Friday, February 18, 2022

Well....Evil Begets Evil


"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."

- John F. Kennedy

Today I am thankful for candles.  

The last time I wished that a politician be protected as much as the pit bulls he ordered killed - 
the politician died of undiagnosed cancer within two weeks. I didn't even know which asshat was behind it.  I learned after he was diagnosed and sent home to die.  It's a little sad, I actually liked that politician. 

I just wrote it.  I didn't light a candle.  I left the bay leaves in the curio.  There was no spell. 

It was just a sentence.  

I have to say, it IS nice that the dogs aren't getting murdered anymore due to discrimination, though.

What would one say? 

How about...

I wish Justin Trudeau and his Socialist lackeys' success, health, prosperity, and physical existence to be as safe and valuable as the health, prosperity, and physical existence of the people, pets, and children that Trudeau threatens to harm and use as leverage due to his inability to govern.  May Justin Trudeau get what he is putting forth seven hundredfold. 

700x why not? 

Maybe I should make that 900 fold.  

900 it is.  

Crap, I forgot Chrystia Freeland.  She apparently thinks stealing money is funny.  I can't get over that video of Chrystia Freeland giggling about her Communistic antics.  As a woman who has had to fight to be taken seriously, that irritates me.  Now, I just play the role of trickster so I don't care if people take me seriously anymore.  In fact, I rather they just take it all as food for subconscious thought and pray they do the right thing. 

It's still Saturday, I can fix my mistake. 

These asshats need to learn about the past and remember that useful idiots are the first to be killed by the Communists during the revolution.  Then they need to think about their own personal futures. 


They're drunk with power. 
I'm drunk with anger and my ritual wine. 

(Here is a thought: Maybe I should wait until Tuesday.....Hmmm.....Ares loves a good fight.) 

I don't think I have enough self-control to keep my licorice candles whole.  There is no time like the present. 

This is probably why the Nazis murdered witches. 

Well, if these Nazis murder me, I get to come back as a Wraith.  It is said that witches return to this dimension as wraiths. 

(I just realized why Trudeau has the swastika on his mind...Elon Musk was right.  Someone fancies himself a Nazi.) 

Guess who I'll be protecting?  It won't be Communists. 


It's a waning moon. 

It'll be Saturday in seven hours. 

Ya know what?

It's the perfect time to sit for a spell. 

I guess I stay home and warm my house the only way I know how. 

Besides, new research shows anise helps prevent Covid (I'll post the research unless it was removed from the web).

Don't kill dogs, they'll be avenged by Hecate,

Don't kill cats, for they are sacred to Bastet. 

That's not to mention the threats Trudeau made to the children. 

Some former foster kiddo is irritated.  

I'm so tired of triggered Godless Socialists whining about made-up crap that they are too silly to sit down and try to understand.  

Man, maybe I should send a djinn to teach them a grounding skill or two 

( just teasing - I'm playing to my audience).

This polytheistic Libertarian Pagan is triggered: Never threaten to kill sentient beings with less power than yourself.    

Light 'er up! 

Hmmm......just found my blowtorch.

Evil Siegfried. 

P.S.  I have ways of dealing with AI harassment and liberal stalkers (my in-laws prepared me well).

I wish I had the money to donate to the cause right now but I'm too busy helping the homeless fucked over by the Colorado government. The Democrats shut down the economy and cost hundreds of them their livelihoods sending them to live on the streets.  The Arapahoe County Republicans inspired asshats to steal from them.   

I offered to help both sides given my professional occupation; the liberals in the local government don't trust me to cow down to them so they ignore me and the Republicans are too chicken shit to confront their own.  

Since most of the homeless I meet cope by way of drugs (coming in from Mexico, no less), a conservative like me can actually help these people and I would have helped the Republican party by providing them hypnotic narratives to help sell a position about the border. 

A couple powerful heads of the party liked enabling Lisby and his crew of misguided Republicans and backed them up as they stole from the homeless at Cherry Creek State Park.

So.....I'm a lone wolf now.  I've probably gotten more homeless people off of the streets than Dennis and his bullshit.  Imagine what I could do if I had more people helping.  Other people are doing the work (some, though, have a profit motive....but they are helping). 


Today I'll decompress at home. 

My house is cold and I have hundreds of black candles.  If anyone wants to be annoying, I've got a way to cope.  Over the years, I've learned to ask that nobody dies.  

I tried wishing a certain Republican asshole a free trip to Tahiti so I could buy time to help the homeless but that didn't work, either.  So, I'll give the powers-that-be a large latitude of ways to do its magic.  The universe is just a hell of a lot meaner than I could ever be.  



P.S.  The deed is done.  I changed it up a bit....went for the puppeteer rather than the puppets.  It would help if it were considered treason for elected officials to sign agreements with the UN without the consent of their constituents.  Maybe someday.....

Edit 2/28/22 - 

It worked.  At least what I asked for happened.  The candles left 1/8" of wax.  That means the results will only be temporary.  I hope our politicos wake up.  They're letting elitists run our country.  It's time to take our country back. 

I'm off to a politico meeting.  I can't wait until I can start attending them in person.  I can bitch there and not resort to hitting my stash of candles to therapeutically work off my irritations. I'm gonna need the candles when the cost of electricity hits the roof. 



Sunday, February 6, 2022

Warning Bells: Upgrading the Alarm System (and a happy story)

 Today I am thankful for my Siegfred radar. 

Every three hours, I literally get a blank message on my website.  Well, when I began writing this post three days ago, it was every three hours. 

It's now every thirty minutes or so.  

Maybe some idiot is trying to hack my website as if they could find anything.  I don't store credit card numbers, PHI,  or anything of importance there. I purchase a triple encrypted service for all that. 

It gets worse. 

I'll check my Facebook messages weekly and notice that I average 7 friend requests from accounts with few friends daily (fake accounts obviously).  My hypnosis page gets one like daily (haven't used it for ten years). 

I'm not getting my mail.  I never received a bill from the lab nor have I received a check from my former employer's retirement account (yet I got a tax bill for it). 

That last one is nothing new, the government is not the best courier. 

These things are tiny warnings.

 It's almost Valentine's Day. 

People get creepy around Valentine's Day...

at least one guy's family gets ultra-creepy. 

In late December, my garage door became so mangled that it was unusable and stuck.  I won't bother to repair it until I sell the house, a man moves in or my ex-husband's family goes five years without bugging me. 

I don't want to pay to repair it again only to have it mangled a few months later. 

The past few days, the dog has been barking and growling a lot.  He's not a barker. 

Last night, there was a knock at my door. 

It was the renter.  She said, "I let my dogs poop on the side of the house and noticed that your dog was waiting for you to open the door.  I chased him back into the backyard." 

My doggie doesn't runoff.  Every time he has gotten out, he'll be found on the porch barking to get back in.  

Now, I'm getting worried that the harassment is not over. 

I just went outside.  There was a man dressed as a Catholic priest in a black car sitting outside of my driveway. 


On the bright side, I wasn't singing.  There was no mention of an exorcism.  Usually when I sing, people think 'exorcism'.  It's that baaad. 

He jumped when he saw me and sped off. 

It's hard to tell what is a warning and what is a coincidence.  The last time things got crazy, there were Catholic artifacts left on my doorstep.  My ex's family is catholic.  

I fear the stalking is not over.  

I guess it's time to break out the Devil's Shoestring, just in case.  

Now, my thoughts went to the first time these people spread stories about me. 

It was 1984.  I was in high school and attended school with cousins of the man I would later marry.  One of them spread a bunch of rumors that I was fucking the football team.  No one believed her and the guys on the football team were really sweet about telling her off. 

Over the years, the gossip changed. 

The last gossip was that I aborted my children and they called leaving crappy messages for my children to hear calling me a murderer.  They also left Catholic literature on the porch about the evils of abortion.  Once I noticed that one article was dated for a future publication.  I called the church and found out that only someone who volunteered at a certain location would have access to it.  My ex's cousin volunteered there.

Creepy shit.

Sigh.... Every time this bs starts, I wonder why I was dumb enough to marry into that stupid family. 

I should have known it would never stop. 

I just got a call...

my nephews are coming over to help fix the fence. 

I'll finish writing soon. 


I'm back.  

I wanted to share a happy story. 

For the past few months, I wanted to get my hair cut.  I have very curly hair.  It got so long, it reached my mid-back!  

I would go to the salon and something would prevent me from getting my hair cut.  There would be a staff shortage, numerous people waiting (even if I had an appointment), I'd have a covid symptom...


until last Tuesday. 

I went in and was seen right away.  The woman cut off about 6" of hair and I'm barely recognizable. 

She asked what I did for a living and then started to talk about people shooting up in Downtown Denver.  I told her that I used to go downtown and try to recruit heroin users into treatment before I got the job at the rehab center.  Now, doing that would be a conflict of interest. 

She offered to cut the hair of the homeless. 

Oh my goodness. 

It dawned on me that this was why I had to wait so damn long to get my haircut.  I had to wait for her! 

That woman got a 100% tip and I bought every product she recommended, too. 

The point is that everything happens for a reason. 


What is the point of the stalking, the gossip, and the harassment? 

All those nutjobs that try to break into my home are just going to cause me to run out and find some guy to come live in the spare bedroom.  

Maybe if the creepers think I'm getting laid...

maybe they'll leave me alone. 

I just have one question, 

What color should I paint a small, well-lit room? 

There are hundreds of shades of white. 

I always have a tough time deciding. 

This is why my house hasn't been painted in ten years. 

I have no clue what shade of white I want. 

What will happen is I won't know what to do...

and I'll run out and buy Aspen White. 

I'm boring and predictable. 

It's always Aspen White. 

Maybe I'll live a little and try Scotland Road. 


Love ya, 


Place for Documentation

  When I was a kid, I wanted to be a pilot.  My stepdad would talk about flying into Germany during World War II.  I'd spend my weekends...