Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Today I am thankful for the defensiveness people display when they screw up.  

Examples include

- the child who insists that they 'did not take a cookie from the cookie jar.' 

- the husband who insists that he 'did not have sex with that woman.' 

- the mayor who continues to maintain that he is disgusted and shocked when people accuse him of 'criminal activity and stealing taxpayer funds.'  

The later likes to do this out of the blue.  He claims that people say these things on videos and online forums where I cannot hear or see such insults.  This man has does this on more than one occasion.  He has a trio of council people who follow him on his rants.  They will literally freak out and copy the mayor for no good reason.

I don't get it.

I mean, people can try to give him hints on how to pass a tax hike and he'll interrupt them and accuse them of calling him a thief when the person said no such thing.

To me, this behavior is screaming " I have a guilty conscience!!".     It's sweet to find a politician with a conscience at all.  That's why I like the guy.  He cares and he betrays himself.  

This is the second time I've noticed this behavior in the mayor.  I'm beginning to wonder what he did.  

So, today I tried to warn him when he used a pseudonym on an online forum.  It was a variant of his name with the word "free" inserted.  It's a little obvious who the writer was.  

Here is the deal folks: The subconscious mind does not usually hear negatives.  

So, telling someone that you do not want to run your slimy tongue up and down his or her back, usually ensures that the other person hears that you want to use them as a salt lick.  

Got it?  

The first time the mayor got defensive after mishearing a person addressing council, he hurt a dear friend of mine.  Today someone using a variant of his name did that online trying to thwart public opinion.

I tried to warn him out of respect.  If he doesn't listen to me, it's not my fault.

No matter who you are, do not go on and on defending yourself against accusations that have never been made.  It doesn't make the person you go off on look bad.  It makes you look guilty of something.

And stop inserting so many negatives into your sentences.  Speak simply.  Speak honestly.  Speak from the heart and you'll resonate with people more than chewing them out for imaginary nonsense.

I hope the mayor and the three council members who did the same thing put a stop to it NOW.   

I do not want to find out any more details of their shenanigans.  

Don't make me come back.  


Oh crap, I feel adrenaline   Darn it!!! It's too late.

I still blame the city's tax audit boss for dragging me into politics with her harassment of my family.  It was so nice not knowing about the abuse of taxpayers.  I am very sure that there is a special place in Hades for government employed bullies.

My job is to give people who abuse taxpayers a tiny taste of it on earth.

Love ya, 


The End

  Today I am thankful that I still get to be an activist in the real world.  I recently received an update to Google's terms of service ...