Today I am thankful for gentlemen friends.
I've been avoiding one on and off for a little over eighteen months. I don't want to say too much about it but he has taught me quite a bit about myself.
- I do not answer my phone fast enough.
- I can do anything, even give boring impromptu public speeches, with the support of my friends.
- Riding along in my car is an adventure.
- If I don't leave an hour before an event, I will always be late.
- The breath mints stored in my purse taste like perfume.
- I need to work on my driving anxiety.
- There is one poor soul in the world who will walk a mile to make sure I didn't get run over by a train because I tripped over my heels stepping onto a track.
- There is one sweet soul who will walk me through a crowd of zombie Obama devotees while guarding my back when talking to Romney henchmen.
It's a cute friendship.
There is nothing going on between us.
But still...he's so nice and so open. He doesn't make fun of me. He doesn't freak out when I take a little bit too long in the ladies room. He doesn't make fun of me when I dress up like a clown and he didn't say a word when the relaxer I put in my hair turned it a horrific bright orange.
He didn't laugh or yell at me when I said that all I really wanted was a job and my independence.
When I get excited about something and talk a little too fast, he'll repeat back what he heard and make me laugh. Either I'm incoherent or he's going deaf...... but either way..... it is really funny.
I don't have to live in a celibate marriage anymore.
I'm thinking about repacking my bags and looking for an apartment and a lawyer.
I'm not sure he's the one but if that is what most men are like....
maybe it's time to move on.
Hope.....kindness always brings one hope.
I'm thankful to have such kind friends in my life. Even if for a moment, the lessons they give last a lifetime.