Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Dumb Bunny Politicians

Today I am thankful for dumb bunny politicians. 

Just one month...that is all I ask.  

Please, little whining cry babies, let me have one month of peace without your crap touching someone that I come into contact with.  


I was a shut-in for six months.  My phones didn't work.  Still, the local government's antics bit me in the side.  

They wanted to bitch about my tree.  

They wanted to poke.  

They wanted to prod.  

People would write me letters about the abuses of the city government.  

I can't get away from it!!  

I have been a freakin' angel despite their abuses.  

Yep...I have been a kind old lady.  

I even dyed my red locks brown to hide from the public.  

I put away my cauldron.   I send my djinn on errands to save little children in the third world from predator drones.  Okay, okay, I have to say that because my stalker thinks I'm a Satanic witch.  I've gotta live up to that expectation.   If I were an evil witch, that person would be working for Prison Industries making saddles for my big fat bottom.  I wish....just teasing.  


I didn't say a word about the realtor council people pushing through an overpriced redevelopment bid.  I didn't say word one about LEED developer on council who would possibly profit from some of their antics.  

In fact, I never mentioned this to my activist buddies.  If we dug far enough, I'm sure we could find some council connections.  

I only wrote to warn the mayor that using a variant of his name on a forum where he is fighting accusations of corruption that no one has made makes him look incredibly guilty.  I was just being friendly.  If he fails to take that advice, other people will jump down his throat now.  

I wasn't happy when he made up an excuse to humiliate a friend of mine by claiming my friend called him a thief.  I didn't say anything then but it's been annoying me for a darn long time.  

What a stupid narcissistic toadstool!  With in-laws like mine, I've been trained to spot a divide and conquer technique in a New York minute.  

I tried to warn him.  

He's messing with a hypnotist!  I know how to hypnotize large groups of people.  

Do the politicians want another demonstration?  

Last time I was quite the comedian about it.  This time, I won't be so darn funny.  

I'd rather not... 

I have a smaller fish to fry now.  He's a puffer fish.  He makes himself all big and scary to try to dissuade me from telling him from what orifice he would remove his big fat head.  

But...today due to a twist of fate, the washing machine broke.  

Last week, the sewer backed up.  Our city charges three times what other municipalities charge for water.  People don't water their trees.  The roots, in an instinctual hunt for water, grow into the sewer lines and clog everything up.  

People put toxins in their sewer lines to kill the roots, which kills the trees, which pisses off this step-daughter of a Cherokee Indian.  

I'm not happy. 

I was behind on the laundry due to the sewage.  Everything in my ex's domain was damaged.  I need to wash it or he'll smell to high heaven.  If he stinks, he'll lose his job and I'll have to pay alimony.  So, I'd best do the laundry until the legal woes are over.  

This morning, the friggin' washer broke.  

So we needed to get parts.  

We went down to the one appliance repair store in the city.  It is run by a talkative ol' fella.  He's been there as long as I can remember.  

Wanna know what our code enforcement freako did?  

He fined him until he painted his brick building to match the new development going in!!!  

Do we really need to make our code enforcement guys pass decorating assessment before hiring them?  

Who in the world is dumb enough to paint brick?  

That is the tackiest thing I have ever heard of!!!   

Does the code enforcement guru wear socks with his sandals?  What kind of fashion disaster makes a small business owner paint a brick building?  


Now, I have stayed silent about the city buying up buildings from their buddies at six times their worth while exempting them from EPA standards.   

I'm not happy.  

I have a relative who lives within a mile of a place they are buying up.  This building is leaking benzene into the local water supply.  In TWO YEARS she has lost TWO puppies to cancer!  

They want to buy this building at six times its value while exempting the owner from facing sanctions due to poisoning the water.  That is the older part of town.  Poor families and elderly people live there!  They don't have access to the best health care in the world.  

Why are they suffering due to the stupidity of those in power??? 

I'm NOT happy!  

The business owner I spoke with today said that the city is trying to buy up all the old buildings on his block.  

Does the mayor really want to pique my curiosity?  

IF NOT, he'd best get out of bed with the developers.  

It is not the place of government to dabble in real-estate with taxpayer funds.  

Pissing off politicians is a fine distraction from dealing with an asshat at home.  

Wanna play with me?  

If not, leave my neighbors and my money alone.  

Love ya, 


The End

  Today I am thankful that I still get to be an activist in the real world.  I recently received an update to Google's terms of service ...