Sunday, June 11, 2017

Lessons from a Client

Today I am thankful for the lesson from an inspirational client.

Many years ago I took a client for about 10% of my going rate.

She was a recent law school graduate who was struggling in getting clients.

She resonated with me. 

She was afraid to make a move forward in her life but

she was afraid of commitments,

of committing to a job,

of living in one place for too long,

of falling in love,

and that kind of thing. 

She was absolutely gorgeous.

We spoke about body language.

Our body language impacts the way we feel about ourselves. 

Hold your head up high and sing your truth. 

She began to walk and talk like a queen.

Accepting her power only made her beauty quadruple.

In less than three months

she found a job,

she met a man,

and she bought a house near my home. 

When I first met her, I asked what she wanted.

She said she wanted to "be someone else's blessing."

She went into law to help the downtrodden and found a job doing just that.

Her wish....that resonated with me.

How many of us want to be someone else's blessing?

I've been thinking of her more and more as I embark on a job search. 

I'm seeing about five clients a week.  Most of them are Groupon or clients I see at a reduced rate. 

I break even.  It's not bad. 

There is a need for a paying job with benefits.

I've done a lot of things in my life.

I've sold.  I've taught.  I've played social worker, victim's advocate and counselor.

I'm trying to decide what it is that I want to do.

I think my social work background helped me sell Medicare and Medi-Medi plans.  That coupled with my hypnosis background probably helped me quite a bit in sales. 

I feel like I offered hope to the hopeless.  I sold for a non-profit HMO.  People would call me complaining that they couldn't find doctors on Medicare or Medicaid/MediCAL/Med-Quest.  I had a huge HMO at my disposal and could help them find doctors accepting patients within minutes.

That usually sealed the deal. 

A few of my insurance clients found my hypnosis website online.  I never admitted to being the same person.  Two people found out.  One is marketing her psychology handbook.  I bought a copy but haven't had a chance to review it on Amazon yet.  The other is an aspiring hypnotist in his early 20's.  He lives close to the Hypnosis Motivation Institute.  He was excited about the free information on their website.  The man is bi-lingual and in a wheelchair.  His voice.....his voice.....and his beautiful flowing romantic Latino accent, I'd hire him in a heartbeat to do my recordings.  I hope he figures out he's valuable and can really make money on his own just by being himself. 

These people deserve success.  They deserve amazing success.

These people are my teachers.  They are my blessings. 

I've met amazing people on my journey.


As I filter through the job interview requests I remind myself that I want to be someone else's blessing.

That helps me filter out the crappy offers.

Selling cable won't help bless someone.

Life insurance might.

Career counseling definitely will.

I'll let you know what happens.

There are clients that stick with us years after we meet them.  These are the clients that are our teachers.....our blessings. 

I treasure mine.

Love ya lots,


Place for Documentation

  When I was a kid, I wanted to be a pilot.  My stepdad would talk about flying into Germany during World War II.  I'd spend my weekends...