Thursday, October 25, 2012

Halloween Costumes For Lazy Redheads

Today I am thankful that I have red hair and an enormous wardrobe; it makes Halloween easier. 

Halloween is next week. 

This is the costume I originally chose.

I own the dress.  I own the shoes.  I have many gold belts. 

I have seashell necklaces, lots of pearls and a golden girdle.  I have lots of cute little cupid pins and bracelets.

And, originally Aphrodite was a redhead, so I wouldn't have to mess with changing my hair.

 Oh, but there is one problem.  I dress like this in June sans the head-dress.  People won't know it is a costume.

Maybe I should do something a little different. 

If I don't want to buy another outfit, I could always go as the Black Widow.

But then, I dress like that most of the time (without the guns Black Widow is known to carry).  I am said to be a Libertarian gun nut.  So people won't know it is a costume either. 

Maybe I should try a little harder. 

How about Poison Ivy? 

I just need to straighten my hair and rip apart the fake ivy in my living room to glue on a dress and I'm ready to go. 

Hmmmm......I hang out with conservative politicians.  Showing off my boobs is a no-no.  They hate the green movement, global warming, energy rate-hike conspiracy.  I don't want to get people talking. 

I'd better pass. 

Crud....what now. 


You know, maybe I could go as Medusa. 

I think I have a similiar dress.  I can glue little plastic snakes to barrettes and stick them in my hair. 

This may be the winner. 

I have lots of plastic snakes as the neighbor boy likes to hide them in my garden to scare the heck out of this old lady. 

Gotta love little kids. 

Besides, it would be fun to chose to be a woman who can turn all the men around her into stone. 

I love it! 

Medusa it is (unless I donated the dress). 

Thanks for helping me. 

Happy Halloween.

Love ya,


Place for Documentation

  When I was a kid, I wanted to be a pilot.  My stepdad would talk about flying into Germany during World War II.  I'd spend my weekends...