Today, as dark as it sounds, I am thankful for terror. Terror is a useful warning device. Those alarm bells are ringing. They are ringing so darn loud that some of my friends are picking up on it. I can't pinpoint what is scaring the holy heck out of me. The stalking bugs me. It usually picks up around October and ends with a bang in Mid-January. I haven't heard hide nor hair of the stalker since January 12th of 2012. His sister, the one who admits to doing the stalking, called me despite having a cease and desist letter but that was nearly a year ago. I've had tons of anonymous hang up calls this year. I've had several this week. No one following me or anything. The last stalker was a male. When I go into hypnosis to remember the incident, my mind goes to a man flirting with me as I sat with my old flame. The man was in his late thirties, blond with a horrible fake an...