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Insane or Grouchy

I don't think I'm in love with anyone in particular.  I'm not mad about anyone.  I think I'm just............mad. 

Today I am thankful for the four young ladies living with me.

We have a new teenager in our midst.  She's of Irish descent and Pagan, too.

She's 18 and fits in perfectly.  She's like the daughter I chose.  She calls herself my "favorite child."

They're all my favorite.

All of the girls are artists.  They drew pictures and stuffed them in Easter eggs.  We hid them.  It was cute watching them open up the eggs after finding them. 

Today was fun.  We had an Easter egg hunt, a cook-out and watched a few movies online.  I gave the TV to my ex.

It was a fun day. 

She holds a job but won't let me pay for her gas.  She does so much here, I want to pay her somehow.

Yesterday was a horrible day.

I've had a headache for a little over a week.  Everything hurts. I think it's allergies.  It could be depression.  It could be lifting the boxes that were packed for my ex.

I don't know. 

I am incredibly pissed at the next door neighbor.  He has a bull dog and a sheep dog.  Upon seeing that, I became concerned.

Aurora has a pit bull ban in effect.  The dog catchers and cops can't tell a pit bull apart from a bull dog.  They can't tell a shepherd from a wolf.  I've heard many stories of bull dogs being killed because they were mistaken for pit bulls.

This guy likes to brandish his gun at people who park in front of my house.  If people park there, he'll then call the police on them with bizarre stories.

The last bizarre story was that motorcycles were being ridden on the lawn.

There is also a story claiming that one of the renters was sleeping outside of my home in his truck.

I never saw that.

So, at this point, I needed to confront the neighbor.  When I knew he was listening because I heard him with his dogs, I started to talk loudly about the problems of Statism and calling the cops all of the time.

The cops are not our friends.  They have a job to do.  If your dog barks, you're at risk of losing him.  If you keep crap all over your yard, you're at risk of expensive fines.

Calling the cops on us will eventually backfire on this guy.  I told him to stop it.

He knew I was talking to him.  It felt like summoning a genie.  He eventually came around to his front yard. 

He approached me and stood on a tree stump to make himself taller.  He told me that he carries his gun everywhere, even when he drives for Uber (since Uber forbids guns, it's tempting to call them....I won't....but I'm tempted to do that).

I told him that I needed to talk to him about his gun. 

He asked "so, a lot of people carry guns?"

I asked if he had a concealed carry permit.

He said he did.

I made it known that Concealed is the concept he's failing to understand. I shouldn't know that he has a gun.  I asked him how I knew he had a gun.

He basically named the people he threatened.

So he knows he has messed up. 

I told him that as an activist, I tire of arguing with liberals to keep them from passing laws they feel are necessary due to irresponsible gun owners.

I told him to stop brandishing his gun at the neighbors.

I told him to stop calling the cops and using them as his personal henchmen.  I tried to explain that neighborhood tit for tat is annoying.  He will eventually get fined for having the trash in his front yard.  He will eventually have trouble the next time his bull dog digs under the fence and leaves the yard.

I won't be able to help him out when that happens.

Then I went to my other neighbors (the ones he indicated that he threatened with a gun) and told them that if they cared for their neighbors, they'd call the police when this little punk brandishes a gun at them.

If he does it to grown men, what's stopping him from doing that to kids?

I made mention that I am just learning about this crap because I lost my job and am home enough to see it.  This shit tends to play out in the morning between 8:00 a.m. and noon. 

My neighbors gave me four or five job leads.  One of my neighbors manages a customer service department of a local cable company.  She said she would be surprised if they didn't hire me on the spot.  The pay is's a job. 

I'll follow up on them tomorrow.

You'd be proud of me. 

I did all of this without combing my hair and wearing make-up.

I must have looked very scary! 

I'm pretty sure the nutty gun guy thinks I'm insane.  Hopefully, he'll leave my family alone now. 


My ex came to get his things.  The judge told him that he needed a police escort.  He didn't do that.  The judge gave him 30 minutes.  It took him two trips and a little over four hours.  He didn't get very much; his tools, some clothes, the stereo, VCR and TV. 

He has a lot of tools.  He left some for me despite my protests. 

He was angry but I don't know why. 

We fought over the TV.  I gave him the nice one.  He wanted an old behemoth that was in the basement.  I couldn't lift it.  He could get it if he wanted it.

He wanted to honor the judges ruling that stated he cannot enter the house.

I promised to buy a new TV for the kids as soon as I could.

He expressed guilt for not making his family leave me alone.  He claims that is what ruined our marriage.  It was more the way his family's abuse pulled him away from me years before the stalking got bad.

I know the abuse began when he lied to his mother, telling her I wouldn't let him go to school despite my working on getting him scholarships. That's why they began to harass me; it was over one stupid little lie he never took responsibility for. 

The lies grew from there.  I don't think he's going to take responsibility for that part of it.

Part of me wonders if he thinks we are going to hook up.  The way he looks at me is....well....confusing.

I convinced him to visit with his kids and told him that I may need to begin collecting child support if I do not find a job in the next two weeks.

I'll do my best to survive on my own.  He's supposed to pay me $942 a month.  He never has.

By the time he left, it was late.


The kids were hungry.

I went to Burger King.

All I ate was a fries, no soda.....nothing except water.

I became very ill. 

I had chest pains, trouble breathing, my limbs and face went numb and my hands and feet turned blue.

I wonder if they have soy in those darn hamburgers.

Yep, they do:

100% ground beef, my foot!


I can't eat at Burger King anymore. 

The food is disgusting anyway.  I just go there because I love the older lady that runs the cash register.....bummer. 

I'm going to begin carrying aspirin and allergy meds with me everywhere I go. 


It was a horrible day. 

My garage is full of the stuff my ex didn't want.  He went through the bags and boxes, so I'll have to repack everything before calling the veterans charity to pick it up. 

Oh, and he was the researcher for our Political Action Committee, he knows Aurora law like the back of his hand.  He's trying to find a way to get out of paying for my kid's parking ticket.

I have to pay a $30 ticket because the gun toting Uber driver neighbor didn't like that the young lady staying with me parked within 5' of his driveway in front of my house.  I actually took a ruler and measured the space.  My yard begins 6 1/2' from his driveway.  If I had a picture of where the kid's van was parked, I would fight the ticket.

This guy is a nuisance.  I hope the nettles work. 

I'll find a way to get my $30 back from the City of Aurora.  They now owe me $1,030 for unfair fines...but I'm not really keeping score....(maniacal laughter).

I've been told that the first time we saved the community $70 million in tax hikes.  Maybe that was the second time.  I don't know how much we've saved.

I'm being told that that the average home owner has saved more than $1,000 due to those efforts so the debt has been repaid.

I don't think so.  They've got to reverse the illegal behavior (e.g. fining employees for bogus reasons and charging dissolved PACS late filing fees) before I consider the debt repaid.

Get to work, City Council!

I think I threw my hat in the ring of a city council race.  It depends on whether or not the brat was serious when he stated that no one wanted the job because it pays so little.

The city council voted themselves in a raise.  One of them is using a pseudonym to try to shame people who disagree with it and challenge them to run for a seat. 

I took the challenge.

It'll be fun.  I enjoyed running for mayor.  It gave me a chance to hone my group covert hypnosis skills. 

I'm aiming to hypnotize the eventual winner to listen to people!  I can run a campaign on $60. 

Then I chastised the city council for being lazy and out of touch. 

I'll go to the next meeting just for yucks and giggles.  I'd better darken my orange hair so I'm recognized.

I have nothing better to do anyway, unless I want to watch the neighborhood drama play out.

If this mother effer shoots anyone, I'm holding the PAR officer accountable.  He's not listening.

That's okay.

It's said I can command demons. 

One would think I'd have a nicer home if I could....but....okay, I'll give it a go just for the show.

Maybe I'll scare the dolt into concealing his gun.

Remember my hobby?  I collected alleged "haunted artifacts."  You get some nice vintage jewelry that way.

I inherited several alleged djinn last night.  One is in a nondescript glass vase. 

I've never seen that (yes), rocks (yes), lamps (yes), dolls (yes), vase? 

That's a new one to me

I wish I may.....

I wish I might.....

be able to phrase a wish just right.....

so that a genie can't twist my words....

and leave everyone is a lot of hurt.


If magick were real, it would need to be respected......just like insane redheaded women.

In my mind, I think that djinn (aka genies) are metaphors for lawyers.  They promise a lot of crap and then twist your words and mess up your life.

That was quite revealing.

My hobby is collecting metaphorical lawyers!

Oh my......I AM insane. 

Love ya lots,


NEXT DAY EDIT:  So the gun toting lunatic next door painted a pretty pink line 10 ' from his driveway with a note that it is the parking line.  This line is 4.5' into my property.  This explains why he gets upset when someone parks in front of my house.

He doesn't understand city code! He thinks the law is that no one can park 5' away from the property line (not the driveway)., we don't own the street in front of the house even though we do have right of access to our property. 

How did he know pink was my favorite color?

How thoughtful!

I'd hug him if I weren't afraid of strangling him.  He carries his gun on his hip and doesn't seem too bright.  I actually fear hugging him and discharging his firearm.  That would give new meaning to the phrase "shooting yourself in the foot, wouldn't it?"

I gave in and called the police neighborhood watch officer and told him what was going on. I also mentioned having to call the cops about a fight in December over parking but being dissuaded by the dispatcher.

Apparently the lunatic running around the neighborhood bragging about calling the cops on people who park in front of my house.

I am not amused and neither are the neighbors.  They were texting each other when this dude came to their doors bragging about his harassment. 

I guess I need to put on that Druid cloak and scare this creepy dude off before someone gets hurt. 

I just have to find the right spell and the right theatrics to pull it off. 

I think I found the perfect spell. 

If I cast it during the day, nothing will happen outside of freaking the guy out.  If I cast it at night, well......

I'm debating on the candle color; green or black?

Green will give him a boost in income and cause him to move into another neighborhood.

Black will cause a foreclosure.....allegedly.

I'm thinking green.  His wife hasn't done anything wrong.  She runs a daycare out of her house and I doubt she's registered with the city but that's not my battle. 

I want this guy to leave me alone.  Maybe if I freak 'em out, he'll realize he can't control me and he'll stop showing off his gun and drawing lines in front of my yard.

Bless his cute childish soul. 

Oh my, I've got a playmate.

I'll let you know what happens. 

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