto.

Monday, July 11, 2022

My Stalkerish Ex Must Be Trying to Get me to Move (w/edit)


Domestic abusers and stalkers are nothin' but spoiled, insecure bullies.  Police departments are often their biggest enablers.  The sad thing is that many of these mass shooters are domestic abusers.  Cops don't often take reports so these guys stay off of their radar until it is too late.  My stalker has threatened the government but I don't have any solid proof except what I'm told he posts to Facebook. 

The words I hate saying the most is 'I told ya so.'  May I never have to say them again. 

Today I am thankful for professional opinions. 


I've been interviewing contractors. 

They're warning me that someone has tried to break into my home. 

One told me today, "I've only seen that kind of damage during hurricanes." 

Damn it....

The sad thing is that I could call the police, 

but they'd tell me they can't do anything because stalking is a civil matter 

 (grrrr - I should've run for office again after that crap from the cops - maybe it'll just be ammo to run again. I'm a former victim's advocate.  Yeah, I know the cops were being lazy and feigning ignorance.) 


there is a trick to this...

that trick is to hide all my matches 

so I don't do anything I'm going to regret. 

I'm just like everyone else, 

when I get scared, 

I'm prone to acting out of my shadow. 

Someone deserves to be cursed. 

Damn it. 

(but rather than resorting to witchcraft, I'm just going to call my lawyer and start collecting the $40,000 he owes me. I think the State of Colorado allows 11% compounded interest.  Over nine years, that's going to be quite a pretty penny.  Just to think, I wasn't going to go back to court to renew the judgments but, you know what?  If someone is going to destroy my home, well, I'm done being nice.) 

Truth be told, I really don't have to do anything.  

Someone is due for some shitty karma. 

I only hope I don't have to see this person go down in flames. 

Love ya, 

S.'s two days later and my savings account is $1,100 lighter.  At least now I have security doors. 

Damn it. 

If this guy ever pays me the $40,000 he owes me, I'll be able to recoup this and the other things this guy has cost me over the past thirty years. 

I'm lucky I had the money. 



Thursday, July 7, 2022



Today I am thankful for perspective. 

Too many people are dying.  

I've lost two folks this week.  It's a sad thing. One of whom just got off of the streets.  Homelessness does a number on the health and well-being of our brethren. 

The government trip towards communism is pissing me off. 

I see the carnage it's creating yet I have no clue what to do. 

Over the years, the universe has taught me that if I pray for a change I'll be given an ugly, heavy hat and directed to throw it in an ugly horrible ring.  That must be due to my ancestry; I'm a descendent of a Post Civil-War Era President who won a war drunk and a Ringling Brother who left the circus to rescue horses. 

The truth is that I'd rather do other things; 

make art, play music, conduct art and music therapy groups.....

just about anything other than bitch in public and get booed by cherry-picked asshats invited by red politicians.  

Yeah, many town halls have audiences who are invited because they'll go easy on the politicians. 

Sad, eh? 

What do I think of politics? 

Politics is proof that this plane of existence is a type of hell. 

I got into the car today and let myself cry. 

Then it happened, I turned on the radio and heard my favorite Clinton. 

Isn't there anything that George Clinton, Bootsy, and crew can't fix? 

I sat there, stone-cold sober from the losses when I realized that the people in charge of this country are traitorous lunatics who never studied history.  They're leading good people into another hellish circus that could put the country into famine and war. 

Most other people are awesome. 

There are more good souls in this country than there are traitorous lunatics. 

I honestly believe that someone desecrated the Georgia Guidestones to stand up to the depopulation plan the Freemasons, the WEF, Bill Gates, and other godless UN nutjobs are pushing.  

When one bitches, whines, and complains, one ought to find a way to solve the problem. 

Right now, I don't know what I can do to help the 20 or so homeless folks I talk to on a daily basis. 

I bought a little prayer candle with St. Jude on it. 

Do you want to know something disturbing? 

When I pray, 

the universe forces me to take some type of action. 

I'd bet that happens to you, too. 

I'd also bet that most of the time that action is not what is expected. 

I'll light it tonight and ask for direction. 


well, see. 

What do you bet someone will present me with an ugly, old hat and a petition? 

May all your prayers be answered in a manner that doesn't freak you out. 



Monday, July 4, 2022

An Evil Footprint - Good Thing For Footprints


Today I am thankful for my neighbors. 

 So, I've been hesitant to share this...

Last Monday, I was on my laptop trying to do some homework for my Jungian Sandplay class when my dog went nuts...

I heard a thud...

and looked out the window. 

I saw my heavy glass entryway barely hanging on to the house. Three of the four corners of the metal door frame were off of the entryway, and the door was hanging off of the house. The only thing holding it together was the wiring for the vintage doorbell. 

At that moment, I felt incredibly lucky that the glass didn't smash into the ground. 

That loud sound drew my private investigator neighbor and the renter next door, who helped me remove the wires and move the heavy door to the side of the house.

The entire outer door jam is gone. The wood frame of the house is exposed! 


The neighbors noted the damage to my garage door, my back door, and the front door. The PI also noted that the contractors replaced all of these doors and that they didn't do a good job. 

My daughter sues bad contractors. She's been urging me to sue since they stopped working on the house and left a gaping hole in the upstairs bathroom. 

My water in the kitchen stopped working, and one of my new walk-in showers fell apart shortly after they left. 

Holiday parties suck because all the men who come try to fix my house. 

I don't let them. The best story I tell them is that I'm a feminist bumble bee. The story starts by saying "I'm Mzz. [last name]," which means that I have to do it myself, but I am way too busy. It'll hurt my pride to have people fix my house for free. They can fix it if they charge me a market rate. Since they love me, they refuse to charge me money. 

My sister's boyfriend, my daughter's boyfriend, my now deceased bass player brother, and my twin nephews were very offended. 

The last thing I want to do is abuse the people I care for by taking advantage of them. 

So, my house remains falling apart as I ponder the folly of allowing a government I am pissed off to pick a contractor to fix my house. Those asshats broke everything. At least I caught the electrical mistakes early and had them fixed during COVID. I was lucky to find an electrician needing work after having his business shut down by governmental asshats. 


I'm hunting for a contractor but—between

school and my job with over 70 psych patients, I have little time for anything. 

(I sobbed when I realized that I hadn't played with Charlie in nearly a year. I picked him up, but then my term paper began calling to me. I'm tempted to bring him and Tom to a music group for people in recovery - they'll get some love there. I may never see them again but it's not like their strings are getting any use in my dusty recording studio.) 

I'm going to stop school in the fall for my own sanity.

All this time, my daughter, who sues bad contractors for a living, begs me to file suit. I just told her that I was blessed when they installed steel doors and put the hinges on the inside of the house. 

That possibly saved my life. No one has broken into the house. This is why, no matter how badly the contractors damaged my house, I will not sue the contractors.

Someone has broken into the garage, but my house seems to be a fortress. 

Yesterday, my washer broke as I was helping an elderly woman do her laundry. I wound up driving her to a laundromat and having an adventure talking to my fellow Aurorans. An elderly black woman at the laundromat taught me how to get in and out within an hour. 

The trick is to use a warm dryer. Additionally, I learned that to be a good community member, one must offer a warm dryer to someone needing one.  

See? The people here are beautiful. I could always digress and tell you tons of stories about the lessons of the people who lived in old Aurora. I'm smiling as I remember how strangers saved me in 1998 after I was involved in a hit-and-run. They called the police, who went off looking for me. I had hit my head and could barely walk. Not really thinking, I ran off to school to take a scheduled test, an act that would turn out to be a mistake that led to a lifetime of physical pain. Many years ago, a local paper dubbed me "the Accidental Auroran" because I moved here because the people in this area are beautiful, kind, and grounded in reality. Maybe someday I'll tell you the story of the black man I met in '92 who used to save people on the side of the road who ran out of gas to teach people that "not all black people are bad." That story broke my heart. I hope he realizes that he's beautiful and good even if he doesn't always stop to save people. Maybe I've been trying to be like him all of these years; as the daughter of a fireman, I just can't get myself to save people with a flammable substance. I just carry extra water and food.


Yesterday, I took a break from my studies to work on the garden a bit. 

That's when I noticed it.

a huge footprint on the door leading into the garage. 

Damn it. 


I am deeply spiritual. It's very hard for me to feel connected to the Divine with all of the crap going on within my country.

I fear for our homeless (most of my patients are homeless), and I squarely put the blame on the stupid politicians who bought into the COVID hysteria and shut down the economy, causing a cascade of economic harm that made homelessness a middle-class phenomenon. 

If I had a dollar for every college-graduate homeless person I had met, I would buy a chunk of land in Eastern Colorado and start a farm to house as many of the homeless as I could. 

Alas, it won't happen. 

For most of my life, idiots have been dismantling the Constitution, but it has never been so overt. The COVID-19 was the start of the dismantling of the house I always loved the most. 

On this day when we are supposed to celebrate freedom, I stayed at home studying how to help people break out of their own internal prisons.

and wondering if I need to put that aside and start working on fighting for the freedoms that our travestious politicians are stealing. 

If I'm ever shot, you'll know why. 


This brings me back to footprints. 

We don't really walk alone. We are part of a vast network of people, many of whom walk alongside us and take small opportunities daily to remind us that we are not alone.

You know what I'd love to see? 

It just hit me—

the local paper is struggling.

Wouldn't it be cool if they had a section allowing people to share stories of the kindness that occurs within this city? 

You know, I'd donate $25.00 a month to see that. 

My budget is ruined due to the cost of food and clothing—not for myself but for those around me. I've been meaning to pull back.

Perhaps spending money to change the negative atmosphere in my city would be a better investment than cheap socks, shoes, bottled water, canned food, and trail mix.

Hope is priceless. 

Well, I'll finish my term paper today and, if I have any energy left, I'll consider writing a letter to the editor. Someone at the laundromat told me that he no longer wears his mask and publishes snark. That used to be my favorite part of the paper. This might be a good thing. It's time to get serious and, just maybe, it is time for us to support smaller papers now that the syndicates only cater to Richie Rich and ignore the 90% of us who keep the world running. 

It's something to think about. In this world, it's obvious that the Christian Jesus is letting the greedy dark lords have power. He hasn't come back yet. 

We don't really walk alone, do we? There truly are angels here on Earth.

We have to honor those everyday strangers who walk with us. They do a greater service than we realize. 

Love you, 



Place for Documentation

  When I was a kid, I wanted to be a pilot.  My stepdad would talk about flying into Germany during World War II.  I'd spend my weekends...