Tuesday, September 29, 2020

When People Show You That They're Assholes - Believe Them

Today I am thankful for reminders that the divorce was necessary. 

I didn't write about this but my daughter went in to anaphylactic shock in mid-August.  She nearly died. 

I tend to take showers at 3:00pm.  So, I'm in the shower and hear the eldest screaming "Mom." 

Then I dear the dog barking. 

Then I hear an ambulance. 

I throw on my clothes without drying off and notice my daughter's face had swollen to twice it's size. 

Her skin was pale with splotchy red marks. 

Her hands were swollen. 

The EMT gives her an IV and tells me to drive to the hospital. 

Within minutes, I'm speeding to the Aurora Medical Center.  I text her dad and tell him she's in the hospital. 

** Crickets ** 

That's a good thing given his propensity for bitching at me, writing all sorts of gaslighting bullshit while he blames me for everything that is currently going wrong in his life. 

The doctor's can't figure out what she's allergic to.  They think it's a food.  

She ate Pringles, had a cup of noodles and drank a Dr. Pepper. 

She was told not to eat any of those foods until she sees an allergist. 

We went to the allergist twice. 

The allergist isn't sure what it was.  They've tested her for just about everything. 

It wasn't dogs, cats, shrimp, soy, wheat, peanuts, eggs, Pringles, Cup of Noodles or soda pop. 

The only thing it could have been is a mold that commonly grows on plants in Colorado.  She's deathly allergic to that. 

So, she has two Epi-pens and I just signed gobs of paperwork for the school. 

Today, as I'm signing the paperwork, my 16 year old daughter informs me that her father wants me to get rid of the cat and dog because he thinks they caused the allergic reaction. 

He, apparently, believes the entire incident was an overreaction to a couple of hives. 

Gee whiz!  

He may not know better because the State of Colorado's deadbeat dad enabling program (called CO-PEP) sued me to absolve him of the responsibility to help with her medical costs. 

Due to that, he doesn't see the bill and can't break down in charges. 

Mike is a  diagnosed narcissist. 

He's a bully.  He always has one person to harass, to bully, to pick on and to defame.  In the past, I ran around cleaning up after him. 

Once he bullied a bass player.  I gave that man my 5-string Koa wood Peavey.  He played it on stage a couple of times before he sold it for drugs (to cope with the bullying). 

Right now, I'm the target.  

That's okay.  

He'll get his just rewards. 

Sooner rather than later....

Actually, if he keeps telling his kids that we need to kill our pets (he has actually said this), he may pay for his emotional abuse bullshit by losing his relationship with them.  

If you are a non-custodial parent who is angry about the end of the relationship, the best revenge would be to take parenting classes and develop a stellar relationship with your kids.  That way, you'll get to hang out with your grandkids at Christmas. 

Living a great life is the best revenge. 


A couple of hours ago, the smoke detector in my room went off. 

Funny thing is, no candles were burning. 

I figured the familiars were trying to get my attention.  They must want me to keep burning those black candles. 

Today I received more videos of Denver cops throwing tents in garbage trucks.  I never stopped burning the Hancock candles.  It burned out when I was in the shower.  When that happens, I just light another one. 

I got more.  King Soopers is having a BOGO black candle sale.  I bought the local store clean out of them. 

So, now I have a bonfire going. 

It finally feels like fall.  

My house smells like burning peppers.  

It won't hurt to add another name to the black, flaming pyre.  (Typically, the best spells are friendship spells - because the best way to destroy an enemy is to make him a friend - unless they're prone to stalking, that is.) 

Love ya, 


It Happened Again

  Today I am thankful for chatty and helpful colleagues.  My daughters are home from college for summer break, and as usual, their father to...