Thursday, April 20, 2017

Today's Running Post

Today I am thankful that someone on my block works; even if it is only the cop and the code enforcement officer.

I do see the occasional hypnosis client.  I don't charge Medicare recipients or people with terminal illnesses trying to make the most of the precious time left.

I wouldn't call it a job right now because I don't make any money.

I do rent an office and see clients.  I rarely work more than 10 hours a week doing hypnosis.  I spend a lot of time in my home recording studio.  This is where I typically inadvertently record the neighbors arguing with each other over the parking spot in front of my home.

This morning, I went off to my office and came back four hours later.  Lo' and behold the cops were out here again harassing the renters.

They don't say anything to the flippin' gun owner who hassles people who park in front of my house!

It's starting to get annoying.

It's insane.

Each and everyday I see a cop or code enforcement officers.

It's neighborhood tit for tat

and it's driving me insane.

Doesn't anyone on this damn block hold a job?

They sure have a lot of time to mess with each other!!!



The nasty, gun toting neighbor is incredibly lucky that I'm libertarian leaning.

What this means to him is that I won't call code enforcement because his dog digs holes under the fence, the neighbor throws his trash and yard refuse over our shared fence, his fence is against city code (made with both aluminum and wood), he stores garbage in the front yard and his yard is 100% rock (against city code).

I won't call animal control when his bull dog gets loose.

I won't call my arch-enemy in the tax and license department to report his unregistered business nor will I report his wife's daycare.

He's very lucky.

I even warned him that he can get fined for these things knowing that the neighbors will eventually call to report him.  I guess right now, everyone is focused on harassing the renters.  Once they move away, people will find another home to pick on.

It will probably be the gun toting lunatic's house.  Karma eventually comes home to roost. 

On the same note, every time he calls the cops with his bogus complaints, he wastes taxpayer dollars.

That's another way to piss off a libertarian neighbor.

When I get ticketed for having a guest park in front of my house and the cop doesn't measure 5' from the driveway, I get irritated.

I'm already planning my fight against the upcoming tax hike.  Yeah, the city claims to be 4.4 million in the hole.  What do you want a bet they'd like to circumvent TABOR?

This neighbor doesn't want to frustrate me. 

I can be.....quite....funny....and irritating at the same time.


I'll add to this post if something more interesting happens.

The cops were out here again.

I'm getting very angry.


I'll do a native American sage burning to clear the air.

What do you want a bet that the asshole gun owner is going to call the fuzz on me for having pot?

I'm allergic to pot, so I'm never near it.

The last time a neighbor bothered me, it turned out to be due to a threat my stalker Shannon made to them.  I used to play Squirrel Nut Zippers to keep them away from my house.  That was 20 years ago. 

When the cops finally drilled down what happened, that Shannon told this guy I had him under surveillance, the neighbor told the cops that it made sense because I was a nice person....who just had horrible taste in music. 

Isn't that cute?

This guy is not as smart as the neighbor from long ago.

Let's see what this new guy does!

Someone recently told me that guys like that need to learn that when you point a finger at someone else, you've got three pointing back at you. 

I can see bad things happening to this guy because he's an asshole. 

It's sad when you see an impending train wreck yet cannot do anything about it. 


Love ya,


The End

  Today I am thankful that I still get to be an activist in the real world.  I recently received an update to Google's terms of service ...