Today I am thankful for having less distractions and man games to contend with.
It's interesting what I can actually get accomplished when I don't have to second guess myself all the time.
I turned my cell phone off.
I refuse to listen to any messages that are not from clients.
Life is good.
I am really getting a lot of things done.
I am not sitting around sulking or worrying or planning around visits with a certain man.
I am not budgeting for dates or worrying about whether or not I can volunteer over the weekend.
I am no longer worried about being stalked because I really don't have a boyfriend. I am not sure I can stand him. I feel constantly attacked and criticized. I can't deal with that. I know he is trying to help -but- I've got to help myself first.
I really do not know if it is appropriate to respond to a text from a man telling me that I cannot meet my own needs.
I won't go there.
He was angry that I did not see him on Friday night. I was working on an exit plan. I've made progress. I am happy about that. This man and I had no concrete plans to see each other. I wanted to fix my mess.
He appears to need me to see him every Friday. I cannot meet that need and I told him so.
Then, he responded that I couldn't meet my own needs.
Life is good.
I think I'll keep mum on the new developments for now. I am incredibly excited about them.
I do have clarity on the stalking situation now. It is my ex-husband. I just have to stay in the shadows and away from other men until he moves out.
It's all good.
Love ya,