Friday, September 20, 2024


I wasn't planning on sharing this, but I just can't hold it in any longer after hearing Trump's deportation plans for Aurora, Colorado based on some yarn our mayor is spinning.

Seriously...our mayor sure spins some tall tales. 

During Labor Day weekend, I took a night off of work to celebrate my birthday and spent it cruising around old Aurora in search of these supposed Venesualian gangs.

I know where those apartment complexes are.  

So, I did what any red-blooded American does, I investigated. 

I found three "gangs."

They were not what I had in mind.

They were definitely not the gangs I could snap pictures of (taking pictures of kids is kinda creepy).

Let me break it down for you...

Gang #1 consisted of a mom, a dad, and a little eight-year-old girl strolling down the street.

My Spanish skills were so rusty I couldn't even ask where they were from.

Gang #2 was supposedly taking over the Target parking lot at 10:00 at night.  

It turned out to be a mom, a dad, and two little girls aged six and ten.

Gang #3? Two Hispanic college students who told me that they study at Metro State University.

It got quiet and boring after that.  

That's all she wrote.

If there was a reason to cause a ruckus, I could have caused a scene. I had a few days to spend in the slammer.

But nope, nada.

This whole spiel about Venesuasian gangs running rampant in Aurora apartment complexes is just a bunch of baloney cooked up by Republicans trying to prop up a candidate I'm now only 55% sure I'll vote for (down from 80% last month).

I want a candidate who can see through the theatrics.

At my age, I tire of Drama Kings.  If you can't be important without drama, well Sir, you're not important. 

Part of me wonders if someone's trying to snag those Aurora apartment buildings on the cheap, so they're spreading these wild tales through the RINOs.

Just thought I'd share.

This is just plain ridiculous.

I wish the Republicans would grow up already.

They'd probably win more elections that way.

Love ya,



I'm working on two websites and not sure which one I want to put forth into the world.  I'll find a way to put up a poll and ask you all. 

Both are politically inspired.  

Inspiration for Website #1: My granddaughter was kidnapped in August by her bio-dad. His excuse, he hates the local schools so she's hidden in Texas somewhere. Court orders be damned. He's refusing to return her. Some damn lawyer doesn't want me communicating with her or calling in favors-so- I thought maybe I'd put together a website that offers support for young people without grandparents and allow grandparents to post words of wisdom, recipes, activities, crafts, and that kind of thing. I can't allow for a message board (too scared of creepos). 

I'm a family therapist after all. I'm toying with studying for the bar. Could you imagine someone with JD, LMFT after their name teaching asshat lawyers and parents about attachment theory?  

The stupid lawyer is in Colorado.  The one in Texas is just plain ballsy. 

Website #2: I can continue to rag on local politics but use my real name and lay off the metaphors. 

I care for my job but I can't mess around in politics and work for someone else.  I'll figure out which one is more important and make my next move.  

The way things are going, I may wind up giving up my job.  I can help more people trying to stop our politicians from spreading their delusions.  Someone is going to get killed with the current racist bullshit blaming brown people for all of our problems. 

That and I'm still irked that the Aurora police don't follow through on calls related to crime. That IS the crux of the problem.  If you don't answer 911 calls or take reports, all the criminals are going to come out here to cause trouble. 

Gee Whiz.  It's not flippin' rocket science. 




The Yellow Bellied Aurora City Council I am irritated that Mike Coffman and the City Council passed their resolution to shut down people who can't get down to ...