Sunday, May 26, 2024

Dear Mr. Trump: Winners Don't Compromise their Principles

 Post forthcoming: 

I left the Libertarian party after the Trumpettes took over due to fear of a strong Libertarian candidate. 

It's good to know that they didn't chase everyone away.  The sheer amount of boo-ing in the crowd is heartening. 

I think somebody just LOST my vote. 

Sad thing, though, I like to vote for the underdog. 

I think somebody should apologize. 

I'm entertaining people now.  I'll write more after they leave. 

I'll let Nicholas Sarwark explain what happened to you. 

People complained when he was the party chair.  To be honest, I wish he'd come back despite all the hate towards Pagans that occurred when he was the leader. In hindsight, despite my swearing off magick, the truth is that I can always mutter Latin curses at asshats. 


The Yellow Bellied Aurora City Council I am irritated that Mike Coffman and the City Council passed their resolution to shut down people who can't get down to ...