Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Pagan Sayings

Today I am thankful for Pagan clichés.

The Goddess does NOT visit a dirty house.

You do not invite Aphrodite into a filthy bedroom - but dirty minds are okay.

Lakshmi may not linger long in a dirty kitchen. It's important to keep your stove clean. 

Isis has been good to me despite the piles of clothes that used to surround her candle. 

Your altars and fireplaces must be pristine.

Even though the Goddesses do not like to be in dirty homes -

rodents and other pests do.

The girls found a dead mouse in a bedroom. 

I've spent the past 48 hours cleaning up mice poop.

It's an ordeal.

You have to cover your mouth,

put on gloves,

spray the poop with disinfectant,

wait 30 minutes,

clean it up,


throw away ANYTHING that touched the mice poop.

Since most of their clothes fell off of the hangers,

the girls do NOT have many clothes now.

They're going to be naked.

Just teasing......they outgrew most of the clothes anyway.

It's just a shame that I couldn't trust donating them.

I'm unsure I can get the creepy crawly microbes and germs off of them without bleaching them.

It's hard to bleach blue jeans and Deadpool T-shirts.


Like a prince on a white horse,

a young man rang the doorbell.

The two oldest teenagers answered.

The guy was selling pest repellant services.

After four teenage girls spent the day confined to one of our three bathrooms, they were sold on his services.

The bathroom in the basement has ants.

The bathroom on the main level tends to attract wasps.

The girls did such a great job selling the service to me, the salesman offered them jobs. 

They declined.


For $109.00, I had the house sprayed.

The guy even managed to remove two huge wasp nests on the awning.

He said that they were not active, thankfully.  I'd hate to have a guest chased around by a swarm of pissed off wasps. 

He removed four other wasp nests; two on the garage door and two that were in the BBQ (which means we can eat sooty chicken and burgers in a couple of weeks - woo hoo).

He's coming back in three months so we can prepare a defense against the mice should they return.

When he left, I realized that he must've been a very patient person.
He must have had the patience of a saint.

I didn't notice -but- we all have our bras hanging in the laundry room to dry. 

You don't put nice undies in the dryer.

They probably smacked him in the head.  He didn't say a peep about it.

He didn't laugh at the Artemis decoration or the Apollo altar (which had attracted a bunch of spiders).

Spiders represent Dionysus's wife Ariadne as they weave mystical tales.  It's hard for us to kill spiders.

He didn't question the wine dutifully set out to Dionysus or the wine on Aphrodite's altar.

He was quite professional.

I've actually had people run out of this house freaked out due to my Buddha by the front door and the pentagram around my neck.

He didn't.

In fact, I told him that we were cleaning up the house so we could have parties.

He smiled and said it looked like a party house.

He's right.

The house, especially the kids' rooms, look like a dormitory!

That was a fun spin on everything. 

I left him a 5-star Yelp Review.

Last month, we had the Vietnam Veteran charity pick up 16 bags of things left in the basement.

Friday, they will pick up 30 more.

I'm still not done cleaning everything up.

There is too much. 

I'm probably going to have to rent a dumpster.

Someday - Someday soon - I hope to be able to invite people over.

It'll be fun to have a normal dinner party someday.

Change takes a long time sometimes.

It can be a daunting process.

It will be well worth it when the time comes. 

I'd best get back at it.

I sure hope Mickey doesn't come back. 

Love ya,




Place for Documentation

  When I was a kid, I wanted to be a pilot.  My stepdad would talk about flying into Germany during World War II.  I'd spend my weekends...