Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The Home Gym

Today I am thankful for the home gym as it gives me a way to work out my angries.


My estranged spouse lost his job over four years ago.  They were setting him up to fail because his work wife (also his boss) didn't like the fact that he gained weight.  They gave him a month to collect $250,000 in fines by auditing businesses in an unethical manner.  He was an auditor for the city. 

His quota was double what his counterparts were expected to collect in a year.  There are some auditing boards that consider quotas unethical.

Then the city lawyers had the audacity to call me at home and harass me.  There was a threat to audit me for having hobbies in the city.

These are some stupid lawyers.  I complained about the harassment and the brat at the city attorney's office told me I couldn't do anything about their waste of tax dollars harassing me. 

I told the mayor.  He said I had no voice in the city. 

Then the cops started coming to my home in the middle of the night. 

I got mad.  I found some like-minded people and convinced them to start an activist group.  We expose wasteful spending of taxpayer money. 

Then I went on to prove to the flippin' mayor that I had a voice in local government. 

Only men can be so stupid as to piss of a woman. 

My ex sued them for ADA discrimination due to his morbid obesity.  They deposed me for eight freakin' hours.  The city attorney, while I was running for mayor, had me deposed for eight freakin' hours.

His high priced lawyer showed me paperwork showing that they hired my ex when he weighed 320 pounds.  They told me that this was proof that they don't discriminate.  I know now that the city lawyers altered the paperwork.  While cleaning today I found documentation that said he was 280.

My ex settled for next to nothing.  The day of the settlement, I started receiving nasty emails from my ex's former boss.  She taunted me claiming that they did set him up to be fired because all fat people are lazy. 

The city attorney had high priced lawyers lie to me. 

That idiot lawyer best pray I move.  The last time the city attorney got on my nerves, I did something that cost his employer 20 million a year. 

I took a year off from activism. 

They'd best NOT make me come back. 

After my ex lost his lawsuit, he threatened bankruptcy.  I was told that a bankruptcy would stay my divorce action.  I had to wait until it was over to file. 

That was eighteen flippin' months ago! 

Eighteen months.... I had already waited the three years for his court action against the city to finish.  Now, I have to wait until he gets off his arse to file bankruptcy. 

He claims he filed.  He told me he put it off so I would stay but because he is getting sued for non-payment of debt, he said he filed in October. 

I just got off the phone with the clerk of the bankruptcy court. 

He did no such thing.

I'm hurt. 

I don't think I can put up with this much longer. 

He of all people should know enough not to play with me. 

I'm thinking of donning my ceremonial clothes in public. I'm about ready to come out of the broom closet due to my stalker. If he or his family harasses me while wearing religious cloaks, it becomes a hate crime.

They always approach me and call me Satan, demonic or make some statement about my being raised as a Pagan.   If my stalker or his associates beat me up or damage my property again, I may have cause to have them arrested for a hate crime.

Bring it.....

I was a devout Christian until my ex started abusing me at church; he admitted to doing that because he didn't like me paying tithing.  I give 10% of my income to charity until such time as I can tithe.

Now, I have to say that any church whose parishioners allow men to abuse their wives in the parking lot and say nothing is not the church for me.  Any religion that believes that women are to be subjugated, abused, harassed, even if it is not in the best interests of their church is the wrong one for me.

I think that was the beginning of my embracing my Pagan roots.

The way the church behaved in the face of my ex's behavior reminds me of the local government.  It is not unlike a city government who knows your husband is abusing you but wants to do everything in its power to force you to stay by levying illegal fines that take away your ability to afford fleeing the situation.  They fired him, blaming my auto-immune disorder and the fact I had a master's degree.  They did this before warning me.  So, they thought this guy was abusive yet they give him ammo to come home pissed off at me.

What in the heck was his boss thinking?

I don't think she was.  Neither were the lawyers.

I didn't even find out that they knew he was stalking me until the deposition which took place three years after he was fired!  It took them three years to tell me and, because it took so long for them to say anything, I DID NOT BELIEVE THEM!!!  I thought it was something they made up to try to intimidate me during the deposition.  I mean, during those three years, I dealt with chronic harassment at the hands of lawyers, tax auditors, code enforcement and the police.  We even found a flippin' GPS box on my car.  I don't know who put it there....the city?  my ex?  his sister?   It had to be the city, I'm not sure my in-laws have the intelligence to mount any device to my car.

It could have been them.  I mean, it is possible they found a 'How to Stalk a Woman using a GPS Device for Dummies' book somewhere.

The point is that people associated with the city were doing so much harassing that they had to stop before I could get space enough to realize who was stalking me.  When it continued after the lawsuit, I knew there had to be something else going on.

Now members of the city council want me not to fight an increase in their mental health tax which funds their battered women's shelter?

Last time they tried to raise taxes for that purpose, they broke a heck of a lot of election laws.  They had to stop the election.  It was ugly.  People went to jail over it.

They really want us to give more money to the battered women's shelter because the city supposedly cares about victims of domestic violence.


Guess  how many times the shelter's counselors have returned my calls over the years?


In fact, they turned us away once.

Yep, they said that if I left my husband for battery my problem was no longer domestic violence but homelessness.  They couldn't help people who were homeless.

And policy makers wonder why people return to their batterers.

I wonder why we are funding this so-called shelter.

My hope would be that the city council would question what in the world the shelter is doing with our money.

Of all the people they could have irritated, they chose to mess with me.  They have proven to me that I'm on the right track fighting their tax hikes.

Besides, I've learned to deal with these things on my own.

You can't trust the government.  They're self-interested.   They're soft.  They are not there for you when you need them the most.

On the bright side, I work out when I'm pissed.  I am incredibly toned and strong.

Like I said earlier, bring it....you'll regret it. 

Love ya,


The End

  Today I am thankful that I still get to be an activist in the real world.  I recently received an update to Google's terms of service ...