Sunday, May 5, 2024

Place for Documentation


When I was a kid, I wanted to be a pilot.  My stepdad would talk about flying into Germany during World War II.  I'd spend my weekends with my aunt at Centennial Airport, but my eyes and math are too bad to indulge. I'm sure I'm going to meet my maker in a plane crash; this premonition is only heightened with the current Boeing scandal
The sad truth is, I don't fly into the danger zone.  
I live in the danger zone. 

Today I am thankful that I have a place for documentation. 

Last night, I indulged in a marathon of Fallout on Amazon. Somewhere around episode 5 (which I shamelessly watched around midnight), I was rudely interrupted by an unexpected visitor at my front door. This mysterious individual had the audacity to open the screen door and jiggled the handle to my front door. 

To my dismay, they managed to unlock the door but thankfully did not venture inside.

Does someone have a bump key? 

I've got all of my extra keys back when people have left my home. 

Maybe it is time to change the locks again. 

It's a good thing that I use door braces for each of my doors. 

Of course, my loyal canine companion was not pleased with this intrusion and proceeded to freak out. 

The nerve of some people, right?

To add insult to injury, the same bizarre scenario repeated itself this morning around 9:45, but this time at the back door. My little doggo went absolutely bizerko, as one would expect.

I contemplated calling the authorities, but alas, I am well aware that Aurora's finest have more pressing matters to attend to than my personal stalking situation. 

In fact, they shot someone by my auntie's home this morning.  I'd let her move here but I don't think she's any safer with me. 

Oh, the joys of suburban living!

I don't know if this is my ex's family or some random jackarse.  


It looks like I'll be visiting Cabella's today.  

I'll put this here in case I turn up blue. 




Well, I'm lucky that I didn't immediately go outside to see who was outside. It appears that someone tried to break in to the garage.  

There is a garage door keypad that I keep shut affixed to the brick outside the garage door.  Someone had opened it.  It is too heavy to have been the wind. 

Someone had also moved my door so that it is slightly ajar....crooked...but ajar. Thankfully, no one can use the garage because the last person who tried breaking into it bent the spring and the mechanism that moves the door up and down. 

I don't think it was a thief.  I say that because I left the windows on my car down and nothing was taken out of my car. 

I know my ex left a lot of expensive football cards dating back to 1967 in the garage.  They were donated to a homeless charity. 

The tools were given to a mechanic who was down on his luck. 

There is nothing in the garage for anyone.  

I think I'l take my sweet time fixing that door.  I'm lucky it was broken. 

I'll chalk up the damage to the fence to the wind.  

Love ya, 


Place for Documentation

  When I was a kid, I wanted to be a pilot.  My stepdad would talk about flying into Germany during World War II.  I'd spend my weekends...