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Forum Research

Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies. - Groucho Marx

Today I am thankful for internet searches. 

I'm having trouble sleeping.  I average about four hours of sleep a night.

I'm stressed.

I cannot sleep. I'm having trouble breathing.  I do not have health insurance because I am a temp employee.  I may have Medicaid but I hate using it.

It is to the point that my lips are consistently blue.  I take a double dose of Benadryl at night and a dose of Loratadine in the morning.

I may have to start taking Sudafed.  I don't want to do that because I'll end up on a government list of potential meth manufacturers.  Of course, one could argue, that I'm already on a government list due to my hobby of picking fights with bureaucrats.

I may have to use Medicaid on this one.  I typically wake up about 4:00 a.m. unable to breath.  This also happens to me at work.  I will sit in the office and start wheezing.

I realize that if I die, my kids are going to go to foster care and cost taxpayers more money.

Maybe I can buy an inhaler over the counter?  They used to sell Primatene Mist.  I wonder if it is still available?  I don't want to miss work to go to the doctor. 

I've got three kids and a divorce lawyer to support!

In those wee hours of the morning, when my lips are blue and I cannot breathe, I do internet searches.

I am finding numerous custodial parents complain about religious rehab programs helping men evade child support.

I'm not joking.

I've finding them for various programs (including the Denver Rescue Mission and the Salvation Army).  I am finding them in various parts of the United States.....not just in Colorado.  Some of the stories date back to 2012!

The story is the same.  Guys are enrolled in the program don't really have to submit to more than a breathalyzer or a urine test to stay in the program.  As long as they are in the program, they don't have to pay child support.  The only thing they need to do to stay in the program is not drink.  My ex claims to never touch alcohol which explains why he is able to stay in the alcohol rehab program.

I hear he must be bored.  My friends are complaining that he only posts anti-Christian and sarcastic rhetoric to Facebook numerous times a day.  I don't know if it's true.

I'm thinking about posting some of the links I find here.  I am printing them off. 

The woman are blaming the programs.  The more I read, the more I am blaming Federal and State law.  The Federal government is funding these deadbeat parent welfare programs that focus on helping deadbeat dads lower or escape child support: They provide money for lawyers, clothing, counseling and job aid. 

Cluster Bs tend to manipulate people by asking for the benefit of the doubt.  The government really should be a tad bit more skeptical when it comes to people who claim to be poor because they want a debt dropped.  The government can check my ex's tax records.  Why they don't do that is beyond me.


The problem that I'm seeing is that social workers and judges don't understand the issue enough to see that not everyone who claims to be an alcoholic actually drinks.  It is an excuse to get back at the ex by claiming a non-existent disability.

They don't understand the issue enough to understand that putting a non-custodial parent in a non-traditional rehab program that forbids them from working or leaving the premises will cut contact between that parent and their child.

Part of the mission of these deadbeat dad reform programs used to be to facilitate a relationship between parent and child.  Sticking non-custodial parents in programs where they cannot leave to work or visit family does a disservice to the child.

I don't understand if they are trying to rehabilitate someone why they allow them so much time on social media is beyond me.  That could explain that hacking.  He doesn't connect with the kids.  They follow him and friend him on social media.  He posts a lot.  He doesn't reach out to them.

It's sad.  I even bought fancy phones so they can keep up with their father on Facebook.  I am realizing that I probably couldn't afford their data plans.

I'm trying.

Judges should be a tad bit more skeptical when accepting the rehab excuse when reducing the amount of a private contract without the consent of both parties.  I was told that they just wanted a note from someone claiming to work in the rehab center.  They don't check the validity of the note or the diagnosis.  They just want a note.

Weird.....just weird.

No matter......

I think I need to spend more time among Republicans to let them know how coddling deadbeat dads is destroying welfare reform.

As far as my situation,

I won't be able to work full time at my new job.  I have a friend who works for a huge insurance carrier.  I'm going to try to go to their open house early next year to see if I can work in their property and casualty department.

I'm lucky.  I know a lot of kind-hearted people.  The more they help me, the more I want to pay it forward.

I'm not sleeping.  The least I can do is spend the wee hours of the morning researching and applying for other jobs.

I've been able to help three people from my previous employer secure jobs  I learned that the 60 or so people who are left are going to be laid off tomorrow. 

I'll let you know how it goes.

I wish the government could get the following concept through their collective thought process: 

To reward bad behavior is to increase it.  

This Deadbeat Dad Enabling Obama-era program is just asking parents to drop out of their kids' lives.  

It's a shame.  

Love ya,


P.S.  My friends are still thinking the child support office is keeping me safe from the stalking by hiding my ex away in a 18- 27 month rehab program. 

I don't think they care. 

I think this is a numbers game.  I think if they hit some magical quota, they get funding increases. I intend to get the word out that the funding does little good.

I think they get some kind of points for putting people into rehab programs and gutting child support.
They ignored information I sent to them and they demanded that I hire a lawyer.

I'm thinking that the current system rewards them for coddling deadbeat parents and punishing responsible ones.

I don't like the smell that is carried on the wind.

Don't worry.....the wind will change direction very soon.

Call it a hunch.

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