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We Need More Mean Moms in Politics

Today I am thankful for the whiplash I received by reading my Twitter feed.

To tell the truth about it, I'm currently listening to a self-help hypnosis recording to talk myself out of running for office. The voice over guy who recorded it has an accent that puts me in mind of a Star Wars Character.  He sounds Palpatine.

It's not doing anything for me.  The hate and disgust is already there.

I am getting sick and tired of stupid people behaving in stupid ways and treating the voters like chumps.

In my blog, I make fun of stupid people.

I make fun of superstitious people.

I try incredibly hard to identify with stupid, superstitious people in the hopes of understanding them.

Sometimes things get so stupid, you can't make fun of it anymore.

I'm exhausted.


I'll start with Trump. 

If I could give Donald Trump the mom death stare and say just a few words, I'd say....

That swamp isn't going to drain itself - Stop Tweeting!!

[I'd follow that up with the sound of a whip cracking.] 

That poor dear he criticized, Mika Brezenski, she needs a hug.  Look, he's jealous.  She's gorgeous.  She's smart.  She's intelligent (I'll explain below). He took a cheap shot because he's insecure about his appearance.

But, she's milking it.  She's on the attack constantly.  She's attacking a narcissist.  I'm going to guess she knows damn well what she's doing, huh?  Yeah....that's right. 

If a person pokes a narcissist enough, they react with rage. 

That's what happened today and he hit a vulnerability of hers.  NEVER tell a narcissist a secret.  They hang on to it and share that secret when they're trying to change the subject from something horrible they've done. 

I hope she finds a different schtick.


We're seeing other crap play out here in Colorado.

We had some disability activists camping out in a Senator's Denver office. They demanded to the see the Senator (even though he is currently in Washington D.C.).  He met with them via videocam. Office staff was said to have met with them. 

They are upset because they think this senator is going to vote for Trumpcare.  This senator has already pledged not to vote for it (unless it changes drastically and he has hard numbers about who will be affected).  They must have gotten to him. 

That wasn't enough for these disability activists.  They kept camping out anyway (for three days).  

That's dumb.  That's just playing on the pity of the public to get a photo op.  Really? How did they expect him to get from D.C. to Denver and back again in time for the hearings unless he had a flippin' time machine?

Maybe the conspiracy theorists have told everyone he has a time machine.  I don't know.  If he has a time machine, he needs to fix a statement he released yesterday. 

Yep, this senator pledged NOT to have these activists arrested.  He made this pledge on Wednesday.

They were arrested less than 24 hours later.

The lesson here is never to set expectations that you do not intend to keep.

Both sides reek. 

The sad thing is that I know many disabled people active in politics.  Why not do what they do?  Why not develop working relationships with lawmakers instead of using them to get press time.

People who run the parties suck. People who write bizarre articles that guess at what is in a healthcare bill suck.  People buy into the hoopla and do things that put them in danger. 

It's getting to the point that people don't trust the media anymore.  The day I have to read Al Jazeera to get more balanced news is the day our media outlets have gone too far. 

I'm still a licensed health insurance agent.  I read everything I can.  Half the shit that Huffpo says is false.  We don't know what we don't know.  There is no point worrying about things that haven't even been written yet. 

There is more but I don't have enough time to write about everything. 

Someone needs to call both parties out on their bullshit. 

It is B.S. 

You'd think in Denver, with all of us cowpokes, someone would crack the damn whip and make these people buck up. 


**Edit 7/3/2017 - It turns out that those protesters were paid to protest.  Many of them weren't disabled.  It actually explains a lot.  I know people in wheelchairs.  I know how many of them have to take meds to keep their legs from spasm-ing and trying the right balance of medications to stop them from falling asleep.  There are other health issues they endure on a daily basis.  Part of me wanted to know how they could sleep in that office for so long.  I guess I have my answer.....

Original post continues below -

Someone recently asked me to consider writing a book on psychological issues.  I always thought my book would be about self-help.  A title could be something like "How to get your happy ass a graduate degree when your foster parents said you were too dumb to chew"  -or - "How I went from a crooked toothed model to an overweight pig with perfect teeth while homeless" -or- something based on my life.

 Maybe I should.....maybe I should write about the psychology of politicians and media whores. 

Perhaps something like....

Why Do U.S. Intellectuals Behave Like Mental Patients?  

I'll meditate on it. 

I'm trying to convince myself that on the road of life, I need to stay on the high road (what is actually named The Damn Road) and let all the idiots sit beneath me stuck on the highway of hell. 

The road on top of the hill is the dam road.  You get to see water, sailboats, mountains, birds and all sorts of dreamy things on the dam road.  Few cars drive it.  The highway is in the foreground and it's busy, even in the middle of the day and all you can see are red taillights.  

I didn't think that this is what they meant by the road less traveled. 


Maybe I'll end the blog post on a positive note.

I do a lot of freebie hypnosis.  I've had three new clients this week.  They don't pay me.

I know....I know....

That's not what one goes into business for.  

They need help. Two are cancer patients and one was an elderly man who bought a Groupon two years ago and forgot about it.

I'll stop doing freebie hypnosis soon. 

A weird thing happened today.

My check-engine light came on as I drove to work.

My car started to idle strangely.

After my appointments, I drove it to my favorite mechanic in Aurora. 

I need my car.

I didn't say a peep about my situation. 

I figured I'd have to dig into my retirement account to pay off my credit cards after the community college raided them so I didn't see the problem of another amount to tack onto it.

Do you want to know what happened?

In less than 20 minutes. 

He fixed my car.

I don't know what he did. 

It's running fine.

Do you want to know what he charged me?


Maybe what comes around goes around. 

I'll pay it forward a little bit longer. 

On the road of life, I should stick to the Damn road.

Love ya,


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