Sunday, October 6, 2024

Three Aurora Anti-BSL Songs: Pitbull Gone Too Soon; Gone Too Soon (V2); and Bureaucrats Who Made You God?


Today, I'm having a blast playing with AI compositions on Breed Ban Legislation. 

If I discover that the City of Aurora is still euthanizing pit bulls, I'm going to revamp these songs and make them go viral. The android transformed all of my anger. The original version sounded so violent (see below). Good job, Robot!

The mayor and city council got a three-minute phone call about the BSL issue and then they never had to hear my voice again.  Now, that we're not allowed to call in and have to be creative, there are other ways to be heard.

I can compose the music, record it correctly, make a heart-tugging video of children mourning their pups, and put it in the public domain.  Aurora will never live this down.

Yep, that's the plan. If I can't make it down there to talk about what's bothering me, I'll write a song, record it, maybe even make a video, and post it online. And of course, I'll make sure to mention the City of Aurora, Colorado somewhere in there.

It's only fair.

I'll encourage everyone else to do the same. We have so much talent in this city, let's show it off.

What do you think?

Well, if the higher-ups want us to be quiet, we'll find other ways to make our voices heard.

Hopefully, they'll change their minds.

Making music sure beats running for mayor or an At-Large seat but I still won't count that out. 

Hugs and Kisses, 


Lyrics:  Pitbull Gone Too Soon (Aurora BSL). 


Underneath the street lights glowing

We whisper each goodbye softly

Your eyes once bright now showing

A love lost in this city's cruelty

[Verse 2]

In the backyard where you ran free

Memories trapped in our tears

A love we thought they'd let be

Now crushed by unfounded fears


Oh they took you away too soon

Our hearts breaking lose this tune

In the name of misguided law

They failed to see love's true draw

[Verse 3]

You were a gentle giant of hope

A friend who knew no blame

Yet they're tangled in their rope

And all they see is your name

[Verse 4]

Nights are heavy missing your bark

Days feel longer without your touch

We walk these empty paths so stark

While you rest we miss you much


City lights don't shine the same

Without your loving presence

We'll keep fighting in your name

Until love breaks through the silence


Here's the country version about a boy who grew to distrust the government. 

In a town where the rules were carved in stone,
A boy and his pup felt so alone,
Friendly eyes and a wagging tail,
But a law was passed that sealed the tale.

They said his breed was born to fight,
But all I knew was he held me tight,
Each evening walk, each morning's dawn,
Now they say my best friend's gone.
Gone too soon, taken by the hand of man,
A loving heart that they banned,
I lost my friend, my pain it grew,
In a world where love's just an issue.
Mama said, "It's for the best,"
But my heart still pounds inside my chest,
How can love be wrong if it's true?
Do the ones in charge even have a clue?

The days grew cold and nights felt long,
Humming to a silent song,
Dreaming of the times we had,
Now those memories make me mad.
Gone too soon, taken by the hand of man,
A loving heart that they banned,
I lost my friend, my pain it grew,
In a world where love's just an issue. 


Raising Hell

Pit bull's blood on your hands

City's decree

Unjust command

Beloved friend

Taken too soon

Who gave you the right

Playing God?


Cold and cruel

Heartless fools

Despot tools

Innocent lives

You destroy

Raising Hell

Your decoys

Breed ban

Senseless war

Canine lives

You abhor


Iron chains

Freedom lost

Endless pain


Cold and cruel

Heartless fools

Despot tools

Innocent lives

You destroy

Raising Hell

Your decoys

Questions burn

Justice sought

Empty graves

All for naught

Tears of rage

Empty cries

Who the hell made you God?

Your decoys


Cold and cruel

Heartless fools

Despot tools

Innocent lives

You destroy

I'm putting together a Facebook page and seeing if I can recruit my musician buddies to help.  

It's not too late for the Aurora City Council to change their minds and take their fingers out of their ears.  

I'm getting to work on the art. 

If I didn't have to work, I could do this all flippin' day. 



Ode to a Homeless Vet: Lost and Forgotten

  [Verse] Wandering streets with no place to call home Faded camo a ghost of where I've roamed Dog tags clang in rhythm like a sorrowful...