Thursday, November 3, 2022

Soon, I'll be Unemployed (update)


Well, my grandboss (boss's boss) activated my Libertarian side: I'm not sure if I'm going to act like a crazed activist phantom or tap into my obnoxious Liberarian dark side. 

I just know that powerful people will be more than happy to gut the funding for the program should word get out. 


So yesterday, I was called into a meeting where the grandboss asked me to engage in Medicaid fraud. 

Actually, he's been asking for a while but I've never done it. 

He wants me to bill based on the type of services I offer, not the amount of time I'm giving Medicaid patients. 

So if I talk to a patient for an hour and ask questions about his or her needs, write up a treatment plan and do some psychotherapy, he wants me to bill separately for each service noting that one of the services bills for a flat rate of 90 minutes. 

My take is that the patient deserves 90 minutes of time and attention before I add to the bill. 

I've never done what he has asked.  They created a new EHR that takes the billing out of my hands.

  Now, I'm worried. 

He pressed the issue yesterday.  There were words.  This guy told me that I didn't know what I was talking about. 

We had a public tiff during a staff meeting the week before, too.  

So, I spoke to a lawyer.  Yep, it's insurance fraud.  I knew that as I gave up 46 insurance licenses to become a therapist. Worse, the lawyer has seen it before; companies will ask healthcare professionals to do this and then feign ignorance when they are caught. 

Luckily, I saved the email telling me that this method is corporate policy.  It's a shame that I didn't record the meeting. 


it is with a heavy heart that I have to resign from my 70 patients.  I sure hope my boss lets me take the $500 of therapeutic props I purchased out of the office before I'm walked out the door. Maybe I'll load them into my car before I visit with the boss.

I spent several years fighting to reduce taxes on my fellow citizens.  I'd be a hypocrite if I behaved in such a manner to increase the costs. 

Love ya, 


P.S.  How does one write a resignation letter? 

My initial instinct is to create stationary made up of coded law with the little part about insurance fraud highlighted. 


I guess I'll sit down with the boss and share what I know and negotiate a way to get the hell out of dodge.  They'd better pray that none of my political frenemies, especially the conservates, ask me why I left my job. 

That would get ugly. 

Next Day Edit: 

So, I went to work bright and early and brought boxes. I packed for a bit before I clocked in. 

After that, I followed the advice of a lawyer who helped me when I fought the city and sent an email to my boss requesting clarification on the demand to engage in fraud. 

It was akin to 'Did I understand correctly?  Are we supposed to bill x, y, and z at the same time?  How do we track the amount of time that is billed to ensure accuracy?' 

The response was non-existent. 

I then called my supervisor and told her I needed to have a difficult conversation.  I expressed my concern and my intent to ensure that the company and my colleagues are protected. 

Rather than have me resign, she promised to connect with corporate - but- I later learned that she did not know who would answer the question. The legal and ethics department email is no good. 

So - I don't know.....

There is an employment lawyer that helped me deal with the shenanigans at the City of Aurora when the Tax Audit Dept/City Manager/Police Dept. harassed me in an attempt to rattle my ex-husband and prevent him from suing for wrongful termination. 

(Long story short: Never harass strangers, some of them can be ornery, well-educated, and enjoy public speaking!) 

Corruption happens. 

Misunderstandings happen.  

 I'll give people a chance to explain and reconsider their stance but if they don't, then I have to decide how to respond.  Truth be told, I don't want to be associated with people who violate the law. 

Sadly, once one sees corruption, one cannot unsee it. 

I hope the corporate officer who made the suggestion of Medicaid fraud misspoke. 

Unfortunately, that no answer is an answer in and of itself. 

I'm beginning to think that I need to leave the addiction counseling field. This agency is wanting to engage in fraud.  The last agency wanted me to work 20 hours for free on top of my 40-hour shift work and call it an internship. 

I'm wondering if the exploitation is why the burn-out rate is so darn high. 

Love ya, 



Place for Documentation

  When I was a kid, I wanted to be a pilot.  My stepdad would talk about flying into Germany during World War II.  I'd spend my weekends...