Monday, April 17, 2017

The Dark Side

Today I am thankful for music.

This tune has filled my head all day.  I'll probably hum it as I walk up the steps of the municipal building.

The little punk next door now has drawn a line in front of my house, stating that I cannot park within 4.5' of the property line.  He had dared me to cross the line.

He misunderstands city code.  My guests cannot park 5' from his driveway.....not 5' from the property line.

Besides, he doesn't know where the property line is. 

He likes to call the police with bizarre stories.  He uses our PAR officer as his personal henchman.  The PAR officer came out on Friday to threaten the neighbors for having too many cars and trash cans in their front yard. 

The PAR officer didn't understand the problem.  He said he was visiting my neighbors over a code enforcement problem.

He's not with code enforcement.  I will pay them a visit this afternoon.  Besides, the idiot with the gun keeps his trash cans and spare tires in the front yard. 

This guy makes it known he carries a gun when people park in front of my house.

Then he drew a line and dared us to cross it.

What's going to happen next?

I can tell you, it's going to escalate.

The officer doesn't get it. 

I called the watch commander and told him to talk to the officer.  The officer is not supposed to do Code Enforcement.  He's supposed to keep the peace. 

If the Aurora police department has extra funds to devote to harassing people and protecting bullies, maybe I need to get back into politics and gut some funding.

I'd like to see the uneducated idiot at the pound fired.....actually, I'd like to see the pound shut down.  We can use county services.  It will keep the city from killing innocent dogs and save the taxpayers a bundle. 

I could feel the libertarian ideal fill me...

The government cannot be used by bullies to harass thy neighbor.

I could feel my eyes turn yellow....

Oh, crap....I've turned to the dark side.

The Democrats warned me that this would happen. 

In the past, I used to just play slap bass when someone pissed me off.  I cut the tip of a finger on my right hand, so I guess I'm off to fight in a revolution.

Unless some revolting idiot apologizes and a cop fixes his mistake. 

Why do cops protect assholes?



Love ya,


Edit sometime later:  I went to a city council meeting.  Nothing egregious happened.  A guy I respect was honored for his charity work. 

They city council decided to put their pay raise on the ballot rather than vote it in for themselves.  If the voters trust them, they'll probably get what they ask for.

Now I just hope that they realize that trust is like a bank ledger.  Good acts add to the balance.  Negative acts subtract from it.  The poor behavior of some city employees will deduct from the balance, especially if citizens don't know where they can go for help.  Oh, and stop killing dogs because you can't figure out their breed. That really pisses people off and will deduct trust points in a big way, too. 

Heads up.....


I think I know why my gun toting neighbor is going ballistic over parking.  He had some type of business event at his house tonight and the street was full of his guests' cars.  The guy that parked in front of my house pulled up to the 5' line I drew.  Not the one the neighbor drew (which is 10' out) but the one I drew which means that there is still room for someone else to park in front of my house.

That also means his guest won't get a ticket.  I never like to see people ticketed unfairly. 

So....the issue is a rental property with a lot of cars and a neighbor with an unregistered business.  I'm just stuck in the middle dealing with the nonsense. 

It all makes sense now. 

I'll still put on the show after the guests leave. 

I also had an epiphany today. 

My parents were alcoholics.  I realized that pissed off Siegfred is exactly like her drunken mother.  My mom was an obnoxious alcoholic. I try to be funny but I'm probably not as funny as I think I am.

Yep.....when I'm angry, I am a dry drunk. 

Wow.....that's probably never going to change either. 

I'd better find a volunteer gig to keep myself busy and away from the drama queens on my block. 

The End

  Today I am thankful that I still get to be an activist in the real world.  I recently received an update to Google's terms of service ...