Monday, January 17, 2022

Silly Politics

 Today I am thankful for the weird thoughts I have while listening to conservative talk radio. 


Conservatives are constantly bitching about the legacy media and their liberal spin and one-sided narrative. 

I wonder, 


If most businesses are owned by conservatives, 

why don't they just stop advertising with the legacy media? 

I know that's a line from the liberal playbook - but 

the point would be to find how they make their dough and not contribute. 

Why not choke them out of business? 

I stopped creating content for YouTube eons ago.  I don't use Twitter or Facebook unless it is to share information with people I know who are active in politics. 

No, I didn't write about the reasons tech media are cowing down to Biden.  They are afraid that the rule preventing them from being sued for users' opinions will be removed (Section 320). Republicans could re-assure them that it won't.  Besides, Biden, especially if his administration is doing what Psaki said they are, is in direct violation of the first amendment by dictating what posts can and cannot stay up on social media. 

Those midterms are going to hurt the libs, aren't they?  One can't act like a dictator forever.  


I'm libertarian - 

just about everyone gets on my nerves. 

I hate it when liberals raise taxes on the poor. 

I hate it when conservatives care about the stuff people do in their bedrooms. 

We have an Aurora house rep who hates Republicans to the point she caught my ire at a town hall. 

She was pissed that eleven Republicans honored Dr. King.  What the hell? 

What is our elected official trying to say??!! People, especially those who love freedom, can't honor Dr. King? 

 Shoot, one would think that line of reasoning runs contrary to his lesson. 

Love everyone.  See past externals. Freedom is for everyone. 

Then this elected official was pissed that conservatives question the efficacy of masks with regard to the spread of Covid19 (my words, not hers...she has the vocabulary of a traumatized second grader).   Our dear elected official then created a 15-minute bitch-fest between her fellow liberals about disrespect and mask-wearing.  Little do they know that the general public is seeing through their stupidity now.  We are getting wise to the games.  This is all a flippin' power grab.   

Apparently, none of them truly give a shit about the issue.  If they did, they'd hit up the medical journals prior to 2020.  The efficacy of masks has always been inconclusive when it comes to preventing the spread of the flu and colds. 


To tell the truth, I only wear those ineffective masks so I don't have to give free psychotherapy to the people who buy into the hysteria and propaganda to the point of having panic attacks.  

Masks don't work. 

I have covid symptoms now and have to take time off work for a flippin' test.  I took two covid shots that have caused my fibro to flare for over a year.  I wear those damn ineffective masks all the time and practically smell like rubbing alcohol.  

Liberal logic would dictate that I should not be sick. 

I am.  

I'd better get yet another hobby. 

It's shit like this that makes me throw my hats into metaphorical circular things.  I have one with a snake snek on it that should be thrown into a ring - lol.  There are times I have to remind myself to use language those in power can understand.  

One always has more power to change things outside of holding public office.  You'd think someone like me would know that. 

Love ya, 


Saturday, January 1, 2022

To Sue or Not To Sue: Who would champion the First Amendment?


Communism and our Republic are clashing in the U.S.  Sad, eh? 

Today I am thankful for a few hours free of work: I'm conducting a tiny experiment on YouTube. 

So, the Biden administration has admitted to coercing Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms to censor speech. 

There is nothing anti-Constitutional about a private company stifling free speech - 

unless it is at the behest of the government

or if they become part of a public-private partnership, 

or if the government threatens to weaken the legal immunity the tech giants currently enjoy should they not comply.   

Now, we are learning that Fauci and his cohort Collins were pushing the media into censoring some ideas while pushing their narratives. 

[Could be due to Fauci profiting off of the vaccines.  The legislature needs to prohibit government officials from profiting off of their work.] 


Just had a friend kicked off of YouTube due to the above-aforementioned censorship. 

So, I just flagged a video suggesting legal abuse of a domestic violence victim* with a bunch of abusive comments from the sexist father's rights crowd. 

Let's see if YouTube only censors things due to the government's censorship demands. 

In the meantime, I'm going to dig around to see if there is a group willing to sue the tech giants and Biden Administration. 

If not, I've got other avenues of justice to pursue (I typically save that for helping the homeless but, perhaps, I'll sit for spell or two.) 

I'll let you know. 

Love ya, 


* I'm going to bet that the only thing YouTube will censor is stuff that the government is pushing them to censor which is a violation of the First Amendment. 


I'll let you know what happens. 

Edit two hours later: 

P.S.  It looks like Robert F. Kennedy and Donald Trump are suing based on this concept.  Where is the ACLU?  Hopefully, they'll step up when the conspiracy unravels. 

Place for Documentation

  When I was a kid, I wanted to be a pilot.  My stepdad would talk about flying into Germany during World War II.  I'd spend my weekends...