Tuesday, April 11, 2017

How to Dress for a United Flight

"Give me liberty or give me death." - Patrick Henry

Today I am thankful for intrigue.

I used to write about the cops who tried to....


intimidate me (excuse the laughter)

by showing off their handcuffs.

These guys were usually ten to fifteen years my junior. 

Do they really need a lesson in sex play? 


I was married. 

I'm a hypnotist.

I'll let people imagine the kind of weird stuff I could be into.

If you read this,

you know I'm like.....

incredibly prude.

At least, as a conservative.....I try to be. 

There is a saying.....

Be careful of the quiet ones. 

By now, we have all seen the doctor who was beaten by a cop for wanting to stay on a flight in order to attend to his patients.  As a taxpayer, I'm sick.  The liberties the government has given United Airlines are sickening.  Something abusive happens every day with this infernal airline.

This was the first time they beat up an elderly doctor using taxpayer funded goons cops. 

Of course, their CEO made excuses for it.  With a name like Munoz, he ought to know racism when he sees it.  Maybe he's blind.  Geesh!

Their stock plummeted and rightfully so. 

This comes on the heals of one of my elderly friends getting finger probed at the airport by the T&A (sorry, I'm dyslexic), TSA.

Of course, taxpayers are paying for this crap in the name of safety.  If banging an elderly doctor's head against an armrest doesn't make you feel safe, perhaps sexually assaulting a 70 year old lady will!


Our leaders seem to be a bunch of perverts. 

Don't get me started on the United PR spin doctors trying to dig up dirt on their victim in an effort to shame him.  So what? He was allegedly convicted of possession of narcotics and trading them for sex over twelve years ago.  He's practicing medicine now.  It would seem this elderly doctor took responsibility for his actions and paid his so called "debt to society."

He's doing a hell of a lot more than Oscar Munoz.  I'd be more ashamed to be the CEO of United Airlines than the elderly doctor singled out for abuse by the airline. 

Munoz still hasn't apologized for the ABUSE.  He apologized for the situation.....but never the abuse. 


One of my hypnotist buddies saw a news story.


So, now United Airlines staff are threatening men with handcuffs if they don't give up their seats.

And there is absolutely no mention of a safe word.


Just teasing.....

Okay.....here is the deal folks,

Our government gives MILLIONS of dollars to airlines in subsidies. I saw that U.S. airlines  received $150 billion from the federal government since between 1919 and 1998.

United seems to be the biggest crybaby when it comes to funds, too.

I'd like to know how much money was given to United Airlines after 09/11/2001.

No more!

We are paying for our own abuse!

United's own website begs for government money to support its employees.

They don't deserve another damn dime.

Wanna make me hot???

I'd love it if Trump gutted their funding. 

Please.....please....pretty please.....gut the funding. 

Let us see how libertarian the new administration is!

Besides, United Airlines does not espouse conservative values at all.......threatening to break out the handcuffs in front of children.

How family friendly is that? 

Man......United Airlines employees are a bunch of perverts!

Why are we paying for that? 


Why should these perverted assholes get to suck at the government's teet?


United Airlines even makes cities pay them.  Check this out: http://www.goodjobsfirst.org/struggling-chicago-finds-25-million-united-airlines

We need to tell these assholes NO!

Sink or swim....

Fail or Survive....

It's not up to governments to pick winners or losers.

Why should United Airlines behave?  They're good at panhandling.  They can do whatever the hell they'd like and they'll still survive because they get so much welfare from all sorts of governments (federal, local)!

If we want United Airlines to behave, we've got to stop rewarding bad behavior.
United Airlines needs to get off of the gravy train.  


I'm thinking that if I should ever find myself on a United flight.....

I need to wear a tad bit more than a pendulum and a hypnosis ring.

I think I'll dress like someone who likes handcuffs and pain. 

I'm going to ask my dominatrix friend to take me shopping! 

Oh...never mind.. 

I think I have the perfect outfit now. 

A black vinyl dress with thigh high leather high heel boots.

Or maybe I can wear my leather riding trench coat.

Cowgirls naturally dress like perverts with our leather boots, chaps, riding jackets and crop whips.

I wonder if the filthy TSA would confiscate my spurs?

I can wear the safety ones with the little nubs, if they'd like? 

Do you think a gimp mask would protect my face from injury should a sadistic cop throw my head into an arm rest?

They make 'em with spikes.  Should I wear one of those?  I would be honored to share the pain with the hedonistic badge holding public servant.

Mess with a woman like me at your peril. 

Why are assholes attracted to power????

I know....narcissism......government has  unlimited funding and power......anyone (person or corporation) who gets the benefit of this money and power tends to grow into a monster. 

That's what we are seeing with United Airlines. 

Who wants to take a little trip? 

United Airlines is starting to sound like a joke, isn't it?

Sadly, we're funding this sick joke. 

It's time we stopped it.

Only cowards give up their freedoms believing it will keep them safe.

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." - Ben Franklin

As a society, we need to grow some balls.....seriously.  We've become a nation of cowards.

Love ya,

The End

  Today I am thankful that I still get to be an activist in the real world.  I recently received an update to Google's terms of service ...