Monday, June 26, 2017

A Musician's Back Up Alarm System

Today I am thankful for people who understand my redneck ways.


We had someone break into the garage on Friday. 

I've started to push poles and chairs up against the doors to brace them and make it harder for people to get into the house.

I also put acoustic guitars in front of the objects bracing the doors so I can hear if they open. 

My eldest daughter came over -

she stared at the vintage olive green Spanish guitar which sat in front of the braced door leading into the garage.

After a few minutes her face brightened up

and she laughed

and laughed. 

She said I was clever.

Safety is a big deal.  You've got to use every talent you have to stay safe.

I remember the voices of the two men I heard that night.

I listen for them around town each and every day.

I haven't heard those voices again. 


If I'm awakened in the middle of the night by a cacophony of strings, you know I'm grabbing a weapon.

My favorite weapon is hairspray....

then my baseball bat......

the gun is the last resort. 

By the time I grab the gun, either the knife wielder or the three archers upstairs will have the villain down. 

I have amazing girls in my home. 

Love ya,


Place for Documentation

  When I was a kid, I wanted to be a pilot.  My stepdad would talk about flying into Germany during World War II.  I'd spend my weekends...