Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Whopper of a Lesson (with edit)

I am frustrated with thieving corporations. 

Surprisingly, this time I'm not talking about the WEF political action committee for billion-dollar corporations.  I'm talking about corporations with managers who don't want to pay wages in order to get huge bonuses. 

If a company asks you to engage in nefarious billing behavior with government entities, that same company will fail to pay your wages due. 

They'll also bitch about your productivity (or lack thereof) when you have Covid. 

I've decided not to work off the clock anymore for them. 

Yes, they've asked. 

I give them over ten hours a week free.  They can't even pay my standard wage, I'm not even asking for overtime or off-the-clock work.  If I'm going to volunteer, it'll be for a non-profit. They are not a 501(c)3.

Besides, this overwork is seriously cutting into my bass-playing time. 

I may need to leave abruptly and send a demand for my wages.  I'm a Libertarian.  We believe in honoring contracts.  They broke their contract with me. 

Truth be told, I have other ways of getting my money.  Maybe I'll do that.  I just got a fairly large package from Greece.  I betcha it has my statue of Ares in it. 

That could be why I'm feeling saucy today.  I'm so close to giving my notice and calling my lawyer.  

There are some people you don't want to go to war with.  Often, those are the quiet people....the bookworms who get a tad bit pissed and know the law like the back of their hands (because they read so much.)  

This job is beginning to feel like an abusive relationship.  

Abusers play the games they play to keep you stuck.  You become their toy.....until you get pissed and stop doing what they want.  Eventually, they'll break their toy's illusions and lose their plaything. 

Maybe some slap bass will help me get more grounded. Perhaps it'll save me money on legal fees.  I'll do my kind verbal warning like a shot across the bow. People don't respond until I go for the legal jugular and expose the antics. Unethical people really get pissed off when you share their bad behavior with the world.  

Yeah, being obnoxious is easy for me.  

The truth is that I used to charge $150 an hour.  They only pay me $20.  I took the job to get my license.  I've done that.  I can leave.  I'm often offered $30-$40 for the same job elsewhere now.  I stayed out of devotion to my boss. That was dumb. 

But....her boss glares at me in the hallway and makes snarky remarks.  I've had enough.  They've shown me they want to get money at any cost despite laws and possible insurance fraud.  I think I know what needs to happen. 

These people are actually inspiring me to join or create a PAC to deregulate methadone.  It's been a long time since I jumped in the fray. 

When I get into politics, I tend to go a tad bit too far.  I also tend to piss off a lot of people.  My house gets broken into about three times a year now (that I know of).  When I was a political activist, I'd often catch the cops breaking into my house.  There were numerous threats.  I'm a hypnotist.  I usually got the better of people when they tried to frighten me. 

If someone breaks in now, I wonder what they'll will think of my altar to the God of War?  

It's a beautiful statue!  

It was the darndest thing.  In my Covid delirium, I prayed for a statue of Mars and a man in Greece sent me an email offering me one.  I didn't even contact him.  I'm not sure how he found me.  I'm glad he did. 

Spirituality can be strange sometimes.  

It's not a bad thing to live by faith. 

In sum, be mindful of whom you associate yourself with. People who steal will steal from you.  Trusting asshats will just cause aggregation and headaches.  Life is too darn short for that.  It's just a little heartbreaking knowing how many good people are caught up in this and not appreciated. 

Love ya, 


Edit 2/20/2023 

I leave my job on 2/28/2023.  The company is still refusing to pay me and they are threatening not to pay out my PTO. 

The little sexist regional manager for a large for-profit methadone company threatened me with, "I'm not the only one who can do things." 

I don't know what he meant. 

The truth is, this little twerp doesn't know what's coming.  

I will send my fourth message requesting payment.  If they don't pay, it's lawyer time. 

The reason that I am posting this is...


by the age of 40, women meet a ton of thirty-something male no-it-alls who ignore laws, threaten, and make sexist remarks....

my buddies and I often have lunch so we can talk about our adventures with sexist jerks. 

It's funny. 

I'm so very proud of myself for not laughing at him.  In fact, I apologized for an unspecific reason.  Truth is, I apologized for what is coming. 

The truth is that much more powerful people are pushing to deregulate methadone.  I'm just a voice in the chorus. 

And, I'm in the process of building his competitor; it will be more of a mind-body-spiritual approach to healing. I should probably be mum on the details. 

Grant writing is hell but I'm learning. 

There is a moral to the story, if you are a dude in middle management, check your bias against women, learn the law, and behave in a civilized fashion. 

If you raise your voice or you threaten people, they gain power over you. 

Or at least Google the name of an employee you think it is fun to threaten.  I admit I've been shadow-banned a lot of places but he can still find an article or two detailing a couple of my tamer adventures. 

This little dude was running around different facilities gossiping about me.  I received a call from someone on the other side of the state claiming I was "unhappy" and overheard him (inaccurately) tell the head of sales that I was unvaccinated.  I wish I were unvaccinated but, alas, I let my boss talk me into ruining my health with a couple of jabs that did no good and brought on high blood pressure. 

Why does a methadone clinic have a head honcho for sales pushing urine screening?  That sounds like a recipe for Medicaid fraud.  

Our values no longer align.  I believe in following the law.  If it is an unjust law, I believe in changing it.  

I submit the following in an effort to be helpful: 

  • If you're a business owner, NEVER let management talk about an employee's vaccine status.  That is a lawsuit waiting to happen. 
  • Oh, and Colorado is a state where people (as well as corporations) are named in wage dispute lawsuits. That means, if he is denying my pay, I can take it out of his arse. 
  • You have to pay out PTO upon separation no matter what. 
  • You have to pay sick pay out on time whether or not your overworked supervisor signs off on it (my advice would be not to comingle sick pay and PTO - you don't have to pay sick pay out upon separation). 
  • You cannot demand proof of illness unless the employee misses four or more days. 
  • Covid PHE must be paid on time and you cannot ask for proof (despite this, I sent numerous positive Covid tests...they don't believe I was sick). 

I got sick from someone at work who believed that they had to come in.  Damn....

Sad, eh? 

I'm done with playing with ignorant greedy folks.  People take low-paying jobs for the mission.  If they've lost sight of the mission, they're going to go out of business. 

Maybe I should report the can't replace a paid job with an unpaid intern.  I'll think about it.  Typically, I just give the intern the information so they can deal with it as they wish. 

Or it could simply be that I just can't play well with people anymore. 

Love you, 


Edit again 3/5/2023 

So....I was unemployed a total of 30 minutes. 

Someone called me and asked for an interview.  I walked in the facility and knew 50% of the staff and was hired on the spot. 

It pays to be nice to wonderful people.  I've been trying to have lunch with former colleagues who left the company. 

I found out that other people left the company after getting Covid and having the regional director gossip about them, too. 

Other people left due to the same concerns about Medicaid fraud. 


Now, the company is making money off of the employees.  Apparently, they are now self-insured so they are behind BCBS-Tx not paying out claims as in-network when the providers are listed as in-network on the website.  They are also continuing to cause me to pay premiums even though I went part-time in January and asked to be off of the insurance due to my change in status.  Now, I'm paying for two insurance plans!  Damn it! 

I gave up my health insurance producer's license to take that job.  On the bright side, I know how to file a report. 

They owe me over 74 hours of pay.   I'm not even asking for the overtime I worked. 

The weirdest thing is that, despite my giving notice well over a month before leaving, I am still getting calls from their patients, their nurses, and other employees about work-related matters that occurred after I left.  I found out that they are still listing me as a full-time employee!  This is leaving an uneasy feeling in my gut. I don't want to be on record as a provider for people that I cannot see.  They've done that to other counselors in the past.  The problem with this is that I'm on the hook if one of the patients gets sick from the methadone, becomes traumatized by something at the clinic, or commits suicide. 

Tomorrow, after visiting my new workplace, I have to call the Federal Dept. of Labor (to report the health insurance shenanigans) and the Colorado Department of Labor (to report illegalities regarding sick pay, withholding PTO after self-termination of employment, and that missing week of pay. I'll also report the not paying the front desk staff minimum wage and that people are working with Covid because the company refuses to pay Colorado PHE. Boy, oh, boy.)  I'll also have to pay for clinical consultation to see if the company listing me as a provider with a caseload has to be reported to DORA. 

It took a lot for me to consider calling the authorities.  I'm a Libertarian.  The last thing I believe in doing is ratting someone out to the government.  As a Libertarian, I believe in honoring private contracts.  They violated our contract.  I'll report only as a means to prevent a lawsuit. 

In another world, I'm known as Sue Happy.  I'm trying to outgrow litigation. 

Man, oh man.....

The addiction business is bizarre.  I'm in the process of re-opening my private practice.  This experience is causing me to not trust employers anymore.  I marvel at the fact that this business is heavily subsidized.  The government subsidizes the training and pays for the treatment. These companies heavily benefit from government assistance.  It's a shame they feel they can take advantage of government insurance and their own employees. 

I haven't even mentioned that my data was stolen from the company during a breach. I wasn't alerted until eight months after the breach! There is a class-action lawsuit from the employees but I never joined it. 

No wonder people are leaving the workforce in droves. 

Don't make my mistake.  Vet your employers! 

Love ya, 


Saturday, January 14, 2023

Feverish Revelations


So....I have Covid. 

Damn it, Fauci! 

How dare you take our money to fund gain of function research to fund a communist country in developing weapons to kill useless eaters and engage in biological warfare? 

Yeah, I used to study psychoneuroimmunology.  I remember those research studies in the early 2000s. 

I think trying to find those on the internet got me shadow banned on Twitter and Facebook.  At least it appears that the tech giants were talking to each other, sharing our searches.  

(Yeah, yeah....I know that I've been on a watch list since 2007.  It's possible that I made waves as early as 1987 when I was fighting to get my baby sister out of a foster home pimping her out). 

Who cares? 

If you're not on a watch list, you're not doing anything. 

I've cursed Twitter and Facebook.  I've never targeted anyone specific, though.  

With this fever, I may become delusional enough to do just that. 


It started with a raclette party. 

For New Years, I dug out the little grill, bought some raclette cheese, steak, pork, chicken, french cheese, and Mexican melting cheese. 

I should've known something was up when everything tasted like nasty socks. 

I'm getting rid of the raclette.  

People told me the food was good but I thought they were just being nice.  I got a fever the next day but the Covid test was negative so I went to work 30 hours after my fever broke. 

Four hours into work, I fainted in my office.  

Somehow, I made it through the day.  Everything I ate continued to taste like dirty socks.  In fact, everything smells (and continues to smell) like dirty socks.   

I had another Covid test that was positive.  For about three days now, I've been feverish and delusional.  I've tried to eat but that just leads to vomiting.  I can't hear out of my right ear. I continue to faint. I swear everything is swollen and I may need to be checked for breast cancer or sew two different bras together (one is swollen...the other isn't...weird.) 

The experience is strange, indeed. 

At first, I thought I could do stuff for work.  Those little things I never have time to do.  I initially dreamed up stuff I could do if only I could get into my walk-in closet where I store the art supplies. 

I was excited at the thought of bringing out my laminator and making laminated CBT worksheets. I've always wanted laminated CBT worksheets for my clients so I don't waste paper.  I can just wipe 'em off.  

I can't even get to the room without falling over. 

So, the gesso and the canvas for my art therapy group are going to have to wait, too. 


The mind is willing but the body is weak. 


Now, I'm realizing that the genocide in the Ukraine will help Blackrock get richer.  Disgusting....I pray that's a delusion but I don't think it is.  The WEF and the UN seem to be promotional organizations for corporations with no moral compass. Remember...I'm biased.  I was raised in the Mormon cult. (wonder what they say about their counterpart from Utah). 

The thing about being a feverish spiritual person is that meditation is interesting. 

I prayed for a statue of Ares/Mars.  I got an email from someone in Greece who actually offered to send me one. I didn't even have to ask. 

It's on its way. 

Prayers were answered.  

I fell asleep listening to an audiobook about Freud. 

Oh shit....that was a mistake. 

I woke up understanding why my ex-husband refused to leave my home for over three years following the day he agreed to move during our separation agreement. 

His mother refused to separate from him as a kid. He referred to himself as the "little man of the house" because his father was typically at the bar. 

That woman was basically tied to his hip. When we started dating, I was inundated with calls from his mom and relatives demanding that I stop seeing my then-boyfriend.  She had her daughter and a cousin break into my apartment.  We broke up several times over that.  She promised to stop if I married her son, but, the stalking and phone harassment got worse when we got married.  

I realize now that my ex had to make me his mother figure, push me away, and act out as separating from a parental figure.  Several months into the marriage, I was told "you're not the boss of me" and "my mom is stupid. My sister is stupid.  You're a woman and you're stupid, too." 

Our marriage seemed to end early. 

He often demanded that I sleep with other guys. 

I didn't bite. 

In fact, I didn't date until after the divorce papers were signed.  He begged me to date.  On at least one occasion, he got violent towards me demanding that I sleep with a guy who was pursuing me. He literally pushed me into a corner and made motions as if he were going to hit me while screaming at me to get laid. 

That was creepy.  To be completely honest, I haven't dated since that day in 2014.  Yeah, we were divorced but it didn't feel that way so long as he was in my house.  After catching his sister following me around on a date, I decided to stop.  It's been nine years since I accepted a date.  

Now, I get it. 

My ex was pretending we were married. He stayed in this house to give the appearance that we were in a relationship. He sent his sibling to follow me on dates.  He had his relatives harass me at home.  This way, I get to be the bad guy cheating on my ex-husband that I hadn't touched in several years.  His living here allowed him to claim I was cheating on him. 

He gets to be the victim. 


Sadly, he is going to continue this cycle.  I feel for any woman he tries to make into a mommy figure. 

He is still a caricature of anger, constantly bitching about me when he spies me in public. 

I suspect he was the one behind the break-in a couple of weeks ago. 

I know I need to move but am hoping that staying here will help our kids get through college. 


Hmmmm......Bad Wolves; that's a great name for a band. I wonder if the BBC would sue me if I started a band called Weeping Angels.  I'd probably just go with Geezer Luv, that one makes me laugh. 

I'm still feverish. 

Anything I eat comes back to haunt me. 

On the bright side, with Covid, it tastes the same no matter which direction it goes. 

I think, though, this time I'm going to fall asleep to Jung. 

Maybe the insight will be less creepy. 

Well, maybe not....Jung is probably why I dream of Ares and Shango.  There are still battles to fight.

I could fall asleep listening to the Monroe Institute Hemi-Sync recordings.   That's not something I do very often.  Those dreams kinda creep me out.  When I listen to those tapes, I see myself married to someone I'll never talk to again, living in an apartment in Chicago, peddling some kind of self-help book, and giving speeches in crowded auditoriums.  That's not me.  That's probably a warning of what I'm going to turn into if I let go of the good fight. 

I'll just zone out on some self-made brain-sync recording.  Those are probably the safest. 

Any delusions or creepy dreams will just be blamed on the fever, 



Friday, January 6, 2023

Hexing, Driving, and Scheming


I've been playing my super old CDs. 

This song is incredibly 80's....super, duper 80's.  It's so damn bouncy. 

Today I am thankful for being bouncy. 

I think almost everything about myself is bouncy. 

My curly hair is bouncy. 

My personality is annoyingly bouncy. 

I think I play bass so I can bounce. 

I am annoyingly resilient. 

I change my mind constantly - like a yo-yo. 

My '89 Buick is bouncy; that happens when you drive Colorado roads in the winter and don't fix your suspension every three years or so.  

The only thing that isn't bouncy is my elderly girl stuff.  I bind the twins.  No one wants to see fifth decade bounce. 

(Maybe I'll post my favorite song at the end - it's super bouncy, too). 

Anyway, this song came on and for some reason I went on the attack. 

Perhaps my subconscious harkened way back to the MTV video with the guys throwing the spears or something. 

I'm sitting in my car, bouncing along to the music and some dumbass in an ugly Hummer on Buckley stops in the crosswalk and flipping revs his engine at a young lady crossing the street. 

It was dark. 

She jumped. 

I glared and cursed the muthafucker.   He's gonna have the scare of his life sometime in the next 30 days.  

(Damn it, thief!  I knew it.  If I cursed one asshat for breaking into my home, I wouldn't be able to stop with the magick.  I was being so darn good, too.) 

Then another asshole in an SUV had to flippin' tailgate me - he got it, too. 

I can't remember why the third asshat got the finger bounce. 

There needs to be a warning label on my car. 

I thought the Second Amendment bumper sticker worked - it does, most of the time.  Don't tailgate someone showing off sneks to the liberals 

Here is the truth about weapons: Your two-ton hunk of junk is far more dangerous than my Glock. The government doesn't care if you try to run me down.  

I'd disturbing that they want me to have no protection against my ex hubby stalker.  The Gods know the cops won't help. 

[Soapbox Alert - stepping up] 

They just want to control everybody.  If they get rid of guns, the traitors in the legislature (cough* Kevin McCarthy *cough) can pave the way for other countries to invade. 

Yeah, how many times does this guy have to lose to get it through his thick skull....people don't want a continuation of the crap that happened over the past two years.  I wonder why it is so important for this RINO to be speaker of the house. I suspect that he's a closet Democrat, especially with how sweet he is on Fauchi.  It's obvious he caters too much to people who don't have the best interests of this country at heart.  It's enough to make a lowly old lady stand on street corners in her Druid cloak and pay homage to her faith. 

I'm getting irritated by the traitors.  In the real world, people get irritated enough to force the trash to take itself out. 

[I'll hang up here a few minutes while I scheme.] 

Do you remember when I realized I was shadow banned on Facebook and got pissed, lit a candle, and asked that they be shut down?  

They were down 12 hours! 

Don't piss off witches bitches. 

I'm that pissed now. 

I'm up to something.  Something I should have done when I took a bite of a cheeseburger at Mcdonald's and broke out in hives because they're using Bill Gates's fake soy-laden cheese.  I got a scar from that. 

Vain people don't do well with hives. 

Do you know what set me off?  Seeing an elderly guy look at meat at the grocery store and grudgingly walk away empty-handed.  I didn't catch him in time to buy that roast for him. 

It really shouldn't cost $8.00 for a dozen of eggs or $13.00 a pound for beef. 

Now, these asshats in power want to regulate vitamins in the land of the free.  I don't eat a lot of food.  Vitamins are how I get my nutrition. 

So - 

thanks to my ex-hubby and his family, I'm back to my old tricks. 

I caught the magickal bug. 

Not sure what I'm gonna do yet but it's gonna be a doozy. 


For my fellow Pagans, I'll share a fun fact. 

The Roman God of War is also the God of Agriculture. 

This is gonna be fun! 

If you want to pray to Mars; write a rhyming invocation praising mars for his passion, strength and requesting his protection. 

Light a red candle on Tuesday.  Leave a good cut of beef, a good size container of cinnamon whiskey, and ask for the farmers to win the war waged by their governments and a certain asshat trying to corner the market with his fake Frankenfood and desire to kill off 70% of the world population. 

Try to let the candle burn out.  If you can't, extinguish it by snuffing it out (never blow on a candle, it irritates the spirits). 

 My only hope is that these corporate asshats with homicidal ideations go into the dark unknown first.  These Nazis are not making good karma for themselves.   

Men with greedy schemes are no match for the magickal womenfolk.  Men can be magickal, too.  You'd be surprised how powerful people can be when they only want the best for their brethren. 

I've got my own way to play. 

I'm just not sure which song I want to play first.  

All I know is that it's gonna bounce! 

I won't have to do anything violent. 

I'll just pray. 

Stay safe and sane. 

If you do that, you'll be one up on me. 



P.S. If you care, here is my favorite song

Place for Documentation

  When I was a kid, I wanted to be a pilot.  My stepdad would talk about flying into Germany during World War II.  I'd spend my weekends...