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Dear Trump:Stop Spamming Our Phones

This must be liberal hell. 

Today I am thankful for funny knee jerk reactions. 

As of this writing, I have two paid jobs.  A single mom has to do what a single mom has to do.

Yes, the government gets on my nerves.  The government, apparently, gives free lawyers to deadbeat dads.  Custodial moms have to pay lawyers to try to enforce court orders while deadbeats get free lawyers, housing, food and all sorts of goodies.  I'm now $10,000 in legal debt....thanks to the State of Colorado eating up the ex's lies.... last December, they claimed he was homeless and sued me to drop child support.  This year he refused to share his 2017 income tax information with me as per the court order.  If he were homeless all of last year and made no money as I was told,  I'm sure his tax statement would reflect that.  I know he filed.  He won't share the information.  I'm realizing we were all duped but that's another story for another day.

It just goes to reinforce my distrust of the government.  The government isn't very conscientious.  I have a hard time trusting them.  

In addition to attention post graduate classes, I have two jobs and am trying to get into a doctoral program. 

The first job is in a call center for a major HMO.  My job is to ask as many questions as needed to determine if the caller is having a medical emergency.  I must have between 3-5 medical emergencies each day.  

I keep my personal cell phone turned to silent so I can hear the way each caller breathes an speaks in addition to what he or she says.   You'd be surprised how many people have heart attack symptoms, bones sticking out of their fingers and/or difficulty breathing and call wanting an appointment for three weeks in the future.  


My job is to hear past the fear.  

Since I'm not a nurse, I'm trying to find a new job.  I'd prefer to work in behavioral health as that is my area of expertise.  I took the job because my ex wasn't keeping health insurance on the kids (as he was court ordered to do).  This company promised me health insurance but after a year that has yet to happen.  I'm realizing now that it won't.  The company is losing money so it's not their fault.

When I was hired, they promised to let me finish my classes but now they're refusing to let me take the two days off I need for testing.  I think they are gently trying to usher me out the door.  In fact, I received a termination email effective October 27th.  My boss tells me to ignore it.

I'm looking for a job in a rehab center so I can earn a license as a drug and alcohol counselor. I'm sure they'll let me take the time off of work.

My second job involves hypnotizing people to stop smoking, face their fears and/or grow their confidence.  

I keep my phone turned off so I don't ruin any therapeutic trance that erupts.  It's not a fun sight to see people jump out of the chair.  I can easily put them back into trace but I'd prefer not to waste the client's time. 

It appears that I'll have to keep my phone in the car from this point forward (that is, if I can afford the car repairs.....another story for another day).  

I was on a call with a mother in labor when my phone and everyone else's phone went off. 

Fortunately, I ignored it until I found the woman's midwife and connected the pair.  

I grabbed my phone and expected to learn that a local kiddo (probably white) was kidnapped by his or her non-custodial parent. Colorado it appears that only white kids in custody disputes get Amber alerts. I know a lot of Coloradoans are angry when black kids are kidnapped and no Amber Alerts are issued. 

It's a shame I'm too damn busy to press for change.  I'm hoping someone else grabs the ball and runs with it. 
When I saw it was a Presidential Alert, my very first thought was that the liberals are right! 

Trump is a child!! 

One of those looney liberals kidnapped him, didn't they? 

Only white kids get Amber Alerts when they are kidnapped!

I don't want to get presidential or political alerts on my phone.

Unless you're about to press a big, red threatening button - I don't care. 

Scratch that.  Remember what happened in Hawaii? 

I truly don't care.  

Most politicians suck.  By the time they get to the highest office in the land, they owe so many damn favors to so many people, they can't be true to themselves. 

I will probably never like a President in my lifetime. 

Trump....Obama.....Clinton....Bush 2 and Bush 1.....Reagan.....Carter....

they all stink. 

As horrible as they were when they were in office (in 2020 all will be past presidents), 

I don't want any of them murdered or kidnapped. 

I don't like them.  

I don't trust them.  

I don't want them harmed. 

On that note, I don't work for the secret service so I don't care what the heck they want.  If they leave our taxes and our Constitution alone, they can do as they will.  I don't care.  

My job is to focus on the people I'm speaking with.....not some politician's petty, narcissistic demand for my immediate attention. 

Hijacking a nation's smartphones is childish and it is truly petty.  

I wonder how much NGP was wasted in that one moment? 

I don't buy all the talk about it being for safety.  That "test" was for show pure and simple.  


I'd truly love to write a book about narcissism and how it is a mask that insignificant losers wear when they know they are worthless and shameful.  


That thought is why one cannot take anything that this person (or any national level politician of any political stripe) seriously. 

My advice to the Trump Administration is to NEVER, EVER send another TEXT message out to the entire national again. 

As Amber Alerts are reserved for children (white children, sadly), it only reminds us of how childish the administration is. 

It is incredibly distracting and irritating. 

It makes me want to waste my next vote on third party candidates (which, by design of the two party system will help Democrats win). 

Republicans take heed; rein in your nutcases both local and national or there will be a blue wave across that nation.  

As far as I am concerned, too many Republicans act like Democrats.  I mean our Constitution and ability to protect ourselves is at risk by both parties.  It matters not who wins.  

Sadly, I'm not the only one who feels this way.  

Love ya, 


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