Wednesday, December 21, 2022

A Homeless Guy Kept Me from Leaving Work on Time: He May Have Saved My Life


If you're going to have your buddies break in your ex's house; have them take the guns.  This prey is a pretty good shot. 

Today I am thankful that I came home late. 

So, I called home at 5:00 to ask the college kiddos home for Christmas break what they wanted for dinner.  It took a while but then one of them sent a text saying that their dad just picked them up unannounced to take them to a movie. 

I stayed at work late after running into a homeless man in the elevator.  He had no shoes.  He had no coat. He said he hadn't eaten all day. 

He asked if I had snacks. 

I'm a fat chick.  I always have snacks. 

I walk the man to my office and showed him my snack bar.  He helped himself to a few items.  I told him that I was allergic to nuts and the man did me the favor of taking all of the snickers, trail mix and peanut granola bars he could carry. 

I thanked him for saving my life. 

He could barely hold his bounty.  Earlier today, I was at a Christmas party where a beautiful nurse gave me a bunch of fluffy socks in a festive bag. 

I gave them to the man so he could layer up. Knowing the kind heart the nurse had, I'm sure she would approve.  

My boss donated a coat.  I had a new tube of toothpaste and brushes.  

We called around trying to get him some shoes. 

He had a mini gratis therapy session.  I spent a little over an hour with this man trying to help him survive the oncoming cold snap.  It is expected to get down to -50 tomorrow. 

I had to leave as they were locking the doors and managed to get this man to someone who could help with shelter.

Two hours late, I made my way home. 

When I arrived, I found my front door wide open and the dog staring out the iced-over glass screen door. 


and wondering why this shit happens when my ex shows up unannounced. 

My doggo led me to the basement.  Every single time I tried to go back up the stairs, the dog would bark until I came back down. 

Houston doesn't typically bark.  He does this little dog yodel thing that Besinji's do. 

This went on for about twenty minutes. 

I called my sister who heard it.

and was advised to call the police. 

I did. 

I shared photos showing the damage to the doors the last time my ex came over unannounced. 

They walked the house and didn't see anything out of the ordinary. 

Nothing was taken. 

All my basses and guitars are here. 

The Christmas presents are here including a new Fender guitar (for the granddaughter) 

and unwrapped apple watch for my sister. 

The weapons are still here. 

The funny thing is, when I went looking for asshats in my house, I didn't grab a gun or a baseball bat.  Nope, I grabbed hair spray. 

I don't think there is any better weapon than hair spray - lol! 

The police told me hunting for asshats hidden in my home was a mistake.  I did as I was told and left in my car. 

When I came back, the only thing missing is the little box that makes my camera system work. 


This time there were no footprints on the front door. 

The door jamb wasn't broken (my handyman did a heck of a job fixing the doors after they were pulled off the hinges last June). 


I don't know. 

The police ensured no one was in the house. 

They even tried to ease my mind so I "could sleep." 

They claim that the wind opened the door (not so sure because I had heavy glass screen doors installed). 

I'm beginning to wonder what is up with my ex. 

This would be the third time this year that things happened when he showed up unannounced. 

When we were married, members of his family broke in all the time.  They broke in for several years after the divorce was final. 

He'd feign ignorance. 

I'd usually find GPS boxes or other tracking crap on my property within weeks of these events. 

Deep down inside, I'm feeling set up. 


I guess that this is a sign and a signal to help the homeless more.  I was detained long enough to avoid whoever got into the house. 

I also have to find a new box for my camera system. 

My aunt told me to sick my familiars on them. 

Boy, I hate witchcraft. 

The last time I did that, the woman who broke into my house died within 24 hours of undiagnosed cancer. 

The time before that, her father (who allegedly drove by the house every afternoon), died of undiagnosed cancer. 

I really don't want to do that.  I'd prefer to solve things the mundane way. 

Maybe I should don the druid cloak one more time. 

I wonder if it still fits? 

Stay safe out there. 

And for Hades' sake, do not fuck with Irish American witches who dabble in gray magick. 


I'm grateful for that homeless guy.  I think he saved my life in a way that had nothing to do with peanuts. 

I'm thinking I need to rent my basement apartment out to a tall, bulky guy.  Maybe I need someone here who can scare off creepy people. 

I'll think about it.  It'll be easy to find a taker if I charge $400 a month. 

Maybe I should do that.  

Love ya, 



Place for Documentation

  When I was a kid, I wanted to be a pilot.  My stepdad would talk about flying into Germany during World War II.  I'd spend my weekends...