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We Need a Redhead Lobby

I heard this song today.  Upon listening to it, I realized why I don't want a relationship.  I like to  fight (or cause trouble for people who try to control others).  I realized that my God is the masculine energy that picks me up when things start to  I would never dare to put another mortal man in between me and trouble.

That said.....

Today I'm thankful that I have a temper.

As a young child, I had a red curly fro.  I should post a picture.  On Facebook there is a picture of my redheaded mother pushing me in a stroller and my red curls are literally glowing in the sun.

As I grew, it darkened up quite a bit to a very dark warm brown.

There are pictures of me in the sun, wearing my Easter dress, and wrestling with boys. 

My hair was dark.

Around my birthday in the fall, it would lighten up.

When my hair lightens up, I'm a ginger.

For over thirty years, I've been trying to get my warm dark brown wavy hair back.  I had a perm at 17.  My hair lightened up.  My hair turned bright red. 

It's never been the same. 

Darkening my hair never works.....for long.  I've even paid hairstylists to color my hair.  It doesn't keep.   

There is too much red in my hair.

My friends say my hair has an identity crisis.

No it doesn't.  It's red, albeit different shades.  It's always red.

I'm the one who is in crisis. 

It will go brown or black for a few days but it'll always fade to red. 

Always red.

I hate it!  Even if I manage to darken most of my hair, there is always this reddish cast to it.  When I'm in the light (or on TV or in the paper), I look like I have an 'effin' red halo.

I can always pick myself out of photographs in the paper. 

I hate it!

This is one reason I hate taking my picture. 

I look like a demon.

I was horrified to find myself in the back of this picture with red hair flying in the wind. My hair was supposed to be dark brown.  My hair wasn't in my thoughts at the time. This was the day after a lunatic shot up a theater.  I was praying to Osiris.  It was beautiful.  A little boy who stood in front of me was wearing Osiris brand shoes.  Seeing the name of the God of the Dead was, in my mind, a symbol that my prayers for the dead were answered.  I needed to turn my prayers to Isis (Mary) and Horus (Jesus) the living.

One of the women standing next to me broke down in tears.  I hugged her.  I never knew her name but she was in my prayers for a very long time.
That was  almost five years ago.  Those left behind after a tragedy need to be assured that their lost loved ones will always be remembered. We will always remember.....always.


When I see public schools in the United States suspending girls for having red hair, it is a little bit disconcerting to me.

They claim it is an unnatural color.

I can certainly see how one can have golden brown hair one day, go home for spring break and enjoy the sun, only to return a week later with red in her hair.

It always happened to me.

I was never threatened with suspension.

If I had been, I'd be fighting district wide tax hikes.

Redheads have attitude.

Maybe that's why school officials are scared.

I am almost to the point of opening up an online community to support young ladies that have this happen to them.  I think redheads need to stick together.  We should slam these unenlightened educators in social media, in emails, in the papers.  Can you imagine anything scarier than a bunch of angry redheads?

One thing that school officials need to get straight is how this impacts natural redheads.  Imagine having red hair and being, say age five or six.  You're too young to understand the Christian history and religious superstitions that claim red hair is a bad thing.

You just know you have red hair.

You are reading in the paper that red hair is bad and unnatural

and that you can be punished for it!

Kids are egocentric.  This means that they tend to take everything in.  If a young child's red hair is bad, they often reason that they are bad.

How do you think that feels?

How do you think it impacts the development of their psyches?  Or their self-esteem?

I certainly don't want my tax dollars used to torment red headed people....especially children.

I don't think public school principals understand how hair color works.

Warm brown hair + public swimming pools + sunshine =  red hair

Discriminating against older kids with red in their hair will impact younger kids with red in their hair.

It will also piss off redheaded adults, who vote and pay taxes.  Don't mess with a redhead.  Never mess with a group of them.

In about ten years, I'll be a natural platinum blond.  I'm not going gray.  My hair is turning a soft white.  I'll probably have it cut like Andy Warhol.

I'll be a redhead in disguise. 

My temper will still be there. 

If this public school discrimination crap happens in Colorado, I'll work on gutting the funding for the public education system and giving it to private schools and homeschoolers.  That's a promise. 

I may do it anyway.  It's a long story but I had an interaction with a public school employee yesterday that left me scratching my head and worrying about this woman's mental health.  Maybe I'll talk about it below.

Remember, redheads endure a lot of teasing, taunting and discrimination.  We'll dish hell out on a platter to anyone who harasses a child over red hair.

We need to have an online support group where kids can turn when this happens to them. 


Yeah, yesterday one of my kiddos had a migraine. She very much wanted to go to school (because she's a straight student with a 4.0 average).  I said she could go if she promised to see the nurse if she starts to see flashing lights.

That's the sign that appears right before she vomits.

I don't want the teachers cleaning up the vomit.

That was when I was informed that the school nurse doesn't see kids for migranes.  There only eight reasons a child can see the school nurse.  Each of them start with B.  Migraine starts with M.

I kept her home and called the nurse demanding to see this list of eight reasons a sophomore can see the school nurse.  I expressed concern about kids getting hurt and resulting litigation that taxpayers will have to fund.

She told me that I was threatening her and hung up on me.

Threatening her?  Seriously?  My idea of a threat involves bombs, guns, pretending to be the Punisher, or Batman or some other renegade with deadly toys.

To some liberals.....any disagreement is a threat.

I called her supervisor.  I called the Principal.  I expressed my concerns.  They had the cowardly nurse send me the list. Sure enough, it's written for elementary school students. 

The game plan is for my daughter to say she has a Bad Headache because BAD starts with B! Geesh.....

I'm thinking about homeschooling.

I also found out a neighborhood boy who puts up with other boys hitting him was expelled.  After being thrown from his seat in the lunchroom, he said he needed a knife.

He was expelled for making a threat.

He was in the lunchroom. 

The bullies, of course, get to stay.

I'm regretting not fighting the last tax hike.  This is what we're funding? 


My house payment is going up $200 a month for this?



Right now, I'm having trouble seeing.   

My eyes are so dilated that look like I've taken a bunch of drugs.  I went to the eye doctor seven hours ago! 

My former employer is reneging on our agreement.  That won't last (evil laughter).  Out of fear that I'll lose my health insurance, I decided to get some things taken out of the way like my eye exam, dental exam and I probably should get a mammogram (yeah.....I have a breast cancer sign....there is an inverted thing going on but it goes away when I drink collagen so I don't know if I should take it seriously).  

If I tell anyone I know, they'd drag me to the doctor and hide my car keys until I was irradiated. 

Part of me thinks that the radiation is the problem.  I started seeing signs a year ago.  Several years ago, a dentist gave me several x-rays on an older machine without a lead bib.  Part of me has been a little paranoid since that day. 

I had my eyes dilated for the first time today.  Everything is fine. I don't need bifocals.  My wallet is $300 lighter.  My eyes are black and I can't see very much.

I didn't think it was a big deal.  I can see street signs.  I drove home. 

When I tried to answer my phone, I realized that I couldn't see the buttons.  I'm having trouble seeing the computer.  I tried to make homemade bread with my new bread maker; it was funny trying to read the recipe book and press the right settings. 

I wonder how it's going to turn out.  I'm sure it will be fine.  Bread is bread.  You can't really mess it up too bad.  I might wind up with dough or something but the recipes are usually very similar.

I'll let you know if it turns out to be funny.

I feel like I'm killing time until my eyes go back to normal.  I really need to get back into the studio and make some recordings.

I'm very behind.

I love having so many teenagers around.  They sure make life fun.  It's going to be difficult when they move out.

They are running to the store for sandwich supplies.  I guess they're counting on bread. 

They may wind up with pizza dough!

May you find people to support you when you need it.
May your have people around to help when you're experiencing downtime.
May you be supportive to people you care for who are in need.


NOT EVERYTHING IS A THREAT - people use knives in the lunchroom and conservatives want to spare entities supported with tax dollars from lawsuits.

Finally, leave redheaded children alone!! 

Love ya lots,


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