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Giving up on Childish Dreams

My personal faux lyric: Bitches keep on bitchin' 

Today I am thankful that I realize that I cannot escape politics.

This thought was inspired by a Longmont councilwoman who threatened conservatives with taking away their rights in a YouTube video

but failed to share how she wants to curtail their rights and exactly how she plans on doing that.

I think she was mad that they stood on a street corner collecting coats for the homeless.

I wasn't there.  I was in school working towards my dream of helping homeless addicts by getting licensed as a drug counselor.

I'm so angry at her words and her lack of decorum that

I'm finding myself toying with the idea of sharing the video around the internet to start her Warhol clock

Or sending the video to a reporter acquaintance in the hopes it'll start a national conversation about what is real.

She's lucky I don't live in Longmont.  I really like messing with people who mess with citizens.

The idiot former city councilman in my town who did that is now a City Attorney.

There are days I miss messing with his head.

Maybe I don't.

His energy was crazy.

I never instigated it.

He did.

He'd rush at me and threaten me.

All I had to do was smile.

I'm a short old lady.

Younger men would always rush to my defense and run him off.

I still don't know why he was so damn angry at me.

I never hexed him either.....

I was tempted.....

but I didn't.

Maybe I reminded him someone from his past that he hated?

Or maybe I wasn't the quiet old woman he expected me to be.

My childhood dream was to be a social worker so I could help kids who grew up like I did.

My first job was babysitting for an AA group every Saturday.  I loved it.  The older kids were hyper responsible.  I always had to keep the younger ones busy so they wouldn't get into trouble.

I was fourteen.

Those were the seeds of my dream.

I'm getting old. It's time for me to look at generativity.  I have to give back.  I'm keeping track of the money I owe the government ($1,000 for dental work - $1,200- $1,800 to city taxpayers for a tree removal).  I've got to pay it all back to the taxpayers.

I guess I can forgive the $1,000 the city stole from me.  Now I owe them!

Sadly.....there are people who are reminding me that of my true place in the world.

I keep getting pulled into bizarre circumstances by assholes who want to gut the Constiution.

Or by other assholes who want to play games with home rule.

In the real world, least in Colorado.....

Municipalities are supposed to make laws that honor state law.  They can make laws that are stronger than state law but they are not supposed to be able to do the opposite.

They are not supposed to buck state law.....

nor are they supposed to buck Federal law.

The city in which I live is.....well....for lack of a better word, is bipolar about it

They ignore Federal law by fining their employees in a manner that violates Federal Wage and Hour Law.

Yes, today I met another former employee levied a cash fine before she was fired.

This should be over with by now.  I've got to hunt down the candidates and see if they about this.

Aurora ignores the 2004 Colorado law against dog breed ban legislation.  They claim as a home rule city they can do what they want.

On the other hand, they claim they have to follow Colorado law when it comes to making it impossible for people to foster pets or get a boarding license.

My confusion is why the Aurora leadership thinks they can have it both ways?

It would seem that for every kind word I say about them, I find ten evil things they're doing.

I want to ignore their crap.



I can't.

Maybe I'll post the picture of the piles of dead pit bulls again.....

or the 43 pages of bizarre codes they want to change....

It doesn't make a heck of a lot of sense to me why they won't listen to the professionals in the area.

Oh, and the guy that headed the meeting on 10/17/18 offended quite a few people.  He may want to get some coaching on communication techniques.

He was very condescending and he lost a lot of support by acting better than the people who took time out of their schedules to offer their expertise.

I'm sure that was not the intention.

It was the result.

This Longmont Councilwoman reminded me who I am.

She's one of many assholes who've said really offensive, stupid crap this year and reminded me that I need to step up.

I hope to become one voice in a chorus of thousands.  More people need to stand up and say something.

I'm now finding myself wanting to share a video rant she had with a couple of reporters or maybe send it to the ACLU.

I'm not sure yet.

The rats are starting to come out of the woodwork.

It's hard to know what to think.

I'm going to have to head off to bed soon.

As you know, I've studied drug addiction for years because I lost my parents to the disease as a teenager.

I had a professor explain things to me I had never considered.

First, it was a foreign thought to me that the war on drugs is a Christian concept.  Pagans throughout time have used substances to get closer to their Gods.  That's strange because Jesus is supposed to be about 'free will.'  In Christianity, it is Satan who wants to control people.

The drug war doesn't fit as a Christian ideal.

My step-father was Cherokee (not like #fauxcahontis).  He claimed his grandparents to be Cherokee hailing from Virginia.  He described a matrilineal tribe.  He described passing as a white man for most of his life due to the shame of his background.

He didn't embrace his heritage until his late fifties.  He'd remind me that government shouldn't be trusted (don't take blankets from them and when you think of doing that look at an Apache tear.)  He told me that children were never left alone on their vision quests (the elders were watching).

He told me about the Great Spirit.

There is too much for me to type in just a few minutes.

He never told me about peyote or drugs.  Somehow, I just assumed that spiritual people often took hallucinogens to go on spiritual journeys.

I never needed it.  Ritual fasting typically did it for me.

I love frankincense and myrrh.  I had no idea that brought on hallucinations.

I have to stop using Catholic incense now.

I've always thought that hallucinogenics were used to help people go on spiritual quests to learn their fate but I was always too busy or too cheap to imbibe.

I'm so sensitive that I cannot even take the Percocet and OxyContin the doctor have prescribed for me after medical procedures.

I don't even fill the prescriptions.

There was a time when I'm pretty sure an asshole put LSD in my Slurpee.  It was a cherry Slurpee.

All I remember is that when I was seventeen, I let myself drink a Slurpee an acquaintance bought me. I saw hallucinations of the founding fathers and Ronald Reagan talking to me in my window.

I couldn't hear what they were saying.

Since I rarely eat sugar, I blamed the sugar.  I never could handle too much of the stuff.

Now, I'm wondering...ā€¦

given all the crap going on, I'm wondering if that was a stupid warning of what was to come and what I'd wind up embracing.

Back then, I hated Reagan.

All these years later, I'm realizing that after living through the clownish presidents who followed him, he really wasn't all that bad.

Maybe that asshole who spiked my drink took me on a spiritual journey.

I don't condone it.

Maybe there is a lesson in it.

If spiritual journeys tell us why we were born,

I'd hate to think I'm destined to be a Constitutionalist.

I'd rather help the poor.

Maybe fighting corruption in the government is the best way to help the poor.

I'll have to think about that one.

Perhaps it is time I put away my desire to help the poor and just push forward with doing what I'm led to do.

I pray that Longmont councilwoman comes forward and states what it is she wants to change before someone with clout and a fan base gets ahold of that video.

She won't.  It will be shared.  She will be shamed.  It doesn't really matter who shares the video.  It will eventually make its journey throughout the internet.  Perhaps it could be shared by someone running against her in the future. could build a and/or Vimeo channel to showcase this kind of malarkey.  It's happening far too much.

I have a channel on a YouTubish website where I would post videos of politicians I caught behaving badly in public meetings.  I wonder if it's still up and running?  I'll have to hunt for that.

If I don't do it,

who will?

I'll look into it.

Doing something will be far easier than having nightmares about it.

She's a symptom of a bigger cancer infecting our nation.

It's time we start operating on the cancer.

Love ya,


Edit Two Days Later:

So.....the Longmont Councilwoman got back to me.  She stated that my sharing the video of her threatening the Constitutional rights of citizens with the press was a threat against her.  She claimed to have reported me.

I'm unsure to whom she could report.

Filing fake reports and pretending to the be victim is often indicative of psychopathy or narcissism.

I'll try to suspend my judgment of her but it would appear that, at the very least, she's not ethical.

I hope she understood that she wasn't clear in her message.  She seems to want to curtail free speech.  In the email I got today, she wants to curtail gun rights.

She probably should go public and clarify herself.....soon.

The email I received reminded me off the emails from the some of the former City Council members in Aurora all those years ago.

The questions where akin to

Who the hell are you?   

(answer: a citizen)

Why in the hell do you care?  

(answer: an empathic citizen)

Why would someone in Aurora care about Longmont? 

(answer: bad policies and bad political behavior have a way of traveling)


What do you intend to do about it?  

(answer:  I don't know yet but I'm sure it'll surprise everyone, including myself).

This had a new element, though, there was her obvious game of playing the victim and threatening someone for speaking up in an attempt to silence them.

Sorry.....that game doesn't work.

If you feel threatened and no threat has occurred, you cannot hold your feelings against another person.

Claiming that you can smacks of a common argument people with untreated Borderline Personality Disorder would use.

Thoughts are NOT things.  

People who have no power threaten others.  Playing the victim tears into a person's credibility (it's worse for women).

As a female, I am offended by that game.  We've worked so damn hard to be taken seriously!! Women who play the victim when nothing has happened really nick into that success.

If you're a victim, say something.  Sadly, most victims are in shock and take a while to speak about their experiences.

If someone pinches your behind, say something.  You'll probably prevent something worse from happening.

If someone pinches your ass and you don't know who did it, don't demand the resignation of members of the other party who you feel may have done it.

It's starting to get disgusting.

I'm sorry.  This game is getting old.  This is the third female politician to try that stunt with me (or someone standing next to me at a rally) in five years.  I have great hearing.  I also read body language.

I KNOW when people lie.

Yes, someone I respect played that game in 2013 with a woman who stood next to me at a gun rally.  She claimed to have been threatened by my acquaintance.  There was no threat.  I was right there!!


All of these people have been Democrats!  Weird.....I'm sure women on the other side of the aisle are capable of ruining their reputations, too.

This Longmont councilwoman has inspired a new website.  I'm trying to decide if it should be a journalistic website or one similar to the one I had years ago when I shared the bizarre rantings of people involved in my local city government.

I may not share her email out of concern that she has a possible issue that shouldn't be made public.  There's a little more going on her than meets the eye.

If I find it's a political game, I'll share away*.

****She wrote something else that betrays a mental concern.  She claimed that people at the rally dressed up like politicians and open carried firearms.

My question is.....


how do politicians dress?

I wear flowery skirts and blazers when I have to give speeches in public.  The other day I went to an event in blue jeans.

Should I attend dressed like Black Widow?  Okay....that's my usual manner of dressing casually....all black clothes and red hair.

I looked at the pictures.  I saw people dressed as bumble bees.  I saw someone dressed as a butterfly.

No one was dressed like a clown.

Why would that mock politicians?

That was weird.

It's unhealthy to assume we know the motivations of others.


I'll remove her name from the blog just because I'm afraid for her mental health.  I could be mistaken but something is clearly wrong here and it's best to be conservative.

The silent majority cannot afford to stand silent anymore.  How many of us can be accused of threatening people?

I wish women understood that the game of playing victim to harass people only works to silence   real victims.

Fakers ought to knock it off.

I should share the video with Fox News -but- it could lead to the email being made public.  That email would only serve to ruin her reputation.


Edit three days later:  *It turns out she's threatening other people in a similar fashion to what she wrote to me.  Her behavior borders on harassment.


It's more than likely not a mental health issue that she has no control over.  It's probably more of a means to control everyone into silence.....

I've going to meet with some creative types in the next few days to come up with domain names.

If I remember, my next blog post will be about why someone who believes themselves to be a witch or a sorcerer will not bind a bad politician.  At first I thought that post would be inspired by crap on the Internet (witches want to curse Judge Kavanaugh and some poorly written Democrat Blue Wave spell that's going round the internet).

Maybe I'm just trying to talk myself out of having a few less black figural candles.

No, I don't like it when narcissistic/manipulative people threaten me.  I'm not very good at spells to push nasty people out of places where they hurt people with their behavior.

Although it has been said that I am too good at it.  Yes, I have a couple of cautionary tales about it.

I don't really like spell work.

There are far better ways to expose abusive and unethical people.

EDIT THREE AND A HALF DAYS LATER:  Being one of those people who think of obnoxious things to say days and weeks after an insult, I just thought of the perfect comeback.

"If you're that afraid of everyone, I can recommend a good gun club with wonderful self-protection instructors." 

That would seem to be unfair until you realize that these anti-gun politicians often have armed security.

***EDIT FIVE DAYS LATER:  So, I do a lot of research online and I found a picture depicting three people in business attire once of whom is wearing a jacket with one of the lawmaker's names on it.  At least one of them is legally carrying a firearm.'s the jacket that has irritated her.  It didn't have her name on it.

I hate to say it.  Politicians are fair game.  It's not illegal to dress as Trump, or a Clinton, or Reagan.

When one says " a politician", it's confusing.  Most politicians wear business attire.

Politicians dress like insurance agents.  It's boring!  It's all white button down shirts and blue or black suits.

I sold insurance for years. If I were prohibited from wearing suits and white button down shirts, I wouldn't have anything decent to wear!

If you're not wearing a mask or carrying a sign, no one will know who you are pretending to be.  I just assumed people who dress like that at a rally have just put in a very long work day.


At least the politician hasn't quite jumped off the deep end.  That comment had me worried.


I found my dream job.

Take a wild guess as to where it is! real life, I look like a clown (white skin, red nose, red afro) and crazy vintage clothes.

I'll be easy to spot if I wind up at City Council meetings.  If I have to move to Longmont, I'm sure they'll be happy people here in Aurora.

The universe works in mysterious ways.

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